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Bhill May 2020
2020 is a puzzle of a year
the earth’s redistribution of circumstances
beyond crazy political activity
lies expressed in so, so many manners
science was told to be productive
mankind was pushed to uncommon practices
2020 will have a special place in history...
The puzzle will have pieces in place one day

Brian Hill - 2020 # 133
Bhill Jul 2020
celebrate today and remember what’s been going on
we, as a nation, have been put to a test
we have failed that test in many ways
we are divided and bewildered on issues that matter
issues that should have and could have been easier
TODAY forget the division and remember WHO WE REALLY ARE
happy 4th of July everyone.
bless this great country and may we return back to the real,

Brian Hill - 2020 # 182
Bhill Oct 2020
laying in bed waiting, just waiting for 5:55
dawn has arrived
5:55 AM is a reminder that a fresh new day is here
arrived with a gentle call to stretch and welcome its newness
listen to the sound of coffee grinding and brewing into your cup
gaze at the morning stars that have been above for eons
smell the chilled dawn air as you just breath
take a moment, throw your arms up and out into a large welcoming stretch
and then
noise from morning traffic on Center Street shakes your mood
you're awake....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 290
Bhill Mar 2020
and the rains came and bathed the earth
bathed all of it
taking away all of the past
giving it a chance to compose a new story
a new message for everyone

what story can she write for you

take your time and really think this through
you have a chance to make a new view
you ask yourself time and time again
if you had a new chance how would you begin
would you start at birth and change your old soul
or start right now and have better control
it's up to you and only you
it's hard I know but what do you do???

Brian Hill - 2020 # 80
We could all use another chance...
Bhill Jan 2020
Now is the time to act out
Secrets among our reality will not be left alone
False attempts continue to bring itself into our lives daily
Now is the time to act out....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 16
It’s time to act...
Bhill Apr 2019
The desert has decided, to take away my mind
It is giving back some memories, that are the beautiful kind

It hard to understand, if you're are living somewhere else
The heat, the rocks, and the cactus, all can give you welts

Let's take each one and look, just how this love arrived
The heat, the rocks, and the cactus, certainly aren't deprived

The heat is hot, but the skies are clear, which makes for an awesome day
The rocks are red and beautiful, and that takes your breath away

The Cactus, of which there are many, and flowering is quite the sight
All together, they make up the desert, and all together they're a glorious delight

Why, oh why, did we move here, I used to have no clue
Now I know, and I understand, we came here for the view....

Brian Hill - 2019#103
Inspired by the desert, AGAIN...!
Living in Ivins Utah has brought out some creative writing that I never really experienced before.
Please join me in my mad, crazy writings, as I embrace this red rock place...!
Bhill Apr 2020
the suddenness of the onslaught brought on the confusion
how could it not
things changed without the warnings we were promised
the orange fog settled in among and around all things
all things
all things meaningful or frivolous
all things....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 94
Soon the fog will free us.  Learn all you can.
Bhill Aug 2020
who belonged to this heart
beating all alone
alone in the middle of a crowd
was it a he or she
how can you tell when striped of all protection
all coverings gone and naked among the masses
we can tell that this heart is alone
invite the heart to join in and welcome its independence
we all need
we all need to belong

Brian Hill - 2020 # 229
Bhill Jul 2019
You do have a choice, to make it your own
Do what you choose, you won't be alone
What do you think, when you think that you can
Is your thought, too hard, Or do you do it as planned
I say just do it, Don't be afraid
The fact that you did, could it leave you amazed?

Brian Hill - 2019 # 171
This is a rewrite from a poem I did a year ago...
Bhill Apr 2019
You are trapped inside yourself
Your world is another perspective
Is your outer self your inner self
Is your inner self your outer self
Where do you find the truth
Am I myself
Is there a truth
some CRAZY worlds
Leave it alone
Be prepared for
Truth of the truth


Brian Hill - 2019#100
Watch the movie Tully with Charlize Theron
You will get this...
Bhill Apr 2020
Sitting in the midst of natural blessings in waiting
Waiting for the sun to bid farewell to the present day
A day spent in search of reasons
A day needing the kind of conclusion filled with beauty
Magnificence only nature can achieve
Preparing the answers that have been elusive
And then it happens
Glowing with mad eruptions of itself
Rays of emotions bursting out to share their message
Trying to explain what cannot be understood
The vision remains only seconds, the emotion will be forever
And then.... twilight arrived

Brian Hill - 2020 # 103
Always take time to see, hear, and appreciate natures beauty.
Bhill Mar 2019
Can you see it yet
Here it comes
It's coming up slowly
The sun is on its way
The sun has begun its slow rise
Its rise over the horizon
Over the horizon to reveal many fingers of light
Fingers reaching out
Highlighting the peaks on the opposite side
Reaching out to begin a new day
To touch each of us with it glorious newness
A day as new and fresh as any before
Have a fresh and new day....

Brian Hill - 2019#77
Mornings inspire me...
Mornings are a true inspiration for me...
Have some fresh new sun fingers today!
Bhill Apr 2020
the answers are not ready to be heard
questions from the ancients are still spinning
twisting, turning, swirling and churning
drifting in and out of the minds that maintain the stamina
having substantial durability throughout timeless echos
stories, of the stories, passed on with no conclusions
the answers are not ready to be heard
not yet

Brian Hill - 2020 # 104
Wait for the answers...
Bhill Mar 2019
How do you if
How do you when
What you are your thoughts
Are they right
Are they wrong
Who’s opinion is it
Are they right
Are they wrong
This is a problem
This problem powers
It powers mankind
Knowing different views
Different viewpoints can help
Different viewpoints can help us
It can help us not be blind
Being blind is MANKIND....

Brian Hill - 2019#78
Inspired by the news of the world!
Today’s world is so filled with vast amounts of opinions..
Who is right?
Bhill Dec 2019
Are you being the best @
Life - a continuous road
Play - finding euphoria
Work - the element we use to maintain
Learning - gaining data to get ahead
Love - finding the emotional partner
Sharing - can't do it alone
Be the best.....
Yoda said, there is no try...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 306
Just asking...
Bhill Jun 2019
There is a monster in the house waking up, the rising sun
It’s terrorizing everyone by shouting get your gun

What caused this crazy commotion and why is it today
The guns not real the monster is me, and I’m shouting to get my way

Sometimes you have to be, a monster like this, of sorts
You bang around, make lots of noise, resulting in some snorts

Most of the time, it doesn't last long, and you go about your day
You've spouted, pouted and shouted, oh what a pretty display...  NOT

Brian Hill - 2019#136
I'm not mad, I just wrote it that way...
Sometimes you just want to write in the mad format...  :)
Bhill Mar 2019
Did you take the time to really ask?
What is the reason?
Why did it get done that way?
Where did it disappear to?
How long will it take?
What color?
Why are you going?
Where was it hidden?
Who was there?
How is that even true?
Why are you leaving?
Where will you go?
Who knows?
How did we get here?
What, Why, Where, Who, How?
Ask, Ask, Ask and figure it out!!!

Brian Hill - 2019#54
Inspired by the ?
I have found that you can get as far and receive a whole lot of info by just asking...
Bhill Feb 2020
Hey, we take naps to
I am so comfortable
How can I help you

Brian Hill - 2020 # 39
Bhill Aug 2019
I watched from the background
The very existence of such a powerful being was overwhelming
What was your secret
What did you process that others did not
What happened to allow your evolution
Those enormous accomplishments stunned the heavens
Created a space so improved, perfected and large
Wow is all I got left...

Wait, where are we
Have we reached our destination or are we at the fringe

Brian Hill - 2019 # 222
I've been watching too many space shows...
Bhill Feb 2019
Today's Haiku

Early morning walks,
Wake up the soul of the world.
Has yours awoken?

Brian Hill - 2019 February
I walk my dog every morning and witness dawn waking up.  It is very inspiring.
Bhill May 2020
awaken and feel life
life means experience
experiences materialize and build events
events are happenings that need to be felt
awaken and believe in your existence
namaste 🙏

Brian Hill - 2020 # 121
Feel your life.
Bhill May 2020
awaken the shadow to see the light
be conscious of hidden understandings
do not be surprised by what you discover
all things have numerous significances
awaken the shadow of your mind and learn

Brian Hill - 2020 # 143
Bhill Mar 2020
the current redeemer is fabricated with excess intentions
the never-ending fabrications erupting, are frightening
obviously, we hope for a future
a future back to the past present

Brian Hill - 2020 # 76
Can we ever go back?
Bhill Aug 2020
with fiery and attentive steps, our love remembers
remembers all the hours of living without
living without each other to balance life
life inhabited in the eyes of each other
other lives are covetous, of our balance.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 213
Find your balance...
Bhill Nov 2020
if the barrier suddenly opened up
what would appear in your view
would it be a cleansing for new times
or the continuing of unpleasant news
I would hope for a fresh and welcome world
where society all got along
go back to sanity and reason
and return when the nation was strong...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 302
Bhill May 2020
instinctively, the scorpion stung the frog
how do you stop anything from being what it is
can you bring about changes that go against individuality
personal virtues in all of us, are steadfast
be who or what you are
let others be who or what they are
swim or sting, it's who you are

Brian Hill - 2020 # 122
Bhill Feb 2020
it’s natural to want and to feel
it’s natural to desire and to love
it’s natural to seek and to learn
it’s natural to use all of things to fulfill
to fulfill your existence
to fulfill your space
to precisely be, the BE, you are to be

Brian Hill - 2020 # 49
Bhill Jul 2019
Who out there has beans in their ears
The beans could be brains, they don't make it clear

Where did they come from, I want to know
Will they come out, I really hope so

Are the beans put there by your very own Teacher
I don't think so, maybe it was the Preacher

Are they put there for any kind of cause
Who knows for sure, it makes one take pause

I know I was told not to put them there
That's all I remember, I thought I would share....!

Brian Hill - 2019 # 179
This song is real people...
Who remembers?
Who remembers this ****?
Bhill Jun 2019
How deep is real beauty
Skin deep
Mind deep
Social deep
Financial deep
Family deep
Job deep
Health deep
Stuff deep
Visually deep
Just how deep

Brian Hill # 144
Haven't you ever wondered this...?
Bhill Feb 2020
superstitions can be suggestive
curse your curious mind
deliver unexpected beliefs
take away your imagination
leave you with indifferent thoughts

so what
be curious and indifferent
take on the unexpected
be that one to ask why?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 41
Ask why
Bhill Oct 2020
waking up this morning, I was left between thoughts
should I or shouldn’t I
I took a mental vote and did it
what will you do?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 284
Bhill Nov 2019
There is new life in the air
Wake up to the sweetness of new intensity
Take in an abundant amount
Take in all you can
Leave no indication of your prior lack of existence
Be the you, you have constantly challenged

Brian Hill - 2019 # 289
Wake up and get your new life in order...
Bhill Jun 2019
Time after time these questions are asked
Can you do this
Can you do that
Did you try hard enough
What's going to be your end game

Why does it matter

Will it change anything

Is it true that everything happens the way it's supposed to

I say, create your own path
Make your own future
Do it you way...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 150
Bhill Jun 2020
are you open-minded
take theology out of creation
what caused it all
simple inquiry with enormous and somewhat confusing concepts
take theology out of the answer
the big bang might just be real....!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 169
Bhill Oct 2020
have you ever seen a Big Horn Sheep
they wander about with nary a peep
they climb on rocks like they're not even there
jump all around without any care
their beauty is amazing, their magnificence divine
just seeing one is lucky and that's by design
be careful and quiet when the chance comes your way
observing these animals will make for a great day...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 300
Bhill Apr 2020
how do you know
how can you tell
is it something you want
can you tell by the smell
are you willing to take on
a mission this vast
you have to be ready
you have to be fast
what is it really
why is it there
we really don't know
and really don't care
these words are just jibberish
and don't mean a thing
they're there for a reason
and that is word bling....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 93
Well I though a little word bling would brighten everyone’s day...
Bhill Oct 2019
bliss anticipates
does it need to be needed
is bliss happening

Brian Hill - 2019 # 265
We could all use some bliss.
Bhill Dec 2020
Brain Blow - Rant

nothing displeases silence as quickly as the noise
I know this sounds, literally crazy, as I try to regain poise
my mind was reduced to simple thoughts as I opened up from sleep
sometimes I know my brain just goes, with words that are too deep....!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 350
Sometimes it happens
Bhill Feb 2020
Get it handled she said as I crawled out bed
And she was trying to be nice I'm sure
I forgot to remove the goo and the glue
And nails I left in the shed

What does it mean cause I forgot to clean
The barn where the animals live
The storm came around with a wild howling sound
And messed up the whole gall **** scene

The crops got blown around all through the town
Just like the storms in the past
Neighbors were in a hurry and it was a big scurry
To keep all of their stuff nailed down

Well this poem went crazy cause my brains a bit hazy
And words just seem to pop in
It makes a little sense but I'm not very tense
So I'll end it here you will see...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 59
Serious brain storm this morning...!
Bhill Aug 2019
I see that days are
Days are beginning
Beginning to get a bit
A bit more precious
More precious to life
To the life of everyone
Everyone who has ever
Who has ever seen the rain
Rain that brings us what we need most

Brian Hill - 2019 # 210
Rain, rain come today
Feed our crops and feed our hay
Feed the lakes and feed the streams
Feed us all so we may dream...
Bhill Oct 2019
Pieces that are broke
Pieces I can't renovate
Pieces are missing

Passion for spirit
Passion for being myself
Passion for sharing

Bring back what's now broke
Bring back the passion for life
Bring back simple love

Brian Hill - 2019 # 246
Do you have e broken pieces?
Bhill May 2020
looking out over the vast colored carpet of flowering cactus
trying to decide where to stop and experience the moment
stunned by the amount of desert life erupting with visual excitement
just when you assume it can not get better or more exquisite
BOOM, it does....  
the DESERT is on POINT

Brian Hill - 2020 # 125
Bhill Sep 2020
call from Mother Earth the other day...
“yea, this is Mother Earth”
wow, what can I do for you?
“well, I’ve been noticing that some of your poems are about me”
that’s true, are you happy about that?
“so far, however, could you ask the people to not use so much water?
there is going to be a little bit less in your area this year”
what’s the problem, I ask?
“well, she said, I decided to not send in the monsoons this year and appears to have been a mistake”
so that was you?
“yes it was, and I’m a bit sorry.  it’s going to cause a bit of a light winter as well I think”
is there anything we can do?
“just use a bit less water for a while”
and she was gone...or I woke up, not entirely sure

Brian Hill - 2020 # 243
Bhill Feb 2020
does nothingness have a reflection
can it survive in the orange fog of today's kingdom
the kingdom that once was so Camelot

Brian Hill - 2020 # 57
Can you see it?
Bhill Mar 2020
misunderstanding direction is a global misconception
why is this such a mortal peculiarity
who put it in the catalog of life
did we all have the same library card

Brian Hill - 2020 # 73
Don't be mislead by your misunderstanding...
Bhill Dec 2019
Good morning to you
Get out of bed and enjoy
Celebrate today...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 321
Enjoy your day...
Bhill Mar 2020
i have found myself needing certain things
things that have been forgotten and discarded
i have found myself yearning for certain things
things that once gave me pleasure
i have found myself wanting certain things
things that made life easier
i have found myself loving certain things
things that once were precious
i have found myself inside myself
myself is loved again

Brian Hill - 2020 # 83
Bhill Jul 2020
survive this world and submit
submit to its constant changes and challenges
challenge the challenge to make memories
memories are motivation
motivation gives us the determination
determination, after all, is life....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 196
Bhill Aug 2020

welcome change, it's been such a long time
embrace change, it will not harm (us)
it's only (us) pursuing new things we aren't used to
change that works and change that protects us
welcome change with fresh and clear direction

Brian Hill - 2020 # 230
Bhill Jan 2020
Starting out the new year with memories going back
Reflecting on just what I did or what it was I lacked
I find myself being quite surprised and really sort of dazed
To have the memories that I have of all the changes made

Moving from the mountains to the desert of red sand
From the snow-covered hills and the pine trees oh so grand
From having all four seasons to only having two
Sometimes can make you crazy but never feeling blue

The skies here in the desert, are always very clear
When back up North the skies are gray and tend to make you tear
Moving down has given me a new look at my life
Another chapter, another poem, having coffee with my wife....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 2
Sometimes we need to write on ourself...
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