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May 2023 · 235
Andie May 2023
I'm on the roof again
up & down
not standing, nor jumping
accepting the sun's
kiss through the wind's
bite like the cool smoke from
a menthol dart, piercing
my lungs
The warmth does little to soothe the
icefall in my heart.

I'm on the floor again
under a grey blanket
too small for me
to emulate a body
too light for me
     but sufficient
for now.

Perhaps I'll take it into
the sun with me
warm and heavy
but it will block the
the coolness I'm now accustomed
but do not seek
May 2021 · 246
Andie May 2021
the red glow, gentle, not as vertiginous as the air,
is saved only by its ethereal nature
from being swept up into the churning night.

it is this same nature that condemns it to
suffuse into the blooming blue lambency-
which is now green. and now peach.

even feigning surprise becomes impossible
in this place of transmutation
when examined by the soul

those with physical forms are not spared either
but some are more mutable than others:

peach juice, for example, ripens with glycerol, and relinquishes
its color when it diffuses into wine
which holds its color, no matter the light
and will seep through fabric, when conditions are right
like every other form of nectar here

so be free of it, drop it all on the ground
making little mounds of cloth, little
mole-hills in the dark

which blend less, but
black-and-white houndstooth
perfectly matches a brown
Birkenstock (or bag) in our own
personal heaven.
Andie Feb 2021
The air, it shimmers when we’re at this height
mixed with low light makes a good time tonight
my heart is beating, lungs are breathing,
yet in my skull, there’s very little thinking
Until we shift and my eyes refocus,
and then it hits me - only one thing worth notice
That’s you, of course, and what a fitting allegory,
I almost believe that it tells the whole story

Of the one that moves slow, the other: quick
But I wouldn’t change a single bit
I love our walks, the regular picnics
And our calls in summer, I must admit

And with this time I’ve learned to understand you, Dexter
This is a brag, perhaps, but not conjecture
With a gesture, you give a lecture,
Thankfully this class will last past the semester

While evergreen is our wintery scene, lit with snowflakes, alligators, and all things between
I cannot help but gaze on to spring, for who knows what joys that season will bring?
Up we’ll rise, held by the flowers in bloom, mimicking between our thighs, I presume
And how fitting that the magnolia tree blossoms at six months for you and me.
I didn't know I could rhyme, I guess that's what happens when you stop writing for a few years
Mar 2019 · 318
Andie Mar 2019
days break
nights fall
The moon phases in and out
between empty and full

trees burst forth
boulders crumble
The earth spins around
set at an angle

wind blows
water ebbs and flows
Fire scorches the land
and makes it fertile and dead

tadpoles transubstantiate
eagles hatch
Minnows appear in small puddles
that dry in summer, leaving no bodies

humans search
humans misplace
And that which they seek
does not exist for them
What is human nature? Is it natural?
Feb 2019 · 400
People, as a Person
Andie Feb 2019
ivory skin, as this paper
ebony hair, as this ink
shining, imbued with moonlight
glistening, dipped in the morn's dew

he is my friend, with
lips of roses
a nose, a thorn
and flowers, rathe in winter

she is your lover with
fangs of eggshells
eyes of marbles
blood of honey
and flesh of black lace

one mark, a fall, a
wellspring in the night
we sing the evensong
then where do we go?
I don't know what I'm feeling. This feels totally right, yet totally wrong
Jan 2019 · 386
Andie Jan 2019
flowing water runs

between trees light dances high

quick fish dart amoung

and I lean against some wood

a green Croc© drifts slowly through
For a midterm project
Nov 2018 · 394
carnal amrita
Andie Nov 2018
cascading out from open veins
time develops into adumbration
it splatters on marbles floors,
and fractured pocket-watches

I have become drunk on the impossible past
Oct 2018 · 664
The Hinterland
Andie Oct 2018
It is morning-time, and I walk
meandering paths pull me, a crisp breeze pushes me
the earth supports me and falls away with each passing step
it can only hold me when I'm there

softwood trees bend around the trail, and hardwood trees enrich their denouement. A glittering canopy of dewy leaves curls atop my route, the moonbeams seeming to dawn from inside each perfect ornament. but I know the finished moon floats just above them

my steps flow in a steady rhythm, regularly broken by the passage of a memory. Sometimes it is time. Sometimes it is a dance. Once it was another Being that caught my consideration; a ghostly doe, visible just through a break in the wood, a brown and white-speckled spectre crashing through the hinterland, startled by my feet, by my breath-

the breeze is stronger now, and made anxious by the din my pace quickens. memories stream by faster, woken up by the filtered moonlight, pulled out from abeyance. leaves drifting upon a whirling river, clouds being ripped into a storm.

it is morning-time, and I walk
the sky is deepening, though the moon is descending
too much has happened, too much has passed into yore
I remember just enough, and it is mourning-time
Oct 2018 · 206
Andie Oct 2018
light       refracts     into
your       cold          shining
Encased in             our
most       desired   compound
a              rainbow ripples
across     the          crystal
fists         bounce   and
words     are          formed,
but           I              cannot
through  your       love
and         mine
Everyone is in a prison; some prisons are different than others
Sep 2018 · 362
Good bye
Andie Sep 2018
lifting my eyes to the sky I see the
crescent moon
illuminating, enlightening, cool
she is all of this - but not tonight
the sky is too dark, she is too weak, you are too far away from me
for any of it to matter
Love can strike us in an instant
and we can take a lifetime to understand it.
just as her eyes strike my retinae
just as your visage strike my face
just as you struck me
but she will always spin, orbiting around me,
until the pull of gravity cannot hold her anymore
just as you have already left
Sep 2018 · 258
Andie Sep 2018
Sep 2018 · 206
Temporal Displacement
Andie Sep 2018
It sits at the base of the stairs
that lead to the attic;
It sits on the landing floor just
before the basement door;
It rests in a liminal space.

Big, person-sized, it fills the end of the hall
way in the very back.
Carved by an entrepreneur de pompes funèbres with
a knack for carpentry and a deep
undying love for her husband.

Glass inlaid reveals the gears
within, once plated in bronze
but now with only a dull luster.
They haven't been treated gently
by that which they keep.

Two massive pendula swing
back and forth, back and forth, alternating
currents, propelled by springs
set in motion long before
Louis XIV lost to William III

The children like to sit and
watch the hands spin with the
pendula "tick" "tock" "tick"
as the face and hands are a
mottled bronze to match.

During Black Mass it's best not to
watch though. For sometimes a smell
emanates from the spaces between
the gears, "kcit" "kcot" "kcit" si
lla uoy raeh, dna emit seog
When will it be Halloween?
Sep 2018 · 163
An 18th
Andie Sep 2018
our moon circles about the earth
our earth circles about the sun
and yet I don't feel like I'm spinning

My head is clear, my eyes are closed, my heart is
open and I am alive

The past is over and the future is far away and
here we are now; Living
breathing, an existence

absolute in its simplicity enigmatic in its complexity

my life's ephemera flashes before me as I stand in the same
realm I did last year, the same position in the void of space
calls to me

and as I sit, wafts of the Darjeeling mixing with bubbles of music, June, I know that I am happy. I know I am ready
Sep 2018 · 191
Sunday, September 9th, 2018
Andie Sep 2018
strawberry milk tea
doesn't mix well with coffee
"oh, you taste sweet!"
older and younger meltaway
as the sun decides it's the end of the day
but there wasn't a lot
                of usable flesh
Sep 2018 · 216
the Thrill of it All
Andie Sep 2018
New Faces spin around my head, up and down
sharp jawlines, chiseled bodies, lips stained with fresh blood
a new one
long hair and soft curves, feel a ghostly hot breathe and you know
here we are, spinning around together, orbiting, vibrating
an old one
but a new one is all we need to forget an old one
ye olde stars always die, though not before we've found a new one
that's why the implosion hurts a little bit less
Sep 2018 · 349
Love Song Solace
Andie Sep 2018
and spaces between us
you've come to show you'll go on
I'll show you
that I will too


From loving you came sunshine
and I lost my senses
rimmed in grey
we said we'd stay


I'll be late; don't worry I'm coming!
fingers flying vehicles veeringfatecolliding
what  are  you  talking  about?


Never-mind, I draw the line
and fall like a teenager
[self destruct] and show up
like, and idiot

I don't need a dozen roses, you ain't gotta wine and dine me
just get all emotional, I wanna see you looking up

sensation overwhelms me
but this time it's not your touch
and in my black-tinged vision
I don't see you
Aug 2018 · 490
Andie Aug 2018
the only thing we have in common, as spaces bends us apart
is the passage of time and the bruises we exchanged
space - yours fly by, reshaping your reality
           - mine sits frozen, allowing 985 to build a divide
           -  and bruises heal, as memories change and fade with our
              common passage of time
if all i am is a faint smile between your lips
                            im happy
Jun 2018 · 357
Andie Jun 2018
rose petals dance in the springtime breeze
azure skies above, dotted with faint grey clouds
and if you listen too close,
you'll hear the huum of the bees

wind in my hair, sun kissing my face
I glace to the left and see your body all strewn out
smiles flicker, eyes alight, you're my first place

and as the sands fall and time slips away
we pull each other close and embrace for the day

I hold your eyes with mine,
you hold my heart with yours;
we can become one
behind closed doors
for him
Jun 2018 · 212
Love Laws
Andie Jun 2018
The Love Laws* dictate

     (a) who can be loved by whom
     (b) and  how much

but they also say

     (c) when you hurt people, they
           can love you a little less
     (d) sometimes you will be
           torn between love and duty -
           it may help to make a list

*does not apply to the veshya,
  nor the God of Small Things
           - Chakcopappychachen Peter Mon
But Chakco is an abusive misogynist
May 2018 · 350
Andie May 2018
mirror    my face where I left it

leaves blowing into a sentence

******* on the line

in the doll's
news clippings

in the heat
admiring the shade in the blouse

face wrapping a champagne glass

a moment in the box of jade

in the temple

touching the ashes of my father

day darkens    in the shell

a fin
grazing on restless stars

the priest
                   his shadow caught
            on the nail

                JANUARY FIRST
      the fingers of the ******* cold

       i end in shadow
By Bob Boldman
May 2018 · 350
Andie May 2018
Jade smoke drifting through
a heartbeat's ash descends upon the temple
and incense drowns out their murmurings

the cardinal's shadow nailed to the cross
now only a mocking bird's song can be heard
beneath the embossed covert

worshipers' nooses of jewels hang heavy and low
sermons spill downwards like thick honey
drops of golden truth clog up eager ears

black lace shifts with the breeze from the window
and the birds’ song passes around the listeners
full of clandestine truths, it’s time to convert

emeralds, rubies, diamonds, all covered in golden jade
and in another beat are surrendered
to the temptress
May 2018 · 219
A love
Andie May 2018
a dozen red roses
the box lightly stained
by spring rain
A Haiku by Geri Barton
May 2018 · 325
per lui
Andie May 2018
i tuoi occhi marroni svolazzano
e dico piove le rose
le nostre labbre sfiorano insieme
e i nostri cuori battono contemporaneamente
le rose hanno le spine, mai io te **
le rose bruciano, siamo in fiamme
ti amo da morire, fino ad allora, sei mio
il titulo dice tutto
May 2018 · 184
A Crucifix
Andie May 2018
here we hang, specters in the wind
nails in our wrists, crowned king
our necklace of rope binds us to the sky
feet dangling, blood dripping, all down
we hang crucified
our blood rusts the nails
drops of blood work harder than
we fall every day
~originally in spanish~
May 2018 · 169
Un Crucifijio
Andie May 2018
aquí nos ahorcamos, espectros en el viento
tornillos en nuestras muñecas, coronados reyes
nuestra collar de cuerda nos ata al cielo
pies colgando, sangre goteando, todo abajo
nosotros colgamos crucificados
nuestra sangre oxida los tornillos
gotas de sangre trabajan más duro que
caemos todos los días
May 2018 · 352
this is America
Andie May 2018
a black man in the Confederacy; loving consumerism or forced into this physical *******?
Jim Crow poses, contorts, smiles, shoots; a gun on the red carpet;
Calvin the Second or Tracy Martin?
Does it matter? Dance gwara dance gwara, watch the foreground and
never the back the dance is to distract the killing is back
shooting money, that dance is funny, now it's time to pray
Charleston, South Carolina, June 17, 2015, a gun on the red carpet as the human rights take backstage;
race riots ignite, days later we give up the fight
don't Stop to look Up for fallIng objeCts, Is the DancE to defend or distract? Smile, you're on camera
Flames to the left, and the apocalypse passes behind it all, unnoticed,
rise up and forget
broken lemons abound, liberty takes a seat now, and the drivers are nowhere to be found, keep dancing now
Watch from this sunken place, run from the devil, you know it's a race
An exploration into Childish Gambino's "This is America"
To be read while watching the Official Music Video
Link here:
May 2018 · 294
Our Magnetysm
Andie May 2018
She is the most powerful force in the universe
holding the great beings in place, Zeus and
Cronos, Aries and Hermes
She keeps them spinning, orbiting our sun,
che holds them together, even her most volatile
child remains due to her loving embrace
A simple force beats her every time
two insignificant chips of metal
will remain united over gravity every time
what happens when their magnetism
remains the same, but their gravities
pull them a p a r t ?
May 2018 · 549
Preemptive Nostalgia
Andie May 2018
cool breeze
Autumn's cloak
through the trees
softly, I spoke

"The only difference between us is
you're too scared to say you love me,
and I'm too scared not to say I love you"

a moon bright
birds twinkling above
stars sing in the night
my song of love

"Lay your head on my chest,
let it fall with my breath. Each rise
is a truth, each fall brings the next"

the fire slowly dies
and the darkness closes in
who could forget all our highs?
who could forget where we've been?

"I'll never see you again,
so maybe it's fine, that you've
succumb to your fears,
and I've beaten mine"

and as seasons drift away
and our time turns frail
all I've left to say
comes in one final exhale
for him
Apr 2018 · 1.7k
Floating Again
Andie Apr 2018
The piano resounds, flooding us over with the mood
Counting headlights on the highway, take me away
It's a moon eclipsed, and my newfound flame, I guess you're lucky
that it's dark now
Sometimes this has a hot sweet taste;your breath’s hot and gross, but I kiss you like a lover. We're dancing in a world alone - if I unchain my soul, you can never let me go
I sink into you like water, be gentle with me have patience with me
we sink like a stone in your honey ~ just beware the bees
Heaven is in your eyes, and you hold me hard in the white light
We love like star-crossed lovers, with blind eyes, and when you call me beautiful all four flash with joy
Call it what you want, but we both know that everything is eventual
I'd like it if you stayed, but is it better to speak or die?
Welch, McLaughlin, Yelich-O'Conner, Lucas, Brasington, Aciman
we bloom
Andie Apr 2018
From between hewn peaks, a far-off moon
emerges at the edge of my brushwood gate.

Ten thousand trees sharing its clear skies
as shadows blur toward the heart of night,

its radiance offers emptiness white images
and its ch'i invests wind with ice-cold dew.

The valley's silent. Autumn streams echo.
Deep among cliffwalls, scraps of azure haze

linger. Crystal pure, it enters isolate dream,
opening shadows, embracing empty peaks,

then I wake at my ch'in window confused:
pine creek at dawn, not a thought anywhere.
**** Wei; translated by David Hinton
My favorite poem
Apr 2018 · 173
Andie Apr 2018
carmine petals dance in the wind
the fruit is soon to follow
this winter is colder than we thought
careful, the frost has been known
to ignite the inflammable
to the end
Part Three
Apr 2018 · 181
The Apple Grows
Andie Apr 2018
Kyanized hearts
lusting after tomorrow
maybe these fragmentations,
needing no more than vasopressin,
operate on one simple concept

please keep growing, bigger and fuller
querulous voices expressing their dissent
ridiculous, every last one of them
still, the tree knows, and
tormented, she laments
Part Two
Apr 2018 · 223
For the Apple of My Eye
Andie Apr 2018
An apple tree bending under the weight  of its fruit
a breeze strong enough to shake the leaves from their branches, but
caring for naught more than their children
downwards they bend, twisting in their descension, until the very top ends of the tree have come to rest on the warm earth;
filled with love from their parents - the sun, the earth, and the tree,
they grow, they swell, almost to the point of bursting,
they have no choice but to grow
I think it's determination that pulls us through when you beg,
"just one more chance" my fruit
Part One
Andie Mar 2018
within us lies something so resplendent that it appears
void, an endless nihility, from which your singularity is grown

We all know the trope of nothing becoming something, a crane lamenting to the orbs above, flowers opening with the fall.
You've seen the time lapses, you know the spin around us. Yet nothing could be farther from our reality. We weren't built to be nothing, we weren't built from nothing. Lachesis draws for us, but her luck is strong. There isn't reason to believe otherwise.

Enveloping our corporeal flesh, resolving away our dissolve, filling us up from the outside and pooling into the hollows of our eyelids, we forget to find wisdom in emptiness
Lost inside the flow of time, hands outstretched, fingers melting through our friends, our parents, our lovers, the human population revolves around revolutions, anchored in place by only the weakest force in the universe
Held down by the stuff that composes planets, moons, stars, all pointless to us

The only thing that matters lays at our feet, trod upon day and night, it lays in our chests, wrenched from our chests, lays at our feet, and is trampled.
I started this February 7th
And it was a gift for him
But now it can't be
Because it tastes wrong
Mar 2018 · 233
Untitled No. 1
Andie Mar 2018
I want to feel you
taste your breath
absorb your skin
into mine
where is our connection                                                                               ?
do I love you
do you love I
let's not let the ink run
the brush dry
or the piano
fall to neglect
Feb 2018 · 508
Andie Feb 2018
If a poet and a photographer fall for each other,
do they make art or love?
A wordsmith in opposition with reality, submerging into the abstractions of thought and emotion, time and space; smashing into a chronometer, yet more, one who freezes time and space, thought and emotion, in one glimmer worth more than anything discernable. What do they make together?
And a dancer and a pianist?
That’s even more disparate than the prior!
Broken bodies contorting within every imaginable plane, expressing hidden universal truths kept deep within their fluid forms. Warped feet or warped hands. Once the creator, now reduced to used. An ivory river sparkled with ebony, with which splashes and ripples could rip the hearts of men, fallen to nothing.
In the grey folds of the mind, we find worse and worse combinations, abnormalities shaping from shattered thoughts and twisted fantasies: a girl and a girl, a boy and a boy, two humans bound by the things they love. One of the infinite being the other. Impossible
for him
Jan 2018 · 435
For Vanilla
Andie Jan 2018
I love when he threads
the tips of his fingers
in mine, drops his head,
leans into me, draped
over my shoulders

I love when his feet
lay on mine, hidden
under the table, yet
emitting energy in motion

I love when his lips
press shut, pursed to
hit, and fall on
my collarbones, finally
shocking the air from
my lungs

I love when my pen
scrawls over the page,
leaving the trails of
ink behind, depicting
from Huntress
Jan 2018 · 293
Micropoem No. 1
Andie Jan 2018
I  am  the  space
your    shut
     like            fingers
but seeing
First attempt
Jan 2018 · 657
I Don't See Why
Andie Jan 2018
Serenity slinks
through the rafters.
Dripping between us
we float on memories
get drunk off rosepetals
eyes outlined in blak
and fases framed in kolor
shining within spesifik angles.
Smiling, your hands
karess my liberated heart
and split it in two;
but we're just sharing a bit of fruit
and when it dribbles - just a little-
down your lips
I know that I will miss you
I don't "c" why
Haha there are no C's
I'm so funny
Jan 2018 · 464
Andie Jan 2018
Marveling at your sun kissed skin
that where the sun stops
I will start
So I try not to write **** but here we are?
Jan 2018 · 326
Forth and Back
Andie Jan 2018
lean into the wind they say
balance on the ***** of your upturned feet
shut your eyes and away the breeze will take you
falling is a floccinaucinihilipilification
yet when you hit the ground
it's so much more
Back and Forth
Jan 2018 · 346
Earthen Gods
Andie Jan 2018
Awash with laughter
Yes - I’ve been drinking Irony
But it’so amusing
I can’t stop! We
Blow him up and compare
him to The devil
and cloak him in night’s wings
The reality is he’s just not!
So small; so pink; so moist and wet!
the Harbinger is not more
than just a worm

working the soil
inches from life
Jan 2018 · 396
F. I. W. O.
Andie Jan 2018
just imagine
seeing the water jettison into the sky,
the spray bursting off clouds
mist glistening through air as colors drip between droplets
the base of the water-rise acting in place of the precipice of a water-fall
just before liquid jewels ascend towards the empyreal
and separate into a thousand small gems, each with their own color, their own purpose
to the surrounding Vleiroos at the summit

But We don't rely on water
we grow and bend and ebb and flow with the water rising past us
But we cannot rely upon it
it does not char and burn, nor crackle and conflagrate like our lover does
he is the one who burns us up and blows us apart and turns us from ashes to dust to doxy and expiry all through accouchement

blessed be the fruit
of the vleiroos in the winter
and blessed be the water
given to the vleiroos in spring
and blessed be the fire
that carries the vleiroos through pullulation
Why be my water-rise when you could be my flames?
Jan 2018 · 513
some call it Love
Andie Jan 2018
Black and White your paint pours from your tongue
And my lips could never go past yours
because I drink the colors
that would shatter you
like rain
through the bow
For Him
Dec 2017 · 225
Good Morning
Andie Dec 2017
The morning mist coils about my feet as
the leash tugs us forward, drawn by
four little paws, two droopy ears, and a
permanently flickering tail. A most magnificent
sunrise was beginning to blossom across the
heavenly firmament. Rosy smoke spreading
red and gold through the air, when the
orb falls. Not a slow descent, but a collapse.
Light is ripped from my corneæa, a
whimper educed from the purple
ink in front of us and the leash
lies flat, empty. Clutching my arm, her
fear pours into me, stronger than the surrounding
bleak and black. And she too is gone, following the splintering
of wood and rock as the surround blows
away from me.
I cannot feel it anymore. The constant pull.
I believe it to be
once called
because I am free now
I am good morning
Nov 2017 · 266
Feet on Knives
Andie Nov 2017
A lace wrapping, a soft shoe, fit snug around her rosy toes
Softer than voile, the ribbons snake up her legs, bowed around
her ankles
Cool metal presses against the calfskin coverings
bolted in place, digging deep into the music

A perfect fouetté, and another, and another, and another, twenty-eight
more to go and she's still turning high above the earth, fourteen inches in the air, suspended only by the glistening steel beneath.

The ruffles fly out around her, arms loosely above, hair tight, toes
broken and strong
En pointe, a pinnacle achievement for those in the discipline, yet these points remain out of reach for most
as they dig deep
into the piano while she pirouettes en dehors right before the scarlet
Nov 2017 · 389
You and I
Andie Nov 2017
Our first synthesis
And our first breath
adenosine diphosphate phosphorylated with an inorganic phosphorus
Growing into something beautiful
primordiums breaking from the shoot apical meristem
You were from one, and I was built of two
of the cotyledon difference
I watched as your skin peeled into the wind
as the sempervirens battles the deciduos
And your beauty withered away as well
Angi never surpassed Gymn
And there we stood
never before so different
And yet never the same
Nov 2017 · 200
Andie Nov 2017
why should I allow myself to drown
for someone who wouldn't look in my direction?
it's time now, to go, to leave, and finally
to fly
Nov 2017 · 219
Andie Nov 2017
At first. We smiled. We laughed. Synchronically.
We danced together, went out for lunch,
played little games to chase away the chills.

The pink lights shimmered down upon us.
You were so beautiful then, and remain so now.
But look at yourself. Look around.

Whose arm encompasses your side? Whose
arm mine? It's not mine. It's not yours.
You've left, I've left, and our
moon lies bleeding
lungs filling with water
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
Andie Nov 2017
What would happen
if a little
dripped upon
the bird reborn from fire?

Would it sizzle and smoke an die
or would it turn ashen grey soot
or fill the air with a haze
or melt?

You wanted to find out
so you rained
just a little
on me

and here
I lie melting again
reborn still
What if?
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