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I watch as the droplet eases itself
down from the wound, into a strip of paper,
scarlet on crimson. some might call it a stain,
but this is no mistake, I will fold myself
in, like blush on cheek, I will make it look real.

is it pathetic to imitate what we can never achieve?
the night sky gloats in silent mockery. the trail of
her dress drags along my dry eyes, and she burns
a hole for every jewel I cannot reach.

is it a sin to covet a sin? my fingers run along
the grooves of my carved pupils, and I can't
remember anything aside from the warmth
of a star in another orbit.

I fold my three hundred and fifty second paper star.
Does the moon believe that these are her children too?
Or are my paper cuts for naught? One day, I know
the paper will be skin and the star will be a sun.

but until then I will bleed, and until then
I will have to suffice with a constellation of scars
that glow in the dark on my ceiling.
Moons, stars,
planets you
are nothing less
then an earthquake.
For in my heart
you reside.
Deep and
sound, you have built
in me cities, that are
ethereal, for in my words I
can not describe
What are you?
by shopping fever…
snowfall is quiet
Anais Vionet
E - Everyone
T - That
H - Has
E - Eggs
R - Really
E - Expended
A - A
L - Lot
A song for this:
bad idea! by girl in red [E]
Mrs.Timetable challenge

I think this is an acrostic firefly poem.
I wasn’t sure EGGzactly what to write, my mind seemed soft scrambled.
I was hoping to poach an idea, but it turned out the yoke was on me.
Em MacKenzie
You’ve got 99 problems but your loyalty is one,
you’ll never solve them now the World Cup is done.
Achieved by your colours that aren’t so true,
by a Nation that once treasured you.
Gretzky I believe your reign is through.

You used to shoot and inevitably you’d score,
imagine the disappointment of each Gord.
Keep the red and white but add the blue,
betray a Nation that once treasured you.
Gretzky; no longer number one not even two.

Keep your guns and keep your hate,
Canada’s not your fifty-first state.
We’ve always been a Country, one that’s great.

Went to a room and ignored the sign,
now we’ve changed the labels and removed your wine.
Disappointed in what you would do,
to a National that once treasured you.
The sadness and anger only grew.

An apology that will come too late,
Canada will never be your fifty-first state.
Not up for discussion or debate.

A concept you should understand,
you can’t put a “for sale” sign on our land.
The death of a legend came from the hands
of a bad man and a bad plan.
No longer the greatest of all time
after you’ve committed the greatest of crimes.

We won’t take the tariffs or the bait,
Canada will never be your fifty first state.
We’ll cement the actions and the date.

So stay in exile as is it your fate,
Canada won’t be your fifty first state,
cause it’s the one, the one that’s great.
💯 > 99
Minshutosh Kumar
It was the first drop of blood,
that kissed my messy room surface,
Scars were too tired to be wet again beside my eyes,
The room was darker than a little bright,
It was the period where sunset took over,
the command of sunlight...

The second drop sprinkled on the floor,
they too, were unaware of the pain,
or it's colour, or the ecos of roar,
who else knew I was dying alone,
in my beloved city, as an unknown...

The third drop carried a lot together,
It took over the brightness of sunlight and the surface,
the smog of burning diaries was the reminder
that it's gonna be late night before complete darkness,
and I giggled now for dealing with it really less...

The last shadow of yours left,
was the time of the last drop, the last breath,
I fell on the floor, over the red ashes,
but unlike you I loved, again and again,
blood denied to enter again through my vein...

Through my open eyes, I saw a body lying in solitary,
a painful death in the holy city,
pale eyes, devastated face, and a burnt diary,
It was all here that I could find,
I opened it's last page with my shivering hands,
"A whole book could have I written for you,
but like the mystery of life, you can't be defined..."
Hate is what drives us,
to spite and despise.
But the love of God
is what changes our hearts.
John 3:16
Nishu Mathur
In the afternoon
Below a grey blue sky
I hear the chatter
Of the magpies.
And they talk in bird talk
In words unknown to me
As they bob their little heads
By the amaltas tree.
Glad I am to hear them
I listen carefully
Happy to be in their -
wondrous company
When the earth celebrates
        a solar year,
The cost of life whispers
        in my ear.
It rose up, the easy act
        won't backup.
The easiness of faceless
        is being asked,
"What is it the result?" I ask.
It's easy for people to leave.
It's easy to be devalued.
It's easy for mind to linger past.
It's easy to reminisce moments,
Cherished memories— yet to be
         closed as a chapter.
It's paradoxical—they face the same.
"What is it the result?" I ask.
It's paradoxical—they feel the same.
Todd Sommerville
Kiss me in the darkness.
Touch me how you want to!

Let the feeling take you,
to places you've never been to.

There is truth in the darkness,
for our souls will find the light,
the light in each other
which brings such delight.

So Kiss me in the darkness,
Let our souls fly to the sun.

Stay with me past the morning,
For our love has just begun.
When a night of passion turns into something
unexpected, into something so much more!
Igor Vykhovanets
Lead me on, Delirium Vast!
The Path to Light is dreams recast.
Does Light exist where Shadows spread?
A flicker... Path? Through filth we tread...
Richard Shepherd
"Madam, would you kindly remove
this arrow from my heart?"

"No, I think I'll wait until infection
sets in."

"How cruel you are."
A little wave, it dared to rise,
Reaching out for moonlit skies.
The moon’s soft pull, a gentle plea,
Yet Earth’s grip whispered, "Stay with me."

Still it leapt, defying fate,
A dream too vast, a loss too great.
I watched it try, then fade away—
A fleeting hope  never fails.
tell me what you see
when you look at me
of course you see the same thing
the same thing I see

of course you see the same
ugliness and darkness
of course you notice
the emptiness and worthlessness

of course you see the same
because there's no prettiness
no worth, no light, no fulfillment
Tell me how you notice the things you say you do!
I miss hearing your voice
it fills my heart
I miss my heart
full of
I hope you’re
full of
Michael Murphy
Beans and greens
And flying machines

Mystical unicorns everywhere
Colors bouncing here and there

More sane than the flippin world right now

Dreams are my salvation so
I sleep and let my visions flow

To wake,  to cry, with heavy heart
The world I know is split apart

All I can do is
Hope and pray

The world doesn't end this way!

Apologies and love for all!
I miss believing that we were past most of the cruelty and hate in the world.  So sad. I hope we make it.
Mike Hauser
if you knew the time
and day you'd die
would you change your tune
enjoy more of life

hate to break the news
though most don't know
death still has your number
and won't let go

no matter when that is
be well aware
it could happen anytime
are you prepared?
a never ending rhythm
we're a matching tempo
following the flow

Setting the strings
Held so tight
strung just right

you're the melody
in my beating heart
Salmabanu Hatim
The problem with my son,
Is that he is very nice,
Soft spoken and kind,
He never tells us when he is hurt,
He waits for us to realise the mistake,
And that makes us more guilty.
Tommy Le
Maelstrom of regret;
weeping and questioning me:
How could I save him?
I'm sorry Kevin
Theodorus Rex
They tried to **** him
They tried to jail him
They tried to discredit him
They tried to remove his dignity
They spread lies about him
Tried to throw him into the fire

All it did was sharpen his resolve
He rose to meet the challenge
He refused to be broken by them
He refused to bend the knee
To their hedonism  
He welcomed discomfort
He was relentless
And did what needed to be done
Fight, fight, fight

He has earned my respect

fierce looks from her olive green eyes, 
yellow peaks to shine as arised-
a plane has been waiting for her to arrive
when all she’s been told was a lie 

her line of thinking was a dead 
convicted herself that she had lost her spark 
yet she doesn’t know anything outside of the dark,
and outside of this small town, 

the beds have stayed made for years 
dusts from the people that once called it home,
the memories-
it keeps the little girl’s life that she had lost 
What was she like when she was growing up?
it blended into an unknown, 
when candle was already blown - (12th bday)
(a child that was born into a burning house think that the whole world is on fire)
Oh do you know how it feels
To be the tree that falls in a wood
With no one to hear it?

Was it even there to begin with?
Nishan Niraula
Two candles, side by side,
Arms of thread—their aid—
Wrapped around as they hug,
Gracious flames of burning shrug.

Two candles, side by side,
They burned and radiated light.
Hesitance grew as they stood;
They burned their thread—passionate mood.

One cried, the other raged.
Flames engulfed the fabric red.
Two candles, side by side—
A burning heart, in between, laid.

Smaller the candles grew,
Glory to the light they drew.
One burning, the other hides—
Two candles, held side by side.
Mrs Timetable
I have so many
Different sides to me
I'm starting to think
I'm geometry
Go figure
Arthur Vaso
In autumn is always the leaves
in summer is always the rain
without you, is always the tears
falling on my poetry
pages wet
the silence
a knife
slicing my heart to pieces
Ryan O'Leary
If I was American, I think
I’d find it more ecological
to go on a waiting list than
buy a gun to suicide myself.
Amulya Sharma
The silence during our conversation is not known to be 'an awkward silence', but it includes the bunch of hums produced by our hearts when we are together.
I often look across my skin
for a cut or bruise,
a scratch paper thin,
just for a glimpse,
of the pain within.

Everyone's scars seem laid bare,
others helping them with care,
the pain I feel
seems all but real,
cause no one reaches,
no one tries,
to see the hurt
behind my eyes.
I always feel like my internal turmoil is just my delusions,
and that I'm just fine and I'm only acting stupid.. I tried so ******* this poem T.T Also give me tag ideas, im still pretty new here idk what to put...
The sweetest love
Can melt the heart
It moves the soul.
It leaves a trace
A warm feeling
A beautiful glow
and why wouldn't it be?

Work day for you and a
workday for me

we are chained to be free
She says
I have the key
I'm going to be nice to her
make her tea and give up my
comfy chair,
I'd do that anyway

workday or not.
I sit and dream of a wildflower,
That is grown in the darker.
When exposed to the light,
She felt like she wasn’t as bright.

Neither was she yellow nor her ground,
All she ever did was feel blue without a sound.
She always tried to step out of the crowd.
But she buried herself deeper into the ground.

All she ever did was make others happy,
But all they did was conclude her uncanny.
She went with them when they were alone,
But what she got back was feeling ignored.

With none to love nor to hug,
She fit herself into a mug.
I don’t have a place in the light she said,
I will eat myself in the dark instead.

All she ever did was beg for delight,
But agony hit her with all its might.
She walked in with a smile plastered,
Her mind disastered.

She slowly faded,
Believing no one cared.
But what she never knew —
They envied the beauty she bared.

When you see someone unique,
Don’t judge or despise.
Learn to cherish and realize.
Wildflowers are beautiful in their own untamed way. They bloom without needing anyone's help, sprouting wherever the wind carries their seeds. Unlike the flowers that people carefully plant and nurture, wildflowers don’t rely on human hands to grow. They stand tall, even in the harshest places, simply because they know how to survive.

But sometimes, a wildflower is born in the darkest corners of the world—places full of sorrow and pain. It never asked to grow there, among the cracked earth and shadows. Yet it did. And despite everything, it bloomed.

When people found it, they decided it didn’t belong. They pulled it from its dark soil and planted it among the perfect, cultivated flowers. They expected it to change, to become like them—bright, flawless, and easy to admire. So, the wildflower tried. It reached for the sun, desperate to leave its dark past behind. But no matter how hard it tried, the others still whispered.

They mocked its twisted stem and imperfect petals. They treated it like an outcast, not realizing that its resilience was a kind of beauty they couldn’t understand. Deep down, they saw its strength and felt threatened. But instead of acknowledging that, they let their pride turn to cruelty.

And the wildflower? It wilted under the weight of their words. It started to believe it was worthless, that maybe it never should have bloomed in the first place.

I know how that feels because I’ve been that wildflower. I’ve been the one people ignored, belittled, and left to question my worth. But here’s what I’ve learned: Just because others can’t see your beauty doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Every scar, every moment of survival, is proof of strength.

No one deserves to feel like they’re not enough. So be kind. Don’t tear people down because they shine in a way you don’t understand. Don’t let your own insecurities turn into cruelty. And most importantly, don’t let anyone walk away believing they were a burden when they were really a gift.

Wildflowers are never worthless. And neither are you.
and nada
Wanting a hug that doesn't seem to come
texts left hanging, I guess we're undone.
Wasn't asking for much,
just a chance to be heard.
Feel like a munch,
faded plans and no word.
Alvian Eleven
Humanity ?!...
Humanity what ?!...
I see no humanity.
I only see hypocrisy.

March 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Love is a moon, it

changes from day to day, there's --

increase, there's decrease.
Novel "De stiefmoeder" (2011, "The Stepmother", Renate Dorrestein), part 'Claire', chapter Five

L'amore è come la luna: quando non aumenta, diminuisce (Love is like the moon: when it does not increase, it decreases)

Collection "Old sore"
Take a breath, its ok to be sad,
Take a breath, its ok to cry,
Take a breath, I'm here with you,
Take a breath, its ok to be angry,
Take a breath, but you have to forgive,
Take a breath, you cant be angry forever,
Take a breath, because it will weigh on you,
Take a breath, its harder to be angry than to forgive,
Take a breath, and forgive.
Sun heats burning soil,
Moon - cooling,
Stars - shining,
The red
Aisha Karden
Ask me about beauty.
I’ll say it’s the battle of the opposites,
so tragically blind that they are one; forever entwined in redamancy.
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