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Nina McNally Mar 2011
Twenty years ago,
I was born.
St. Patrick's Day was the day.
So what do I have to celebrate?
Well there's many things--I started life rough.
And was behind, but, in high school, I got caught up.

Middle School years;
I was so young- so naive.
High School tears;
Brought the tears- I began to understand more about life and myself.
And I owe part of that to Fall Out Boy,
But also myself---for putting up with all my crap.

Fall Out Boy is the music that stays by my side,
And WCYY is the radio station that's always on.

I love cheese cake (especially chocolate chip).
I love being random and I love music!
And if anyone has a problem with that,
Well you don't have to be friends with me. I am who I am.

My friends are great; though they tease me sometimes. (like all true friends do)
I am an original, fun-loving person who loves
music, poetry, animals, LOST, and being around friends.

I am either the Quiet One, Dreams A lot, the one who has lots to say, Abby, or Pikachu.
Based on one I wrote when I was 16 for my sophomore Poetry class.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
this is my 70th poem I've posted here.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Nina McNally Jun 2010
"Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"
~Later, towards the end~
Alice asks, "Hatter, why is a raven like a writing desk?"
Mad Hatter: "I haven't the slightest idea."
Then Alice disappears back home.*
So why is a raven like a writing desk?
Ravens symbolizes death and to me Writing symbolizes
But when you think about it ravens fly-- come and go as they please. Writers feel like that when they write at a writing desk--
come and go as they please.
So maybe there's the answer...
Ravens are free, and a writing desk is a place to be free.
But maybe a raven is also like a writing desk because most good poems deal with some type of grief, or joy...Every good poet deals with issues with life and the grief that comes with death. Every great writer has troubles-- look at; Edger Allen Poe, Dylan Thomas, and Emily Dickerson, just to name a few. Edger often wrote of ravens and drank, Dylan also drank, and Emily was afraid to go outside. We all have troubles, but only a certain amount of people can write about them in poetry and make the words be so beautiful. So maybe in the movie there was no answer, but it all seems to random to have no answer. So here's my answer: Freedom and Troubles, Ravens have/deal with both as well as a writer at a writing desk.
Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?
copyright; McNally Inc. 2010
6/28 Nina McNally
not a poem, just thoughts.
4.0k · Jan 2015
American Psycho
Nina McNally Jan 2015
Aren't we all just American Psychos?
Many of us don't realize that we're all the same.
Everyone; we're all alike on the inside.
Racism, sexism, calling people gay, and so on...
It needs to STOP!
Can't you see we're our own worst enemy?
American Pyscho; that's what we are if we're
Not willing to change.

Peace; What is peace again? It's been
So long since we've had peace, but we can change.
Yes, we can! Stop with
Calling people out and acting tough!
Here and now, we're in this together.
O**ne day, we'll live in peace again. *American ******
Part two of American Beauty/American ******,
title from Fall Out Boy.
We`ll have peace some day....
©2015 McNally, Inc.
3.3k · Feb 2011
20 Dollar Nose Bleed
Nina McNally Feb 2011
2 million way to go                                green.
0 number of people we want to

Die for a reason we can        easily fix.
Only time will tell, but in this
Late hour, please explain to me,                  What is time?
Longing to live               peacefully,
Again, when times were            simpler          and the
Rain didn't fall so hard.

Now sitting underneath this
Old Cork Tree,
Shaded from the falling rain; the
Evening looking beautiful, I call out, "Give me a pen & call me, Mrs.

                                              ­And now
Laughing; soaking wet, from         standing in the rain.
Everywhere I go, people look at me like     I'm a nobody...
Even though,    I'm more of a somebody    then    them.
Don't lose  control   on reality.....  *it's all a dream, anyways.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
another poem written from mind to page...not really thinking about it, just to make small corrections.
came from the song 20 Dollar Nose Bleed by Fall Out Boy, along with the quote, Mrs. Benzedrine, is Mr. in the lyric, I changed it to fit me. <3
3.1k · Dec 2021
Nina McNally Dec 2021
Now here in the middle of the night when
Everyone is getting ready for bed, I lay
Under the stars thinking about life.
Right here in this moment I feel alive and
Only here can I say go
Do what you love! Be you cause No one does
It better! In this
Very moment as
Everyone else is sleeping, I lay here
Resting and thinking “What's Next?”
So I’m going to go live my life to the fullest!
I’m going to spread kindness and love
To everyone I meet because
You are Beautiful and Worth it!
Just a little something I wrote
3.0k · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Now is the moment in time to enjoy life
And this love.
May it last forever
And be great.
So here and now we lay next
To each other, if only
E**veryday can be like this.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
2.5k · Aug 2016
Life Changes
Nina McNally Aug 2016
Loving you is the best thing
I* can do! I want to spend
Forever with you and with
Everyday that passes I

Can't wait to be your wife!
Having you in my life has made my life better
And I can't image it without you
Nor do I want to think of that.
Going with you to baseball games, shopping, or just
Evenings at the gym or home as long as I'm
Spending time with you, I am happy!

I love you!
McNally|Flanders, Inc.
A little poem I wrote about my fiancé who has my heart.
He is my man, and made my life great and me a better person was day.
Title from Good Charlotte
2.3k · Oct 2010
Nina McNally Oct 2010
Drama why do you like to follow me? I try, I
Really do try to stay away, but you
Always seem to find your way back to
Me. But from all those times I now know how to ignore you
As though you never came back and bugged me. So take that!
NinaAbby: written because I'm stick of drama always being everywhere that I am.Oh well i won't let it get me down.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
2.2k · Nov 2017
Nina McNally Nov 2017
Before you judge someone; take a walk in their shoes.
Everyone is different,
Living their own life and may be it's a bit hard for them.
In their world, they could be dealing with some
Extra demons or negative thoughts. Everybody's mind
Varies; made up with different chemicals, making
Each human unique and special. We need to
Respect each other and care for each other!!

          •We're all in this world TOGETHER!•
Copyright; 2017
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
I wrote this a couple weeks ago;
a poem about mental health and our society!
Please spread mental health awareness!
The more we know the more we can understand!
Knowledge is power not money.
P.S. song title from Imagine Dragons
2.2k · Feb 2015
The Kids Aren't Alright
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Time goes by so fast!!
Here and now are our moments to cherish for
Eternity! We have the chance to make a change, the

Kids won't be alright if we don't do something now.
In these precious moments of childhood, innocence, and  
Diversity, we have a chance to
Show the kids that they can make

A* difference and change the world for the better.
Right now, there are many kids who are "lost" and feeling
"Empty". They don't have anyone, but we  
Need to show them that  
They're not alone!

All these kids are our *FUTURE!

Love and caring,
Really caring, showing them that together we can be one.
In our culture, there's still so much hate
Going around that our kids will grow up
Hating people based on their skin, who they love, and so on.
Together; here and now, we can change that!!

*The Kids Will Be Okay
©2/13/2015; McNally, Inc.
title from the song by Fall Out Boy,
(also from The Offspring)
This poem is very much inspired by Fall Out Boy's The Kids Aren't Alright. :)
2.1k · Feb 2010
Nina McNally Feb 2010
When you came around
I felt like I was invisible
You never noticed me
I just stood in the corner
Shedding my tears
On the inside
So you couldn’t see
Now I’m gonna stand up for myself
And you can’t push me around anymore
I wrote this one 4 years ago also, I don't remember why I wrote just that it came to me one day-
1.9k · Jun 2015
Baby: Sarah Rose McNally
Nina McNally Jun 2015
Day- June 14, 2015, Time- 8:07pm
When you were born
With those SLEEPY eyes
Ready to take on the world
And your BIG brothers, Mike and Connor.
With that cute little nose,
Forever Daddy's little princess,
And Mommy's little girl!
9lbs. 13 oz. 22 inches
You were a big baby
Born into a BIG family,
And we'll always be there for you,
And your brothers will always
You and your cousin, Avery, will be
Tea parties, sleepovers, and more.
We'll have to wait and see
What you decide to be!
So now all I have to say, baby girl,
"Welcome to the world and the family, Sarah!
I wrote this after my 2nd niece was born.  I started these when my first nephew was born in 2007, and now he's almost 8. I will continue writing these for any new nephew or niece. I love my family!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
1.8k · Mar 2011
Straight Edge --SxE--
Nina McNally Mar 2011
"So tell me now, where was my fault/In loving you with my whole heart"
Tell me the truth -- and only the truth.
Right now that is what I need,
And I need a restart.
I'm sorry for all I've done, but I must say
Goodbye to this lonely cold
Heart, that once belong
To you. You had me at hello, you had me, you had

Everything, but you lost it in one not-so-smooth move.
Do you ever wish we were still together?        Well I do, sometimes, but
Goodbye to what we were, it was nice knowing you.
Even in these lonely days, I wouldn't change a thing.

                                                         ­        "A white blank page and a swelling rage
                                                         You did not think when sent me to the brink
                                            You desired my attention but denied my affections."
"And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again"
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Lyrics from the Mumford & Sons "The Cave" & "White Blank Page"
1.7k · Jul 2010
Oh Romeo!
Nina McNally Jul 2010
My dear friend, Mercutio
Please understand what I say
About my dear love, Juliet, through and through
Who I’d married one day

She is so lovely and kind
Her eyes are so beautiful, they shine in the moon light
And the best part is, she is so fine
I love her so, she is such a delight

My love for her
Is like a hundred thousands flowers
Which smells so pretty, like her wrapped in fur
This might sound funny, but she holds the power

**Love can be so cruel
So you just can’t be a fool!
copyright; McNally, Inc. 2005
written for my freshman English class-had to write a sonnet.
Nina McNally Apr 2017
Go out and change the world;
Only you can change you. Show
Others Kindness and end the hate.
Differences makes us unique.

Together is the way
Only way we can make this world

Everyone has their own beliefs, opinions, views

And we can agree to disagree--that's okay.
Life will be alright if we all got along.
I** know it ***** and hard sometimes-everyone struggles-it
Varies-person to person, but we'll be okay.
Each day is a new day-So live it like it's the last.

(Happiness happens to when you worry
About you not what others might be doing. Your
Life is yours not others--
Live it your way and forget the rest, but give respect-
Everybody has a right to
Live their own life the way they want.
Understanding all beliefs are out there is okay not
Just your's- No one is perfect, but together-maybe
All of us- can end this
Hate in this world.)
Written in a few minutes of picking the title from an Andy Grammer song. We are all in this together. Another 2 part poem.
©McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
1.7k · Jan 2011
Bull Moose
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Bring all your
Used cds, dvds, & games &
Let's trade. Here's the place to sell all your cds, dvds, & games.
Let's help you find the

Music, movies, or games that you want.
Only at Bull Moose is where you can find great deals
On any cds, dvds, games, & even records.
So come on in, where
E**veryone will welcome you & help you find what you need.

Bull Moose; where music is our business!
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
wrote this to put in my application to Bull Moose ( a record store where I live)--you make your own application.
1.7k · Mar 2010
My Baby Boy
Nina McNally Mar 2010
I write this because you have change my life
You came into my life just as I needed someone to talk to too
And now you are sick.
You are the greatest thing in my life and
No matter what I will remember you always!
As I write this I listen to you sleep and listen to your sisters
sleep and wonder around and eat.
If only you can come back and feel better, tomorrow.
As I write this, I am crying because I can't let go of you.
You're my baby and you help me though so much, you and your sisters.
I love you my dear Patrick!
You are more than my pet ferret, you are my friend!
No matter what happens you will always be with me.
And if you do go to that special place, Please tell Leroy I say "Hi" and how I miss him.
Until the day we part I am praying and hoping you will get better
So you don't have to leave me this soon.
I love you baby boy! I am so glad you came into my life.
Wrote this for my ferret, Patrick. He is very sick lately
and I hope he gets better, but I don't know if he's gonna make it.
But I will pray and pray and hope for the best.
Nina McNally Jun 2010
To the
Everyone is

As can be. Does that make him
Dangerous? No, Just a

Hatter, who is crazy as can be.
And, when that day comes he shall futterwacken...vigorously.
Time makes us more insane,
Time makes us remember
Everything from our past.
Remember and learn; Underland can be wonderful again.

"There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder,
mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You must be mad
as a hatter. [picks up his hat] Which likely I am."
~The Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
[Alice checks Hatter's temperature]
Alice: *I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a
secret. All the *best people
copyright; McNally, Inc. 2010
6/28 Nina McNally
1.6k · Sep 2013
Baby: Avery Madison
Nina McNally Sep 2013
Day- Septemeber 15, 2013 Time- 11:46am
When you were born
With those BIG blue eyes
Looking up at your mommy and daddy
With that cute little button nose like your daddy
And you're cute little ears like your mommy
You're so much like your mommy and daddy
And yet so much different in so many ways
We'll just have to wait and see! ❤
7lbs 2oz. and 20inches
You're such a cute little GIRL
Born into a big family
Who will always be there for you
And you're COUSINS, Mikey & Connor, will be there for you, too
So all I have left to say, baby girl,
*"Welcome to the world and the family, Avery!
You're gonna do great things!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
1.6k · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Calling all lovers,
Attendtion; Please read this. Time is
Really lost. The room is spinning,
Don't forget there are other fish in the sea, just jump
In and dive for them. They should be there with
Open arms, waiting.
Love can be a magically thing--
On with the show already. Ladies & Gentlemen I welcome you,
Good Charlotte, playing their new album, "Cardiology." Forever
Y**oung in our hearts. Keep on believing.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-inspired by GC's newest album and just remember you'll find that special someone. Just keep fishing.
1.6k · Nov 2017
Back To Beautiful
Nina McNally Nov 2017
Back to the beginning;
A** time when we didn't know anything and
Cared for each other no matter what. Not
Knowing who

They are, but not caring about that.
Only knowing we're all in this

Beautiful world, living
Each day
As it is. Can we go back to that?
Understanding that the past has past, but
Time is forever and we should learn from it.
In this world, we got this one life and we should never take it
For granted!
Understand we're all living this
Life together! Let's make it a peaceful one!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017.
Wrote this acrostic at the beginning of a work day earlier this month.
Sometimes these don't make a lot of sense but the message is clear; PEACE!
We're all in this together!
Song title- Sofia Carson
1.5k · Mar 2010
Resume by Dorothy Parker
Nina McNally Mar 2010
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
This poem is written by Dorothy Parker
but I just wanted to say this poem spoke to me in a way, in which
it got me writing my own poetry.
1.5k · Jan 2011
It's Who I Am!
Nina McNally Jan 2011
My Religion - Music is Life

Fall Out Boy-

Good Charlotte-
Benjamin(Benji)-God's left hand
Joel-God's right hand
Drummers; the 3 wise men
Deano- Past drummer: Chris, and Aaron

Avenged Sevenfold-
M. Shadows-Angel
Synyster Gates-Angel
Zacky Vengeance-Jesus' left hand
Johnny Christ-Jesus' right hand
The Rev (Angel)-Rev. Tholomew Plague or simply Rev. Jimmy

They only equal to what god, jesus, angels, etc would be or are..
Music is my religion.

Let Me Have My Music
and I'll be okay!

No One Can Take
My Music Away!
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Because I wouldn't say I believe in one religion,
I don't want to belong to one religion...
isn't it odd that one religion says come here or else your going to another says the same, just a little differently?....that's why music is my religion I don't have to deal with the others. I know I am good, and I accept and am open to the fact that they may be a God, many gods, or no God at all. It's all up in the air for me.
And if you believe in God, or any other religion I do not mean to offend,
that's the beautiful of writing, you can speak your mind, freely.
Nina McNally Feb 2010
It's my life
and why do I have to go to college?
why can't I just be a self proclaim philosopher?
I just wanna live and watch the "days go by"

We only get one life to live
and then we go into the afterlife
and have to start a whole new different life
So lets live this life the way we want
and when we go into the afterlife we can all catch up with each other.

Because in the afterlife,
where this life is dead and gone
Our spirits will still be there and meet everyone from this life,
while in the next life we are creating a whole new different life

And then we will just repeat,
like a broken record
as the world comes crumbling down.

Let's just live in the moment and everything will be fine.
I just wrote it right now. After listening to Bon Jovi's its my life and Kieth Urban's days go by.
1.3k · Jun 2022
Disaster Hearts
Nina McNally Jun 2022
Days go by and those bad days become a blur--
I know it's hard but in your darkest of days and
Sadness it will only get better.
Another day and another
Sunrise to show you you can make it
Through! You are strong! You are beautiful!
Each day will come and go and you'll be okay.
Right here is where you're suppose to be and

Here in this moment all I can say is:
Everyone will experience some kind of heartache
And everyone will experience hard times
Right here and now you are with me in
This moment in time ---
So just breathe, let go, and you're going to be okay! <3
wrote back in Jan, 2022
inspired by I Fight Dragons
1.3k · Apr 2016
Nina McNally Apr 2016
Beliving in yourself
Each day, you will become stronger!
Loving yourself for who you are;
In this moment,
Evenings so dark, but my heart's a
Vessel filled with love and kindness;
E**ach day I find a new reason to carry on and continue my journey.
©McNally, Inc.
An original acrostic
1.2k · Feb 2019
Super Fade
Nina McNally Feb 2019
Simple life is what we all want.
Understanding each other a little better---
People are messed up---
Each day something new happens in this world,
Real life is unbelievable sometimes.

Finding the good in people is hard
And each
Day it doesn't get
We all need to show love and kindness. We're all human, it doesn't who we love, what our opinions are, or what we believe, we are all human at the end of the day!
Title by Fall Out Boy
McNally, 2019
1.2k · Mar 2019
Nina McNally Mar 2019
Zero chance of good left in this world---
Every day something new happens and
Real life becomes less real.
Only in this world can it be like this. :(

What has this world come to?!
Title by Imagine Dragons and their music is one of my biggest inspiration.
Hold onto your innocent as long as you can.
Stop and smell the flowers every now and then
1.2k · Jan 2011
Music and Make Believe
Nina McNally Jan 2011
In this Nightmare where Today Feels Like Lies, I see Joe Jonas and he tells me, it's Time to Dance.
And Oh look, there's Peter! Pete tells me, that Music is Life! But I already knew this.
And there's Jimmy Sullivan--The Rev tells me, Don't Jump. I won't. I don't want to be Buried Alive. ----
"I just wanna live while I'm alive 'Cause it's my life."
Avenged Sevenfold is the Cardiology that keeps my heart beating.
Now What If... this was real and not a Dream?
Let's just Dance for **Tonight.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
I took the titles of the poems that I wrote so far and made 5 poems.
1.2k · Aug 2010
Nina McNally Aug 2010
All my life I wanted that special someone. Someone who *loves me
Very  much, for who I am. I am so glad I found that person. He's there for me
Everyday and
Night. If we don't see each other, it's on the phone or text.
Gone for a week or two to my sister's doesn't
Even change a thing we still talk. That's our biggest strength.
Depends on the day, but we always try to talk it out. <3

So I would like to say, I found my *soul-mate,

Even though we are "prefect" (whatever that means) for each other and we love each other
Very much, my soul-mate can still be out there.
Everyday you can continue to search, but here and
Now, in reality, will you ever find your soul-mate? When you
Find someone special and you know their not your soul-mate
Of course you have to make the best of it because you may
Lose it and never find another one again or your soul-mate.
Don't give up is what I'm saying, but don't get caught up in finding someone you may never find.
NinaAbby: written for; to say don't give up on trying to find your soul-mate but don't lose sight of what is right in front of you. You may have someone who is "prefect" for you, but if you're too caught up in your fantasy of your soul-mate, you could lose them. I understand this, it happen to me (sorta) until I heard Paramore's "The Only Exception." I am still looking for my soul-mate, don't get me wrong, but I am enjoying the ride with my SPECIAL someone-----hey it's going on 3 years! edit:// well this relationship ended, but I still stand on what I said. <3 Dream BIG! & Have FUN! :)
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
1.2k · Oct 2012
Spotlight (New Regrets)
Nina McNally Oct 2012
Show the world all that you can be. Bring
Positivity to light and
Open the eyes of millions.
They might tell you how you can/should
Live your life, but it's your life,
It's your right to do what you like.
Get out there and live. Bring the
Haters down, don't let them win.
T** his is your life! ♥
-Based on the song by Patrick Stump-
copyright; 2012
McNally, Inc.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Nina McNally Jan 2015
In every
Moment in life there's a
Realization. Whether it's what you are suppose
To be, where you want to go in life.
Anyting you want, you can be.
Life is short,
S**o just live and be yourself! :)
song title from Fall Out Boy
©2014 McNally, Inc.
Just a little poem about how we should live our lives by what we want to be, do, and etc. No one should tell you how to live your life, but they can give you advice , but you make your own rules. :)
Happy New Year! Go and get your dreams!
1.2k · Mar 2011
A White Blank Page
Nina McNally Mar 2011
As I lay here thinking back to the days;

When everything was simply and alright;                   Wondering
How this all happen.              Some days I do.... really
I* do, want to go back, but I know I can't for
This is where I'm suppose to be;          This is where it is at.
Everyday I wake up, make some

Breakfast, and greet the new day.       Ready to
Live, I put on my pants, shirt, and
A smile to keep me moving through the day.                  Keeping the
Negative thoughts from my mind,   it's hard,    but
Keeping those thoughts away,       most of the time,

Prevents a lot of crap and stuff from happening.
And so here I lay as the last thoughts of the day
Goes rushing through my head;
Everyone will be fine,                     *
*In. The. End.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just came to me as I was getting ready for bed.
Inspired by the one the only LOST.
"If we don't Live Together, we're gonna Die Alone."
1.2k · Nov 2016
So Close To Happiness
Nina McNally Nov 2016
Sometimes in life we struggle,
Other times we don't, it shows us that we're human.

Coming to the realization that this
Life is our only
One and we should make the best of it.
Struggling is a sign of having a good life.
Everyday is a new day to start anew;

Together we can bring peace to
Others, share the love and bring down the

Hate! We're all in this together
And together is how we can bring
Peace to this world.
People running fast, not enjoying what life
Is about; What's all around us. So stop and
Notice what's around you
Each day, smell the flowers, see the beautiful
Sunrises and sunsets and just know
Someone else may be having a bad day too-You're not alone.

It will get better after the darkness fades!
Title from Hoodie Allen.
Written as it came to me.
We're all going through this life together, no one is perfect.'
Peace and Love
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Nina McNally Jul 2016
In the
Middle of the

Night, in the darkest hour,
Outside in the streets; you'll find
The ghosts all around.

Are you afraid? Don't run
From them, they feed on fear.
Ready to fight the fight, I scream "I'm Not
Afraid!! of no ghosts!"
In the middle of the night I wake up from a
D**ream--a crazy, weird, wild dream. :)
Title from Fall Out Boy's/Missy Elliot's "I'm Not Afraid (Ghostbusters)
I wrote it during a meeting, and it just kinda came to me.
Write on.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
1.1k · Jun 2010
Nina McNally Jun 2010
In the middle of the night,
Help me
M..m...m....Monster is chasing me. It's
About to eat me.
Running to be free, but running is not
Enough...but wait, it's just a nightmare.
copyright; 2010 McNally, Inc.
-title from Avenged Sevenfold-- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
1.1k · Jul 2015
Jet Pack Blues
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Just in the nick of time, I
Escape from the world and
The crazy people that live in it.

People in a hurry, going nowhere fast
And not stoping to enjoy the beauty. "Our
Culture are vultures" not
Knowing when enough is enough. Let's go

Back to the past when
Life was simply and people actually cared.
Understanding that we can change the future.
Each day we have a chance to make a
S**tance and change the outcome of our future for the children!
McNally, Inc.
Title and influenced from Fall Out Boy.
"We are in charge of our destiny!"
"We make our own luck!"
1.1k · Dec 2018
Nina McNally Dec 2018
Happiness is key to
Any happy relationship--
People in love know that relationships isn't just one
Person, it's two people working together
In love and unity!
Everyday their love grows and
Reality becomes clear! Love Wins All!!
copyright; 2018
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Tile from Marshmello & Bastille and I happier meaning.
1.1k · Aug 2010
Nina McNally Aug 2010
I'm proud to be Irish.
Yes, I know, I know.
But I love Irish History
love all kinds of history,
but Irish history is more interesting I think.
I love learning about Ireland. I love my last name -- McNally!
I love being born on St. Patrick's Day!
maybe that's why I love history ---
Loving being Irish started it all...
NinaAbby; written because I was wondering why history interests me so much....and i think it might have something to do with my Irish background..I don't know it was fun writing it though.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
1.1k · Jan 2011
Life is...
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Life is a river, calm and winding.
Most of the time the ride is smooth and calm,
but there will be bumps and corners to pass,
and the water will get rough and scary.
We'll be okay in the end--
We'll make it down the river.
copyright; 2007
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my Poetry class I took Sophomore year. My teacher loved the metaphor. That's why I had to write it, the class was learning about metaphor poetry.
1.1k · Oct 2012
Amazing Love
Nina McNally Oct 2012
All I need is you,
My one and only
And you have my heart forever!
ZZZzzz... waking up next to you
Is the best moment of every day!
No matter what happens I will always be with you.
Gone to sleep

Laying next to you, hugging you
Over and over. You keeping me
Very warm throughout the night.
E**very day, I am HAPPY to be your true love!
copyright; 2012
McNally, Inc.
*I wrote this pierce for my loving boyfriend, he's the best thing to coime into my life and
after my heartbreak with my ex, he's just want I needed and always wanted. I will never let him go.*
1.1k · Jun 2022
Stranger Things
Nina McNally Jun 2022
Some days are harder and
Then there are days that are easier.
Right now is a medium day.
And it's hard to explain so
Now I'm just gonna
Go watch some shows and relax.
Everybody goes through some not okay days.
Relax. Rest. Recover.

Tomorrow is a new day and
Here will just a faded memory.
I will only remember the important things
Now and here in this moment I feel at peace and free.
Go live your life to the fullest-- Life's too short
So go live how you want & BE KIND!
wrote this back in Jan, 2022.
1.0k · Mar 2017
Life Can't Get Much Better
Nina McNally Mar 2017
Living in a world full of hate will get us no where--
In this life, you got to make the best of what you're given.
For only you control you--
Everyone comes into this world the same, getting a

Chance at life
And sometimes people struggle, but that's okay.
No body is prefect. We all make mistakes, it's better
To learn from them and not ignore that they happened.

Go ahead, live your life and just remember
Everyone is going
Through it as well.

Make the best of each day and try to
Understand how others might have to live-sometimes we don't get to
Choose where we're born and
Have to struggle for many, many years to get to an okay life.

Be positive with others and "keep your
Eyes wide open" and NEVER STOP LEARNING!
Things will get better-- "sometimes before it gets better,
The darkness gets bigger."
Each day, try your best and just be you!
An acrostic I wrote earlier today and edited tonight.
Title from Good Charlotte.
Quotes from Sabrina Carpenter and Fall Out Boy.
Never give up, just be who you are!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
1.0k · Feb 2018
Sunshine Riptide
Nina McNally Feb 2018
Under the moonlight, I sit and have
"No idea what I'm doing now"..."'Cause I'm
Stuck in the Sunshine Riptide"*
Holding onto that feeling,
"I love you so much it's just like oxygen."
No one else gets me as much as you do;
Each day is a new day and I want to be with you.

Ready; 3, 2, 1... "You came in like a wave when
I was feeling alright; You are my truest feeling yet."
"Petulant but irreverent,
Take all your possibilities and take away the limits."
"I do the best with what I have,"
Do what you love and love what you do.
Everyday, I love you more!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy & my love.
Lyrics and title by Fall Out Boy.
1.0k · Feb 2010
Your in Control
Nina McNally Feb 2010
Tell me what to do
It’s all up to you
You’re in control
And I’m on a roll
1st poem ever. written 5 years ago and it just came to me
McNally, Inc.
1.0k · Feb 2011
I Will Not Bow
Nina McNally Feb 2011
I* will sit             here,                                alone,

Wondering how I am going to do this,     but
"I will not bow, I will not break."                       As
Long as I have this life and as
Long as        
I am breathing;         I will fight.             And

Now is the time to help
Others because even if I am in dept
There are other people who have it       *worst.

But I can't help them quite yet as much as I would love too..
Only time can tell, but first I
Will have to help myself;      *No running.        I will be fine.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Inspired by Breaking Benjamin's "I Will Not Bow" and me being in dept and stress out.
Writing is my release.
1.0k · Jul 2015
Favorite Record
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Forever in my mind,
Always in my heart, you are my one and only! I love you
Very much! You're my future, and the
Only guy in my life.
Remember when we first met...
I** do and each day feels like
The first and I can't believe it's been 3 years!
Everyday I'm with you

Reminds me that good things do happens to good people.
Everybody wants a love like ours;
Caring, loving, and always having fun!
One day we'll be Mr. and Mrs. and I'm
Really looking forward to that
Day, but I can wait! I love you!
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy and inspiration from my fiance.
Everyone has a true love out there, and I'm lucky I found mine.
1.0k · Jul 2016
Baby: Olivia Jean McNally
Nina McNally Jul 2016
Day- September 15, 2015 Time- 3:06am
When you were born
With those BIG blue eyes
Looking up at your mommy and daddy.
Just wanted to wish your BIG sister, Avery,
A Happy Birthday and what
A beautiful birthday surprise!
With your cute little button nose, like daddy
And your cute little fingers, like mommy.
5 lbs. 10 oz. 18.5 inches
You were a small baby, who was excited
To take on the world
And have tea parties with Avery, and your cousin, Sarah!
And your cousins, Mike and Connor,
Will be there to PROTECT you!
Born into a big family,
Who will always be there and protect you!
We'll have to wait and see
what you decide to be!
So now all I have to say, baby girl,
"Welcome to the world and the family, Olivia!
So I wrote this last September but as I 2 nieces born last year I only put up one and forgot this one.
This is my 5th poem, I written one for each nephew (2), and all my nieces (3), and any future ones...which might not happen until I have kids someday.
Hope you enjoy this piece. Family is everything!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
1.0k · Feb 2011
Me Against the World
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Moments of truth when
Everything starts to fall apart.

As I lay here,
Gazing up at the stars;
As I get ready to drift off to sleep;
I* wonder about life and love, in the darkest hour of the
Night. *Are we ever gonna have peace, in this world?

So as I lay here wondering, in
Time, we will have peace in the world, again, someday.

The time to sleep
Has come and gone; in
Each hour...

Week...and month, I stay up later and later.
Oh nostalgia, what are you doing to me?
Running from this
Lonely world--- Please
Don't give up on me.
Seasons of Change. <3

copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
most of my writes are words from my mind to the page.
I just write.
title from a Simple Plan song, and idea from Jon London.
1.0k · Feb 2015
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Now here we are, what have we become?
Our world is not like it use to be... It's
Very messy now, and people not caring. What happen here?
Our world needs our help! What happen to this
Culture? We were suppose to be the dreamers
And  the creators, but wait!! It's not too late.
If* we start now, we could still save our world and maybe the
Next generation can do better; *learn from our mistakes.

Everyone: We're all in this together!!

*Together we can change our future!
Written on February 18th, 2015
©McNally, Inc.
Title and inspiration (as always) from Fall Out Boy
Just something I wrote tonight before I head off to bed.
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