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Diary of Jane Nov 2017
All seemed to have ended that day
But somehow the sun rose the next morning
And everything went on as yesterday.

Years have passed
between then and now.
Life went on.
With or without you.

The pain I felt that day
is no longer there
I don't scream in the nocturnal hours
or gasp for air as if I cannot breathe
I don't clutch my heart in sorrow
or pray to find the light at the end of the tunnel.

It's all a memory now
from another lifetime.

I have accomplished the impossible
and learned to live without you.
It was as if learning to take the first step
without stumbling or falling over.

I can live without you.
I can laugh without you.
I can love without you.
But I still carry my hell
of the life I couldn't live with you.
Diary of Jane Jan 2018
Every time someone asks me, "do you still like him?", I can't help but realize  just how trival the word "like" is.
What I feel for him cannot be encompassed in those four alphabets. I  cannot call it "love" either, cause it feels much deeper, much sacred than any other love I have ever felt before.
All I can say is that I care for him, and perhaps I always will even if we were not in each other's lives.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
You see her laughter,
The sparkle in her eyes,
Full of mirth and life,
You haven't
Seen her tears,
Clutching at darkness,
At her lowest,
In the silence of the night
And swallowing
A thousand more screams inside.
You see her gentleness
In a world full of indifference,
You haven't seen her grieving,
Clawing at her bruised heart,
Demons battling in her head
And monsters reigning in her heart
As all hopes turned to dust.
You see her whole,
But you don't see
The scars in her soul
Where light enters
And makes her shine
Like a Phoenix
Reborn from the ashes.
Like a thief,
It sneaks upon you
Even on your good days.
Happy days,
Full of laughter & sunshine,
When nothing feels wrong
And everything feels right.
And you think you have moved on,
You're over it.
And just like that
It pulls you back,
Pulls you under,
Like nothing else matters,
And you'll always be stuck
In this black hole called grief.
Diary of Jane Sep 2019
At least I don't have to see you with her everyday now.

I don't get to see you either, anymore.
Diary of Jane Jul 2023
When I was young
I was naive and foolish
I used to chase after love
in all the wrong places,
in all the wrong people.

Now that I am older
I am not sure if I am any wiser
But my heart no longer desires love
It only yearns for peace.
Diary of Jane Jan 2018
Do you think that all the love stories that remain incomplete, all the feelings that remain unresolved and unspoken, all the love that this universe never allows to come alive, do they escape somewhere else?

Away from this universe, may be there is a universe where they are not so forlorn or unrequited. May be they do have a place where they can breathe free, soar high, love to their hearts' content and find their fulfillment.
This was inspired by Lang Leav's Sad Girls and my obsession with parallel worlds
Someone once told me
That I like to
Indulge in sadness.
I had laughed
at the ridiculousness of the idea,
But now I am starting to think
Perhaps he wasn't so wrong -
I seem to have a tendency
To go out and seek pain
When there isn't one in my life
Because I get bored with happiness.
Diary of Jane Apr 12
She was the kind of girl
Who believed in
Fairytales, one true loves,
And happily ever afters.
But life had other plans for her.
Her rose-coloured lens were no more,
Nor was she ever destined
To get her own happily ever after.
And so she fell in love
With heartbreak instead.
Diary of Jane Jan 2018
I used to think
you were a miracle.
Now I know.
even a curse
can disguise itself.
"people come into your life either as a blessing or a lesson."
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
She stopped missing him a long time back,
but she couldn't get over mourning the girl she was.
Some people will come into your life and alter you completely.
Diary of Jane Aug 2017
the light
to my dark
the sun
to my moon
the exception
to all my rules

the miracle
I never expected from life.
This world has never been
My wish granting factory
Not even once
I wonder about those people
Who are privileged enough
To get whatever they want in life
Without even praying for it once.
Diary of Jane Jan 2018
You have been down this road before
You know it like the back of your hand,
Nothing new waits here for you-
Every stone, every corner is just the same,
Yet you keep coming back to this path,
As if it has changed
and it's now spring instead of winter.
It's still winter here
And all the leaves are still dead.
So go back where you came from,
Cause there is nothing for you,
except the cold winter and dead leaves.
May be life gives us the same story, the same pain over and over again until we have learned the lesson it was meant to taught us. Or may be some of us are just fools destined to repeat history.
Diary of Jane Mar 10
Now I know
How to live without you,
How not to look for you
Even in my dreams,
Or mistake a stranger
On the streets for you.

Now I know
How to hold myself back
And not reach out to you,
Even when my heart is screaming for you.

Now I know
Just how to be fine
Without you.
You don't really miss the past,
You miss the oblivion -
When you used to see
The world through rose-tinted glass,
And not know how
Callous and indifferent it actually is,
Before pain found a way into your heart
And never left,
Before you had your first taste of grief
And knew the price of love is too much,
And some scars are forever
And time doesn't do **** to heal.
You don't miss the past
But just its oblivion.
Diary of Jane Oct 2018
they say,
as long as there is life
there is hope
can you spend your whole life
simply hoping?
maybe some things are just not meant to be
it is better to let those hopes turn to dust
before you do.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
When a hope dies, maybe somewhere out there a universe dies too, cause the world you imagined will never get to be, and of course, it's going to hurt a lot. But that's okay. Because some things are better in fantasies than reality.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
If wishes had the power
to manifest
then you would be mine
in every lifetime
in every timeline
in every universe.
but alas,
wishes are
a dime a dozen
and the world is not
a wish granting factory.
Diary of Jane Sep 2023
Do you ever wonder
What happens to the dreams that do not come true,
The desires that remain unfulfilled
In this finite life
Even though you poured your heart and soul
To make them yours?
It is best to accept
Somethings just aren't meant to be and move on.
Or may be somewhere out there
There are countless other universes,
Where there exists a different version of ourselves,
Where those dreams didn't die
Nor those wishes remained unfulfilled.
May be it is just all in my head
But I find comfort
In this idea of parallel universes.
You were ordinary,
Flawed, & imperfect.
I loved you,
Made a god out of you,
That was my sin,
And this grief
Is my penance.
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
"People always leave." - Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill

And sometimes they take you with them too.

The worst kind of people you can lose are the ones losing whom seems like losing yourself too.
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
we live
under the same sky
we look at the same sky
yet we look at it
so very differently-
you might look at a cloud
and see an elephant's trunk
while I look at the same cloud
and see a little boy flying a kite.
Diary of Jane Dec 2017
Some days
it takes a lot,
all of me
to filter out your thoughts
from my head,
to erase your footprints
from my mind.

Some days
it is as easy as pie
to separate you and I
as if we were nothing
more than strangers
passing through each other's lives.
Diary of Jane Jul 2018
Is breaking your own heart
to protect someone else's.
Diary of Jane Feb 2019
Over and over
I feel this sadness
settle in my heart
as if it were a permanent home
to a bird that refuses to leave its nest.
Diary of Jane Oct 2023
I still get the self-destructive urges
To reconnect with people
Who have walked away from me
In some unknown, inexplicable, wild hope
That they will be able to give back to me
The pieces of me they have taken with them,
Not realizing that not all things lost - are a loss.
It was the most selfish kind of love
She ever felt-
The kind that made her forget
The line between right and wrong.
The kind where she wouldn't hesitate
To burn the whole world
If it meant she gets to be with him.
The kind where she didn't care
For anything or anyone else.
And it took her ages to learn
That what she felt for him was
Toxic, madness, obsession, unhealthy-
That it was anything -
But love.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
I no longer fall for words
I don't even trust actions
What I see is your consistency.

I no longer am the gullible young girl
Who would fall for excuses
I only care for and appreciate your efforts.

I may be a giver
But no longer a fool
To serve only those
Who knows to take.

I know my self-worth.
And will leave without any drama,
When I find your words are
Nothing but empty promises.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
Not trying to want you
is like trying to forget
a song you have loved
your whole life
or leave a place
that has always
felt like home.

Not trying to love you
is like asking my heart
to stop beating
or erase the best parts
of my life.
Diary of Jane Jun 2017
I wanted to write
So here you go...
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
Sometimes I see
People who no longer write,
I hope
They have healed,
Moved on,
And found some kind of closure,
Cause I think
Only the broken ones
Bleed poetry.
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
Spring is
You and I
are together.
Today is the first day of spring where I live.
Diary of Jane Jul 2019
You and I
A story unknown to the world
But felt by the universe
Every time we were together.

You and I
A love lost
But still alive somewhere
In the corner of our hearts.

You and I
Two roads that run side by side
But never meet.

You and I
Two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
That never fit.

You and I
A secret buried deep in our hearts
That will never be revealed.

You and I
A blurry memory in our minds
That will perhaps one day be forgotten with time.

You and I
Two lost souls
That yearned for each other
But never found a way to one another.

You and I
A story that was never written in the stars
But still burned the brightest in our lives.
Sometimes, love doesn't conquer all.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
And when the outcome
You hoped against
But somehow knew
Would come to pass
Still comes true,
This fragile heart
Still breaks,
Still shatters,
Still crashes and burns...
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
The mess you left behind
Years ago
I am still trying
To sort it out.
The pieces you left behind
I am still trying
To put them back together.

You will never know
What I became
Because of you.
The aftermath of your destruction
Never seems to
Leave me alone.
Diary of Jane Nov 2017
A lone stray ember
I cannot rekindle
But no matter
how hard I stomp on it
refuses to be put out.
Stubbornly, obstinately
it keeps on glowing.
Diary of Jane Jul 2018
So tired
of living
in a concrete jungle
Filled with too many people
who are nothing
but strangers.
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
I feel drawn
Towards you
Without wanting to.

In a world
Full of chaos,
You are the only "sukoon"
My heart has ever known.

Ps. Sukoon is an urdu word meaning peace
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
You are always so afraid to let go
Because you always invest too much
in every little thing you do
You don't know any other way
So you are constantly afraid
of the sunken fallacy-
what if you give up oranges for apples
and find out you liked oranges better?
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
My heart survived you,
Now, it can survive
All the storms
All the apocalypses in this world,
It knows this much.
But it is still not invincible.
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
So many words
swirl in my mind,
one jumping ahead of the other,
before I can grasp them
and make any sense.
They are always in a hurry it seems,
brewing up a storm,
and trying to find reason or rhyme in them
is a futile endeavor.
Let them dance,
cause a cacophony-
they only want your attention,
don't pay any heed to them-
they will only distract
and befuddle you.
You are supposed to be here
not in the chaos of words in your head.
This is dedicated to all the overthinkers in the world.
It's not the timing
It's not the distance
It's not the circumstances
But just the fault in our stars
That two hearts do not beat
The same way for each other
No matter how much you wish.
The stars never align for some of us.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
She saw something broken,
She had this violent desire
In her heart
To reach out
And fix it,
Even if it meant
Cutting and bleeding herself.
Maybe someday she will learn
You cannot fix what's broken
And leave it as it is,
Or maybe
She will always be the giver.
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
Do you know what it feels like?
To have the earth removed
from beneath your feet?
To have the entire sky
fall apart on you?
To have the world stop existing
and you are just hanging barely
by a thread to absolute nothingness?

That is what it felt like
the moment you mentioned
of her existence.

It was like -
the whole world became
a mighty stranger
and it was never
the same way as before.
Diary of Jane Jun 2017
I don’t know
what to do with this new-found grief-
the one I thought I was over and done with.

I am trying to shove it deep inside me
so no one can know of its existence
but I also know from experience
you can’t run or hide from grief.

The only way to get through it-
is to embrace it.
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
The universe doesn't care
How many tears you shed
How hard you pray or love
The universe doesn't care
Your pain is yours alone.
No one else feels it.
No one else heals it.
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
This too shall pass
You have just got to hang on
and get through this.
No matter how hard it rains today
The years of sun will come again.
Even if it feels like it won't stop,
That the rain will drown the whole world
The sun will come out
And you will be fine
You will be okay
Even if you cannot imagine that right now
Because of all the dark spells in your life,
Just believe that, okay?
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
I had this epiphany today-
Toxicity still flows in my veins,
I inherited it from you.
I didn't think I still had it in me -
But I still search for you,
Unknowingly, unintentionally
In everyone I meet,
Whether in physical resemblance
Or emotional negligence.
I seem to be unable to break free
Of this vicious cycle.
It is true
No one will ever break me
The way you did,
But still
I would rather not repeat history.
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
I never thought
I'd ever die
This way again
Watching someone
Who isn't you
Love another one.
I never thought
Love could **** me.
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