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They serve up villains’ twisted minds
As if they’re something deep and grand.
Perverted plots of every kind —
A sick agenda, finely planned.

They drill their "norms" in foolish heads,
Make filth a lesson, teach the youth.
The chasm grows, it gapes and spreads —
Damnation swallows all, in truth...
A mutant mind, so crude,
Now a doctor? Just a shrewd
Merchant peddling toxic lies,
Selling sickness in disguise.

CowID flashed before our eyes,
Just like "AIDS"—same old disguise.
Lower than the lowest tier,
Fools and traitors thrive down here.

Drugs prescribed with soulless greed,
Bringing home their thirty’s fee.
Strengthening the web of lies,
Spreading madness far and wide.

Darkness rules this hollow sphere,
Only villains prosper here.
Shadows feast, and reason fades,
Dying faith, a world decayed.

Doom is near—no second chance.
Fascist reign will end at last.
With their spawn, they’ll burn and fall.
Nothing’s left to save at all.
"A miracle does not contradict the laws of nature, only our perception of them."
— Augustine of Hippo

Truth is hidden, left unspoken—
Levitation proves it well.
Science bends, its laws are broken,
Claiming all is dull and stale.

Aging minds embrace new fiction,
Priests of lies preach old deceit.
Fools fall deep in blind conviction,
Ignorance is their defeat.

Worse than cults, these false equations,
Leading sheep into their snare.
Mindless herds seek new salvation,
Trapped within a cunning lair.

Dark extraction, silent plunder—
That’s the creatures’ only goal.
If you trust their tales, you’ll wonder
How you lost your very soul.

Only thought, so sharp and fearless,
Stands against their hollow creed.
All the rest are numbers—nameless,
Worshiping their lifeless fiend.

This vile beast, unseen but reigning,
Rules through proxies, veiled in dust.
Puppets kneel, obey, and wade in
Filth and ashes, rot and rust.
"To understand the essence of ordinary things, one needs a truly extraordinary mind."
— Alfred Whitehead

Mediocrity is reigning,
Blind obedience in control.
Darkness spreads—no hope remaining,
Fascism devours the soul.

Let this darkness, grim and hollow,
Be a lesson kept in mind.
Rise beyond the lies and follow
Truth—leave ignorance behind.
A *** of filth, the glaze on top,
With "a thoughtful world" inscribed to stop.
But foolishness, still, by glaze was swayed,
What to do with such shallow charade?
When you are keen and stand alone,
Your mind and will remain your own.
No brute can break or pull you down,
No fool who rose from bowed-out crowds.

The herd obeys the whip with pride,
But you and it stand far apart.
For slaves will never walk beside
A sharp, original-born heart.
The beastly order shapes the way—
It trains the herd to bleat and moo.
And even minds will go astray
If they embrace the lies of Ruin.

So sharpen doubt, stay bold and wise,
Let intuition be your guide.
Reject the Lie—you’ll rise and rise,
Believe in it—you’re beast inside.
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