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ren Jan 2014
I am irrelevant. 
I am nothing but a vessel.
I am a lantern to carry Light,
And a candlestick has never pled
"Someone please love me".

I am irrelevant.
I am assured in hope.
I am a stain glass window;
My purpose is to color in His plan
With the humble crayons 
I've been given.

I am irrelevant. 
I am here to serve.
I am here to wipe the dripping tears
Of crying candle wax
And light the oil in others.

I am irrelevant. 
And the only relevance is His light.
Conceal amnesiac eyes with a hood,
Maybe nights fall oddly placid.
Sleep could collapse its resistance,
Crumble sunlight into ashes.
Nightmares internally unravel,
Soldiers fought, already lost.
Invasive thoughts occurring,
Arising ice, I can't defrost.
This complexion leaves me perplexed,
Battling behind my forehead.
I can't evade this hopelessness,
I've pled, go back to bed.
Sunsets settled maniacal,
Malnourished; give me a mask.
Because all I ache for is sleep,
To possess what life I'd had-
This is a really old poem, completely redone.
All feedback is welcome and appreciated
I sat along this opened window,
wishing to escape your empty home.
Yet, you will never archive my peace,
You're clogging up my bones.
Sadly in your breath stung darkness,
I knew this house was my prison,
when this home stayed dark as night,
after the sun had risen.
You ignored my pleas for leaving,
and left a window open.
I'll escape as I've pled before,
if only I could focus.
Yet you knew what I could do,
as you stared into my past.
You closed the window with a smirk,
and said you felt a draft-
Funny back story, I made this a couple months back after watching a cartoon.
Two dogs are competing to get someone to go to their gym.
One places their hands on the open window sill,
and the other calmly reaches over saying "I think I feel a draft,"
slamming the window on his fingers.
I don't know, I'm weird. It made me think, and I made this. :)
All feedback is welcome and appreciated
I shall tread, another year,
  Ways I walked with Grief,
Past the dry, ungarnered ear
  And the brittle leaf.

I shall stand, a year apart,
  Wondering, and shy,
Thinking, "Here she broke her heart;
Here she pled to die."

I shall hear the pheasants call,
  And the raucous geese;
Down these ways, another Fall,
  I shall walk with Peace.

But the pretty path I trod
  Hand-in-hand with Love--
Underfoot, the nascent sod,
  Brave young boughs above,

And the stripes of ribbon grass
  By the curling way--
I shall never dare to pass
  To my dying day.
Timothy Brown Jun 2013
A man came to my door late last night.
It was about 8pm if my guessing is right
He seemed shaken and overcome with fright
He stuttered and stammered as I turned on the porch light

Timothy he said
Timothy he begged
Please listen to me he pled
I must save you his tongue shed

Flabbergasted at the sight,
my thoughts abstracted despite
his quadratic explanation of my plight.
We connected like an arc light.

Hold on I demanded
Wait a second I commanded
He could tell by my look I was stranded
in the immensity of the situation so he spoke candid

*So your here to save my life? What do I say to something like that?
© June 21th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
Terry O'Leary Mar 2013
The midnight clings to dwarfish kings
while robot drones, adorning thrones,
       kneel, bowing to the Old...Guard.
Arrhythmic clocks and wooden box
       grace FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

The diplohacks, like melting wax,
have swept along the clueless throng,
       some dying for a life...guard.
And Nun, alone, has beached their bones
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Beyond the streams, a raven screams
at loser fish that swarm and swish;
       Nun slowly drains her dreams...jarred.
There are no thanks along the banks
       near FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

While FRiar smiles and prowls the aisles
the hierarch obeys the bark
       from maw that oozes pure...lard.
There's much ado throughout the zoo
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Well, FRiar’s pets are in a sweat;
he calls the tunes near burning dunes
       and taps his cloven feet...charred.
They roast in rooms, their future tombs,
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

His myrmidons, they drool and fawn
reciting verse near FRiar’s hearse,
       extolling wild the van...guard.
Remote controls abet the trolls
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

With faces straight, in bent debate,
they advertise their empty lies
       to every passing re...****.
Grey zombies groom white flies in bloom
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

With ghouls, unlearned, no stone’s unturned
to burnish blame with Nun’s proud name
       and leave the midnight sky... scarred.
They raise their hats to copy cats
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

While rumours spread amongst the dead,
Nun stays the pace with saving grace,
       and phantoms keep their face...marred.
The maggot digs neath twisted twigs
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

In tempests strong, Nun rings the gong
but fails to rise in vacant eyes -
       he palms a one-eyed trump...card.
Nun sets her sail, to no avail
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Nun asks him why a bird can’t fly.
His mouth, a rut, replies “tut, tut”,
       with conscience painted white...tarred.
A mushroom mold has taken hold
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

“To fly aloft," he laughed and scoffed
“lay bare your breast! I’ll do the rest,
       I’ll bless you in the church...yard”.
The golden rule's contrived for fools
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

He cast the bait and wouldn't wait -
once more defied, her wings denied,
       the Kingfish is a bass...****.
A 'no' said twice must pay the price
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

When day’s undone, and night’s begun,
Nun stirs a cup and turns face up;
       she's feeling that she’s ill...starred.
’Tis such a crime to waste her prime
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Nun plans to dine with sparkling wine
but sips instead a bitter red
       served with a crystal glass...shard,
Behind the bog, beneath the fog
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Well, minstrels fight beyond the night
and demons fete behind the gate,
       while silence chokes the host...bard.
The angel sings with broken wings  
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

The webs are spun neath dying sun;
and caught ensnared, her flight impaired,
       Nun’s thoughts are how they’ll die...hard.
The puppet people storm the stee-
       pled FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

And voices wail beyond the pale
“The old taboo - it echoes true -
       Nun’s bound to have her way...barred”.
The schemes are strange and minds deranged
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.

Ms.! Cast your nets, but hedge your bets -
there are no odds, where purple gods
       and hungry idle ghosts...sparred
with nameless gnomes in catacombs
       in FRiar Small-Bro’s grave...yard.
Aparna Apr 2013
Writhe, burn, twist and roll,
Bodies on fire as hot as Hell, itself.

He pled for breath at the flicking furnace,
"Rot, in misery!" said Satan himself.
Marcus White Mar 2014
I wake up you mad at me
You say we are done
I get on my knee and beg and pled
I ask what I did
You won't look at me
As you walk away
you say I thought you were
The one for me how
Could you betray me
I look at you and say what you mean
Then you say with my blood
I say I love you
But you just walk away
and say you hate
abandoned by her mother and father
to take on this cold world alone
no voice left in my throat
to sing the melodies in the song
such a strong girl, yet I break down every night
never forgive you, you let me take on this fight
by myself, without your help
salvation is what I seek
I call your phone one hundred times
leaving voicemails that pled
yet you still don't seem to care
I face my hard times desolate
deserted, this life is hurting
me, myself, and I
why can't I overcome the trials.
just want to be put to sleep
internally in peace
Barton D Smock Jul 2012
my first hands with arrowhead made pentagram under hood of daddy’s truck.  then in dirt.  then tree.  he was in tree when I got there and stayed there for what I carved.  not looking up I stayed there too until the next thing which was mom bullhorning me out the window of the truck.  I could see myself running to the truck and to my mom but it was just a vision.  instead I moved to make the tree to where daddy was but I took my eyes off of him and he went.  my mom’s way of seeing had her finding me in no time and she coaxed me with the arrowhead I’d dropped.  she took me home to my brother and put our three spoons in oven.  three the count of times she’d heard me say ****.  I didn’t then and told myself I’d never curse a fourth.  when the pan was taken from oven by brother he took one for himself and winked and for the other two mom pled her milk.
st64 Mar 2013
Lunatic calling....... Earthling.........

Yes, you...fool..... tiny Earthling!
Wake up, you intractable iota of pulp
I watch you on your little planet, with relish
Playing depraved games on your spiritless  ilk.

I inhabit a moon much larger than your scrap of sand
You already appear so infinitesimally  small
When seen with a magnifier, from this innocuous distance
But now, you're even less than a speck of dust.

Seemingly important, you prance and preen and strut
Your feathers ruffling so easily, I do note
Look how you fret your heartstrings and gnaw away
And I didn't get to say that much....yet!

But fear not: collide with each other, we will not
For conversing amiably with my solar sibling, I've pled
To wield its forte and rein out all magnetic fields
So's we never make acquaintance of regret.

See how bloated and full of yourselves you have all become
Feeding on yourselves, sick with bilious envy
Scurrying like ants, at least THEY know better
For when you reach inside you, there ain't too much of note!

You try aimlessly to prove your dull existence
By crawling all wild-like and filling up the gaps meant for silence
Instead, you leave gruesome tracts of rotating noise
I constantly quake at the revolting  mess on Earth.

Scamper along now, as you are wont to do, brain-scooper
You can hardly hold still a thought in mind
You seek and ferret out answers not meant for your likes
Soon you will sever and break up into little pieces insects love!

You think that what you do, is so gripping
But don't you know we're all varying on the same theme
Roll up the deified curtain and you might find
Everything's an inflated rerun of what passed before.

So, even here on this jaunty moon where I live
I'd rather you not join me in my solitary abode
This lunatic prefers the osculating of kind craters
And communing in the solace of orchestral stones.

You delude yourself with ludicrous ideas
That you have the swell of sultry oceans at your disposal
All tied to deceptive spider-like strings, kited fraudulently in your hand
Hoping to catch that salty surge and drift away.....

My scathing  job perchance, is to spot that pattern of power
And when Eros comes rolling in on that mighty tide
I plan and do my best to make you fail spectacularly
Oh, to climb on and ride that sweet wave for all it's worth!

There is nothing to lose, cos you have nothing!
But your acquisitive nature lets you think you do
Yes, go and ape your latest hobby: quickly run to your house
Check that  no-one has stolen the dust from your gate!

Temporary custodians of that rock, is all you are.
But you......You're absurdly afraid to lose what isn't.
Tiers of neglect show how little you learn of what's around you
Hello, look up.......please. Do you see me? Oh, you do.

Well, well now ! Grand planes and happy steaks to you!
Two swell ticks bestowed on you......for neatness.
But even as I study and decimate your paltry existence
Turning, I'm growing painfully aware of three eyes on me.......

Hey, hang on.....wait, wait,!
Lunatic calling....... Earthling.........

Lunatic calling......dear Earthling.........

Star Toucher,  10 March 2013
Slightly older one by me, written in Jan this year and posted on another site under another alter-name...
Now that I look at the piece, its theme and content, I'm much reminded of that fab film 'Horton hears a who(o?)'.....despite content not quite similar, it could resonate a bit, I think.
Go figure, humans!
Francie Lynch Sep 2018
The things I'd do to be with you
Would put me away for good;
So, here I wait in solitude,
No sun, no moon, no light.

I've dug deep to break out,
I've climbed walls in my sleep;
I've dealt and knelt,
Held my hands out
To supplicate for pardon.

But I'm a repeat offender,
A schmuck and poor pretender;
A pled lifer for loving you.
Brandon Maples Nov 2012
Your smile spreads across your face like a butterfly,
And glistens like sunlight reflecting fleeting white flashes
Off of rippling blue waves.  Only,
Your smile does not give the peace of vast emptiness
That comes from the beam of nature, alone.
Instead, it awakens a passion from numbness that

It is real, not just in some novels or the movies,

For us--Oh, how I hoped it was real!
I dreamed the monarch you showed me was intrinsically for me.
My blind heart, overflowing, pled to know you-
What your smile was for and how to make it flutter
Again and again, and you, too, would've seen mine for its essence,
Understanding that one was special, secure, reserved for you.
st64 Feb 2013
Here lies wealthy aunt Dot
Let us pray for her, people
Let us pray for Dorothy Keeper
For here comes the grim reaper.

They called her Marie-Antoinette
Breaking fast on cake and tea
While gorging whole on tamarinds
And tittering her high-squealed laughs.

She wore her sky-scraper heels
With such care, they'd always look new
With no scuff marks, but in the end,
She hurt her back and broke her ankle!

She lived in such a mansion
You'd need an elevator to get to ***
Her gardener had his own butler
While her dogs had weekly pedicures.

Yet when they found her, on her last
She was bedecked in every wealth imaginable
Burdened tables, with rarest delicacies
But not a crumb of mercy on her plate.

You see, the ones she thought valued her
Were simply riding high on tails
They were cloven deep through the ranks
While rank decay sat fat in every corner.

Always one to expect return
She did little to relieve that scorned idea
When nephews begged for bursaries
She'd shoo them gone; let pets sap cream.

Now, upon her mortal hour, her eyes did sink
So deep in sharp despair.
Her ragged breath her kin did hear
And mere perfunctory embrace she felt.

Her sickness begged a touch of care
A little sweetness, a glance of kindness
But pitied eyes swept aghast around
At the splendid array in her mausoleum.

Nephews now grown men stand and look
They shoo not the flies around her mouth
For minds locked ******* heartless past
Fail to discover any worthy pattern.

No one could give what she desired
So they turned all from patient, one by one
To their cosy, quiet homes
Save the little boy, silent by the door.

They knew not that their paltry lesson in humanity
Screamed for mercy; to alter, make good flow
The little boy turned, to change the tide
*** for tat pays not; we should all know that!

Peace and mercy, she but sought now
And in his utter silence, he gave her that
Her eyes pled such deep appeal
His heart bled at their steep reveal.

Most unfortunate turn of events unseen
When the boy now held beneath his eyes
Heavy, darkened rings of suffering
Intense subject of compassion.

Years later, no one would know that
Upon her deathbed, she bequeathed him silent gift:
That, until kin break spited cycle
He would bear the brunt forthwith.

And now, Aunt Dot has died
All return to home and hearth
Yet no redemption till the day is due
And the soul awaits .......ever patient.

Star Toucher, 22 February 2013
October Dec 2018
A space so unfitting
A space tired, not so uplifting
”Rehabilitate my space”, you pled
And I did
I did just that once you, out of town, fled
Back in town, it was going to be a monumental surprise
One that you and I could share and sleep in that night
That night and all the nights to follow
When you witnessed your new space you could barely swallow
Chocking back tears, I had succeeded in my mission
Now this space, you share with your new person
Does she like the color blue?
What about the gold accents I detailed just for you?
It’s your space, and hers now
I hope the dark shadows of your new space haunt you, watch over you like an owl
In witness of you two interlaced
With someone who has now taken my place
To lavender I retreat
That shade of navy and I never to re-meet
Desmond the poet Sep 2017
Who are you?
Why are you leaving?
Where are you going?

I uttered these words during a seizure.
Imagining you puts my mind under pressure.
I quest for your identity like a hunt for treasure.
Am I haunted by a demon disguised as a seizure?

Seizure or not, I certainly spoke to you.
Begging you not to leave as if I knew you.
Still I ask: who are you?
Seized and captured by epilepsy, I couldn’t overtake you.

Overtake to see your face.
I woke up, you vanished without a trace.
In your next visit be bold and show your face.
A mysterious character within my seizures.

The next visit is unpredictable.
Seizures are inevitable.
Epileptic seizures, an obscure disability.
Like Epilepsy: will this mysterious image remain obscure?

A seizure lured me to a pond of muddles.
like a friend I pled against your departure.
Now I'm awake hence I plead for your departure.
Still I ask: who are you?.
Inspired by an epileptic seizure I had and within that seizure I spoke to a person pleading against his/her departure but didn't figure out who it was or if it was spiritual.
Ben Fernekees Jan 2016
todays the day that i watched you
walk away, as I died in my room,
I closed the shades and fell asleep,
and while I slept I dreamt,

I saw how skies could be blue
and realized the sky was you,
clouds drifting, birds dancing,
winds shifting, tranquility ending.

I find it strange how fast things change
for once it rains it’s never the same
but life goes on at the end of the song
I just hope my skies are blue

I watched the clouds grow over head,
I pled and said oh my,
the blue skies have gone away
just as the ground became dry,

The rain begins as I get drenched
and when I clenched my fists,
I got devoured by a mist,
that twists the mind for all of time

tho my mind was already broken
all that was spoken was washed from my ears,
and dear, it isn’t an easy fear
for your heart to not be able to hear,

when your heart can’t hear and the mind is blind
it’s hard to find meaning inside
yourself, making it hard to trust
the one you must, yourself

I find it strange how fast things change
for once it rains it’s never the same
but life goes on at the end of the song
I just hope my skies are blue

I felt the cold of the rain,
accepted the hold of the pain,
took the toll of shame,
and forgave all the blame,

I wake from the dream with skies clear
and realize all that I hold dear,
now that my days finally begun,
I look out and see the sun

I find it strange how fast things change
for once it rains it’s never the same
but life goes on at the end of the song
I just hope my skies are blue
Steph Dionisio Feb 2015
Beautiful soul is what you are.
In some dark days you are my star.
You are an extension of God's love.
I can't deny the fact that you are blessing from above.

Everything of you is a part of me.
Your beautiful side is what I always see.
You are a person who fights for what is right.
And sometimes this cause you to cry at night.

Since before, you've been always thoughtful.
I saw the times when you became fearful.
Deep down I felt the tears you've shed,  
and courageously to God you prayed and pled.

The time I met you was one of the best-
the best time to say that I am blessed!
We both know that I am not a perfect friend,
but you offered me something that will last 'til the end.

Fun things are what we always do.
Remember the days when we tried to fly and climbed trees, too?
I remembered a day when you cried a lot,
because you were playing and had a deep cut.

Rainy days! One of our favorite days!
We were excited to run and play.
Laughing, running, throwing mud.
We even tried to play in the flood.

Impossible things became possible to us,
There were many things that we liked to discuss.
We became fake animals and superheroes.
We had a pet frog- oh yeah, we were weirdos!

Each day was a time to had fun.
We didn't care about the heat of the sun.
We embraced every bruises we had.
Friends come and go- we were always glad.

Now that we are grown ups and at our 20's,
no more plays and doing important duties.
Memories and friendship will remain the same.
Some things about us, now I acclaim.

Dear best friend, I pray and hope all the best for you.
I and God will always help you to get through.
Let's look on forward to what is best,
and stick together, for we know that God will do the rest.

*-Steph Dionisio, February 10, 2015
This poem is dedicated to my best friend, Genalyn, who is celebrating her 23rd birthday today.
from afar their judgement is pronounced,
their foes enmassed,
as their woes crawles to them.
Ensnared in rageous mobbing.

No attention given,
Brutally abased at fraternities delight,
Blood splitting,
Blood gushing,
sands soaks in blood,
as of mud from heavy downpour,
fraternities yelling,mobs cheering.
As their lynching delights them all.

No saviour!
No mercy!
They rants in accord,
from their chamber miserable voices screams.
Only but whispers heard,
in cold fatique voices.
One said i am
not guilty!
another said we
only came
to collect what
he owed me!
Another said i
live in heaven
where milk and
honey flows
i lack nothing,i
am innocent
another said
i paid my
tuition,i paid my
dues i am

In cold blooded,
lynched them

their hell fire
came to them
they were burnt
they were
as of unwanted
oh! Aluu what
have you done?!
Who were those
innocent 4 you
Don't you know
the pain of
mothers labour
at birth?!
They are not
different from
they feel pain!
they feel torture!
they feel torment!
wont you
scream if i club
won't you flee if
i burn you fire?!

They sought to
they sought to
they pled for
but you were
their miserable
You were there
foes ragging in
woes massacre!!!
The boys were
your children
they were your
oh! Merciless
What have you
done to the
futures untold?
Hello Daisies Apr 2023
The key
I flee

They say
Will play
Is the way

Yet my memories
Of you
Were my happiest
My memories
Of you
Were the sappiest

Now I die
I die a little
I die a lot
I die from the thought
Of my happiest memory

From start
To finish
the very beginning
Of adolescence
You were there
We were never scared
We shared
Golden pictures
Golden snaps
Forever burned
Forever there
Now I'm scared

My memories
Of you
They have ahold
On me
My memories
Memories of you
Leave me in absolute

I miss you
I miss them
I miss the feeling
Of adolescence
Of fun
Of freedom
Of hope
Of every single blissful
In the sky
With you
In the sky
Who knew
We'd fall
Fall so hard
And break
Never to mistake
Healing us together

Memories of you
I can't meditate
I can't think
Of the past
Unless I go
Too far back
My childhood
My childhood
I stood
I cried
Every night
My childhood
A fright

My memories
Memories of you
what I held onto
Now I bleed
I bleed
Without any seed
Of hope
I bleed
I bleed
With a need
I bleed
Onto my knees
On the ground
Without a sound

No one wants to hear it
I don't want to bear it
But my memories
Of you
We're all I knew
It's how I grew
It's how we flew
On the ground
With no sound
Flashes of shadows
Creeping into me
What was once bright
Now a scary sight
Now a sad plight
For help

My memories
Memories of you
Haunt me
In my dreams
In my car
From a far
In my house
In my bed
In every tear
I shed
Please please
I pled

I let it be now
I let it hurt
Let it sting
It isn't leaving
You were more then everything
Now it's mud on the ground
Now it's death with no sound
It's broken bones
And ripped veins
Its falling and reaching up
But no one's there
Falling into
Throw up

Those are my memories
Memories now
My memories
Of you

My memories
And forever

Now and forever
Don Bouchard Aug 2014
The darkness had settled as we followed our headlights and looked for a portable sign indicating where we were to turn off the highway and make our way to the Winters’ home.  January, snow on the ground, the coldness of news that the pancreatic cancer was not going away in spite of months of congregational and private prayers, and here we were, making our way to the house to pray.

We arrived and parked along a long gravel lane and then joined a steady line of people walking slowly toward the house – little children with parents, older couples, a few teens. We moved slowly, not sure what to expect, heavy with our thoughts, not speaking. Ahead of us stood the pastor and the house. Arriving, we grasped thin vigil candles and passed the flame from one silent person to the next.  A bit uncertain, we moved to positions around the darkened house, aware that a child was looking out at us into the dark.  Our candles flickered uncertainly in the chill air, and we shielded them with our gloved hands and waited.  

One by one individuals began to pray quietly.  Some spoke sentence long prayers and went silent while others pled tearfully with God for stricken mother, the husband, the little children inside the silent house.  The breeze snuffed flames from the less vigilant, and the line around the house darkened.  We waited in the night. Above us stars shone and the eastern horizon glowed over Minneapolis.  Someone began to whistle an old hymn, “Day by Day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my sorrows here….”  The murmur softened.

The sound of singing drew us back to the front of the house where the pastor was beckoning people to join him in a huddle, to stand with him.  “I feel like a choir leader,” he said, “Come stand with me.”  We moved in next to him.  Those with still burning candles shared the flames, and the entire group was again glowing with candlelight.  We prayed as a group, individuals speaking their hearts to God and the open sky and each other. Prayers moved from individual requests to collective behests – prayers for increased faith in desperate times, prayers for peace and comfort for the family, prayers for steadfast love for God and each other.  Tears wet cold cheeks as people hugged.  

Something good came from that night under the silent sky.  I’m not sure I can put it into words, and I don’t know what God will do with Laurie W, but I am at peace today, after months of unrest and wavering faith.  Under the sky and standing in the snow next to my wife, I thought about those candles and how symbolic their flickering and going out and reigniting is.  When I was standing in the circle around the house, my flame died several times, and thankfully, my wife’s flame reignited mine.  We walked back to the group with candles burning and were able to pass the fire on to others until we all stood in firelight. Alone, any one of us would have been in the dark and out in the cold.  Together, we relit each other’s fires and were warmed by each other’s voices as we called out to God and sang.
A few years later, Laurie has been buried, and the family moved from our community. Life goes on, but I will always remember the candles and the people united around that house in the winter cold.
H R H Nov 2018
I'm six
Playing at home
Words flowing back and forth on top of my head
Taking in everything
Only understanding some
Watching with awe
As tears ran down
As hands pled

But let's pretend everything is fine
Just for a night
Let all the stars shine
Forget the darkness
Forget the mess
You're in a dream of happiness

I'm fourteen
Coming back home
Greeted by closed doors
Even more closeted pain
Bathing in chocked sobs
Sweet memories
Vanishing like foam
Laughter and cheers
Quietened by the thunderstorm
Smiles full of teeth
Washed away by heavy rain

But let's pretend everything is fine
Just for one night
Let all the stars shine
Forget the darkness
Forget the mess
You're in a dream of happiness

I'm twenty now
In what used to be home
Watching figures well known
Strangers still
Flown insults
As it is the norm
Dulled out an octave
With every swallowed pill

It is over now
Everything is fine
From this night onward
I'll be the star that shines
Welcome the darkness
Forget the mess
My eternal dream of happiness
Things don't always get better
People don't always become better
But you can make yourself better
jessica h-k Nov 2012
i’ve not slept in many beds
corners and glitches where i rest
carpets stained and scrubbed up red
ceilings hung and cracked, deep,
and grey, and mottled lead

undignified we sludge and sled
under the sheets of reels
and flirting and peels, boy
i am hidden in the cracks, thread.
as much as i’ve been pled to,

and you know

the temperature drops and drips
below, i am laid bare and empty —
grasp this only, time’s a given,
a heavy hand can’t feel the tips,
a riot now, abbreviated scripts.

since it was all i had to adore you
Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Did you stop to think what it would do?
To your body and mind did you have a clue.

While you were high and speeding,
Family hearts were crying and pleading.

Please oh please stop doing the drugs,
A mother’s heart strings feeling the tugs.

Put it at the foot of the cross they pled,
All Satan’s deceitful lies filling your head.

Stop! Stop! What have you done?
What a tangled mess your life has spun.

On the news they told of a fatal drug bust,
Praying for all involved, In God I trust.

Not knowing where you are, where to look,
When the phone rang my body shook.

It is so hard seeing you in that hospital bed,
Monitors, tubes, and thankful your not dead.

Gunshot barely missed the main artery they say,
Time flashed back to watching you run and play.

Precious child how did we get here so fast,
Why can’t we start over and go back in the past?

Watching the clock surgery is taking so long,
Could something really bad have gone wrong?

The room is closing in and tears continue to flow,
Precious Lord the outcome only you know.

Hours go by with no news on your condition,
I prayed until I seen a smile from the physician.

It was God that spared your life he said,
When you arrived barely hanging by a thread.

I thanked the doctor and praised The Lord,
For your recovery we all prayed in one accord.

Second chances are not always given to all,
Search out Jesus and on your knees fall.

He has watched over you and saved your life,
It is your choice now to avoid the strife.

Jesus has a wonderful life for you planned,
Reach out to him as He embraces your hand.

Drifton A Way Dec 2013
Good evening to all, I shall be your host
So won't you all raise your glass's please
A tribute like this, requires a proper toast
So take this one moment in time and freeze
For on this eve we shall honor all the ghosts
Who have epiphanied us all to our knees
So no matter who you may love the most
Let the collective works remind us to seize

The day, started out different, I'm not a morning person by any means
But this morning I awoke, with clear thoughts and vivid dream scenes

It was as if my body was merely a vessel
and my mind was possessed
But instead of my soul fighting to wrestle
It conceded, for I was blessed

A voice spoke to me for all of humanity
And warned that the words that I will channel
May have people questioning my sanity
Convicted by a psychoanalytic jury and panel

I was sound asleep when a voice awoke me from my bed
A whisper "Listen closely to me", the first ghost softly said
"There is absolutely no reason to sleep, after you are dead
So please share the words that I place in your head" he pled

Young man, rest is assured, allow me set the presage
After words are procured and you send my message
You will slumber so peacefully knowing these deeds
Shall contribute to billions of thought provoking seeds"

I said "let me sleep on it", for it was a very long day that I had endured
But I must admit, the concept of immortality absolutely had me lured
He said, "Just remember words are meaningless once you leave earth
Goodnight sir, and by the way, my name is William, for what it's worth
Joseph Schneider Jun 2015
The strain of survival in its most righteous form
Fighting arrogance through a repetitive storm

Day in and day out I pled guilty to incompetence
Bowing to the man who wears a crown of dominance

Seen through his lens of ineffectual views
Is the man of abhorrence yet to pay his dues

The roars of demise are seen as sweet
To the man who is begging for rigorous defeat

The man screams and he shouts for an endless battle
While I stand from afar seeing him beat from his cattle

The man seeks for loyalty in all the wrong places
True colors can't be veiled behind multiple faces

**Weakened with regret of abusing all his peers
He is forever lost in his home made of tears

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
PYG's Whisper Jul 2022
They said I should’ve chopped off my trust
They said I was too old to believe in fairytales
They said i was the dust queen in your castle
They said i was your unchosen card
They slammed the door of my broken faith
And left me sicker than ever
Her voice was louder than my prayer
Her face kept haunting my hopeless hour
Her lips were my bitter desire
And her name was my pen’s new lover
Hey you
I said show me the way to a merciful deceit
If i was destined to die frozen in your icy heart
I pled you to bury me in a cavern of lies
Hey you
Couldn’t you picture my agony
Poetry has become my dearest enemy
Done with my unchanging melancholy
Hey, do you remember
I married your demons
I ate your anger
I was willing to die for your life
I drew with you our thirteenth melody
I trusted your puzzling gaze
When you whispered hug me closer
I gave in but you weren’t all in
Hey you
I knew It was another cruel masquerade
As always I was the victim
of another maniac game
Your words ruined my illusion
You drowned it in the ocean of depression
I thought I’d be your salvation
But i was still an ugly slave
Who couldn’t speak your narration
You locked me in a silent cage
You burned my heart
You thought you could quench it
with your valley of apathy
But I was a loner in your world
Hey you
You told me that
I’m the dream of thousands of men
Thanks god I’m not  yours
The flood of my eyes is completely dry
I almost forgot the savor of my slash
Winter is sunny and so do my heart
My patience is wearing thin
No more drama
Vengeance isn’t my language
But I’m having fun with karma
Who’s the next crow
who’s willing to break me down
I won’t say I’m not at the age of this *******
Rather I’m not on the level
of those who’re sheepish
Love isn’t on my to do list
Scorpio is my name
And before knocking on my door
Know that I’ve got no room
for narcissists in my empire
I’m a Scorpio woman , vulnerable but  stronger than ever
Vishal Pant Jul 2022
My blue bicycle breezing over the grass
silence surrounded, colors faded
I saw the void gaining mass
knees went weak, I pled
What lay beyond the darkness
of the mysterious black sphere
I didn't fathom what I saw, not even a guess
The green grass went sere
Should I surrender to the sans-khrôma
maybe it was free of war and worries
utopia itself opened to us
or was it an otherworldly bleakness
I took a step into the vacuity
There wasn't a deity
nor the promised eutopia
Tried a sci-fi inspired mystery poem.
A Kallakuri Feb 2015
Trust is a valuable thing, she said.
More often than not, a pledge read.

Trust is a valuable thing, she cried.
Then why doesn't anyone care enough to try?

Trust is a valuable thing, she pled.
The mistakes I've made, to my fall they've led.

Will they ever trust me? Like they did one time.
Will they believe, I've got reason for crime?
Will they let go, of sins deplore?
Or will I face the rage of yore?

Its okay to have few friends, they said.
The ones, that can trust.
Its okay to let go of some.
All they have is compassionate lust.

Its okay, they said, its okay to cry.
Flowers bloom and then they die.

Its okay, its okay to keep..
The ones you need within your reach.

Its okay, its okay to fall.
Only rise against and above 'em all.
Sombro Dec 2014
Whenever I travelled
I saw men living from empty cups
Their life on their knees
Must have hurt

They were given a family
They once must have thought that they would stand
And command the crowds
But they pled to them instead

I saw only once
A woman before an empty cup
Head bowed and belly empty
Call me sexist, but
She was the subject of my charity

It seems to me
The streets are full of those
Who grew to hate life
But she had the potential
To make two lost souls from one

Call me sexist, but
I wanted to raise her from the streets
Lest she raise another
Child of the lamplight
From an empty cup
Paula Lee Jun 2014
You've taken every Dream i've had
Laid waste to every plan
cruely taken all i've Loved.
Left me in this Godforsaken land,

When I called out in the night
while in hot writhing agony
with a troubled heart unconsoled
Why did you not answerer me?

When I begged you take this pain
from my aching breast
I felt the arrow through my heart
Blood pouring from my chest,

I Prayed to you a thousand times
and pled a million more
Why leave these fiery beasts
Banging,busting down my door?

You left me in the dark
with Demons and no control
I couldn't help but think at last
this my death bell toll.

You left my life to Satan
when I did but beg release
and like a fool I still Prayed
for my Soul--Abiding Peace

You left my prayers unanswered
night after night- No Reply
What did I ever do to you
That even my death you would deny,

As silent tears run down my cheeks
I will Pray to you No More!
I realize you have Forsaken me
and left Demons at my door.
Yes I Believe in God! Just a stage of Grief, not sure which one Take Your Pick!
Jessica Matyas Dec 2013
I'm sitting in the library before school,
talking and laughing like any other day
when you reach over and pick up
a book on overcoming anorexia.

You hold the nonthreatening orange-and-purple cover in your hands
that I once thought were gentle
and scoff, saying, "People with anorexia are so stupid."

Our friends sitting around us agree
and laugh and joke about it
while I sit in mute horror and suppressed panic
and dig my fingernails into my skin
until someone asks
why I'm not laughing.

Why am I not laughing?

I am not laughing at the disease
that consumed my life for nearly a year,
that ripped and clawed its way into my mind
and through my veins
like an addiction,
like a freight train gone off the tracks,
out of control and spinning
and uprooting everything crucial and meaningful
and burying it it flames,
turning it to ashes.

I am not laughing
at the nights I spent crying
and hating myself
while I felt the lining of my stomach
try to consume itself
in a poor replacement of the
sustenance I was denying myself
while I again dug my fingernails into my skin,
pins holding a dead butterfly
to its morbid display.

I am not laughing
at the thoughts that constantly filled my head
of death and disaster and pain
of wishing them upon myself
of making them happen
of letting myself shrink
and shed the space
that I believed I did not deserve to occupy.

I am not laughing at the thoughts
that after two years still plague me-
is my stomach sticking out?
do you really deserve breakfast?
your thighs are too big
your hips too wide
I count fewer ribs each day
you are fat
worthless fat useless fat pathetic fat
you deserve to die

I am not laughing
at my choice
of slow suicide
that I made the
agonizing choice
to save myself from.

I am not laughing
at the book that I myself read
at every torturous bite of food I took
at every painful step of recovery.

I am not laughing
because I will not take away
every moment I felt strong for not relapsing,
every prayer I pled
every tear I shed,
every time I decided that I did not want to die

I am not laughing.
I am leaving.
journal entry 12/5/13
Monica Oct 2018
This is a confessional poem

but what crimes have I committed?
I have not pled
guilty or

Maybe innocent by reason of insanity.

I am not under a lamp
in a windowless room.
No officers are grilling me.
I have nothing to hide
yet nothing to tell.

This is a confessional poem

but what are my sins?
I don't tell those to
just anyone who

I am not on my knees
in a reverential box.
There is no screen
with a priest on the other side.
I am not being

This is a confessional poem.

But why?
Because I use the

All this is
is my pen, my paper,
and you.

And I ain't tellin' you nothin'.
When we stood by the lakes of fire
I knew trouble she had brought
she had ambitions in kind thoughts
I did pled with her, that we would be caught

We exchange a kiss or two
then on three ascended into the night sky
we twirled together in the black velvet
dancing with the stars in our eyes

Our mother and our mighty hand
she did never understand
oblivious then, knew nothing
knew nothing of what we had planned

We kept our sisterhood secret
we were runaways, you bet
and we left a little note both saying
Momma we ain't finished yet

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Jostin Mendez Mar 2018
Love endangered me, but you were the cause of my extinction.

You blinded me into a trap of self decimation.

I screamed in agony of you leaving me. Thinking I’d be lost without you leading me.

So I pled you not to leave, but you did and now I lay crying your name hoping to turn back time and change my mistakes.
g clair Sep 2013
Her house was on the way
and from the porch she'd wave hello
she'd be sweeping every day
but now the dirt began to show

Then I saw it on the front page
that her family had no clue
and were offering a ransom
for the whereabouts of Sue

I wondered what had become of her?

they boarded up each window
and they nailed shut the door
of the house where Sue had lived though
just a coupl'a weeks before

And who could hardly blame me
for then wanting friendship's closure
better yet, if I could maybe
somehow aid in Sue's exposure

But whatever had become of her?

I made it my intention then
to help them in their need
for to find a missing loved one
surely is a worthy deed

One day at dusk I wandered
up her front walk, heart in tow
closed my eyes and deeply pondered
were I Sue, where would I go?

Whatever had become of her?

The brightly colored awnings there
had faded over time
and the swing which kept it's secrets
now was caked in soot and grime

though the front steps creaked apologies
the porch was less than kind
and it swallowed this unwelcome guest
and left a hole behind

Would I discover what had become of her?

although there was no body
dead beneath the porch that night
It was down inside that darkened mess
I thought I'd seen the light

and lying there upon my back
recovering my breath
I figured maybe Sue had had
a sweeping brush with death

What on Earth had become of her?

and grabbing for my cellphone
well I dialed 911
I just knew that Sue was resting now
where dialing is not done

and that she was in a 'better place'
than anyone could see
otherwise the swing above my face
would surely be dirt free

What in Heaven had become of her?

Well I broke it to the family
told them not to be depressed
said "she's made it to a better place"
but they were not impressed

I tried another angle,
told them Sue was very blessed
but they billed me for the porch repair
and sued me for the rest

So then, what else could have become of her?

I could not make my argument
but pled the guilty plea
I understood their pain and let
the burden fall on me

Still I'd wondered what became of her
and where she laid her last
and was I right in my conviction  
that the ghost of Susan passed?

and was I wrong to tell the family what I figured had become of her?

And then one day, It happened
Sue had surfaced in Toledo
she had gone to meet a relative
who's name was Cousin Vito.

And she'd fallen for the butcher there
who owned a nice estate
and it was there they made their fortune
putting meat on every plate


The folks back home eare stunned
that ol' front porch sweeping Sue
whom the gentlemen had shunned  
would find love again, who knew?

So I was right then all along
that a 'better place' would do
a home with love and laughter
and a path to sweep with Rue

where her front porch welcomes everyone
with a swing which carries two
Toledo's bestest butcher
Who was swept away by Sue!

And that is what became of her!

— The End —