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NeroameeAlucard Nov 2014
I'm grateful for my family in ink I think that I'd be insane in the brain I was a lyrical lame now I found I can spit bars with the best they pushed me to the brink beyond my limits I'm in this for life Drs Joke, Midnight Writer, Blue Star with the heart and Cashby, Natasha, Mandy Nothing could tear my poetic family apart we argue and have our issues but it's solved within so we can continue to become stronger as people and as lyricists while I split heads as the poetic mafia axe murderer I'll serve ya like a platter cut your *** like class and watch ya brains splatter all other emcees better scatter poetic blades out and slice and dice like vanilla ices career ending faster like the flash while we make a splash in poetic pools of blood it's like we opened up a dam with a creative flood
Midnight Writer, DrsJoke, A Love For Hatred, Natasha M L . Love you guys!
P Pax Sep 2012
We were a beleaguered bard born,
a chief in chatoyant charms charged with
the principle petrichor of passionate paramours;
to drive the dainty dalliances
of incipient ingénues immured in
glamourous gossamer gowns;
lilting, lead lissome lads 'long labyrinthine love;
mischeiviously make mellifluous mondegreens;
sing of such serendipity: surreptitiously susurrous sessions
scintillas of Spring's sempiternal sentiments!

But fetching fugues fade fast, felicity's fated to fly. For
penumbral poets, it portends a pyrrhic pay.
We wander woebegone, waiting wistfully.
Lovers leave lyricists to languish in lonely lassitude.
The halcyon heyday has harbingered
inbroglio in the inured inventor of infatuation.
Why? With what wherewithal?
Often our offerings off us, opposite of, obviously, obtaining, or,
lucidly: lyrical lacers of Love likewise lack its livening lagniappe.
Andrei Clark May 2013
FLC , if you don't know what that means
let me take some time to explain who I be
I'm the fun loving criminal, spitting rhymes and lyrics that are subliminal, touching your conscious as I raise above the nonsense,
that surrounds me and the hip hop industry.
Gun, knives and bling bling is the image and lifestyle,
that will get you locked up in sing sing.
Too many rappers out there are just posers.
When will they wake up and see that trying to act gangsta,
will not help them to be,
May 2024
HP Poet: Melancholy of Innocence
Age: 59
Country: India

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Melan. Please tell us about your background?

Melancholy of Innocence: "My name is Raj / Melan (as on HP). I am an Architect and Urban Planner with a MBA. I unsuccessfully pursued Doctorate (twice), but due to circumstances - could not complete it. I have worked with several International Non-Profit Development Organizations and Projects. While living in Amsterdam (Holland) for 4 years I was International Development Manager in-charge of ten-countries of the world – Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea), South-East Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines), Spain, Russia, Belgium, United Kingdom and Chile. And for separate projects I have lived for more than 6 months in Bangkok (Thailand) and Accra (Ghana). I have travelled to more than 40+ countries."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Melancholy of Innocence: "The first vivid memory of mine that I can call as a poem was when I was 8 years old. I had gone to my Mom’s office picnic tour for 2-days and there I had met someone of similar age of opposite gender. On coming back, whose name I wrote “three” times (one below the other in 3 different fonts) on the last page of my school notebook. I consider that as my first LOVE-poem. My first form of “identifiable” poetry was at the age of 13 years. It was about doing “morning household chores” and helping my Mom so that she can reach her office on time. After a very long break, it was only when my BELOVED inspired me to become member of Hello Poetry, I did so in 2016 and started writing serious poetry. I have 23 books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) self-published on Amazon."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Melancholy of Innocence: "LOVE surely inspires me. Being in LOVE makes me feel - live and breathe in PEACE. Poetry happens to me when without knowledge amidst mundane incidences of life – like, while taking bath or wearing clothes, standing in front of a mirror, reading some story/poem/article/lyrics, watching an interviews/movies/songs, listening to music OR just by observing the way people behave, express themselves, their ****** expressions, their mannerisms, smiles/sorrows/laughter/giggles; the way they walk, turn and look around them, stand, sit that always reminds me of my BELOVED. I also always make it a point to peep out from my home balcony / window seeking a glimpse of sunrise/sunset, moon/stars, birds, clouds, feeling breeze on our skin, blooming flowers, bees, insects etc. and many more things…! Basically, I think I get inspired by something that touches me deep inside and reminds me of my BELOVED. I immediately experience the realization of “I being in deep true pure eternal LOVE” in our heart and soul. That’s how poetry happens to me."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Melancholy of Innocence: "Poetry is a true expression of how exactly I feel inside me at that very particular moment of time and I try to be as honest as possible in expressing it with words that communicates my true and pure feelings of LOVE to my BELOVED."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Melancholy of Innocence: "Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Ghalib, Tagore, Neruda, Pushkin, Kabeer, Jayadeva, all enlightened Sufi fakeers and many more contemporary lyricists."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Melancholy of Innocence: "I like to read. Now a days I read in digital format anything that catches my interest ) text books, non-fictions, literary-award-winning books, biographies. etc. I like to draw, paint, sketch, do photography, do exercise, play sports, watch movies, serials etc. I even have written full-feature movie-scripts. I try to download and listen to all songs of music my BELOVED likes and sometimes recommends me. I like to do simple household chores (sweep/swab the house, clean the toilets etc.), do mundane shopping errands, cleaning and arranging things around me, I love to sit and observe things – “Nature”; and especially common everyday people and wonder about their childhood years and their life’s journey. I like to introspect a lot and question my own thoughts – making sure I do not get convinced and/or imprisoned by anything (beliefs, rituals, superstitions, views, thoughts, religion, philosophy, “..isms” and “so-called” TRUTHS) that I may have come across - seen, read or heard. I am very uncomfortable and vary of building identities of I, me, my, mine, myself…"

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much for allowing us this opportunity to get to know the person behind the poet, Melan! We are honored to include you in this ongoing series!”

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Melan a little bit better. I surely did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #16 in June!

Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
when i heard about it,
when i heard of “free art:”
i thought of free bread and wine,
and celtic sirens,
i laughed though... you made the earth
so ******* boring we all wanted to become astronauts.
when art became free we tried to moralise
drinking wine (as a portent of richness)
and eating bread (as a portent of the russian revulsion),
i bought my art.. and waited for the ones who
discouraged it complaining buying their bread “well fed.”
the celtic sirens hung on though, singing softer and softer
but more prone to the acid tongues dragging the democrats into
a hope of kings and village kindred elders,
but i still didn’t hope for free artistry that was akin to circus,
caged the gypsy have i?
i have, but i did not warrant free food or free aquas of variation,
i simplified freeing the demands with the demands freed into excess,
well... if i were kingly i’d still have provided free bread and wine
rather than music and the curbing the excesses of lyricists;
making music free just discouraged all originality, all creativity,
it just became a realism of a struggled acting -
i feel cheated having missed the antics of britannia in
the 1960's and '70's like it was greek and roman without
the epileptics of watching a documentary on trans-sexualisation
of brazilians and ******* disco to gag on an excess of flashy lights
just to sell lipstick... and have these quasi-epileptic shivers
without having an opposing opinion to counter the freely stated & fluxed.
i guess my convulsions were due to the fact that the men
didn’t call it either homosexuality nor trans-sexuality,
and that i was actually looking at two dodos talking, meaning
i was seeing the extinction of the human race through the ****,
meaning i was watching the knights templar idol, baphomet,
realised 2000 years after the crucifixion in that crown of thorn dreams,
perfected in thailand... of all places;
that actually beats the identification of ibn saud as the dajjal,
moving further east of mecca than riyadh and
the assassination attempt within the framework of muhammad’s hadith of ‘no entry’ into mecca by the dajjal.
Ákos Domonyi Aug 2018
A message to the past and the future
not for the faint of heart, crass.
A lonely whisky bottle made for rapture
now floating towards capture

enraptured for the cycle of life.
Cyclical and lyrical mysticism,
lyricists binding ciphers, skinning with a knife
ride through a maze with the pied piper, don’t fight.

We idolize with holy reverence what a reference,
follow around with perseverance and benevolence.
I got a secret for you that might kick up some dirt,
But, hush, don’t get too constipated ’*** this might hurt,
Listen, here is the deal:

Head towards your following,
amass your biblical seal,
but you’ll get knocked down with zeal,
and you’ll feel the loving embrace of fear!

Cyclical and lyrical mysticism,
lyricists binding ciphers, skinning with a knife
ride through a maze with the pied piper, don’t fight.
You're such a killer
On the mike
You should find a dealer
To distribute you like Nike
On every foot,
Get you heard
On every ear,
Grow a root
Spring a word
Leaves; a gear
While the light
You be burning
Bring the fight
With the beat
Lyricists you defeat
Before they even
Get to retaliate
They get to leaving
Their bridges
Never gonna cross
Slip on frozen ridges,
Fountain coin toss;
Wishes never see
Bumble without the bee...
© okpoet
Big Virge Mar 2021
“Lyrical” ... A Poem written By Big Virge 11/8/2020

So It’s Pretty CLEAR That I...
Am A LYRICAL Guy... !!!

Because My Rhyme Style DEFINES... !!!
Poetic Designs That Are BRIGHT Light SUNSHINE...
Or The... SHARPEST of Minds... !!!

Because They Fly HIGH...
Like Eagles In The Sky... !!!
That Show Graceful Arrays...
of... Wordplay Displays...

That Amaze Like USAIN... !!!
Because of The Ways...
They Run When My Brain...
EXPLODES With Word Drops...
That Are Hotter Than HOT... !!!!!

That Maintain Lyricism...
That’s Thoughtfully Written...

So REJECTS Restrictions...
And Being Imprisoned... !!!

Because of Word Visions...
Much GREATER Than Britain...
Could EVER Have Been... !!!

Because They Are FREE...

To Chain It...
... RESTRAIN It...
Or Socially Tame It...

It May Not Get Famous...
Or Act Like John Amos...
Because It’s NOT SHAMELESS... !!!!!

Or Built For An Office...
of... Comedic NONSENSE... !?!

It Deals In STRONG LOGIC... !!!
When Covering Topics...
Both Local And Foreign...
Now Causing World Problems...

Like This... Corona Lick..
That’s Now STARVING Artists...

But NOT REAL Lyricists... !!!

Because These Are Times...
Where Both Daytime And Night...

News Stories Provide...
... REALITY Rhymes...
For TRUE Lyrical Minds... !!!

Due To News That Headlines...
A World of New Crimes...
And... PROTESTING Lines... !!!

And NEW Virus Vibes...
That STILL DON'T Seem Right... ?

So It’s Now A Field Day...
For Words That Convey...
... Visions of A World...
Where Freedom's Been Burned... !!!

Restrictions IN VISION...
Are Those Now HARD HITTING... !!!

Like GREAT Lyricism... !!!
That NEEDS To Be Written...
To FIGHT OFF Divisions...
And New World Conscription... !!!

That Wants To Now LIMIT...
REALISM In Lyrics... !!!

Because of Links MISSING...
In Lyrics Now Written... ?!?

By... Media Crews...
And Those In Newsrooms...
A World of FAKE NEWS... !!!

To Keep People Confused...
With Gender Issues...
And This Corona Flu... !!!

Where... Distancing Measures...
Will Be What PROTECTS Us...
From Worldwide Infections... ?!?

Well My Lyricism...
Now Questions What’s Given...

Lyrics That Are Driven...
By MORE Than Miss Daisy... !!!

Because It Seems LATELY...
That Racism's Gone CRAZY... !!!

So Now Lyricism...
Speaks On What’s Been Hidden...

BEHIND Televisions...
And Government Missions...
PROMOTING Divisions...
And SEPARATIST Missions...

While Blacks Have Shed Tears...
Due To Losses of Peers...
While Racists Were Cleared...
of Their Jibes And Race Smears...

So Let THESE Lyrics CLEAR...
What Has Filled Atmospheres...
And Black Peoples’ EARS...
While Racists Have Sneered...

And Dropped Words Like These HERE... !!!

“You’ve Got A BIG CHIP...
When It Comes To Race Quips”...

Well We DON’T Carry Chips...
When It Comes To Racists...
We’ve Been REAL About THIS...
... How Racism LIVES...

But Have Just Heard EXCUSES...
For Years That DISMISSED... !!!

… How Racism EXISTS... !!!

From White Racist Lips... !!!
Who’ve Always Been QUICK...
To Try To CLAIM Things...

As If We... “ Make Up “...
How White Racism Runs... ?!?
But The PROBLEM Has Been...
That Those With Light Skin...

Have Been QUICK To REJECT...
What Lyricists Have Expressed... !!!

In MORE Than Poems...
Because They Seem To Think...
For What Lyricists Bring...
That Will SINK RACIST Ships...

Like Those In Congress...
And Western Governments... !!!

Now This Script’s Taken Twists...
That Has Dropped REAL Lyrics...
That Have Spoken On Things...
That Most People RESIST... !!!

I Guess Cos’ They're Simple...
So DON’T Like The Ripples... !!!
That Come From Wordsmiths...

Who Are Much MORE Than CYNICAL... !!!
The Word That DEFINES Us...
Is The One Known As...

......... “ LYRICAL “........ !!!!!
I really am....
Ryan Holden May 2017
How many rhymes and lines,
Have met the same paper,
With the same pen,
Minds thoughts and designs,
Differ from poet to next,
Lyricists to artists,
Beginning a new quest,
Breaking and making,
Pain and love,
Experienced emotions lay down,
Written in rhythm,
Express to distress,
Tearing page after page,
Of flooding emotions,
Signature of similar,
Inked on white,
Within multiple occasions,
How many authors,
Write the same write?
Whilst I was picking a new topic to write, I suddenly thought, how many writers write the same thing, in similar form, but the writers aren't aware of!
Nat Lipstadt Dec 2013
first read
including the notes  and the  exchange in the comments section. Then begin to read the words below, for they are derivative thereof.
ponder this quote from a play by Richard Greenberg.
''I speak when I have something to say. When I have nothing to say, I write.''

the contriving is all that remains,
with a bow and a great flourish,
my hat, right-handed swooping,
grazing my knee,
I tender my amazement at what the
lives of all these contrivers,
bring me each day.

Long Live All Poets!

the contortionists, the evolutionists,
hard working smithies, risers with dawn,
selectors, all day long tasters,
all night long scene stealers,
of each word that parses their
five senses,
even the contrivers,
need, deserve,
get their day in court.

you know the real poets
by their every day
for your subconscious
rhymes their every response,
even their *thank you's
and yes, please,
please all nearby,
like a thanksgiving prayer
spent, sent heavenwards ,
each word
lifted up skyward, alongside the hearts
that move to hop on, join their
poetic alephs and bets.

the haiku masters who
breath lifetimes into a moment,
the balladeers who ferment
tales unseen but conjure them
as forever keeps of yes! I was there,
the sonneteers, the lyricists,
so powerful these wizards place their
visions in our throats to hum when hearing
spoke a single one, a phrase, of their words

the contriving.
how I adore that word
as if the work was
the easy part,
and the insighting,
the feeling,
the noticing,
the tugging at the heart was
the easy art.

oh lord forgive me I write too much,
see beyond what I see,
hear the street snatches of conversation
and drip those reformatted words from mine eyes,

is that your blessing or your curse?

let me be just a contriver,
a poet who
follows form and function,
and gets an A from his English Lit. professor,
acknowledging expertise
at contriving
per poetic custom acceptable

whY did you insert this knowing,
this sensory malfunctioning that cusses
lest I not transform the everyday of the
everysay into verses and stanzas.

Reimer, Reimer, beloved scoundrel and schemer,
what have you undone to me!
he who never sleeps, just
weeps and weeps,
for you have contrived me yet gain
to see something I saw before,
always knew but never wrote,
in this exact format,
but all life long knew, and blubber anew
at words that I never knew existed in
this precise combination.

you can cannot contrive the spirit that
moves us to write, the words employed,
yes perhaps, but all
even the struggle for
le mot jus,
oft for naught^^
the repetitive, the uninventive,

I survive,
I contrive.
but far more imposing,
is the knowing,
that tho the contriving still remains,
it is a cost so costly,
and I must include herein
that every verse
of every poem
ever writ,
every contrivation,
every submission,
even the worst simplest is a blessing,
even the simplest worst is a blessing.

all are:
"the fruit of promise,
a table replete,
hope restored,
a circle complete."^

Yet, t'is the fluid visionaries shall lead us
to our restful place
even if they cannot speak,
even if they cannot write,
just contrive.

*It is in an instant, that life makes a poem in a man's mind, that will live longer than that that oak.

SE Reimer
i've reflected on your words, several times now, Nat, and find them to be such an accurate description of my experience with writing... though the words may move around a bit, once conceived, the contriving is all that remains.*

^^le mot juste
"the right word" in French. Coined by 19th-century novelist Gustave Flaubert, who often spent weeks looking for the right word to use.
Flaubert spent his life agonizing over "le mot juste." Now Madame Bovary is available in 20 different ****** english translations, so now it doesn't really make a **** bit of difference.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Lend me a tune

(For Robert C Howard,
One of the lucky ones)

"But I'll know my song well before I start singing".   Bob Dylan

Some of us poets,
some of us musicians, and a few,
A very blessed few
Songwriters and lyricists,
Poets in sound and words,

Wish I knew how to
Compose some love song music notes,
But can't carry a tune,
Seems to me,
Comes first the music,
Must music comes first

So with conceit and disbelief,
Wrote words and shot 'em into space,
Hoping they'd pass thru galaxies,
Maybe a comet tail,
Find a Songster who will strum them
Into perfect, into complete

I ain't unhappy that all I got
Was the lesser gift of
Humming words to myself,
Ain't dissatisfied, but wish they
Could be ratified, by the music
Of a voice singing them to me
Or fingers tapping, happening them
Played upon  the ivories upon my chest,
Where the lyrics are aborning,
The chest that needs
Music to be whole, and word-completing

Wish I knew how to
Compose some love notes
But can't carry a tune,
Seems to me
Must come first

So let's make some music
**** right, together,
Finish these lyrics jointly,
When all finito, pointedly
Needed your music, my darling,
Music to make them soar,
Take our co-sing-song,
Dance to it with our bodies
Sing words the whole night long
Another old one recalled to active duty status to tribute Robert C,
The man who does not . in his name,
For he  c's both music and words simultaneously,  with nothing in between
Stephanie Keer Feb 2013
All the great lyricists of the world
will always regard love as a rose;
beautiful and elegant,
its sweet aroma as dizzying as its
deep sultry red,
its petals as succinct and complex as
the layered patterns of admiration.

But when do they remember to mention
that to hold a rose close enough to
take in its delicate scent or profound beauty
one must hold it by the stem,
and if one squeezes, even just the smallest bit too tight,
the thorns smartly come into the skin,
and make the holder bleed their true self
onto the garden grass?
November 2024
HP Poet: Jill
Age: 47
Country: Australia

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Jill. Please tell us about your background?

Jill: "Mum and dad immigrated from Northern Ireland to Australia before having my brother and me. I’m very grateful to be living in South Australia on Kaurna Land. My parents were teachers, and they seeded and encouraged my love for education. At university I studied psychology, philosophy, and French. Then I went on to a PhD in psychology, and later, a master’s degree in statistics. In my day job, I’m a psychology professor, which includes lots of scientific writing. Outside work, I love playing music and singing with my partner and our friends and spending time with my precious son and our fluffy dog."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Jill: "I’ve been writing poetry on and off for years. The times in my life where I have been most active coincided with having friends who were interested in reading and writing together. In high school, my dear friend and I would watch British comedy shows and write silly, surreal, or nonsense poetry. Our aim was to make each other laugh as much as possible. More currently, I’ve been writing songs with friends, including lyrics, which often start as poems. I joined HP only recently, in August 2024. This community is so generous and supportive, with such a variety of style, depth, and imagination for inspiration and motivation."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Jill: "In many of my poems, I’m trying to make sense of big feelings. I often write about my experiences caring for my parents, who both had close and complex relationships with alcohol. That is a never-ending well for poetry, ranging from trying to process some of the intense events, to exploring what it has meant for my self-concept and mental health. Having said that, sometimes I’m just trying to write something that sounds pretty or might cause someone to smile. I love challenges like BLT's Webster’s Word of the Day – seeing what comes from a single word across different poets."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Jill: "In my more personal poems I am documenting, reconsidering, and re-investigating my memories, and organising them in nice, even lines, which feels cathartic. In poems, I find that the small or large amount of distance that you can create through imagery, rhyme, or humor makes it possible to explore difficult or even traumatic experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Writing poetry is a transformative exercise, but there is something greater still about sharing poetry with others."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Jill: "One of my favorite poets is WB Yeats, I particularly love 'The Stolen Child'. Other all-time favorites include Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, AA Milne, Lewis Caroll, Edward Lear, Spike Milligan, Rik Mayall, and Crawford Howard. I also love lyricists like Joni Mitchell, Michael Stipe, Stephen Schwartz, Tim Minchin, Wayne Coyne, Stephen Malkmus, and Rufus Wainright. I have so many favorites on HP – too many to list!"

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Jill: "I love music. Since childhood, I’ve played violin in classical orchestras and musical theatre pits. I adore Irish folk music. For me, at the moment, music mostly happens with friends, with my electric violin, in pub bands of different kinds. Most of the poems I’ve written previously have only been publicly shared, adapted as song lyrics, with some of these bands. I also love all things science-fiction."

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much Jill, we truly appreciate you giving us the opportunity to get to know the person behind the poet! We are thrilled to include you in this ongoing series!”

Jill: "Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this, Carlo! It is such a privilege."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Jill a little bit better. I most certainly did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #22 in December!

Cassandra Jan 2022
You say we have the same eyes,
and I could spend eternity trying to wax poetic,
emphasizing ambers, honeys, and suns,
that can only mimic their radiance from our forms.
But they fall short of where my agony lives,
and I say agony because
lyricists say this is roller coasters,
ferris wheels, sunny days, and stormy nights,
where joy is the absence of suffering.
But somewhere in history,
four small hands grasped dirt and dust
only to find life inside,
abandoning philosophy for something more precious.
To think our fingertips have touched the same earth
is what the pious must feel before death.
How can you say we have the same eyes
when mine are wildfire tragedy,
and yours are January’s starlight?
When we were once rooted there was something shared,
only for it to be ripped from my body
to feel like a winter without snow.
I am undeserving, and yet
it will only be moments until I remove your ribs,
stealing ichor from the gods,
because it is my own vindication,
or perhaps,
the only thing I know.

And still, you only graze me like porcelain.
ohNoe Mar 2014
You must miss me
  must miss the kiss of me
The break had to make You ache

I can write now what will still be
years after You've forgotten about me

in the myriad of mirrors in my mind
  Yur diamonds shall be the sole soul shine
every bit as real and raw and radiant as the first moment
they raced and rained and raised their reign within clint

reflections refuse to fade
each an inflection of Yur voice
  a forever of Yur face
   a reminder there ain't never been noe choice

every pissant poignant poet
weaving emotion images with their words
all the cunning linguist lyricists
singing lies and lines they think you've never heard
didn't actually feel any ******* thing
knew not one iota beyond nothing
of life
of love
of living in love

pathetic paintless portraits
(tattoos on a corpse)
empty echoes of nothing notes
(dealt by the deaf and the dead)

but I bet it's not their fault
they probably never felt a real fall
a feather float race up the rapids
with the fluffy grace of rabid rabbits

Not so for this man who be me
my feather has done dancin' shakin' in anti-gravity
I have sung sacred songs as angels swum along
our feather mountain biking heaven-strong

Of course our river was an awesome flow
(a hot-tub raft in moonlit snow)
And Our Poems were always best in show guitar glow
cuz I had You to Noe

yet the Mostest WOW was not enough somehow
the Bestest LOVE of this Life is not alive now

here I am again
a millennium worse than i've ever been
fetal black rose petals
dead dull dried
all their thorns' tears cried

no light left in my once bright blue eyes
dead and drowned and dried out
  cried out
  ashen grey
  nothing evermore to say
Fly Vida Jul 2011
Beautiful women and beautiful girls,
Your hips were made to rule the world
To knock it off center with one switch in your step
The power you possess many people forget
Including yourself, other women and too many times men
We build ourselves up, they try to break us down again
I just got one question for them:
What happened to chivalry?
To women of the 21st century
You were their heart always worn on their sleeve
And a man that cheated but he didn't leave
To many young girls you were nothing more
Than a broken frame on a kitchen floor
Mixed with their mothers tears
Because that's the only form that their fathers appeared...

Tear down the walls that make your word night
And look to the sun and make darkness into light
All you need in your life is a beautiful smile
Only to know that you're worthwhile
You're so much more than your *** and your *******
You are defined by your intellect
You are not the measurements that lyricists impose
You are not correlated with the amount of skin you show.
But rather when you show what you know.

Beautiful Women and Beautiful Girls
Your hips are made to rule the world.
Challenge the world with your beautiful mind
Words of wisdom as numerous as stars that shine.
Lauren R Aug 2016
A locked box has the bodies of three different birds, all blue, all lyricists, all beautiful and stuffed with Xanax and newspaper. I paid my childhood best friend's brother to taxidermy them, stitch up their stomachs once and for all.

My closet only has memories. A bracelet with a feather on it that smells like fear, looks like betrayal, **** dealer, track pants, self-proclaimed whiny *****. A painting I made when I was six. All the pills I stole from my boyfriend, thirty-seven. All the pills that would've knocked my world out cold, skin cold, heart still, pulse still, veins finally at rest. A knife a psychopath gave me. Yes, he was a romantic, and yes, he did ruin my life, so in essence, still just a romantic. A fox hat I bought standing next to one of my under appreciated best friends, recovered anorexic. He's at college right now, falling in something close to love, probably another early grave. A too big teddy bear from someone I thought was the formula for the speed of light once. He's trying to force feed pills and slip **** into all my friend turned surrogate son's sentences. I am wishing I could lay a curse on his name. His mother already did it for me.

A drawer beside my bed, packed full of ****. Candy wrappers, gum, crumbs, marks of my self-proclaimed obesity, all 120 pounds of me feeling like the weight of the world and everyone's eyes. My inhaler, because these lungs don't want me to run. Pictures and letters from the ones I love, because I'm a romantic. Plastic dinosaurs, dried flowers, pennies, dimes, lotion, Neosporin, a deck of Tarot cards.

I'm just a vessel for all the things I can't fit inside my mouth. I can't tell into you what I've seen, I can only pull out the receipts. I can give you the ****** tissues my boyfriend handed me. Tell me how your stomach retches. I can give you the poem a crazy person wrote me. Tell me how you feel his void. I can give you my heart. Tell me how heavy it all is.
Pack rat
Dharmista Oct 2014
The world inflicts wounds
I don't react.
Follows old diktats
While I see them quiet.
Treads the wrong way
And the majority sway.
I don't have a word to say.
Encourages stupidity
Motivates ignorance.
Punishes you for being right.
Rescuing the truth despite.
Still I don't react.
Kills you, destroys you
Stifles your inner voice
Undeserving people taste success
While the intelligentsia demise.
And still I am a dumb witness.
Well.. I am quiet.
But you never knew.
An ongoing fight ensues
Within a chosen few.
We call them writers
We call them lyricists
The misfits and the poets.
Fight is on
As they write along.
Behind closed doors.
The moment you say
'Yea that's true.'
We know its gone through.
Their work they dont sell
They are a closed door rebel.
Swording with the pen.
They fight battles unknown.
Their work don't sell.
They are a closed door rebel.
Joshua Dougan Jan 2017
I actually haven't written raps in quite some time. Just poetry, but I got my start in 2008 on a website called my16bars (it has since gone down sadly) but I retained a lot of what I learned there.

There was a cool group of us young men who were daily users and we always shared our rhymes with each other and gave the best most honest critiques we could. as a group we wanted to elevate ourselves.

Life circumstances has changed me a lot, I have a son and am days away from having my daughter with my wife. Our life is great except for all the hardship,superficial and immediate. That's why I'm back at it now. And I take it a bit more serious. I'm shooting for poetry, wether traditional or slam but still I take a lot from rap lyricists and r n b artists.

I guess my idea is this tho, hello poetry is great but "likes" are kind of dated and hard to get. This will quickly become a popularity contest if we focus on the little heart. Instead I'm thinking of starting a chain, or forwarding group that we can share and critique, as well as repost and share/add to collections. This seems really redundant considering poetry groups are around and prevalent. But nobody, and you can look into this, nobody critiques poetry here. So people who rhyme are never tried and tested to do better.

The reason why a cypher works in rap is because if you **** people call you out right? Well that's not how it happens here in hello poetry, instead everyone likes and doesn't comment, or comments but no like, or likes and reposts but no comment. But I don't see anyone telling people that they could have done better, no one says "that's cool but maybe if you tried it this way" and honestly I myself am afraid to try this as well out of fear that my trying to be helpful will be misconstrued as an insult.

Poets can be the most sensitive people and for good cause. I liken myself to sensitivity but I hope one day we won't have to worry about hurting each others feelings and we can start really motivating each other to elevate our status. To do better. I'm not just searching for people to make me a better poet I'm looking for poets who want to get better with me.
If you're interested in working with me please get in touch as all opportunities have a shelf life.
We all play a certain type of chess,
In this game, winners and losers are meaningless,
Rather, we play against ourselves. Against our emotions, thoughts and experiences,
On an infinite chessboard, the poets' pieces move one step further with every poem,
There is no completion in this game, the infinite chessboard continues to expand at breakneck speed. So fast that the playing pieces sink into infinity. We only change the color, the appearance, the type of chessboard,
So that we are no longer aware of the melancholy infinity, we hope that the poetry, the poems that we write will increasingly overgrow the playing field,
So that in the end we can say to ourselves: “Victory in The Great Game of Poets and Lyricists, is the acceptance, the recognition of infinity.
dennis drain Apr 2015
Hello, my name is Dennis Drain, I am 17 years old and currently attending Silver Creek High School as a junior. My school has officially made changes to its curriculum to fit a big picture school. In this form of schooling students explore there interests and gain high school accreditation threw the real world work they do in the community. In speaking to my advisory teacher Mr. Topp we have found that having an interview with a musician who knows the business would positively impact my career. I have great interest in the rap industry. I have allot of lyrics that I have wrote and would like to start recording. As part of my semester goals I would like to start to build a foundation of musicians, lyricists, company leaders, and producers. You can contact my advisory teacher Mr.Topp during the hours of 9:00 Am and 3:30 Pm at the schools number (208)-578-5060 or through email at . I would be able to do the interview via Skype, Facetime or Googlechat.  Please help me in attempting to chase my dream through hard work, persistence and the community you belong to. You can contact me personally via email at facebook or by phone at (208)-720-0961 ask for Dennis. Thank you for your attention to this email, I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                  - Dennis Drain
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                  ZtickZ
Lauren R May 2018
Do you remember that night?
This was moment I loved you.
I was so deeply terrified;
I cried in relief as I burrowed my face in your embrace;
So silly of me,
All that fear in being left alone for the first time.
You probably never knew.

I'm always taken by your memory
And we're long and over,
The people we were no longer exist.

I am in love with a kind man
Who is my world.

And you are a friend to me,
No longer the shining knight
But a sentimental bestie
Too far away to talk often.

But sometimes I dream about you;
Back when you were the safest place I knew

It takes me to a forgotten sanctuary
You put deep in my heart
I go there and I feel again.
I go there and I'm free.
I'm reborn a newer self.

And now I know why all the famous lyricists
Lament the great mystique of young love
For I find my former self anew
In the memory of you.
And though words fail to convey;
I am forever grateful.
Lyrical inertia.

Witchkraft chemistry seems so elementary for these progressing professing purposes.

You have lost my respect for your reflex cannot accept fear as a stimulus.

**** is a nightmare on regrets? Ridiculous!

This mission gets a lyricists in trouble.

For being known is an everyday struggle.
                       I don't know you.  
    You don't know me.  
         I said this a thousand times .

Your ****** gland has been incalcified.

As I stand alone with divine chromosomes.

   The stupid are docile. yet in their eyes successful as a prize for the PROPHET'S food.

   While the self aware fails to produce I cannot feel          

                                                        what it is to lose.
Big Virge Aug 2021
Now It's Clear That Some Heads...  
Need To See That I GET IT... !!!  

..... Can DISCREDIT.....  
Your Claims To Be IMPRESSIVE...  
In Art That You're... Representing...  
Now It Could Just Be...  
of The... Level of BELIEF... !!!  
That Might APPEAR To EXCEED...  
..... HUMILITY In Me.....  
But It’s Simply THAT...  
And That’s... A FACT... !!!  
Or Maybe It’s THIS...  
The Current SOFTENING...  
of How People Live...  
Well In FACT EXIST... !!!  
Due To VIRUSES...  
And... Contrivances...  
That Have Now...  
On... Various Levels... !!!  
People Are DISHEVELLED...  
And Just Like Killah Priest...  
Have HEAVY MENTALS... !!!  
But NOT LIKE Him...  
Or Guys Like... ME... !!!  
Who Is An... ARTIST...  
Who Has MORE Lyrics...  
Than MOST Lyricists...  
Who Are In The Business...  
of Making... HITS... !!!  
So TRUST When I Say...  
That... I DO GET IT... !!!  
BUT My Wordplays’ NOT GENERIC...  
Or Written For... COMPETITIONS... !!!  
What I Write Is SERIOUS STUFF... !!!  
I Know That Some Are Just Poking FUN... !!!  
But Some Clearly BELIEVE...  
That BIG VIRGE Doesn’t See...  
That He Needs HUMILITY... ?!?  
And Yes I’m Now Talking...  
In The... THIRD PERSON...  
Because... BIG VIRGE...  
Is Just Another Version... !!!  
of Who The Man VIRGIL...  
REALLY Is... TRULY... !!!  
A Man Who Deals...  
In... DEEP ARTISTRY... !!!  
So My... EXPRESSION  ...  
Is Just What STRENGTHENS...  
That Sometimes Reach...  
BIG PARTS of... My Psyche... !!!  
But As A Good Buddy...  
Said To Me... Recently...  
“Don’t listen to the haters Virge,  
because your use of verse,  
when it’s well observed,  
does show superiority,  
that’s above the artistry,  
that nowadays comes cheap,  
with egos that exceed,  
the place where they should be !”  
So You See...  
It’s A DIFFICULT Thing... !!!  
To BALANCE EGOS That Live...  
Inside... SERIOUS Artists... !!!  
So BEFORE You Think It’s COOL... !!!  
To Start Making CLAIMS...  
And To Hurl Abusive Views...  
About An EGO...  
That You ASSUME...  
Is A... MASSIVE Part...  
of The Big Virge DUDE... !!!  
DON’T Get It CONFUSED... !?!  
I’ve Said It BEFORE...  
And I’ll... Say It AGAIN... !!!  
My Style Is RAW...  
And DOESN’T Play...  
… I STAND ALONE... !!!  
And DON’T Write For The Folks...  
Who Take Life For A JOKE... !!!  
I’m A SERIOUS Bloke... !!!  
Whose Poetic Quotes...  
Are Those That Go...  
With The Type of Egos...  
Whose Art Is DOPE... !!!  
And This Has Been Expressed...  
By A NUMBER of Heads...  
On The WORLD WIDE WEB... !!!  
From DIFFERENT Continents... !!!  
And From Those Who Were There...  
And Were In MY PRESENCE...  
When I’ve Performed Poems...  
LIVE And... DIRECT... !!!  
So That’s Right I’ll DERIDE...  
Artistry That I Find...  
DOESN’T Exercise...  
My Body Or Mind... !!!  
In Ways That ELEVATE... !!!  
Or Make My Hips GYRATE... !!!  
And BELIEVE Me When I Say...  
That I KNOW My Art Holds WEIGHT... !!!  
And Is Just NOT Seen As... GREAT...  
Because My Ego DOESN'T DEFLATE... !!!  
Around Those Who BELIEVE...  
In The HYPE That They Receive...  
From The Media And TV... !!!  
And Because...
UNLIKE These Heads Who EXUDE...  
… The Type of EGOS...
That Could COVER Up THE MOON...  
I DO TRY To Keep Mine COOLED...  
But To Write In The Way...  
That... I NOW DO... !!!  
“ Of Course I’ve Got One Too ! “
It's a fine line that you have to keep a close eye on, however, critics and those who are quick to accuse people of being certain things, should maybe take some to THINK, before doing it ... !!!
Gabrielle May 2018
All of those love songs make a different noise.
Each background cello note vibrates on my panel of heartstrings, snapping them one by one.
Each minor note sung by broken hearted lyricists swells in my lungs and scratches upward into a mournful wimper.
Even the upeat drums thud hollow and muffled in comparison to my souls echoing cries.
Music can not be music when the one my heart sings for ripped himself away, not bothering to finish our chorus.
TR3F1LD Feb 2024
keep going back to cool stuff I once made &
rereading it applying some changes
to certain ones at times; it's frustrating
that, after the latest rhyme piece written
I have created nothing decent
and am kind of wasting time on thI̲s one
where are those several lines
after penning which I, eventually, wi[aɪ]nd
up having devised a barful sheet?
how & what the hell to indite?
go, like an overnight lodge, **̲[ɑ]stile? ge[ɪ]t
a mo[ɑ]p & fire lead
at poor lyricists or strike auto[ɑ]cracy
and agents of this kind of po[ɑ]litics
with spite like prior sh#t
of mine? something like the stuff in which
much of bo[ɑ]dy harm's received
by the unrighteous targets picked?
going that way reminds me of the knight of Go[ɑ]tham with
that armored co[ɑ]stume pU̲t on
[the Batman in an armored suit from the "Dawn Of Justice" film]
like that warmonge[—]ring nuisance (it's all the West!)
'cause that kind of stuff's the stro[ɑ]ngest suit &
it's somewhat dark as well
but it's O̲[ʌ]f no help to the psycholo[ɑ]gic health
change the cu[ʌ]rrent bell
[style; the "change one's tune" expression]
on something which has no[ɑ]t a knell-
-like vibe to it? how in the *******?
have to be afflicted by a spell
or something to have the lyric-writing shelf
o[ʌ]f mine supplied with stuff like
that; in fact, there's one which is kind of well
in terms of the least of violence dealt
and having the least of toxic vibe as well
it's that night fun tale
["a night out rhyme tale"]
write something personal?
not like some ****** flick
but that's horrible
'cause I am pro[ɑ]bably go[ʌ]nna wI̲[aɪ]nd up with
something writ as if by a whining b#tch (again)
with all that versified, it seems
it may be better, like a nau[ɑ]ghty chick
with a zoomorphic co[ɑ]stume kink
to opt for a tale of some kind (tail)
something with the littlest o[ʌ]f spite
and sans an in-the-dumps vibe
still, it's easier to just go a[ɑ]dverse
whether I target authO̲r—
—itarianism or chU̲mps who've go[ɑ]t poor
bars, instead of tryna cO̲me up with
sO̲mething else, which is whY̲ it feels
like a comfO̲rt... zone
(a writer's comfort zone)
"bar sport (prelude)" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
musebitch Sep 2020
with a hellish mess of originality!

she don’t care, that my own estimation
is droopy, my slip showing, nah, she’s
howling and I’m returning her “favor”

*****, you’re my ruination,appearing
regularly around 3:00am,  with three
or more poems for me to store,  as if
the world awaits my/our awakening,
muse gaslighting, trolling my brain!

she replies:

“they come sad and easy, fed to me
in spaghetti string lines, forkfuls
of stanzas, wicked, which I lace
upon your lips for easy retrieving,
reliving them gloriously here on HP

Of course, if you prefer this woman
can disappear, like a rolling stone,
plenty new aborning poets, lyricists,
crying out for inspiration, satisfaction,
how about an adieu, bye to my how-de-do?”

she got me by my spectacles, knowing I’d
take her haunting just to write a single word,
all my own, even if took ten years long; laughing
at me, saying “you’re not the first to make that deal”

so if you see creations from a,
it ain’t me babe, just another man who sold his everything,
for a passing hallelujah, or worse, even a finale selah...
Alexandria Hope Feb 2019
And just like that,
I know my magical world is gone
It ended in a drunken haze,
On the last note of a higher-octane song

And where did the magic go,
When they spent the very last of it
And can I get it back,
If the old lyricists ever re-writ
Their last musical pieces
Capture the stars again from the sky
And re-map the venues with them,
To play one night like we will die.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
poets are less than poorly organised
singing potentials,
they're scouts...
   they're the people science forgot,
we're scouts foremost,
we discopver language arenas
that people have yet to translate into
mathematical semblance,
or the authenticity of scientific
              poetry forgot what it
was orginally intended to be...
what it was, at first:
            a case of prometheus...
we scout the land,
bringing back the basic crude
materials that are worth investigating...
we do not possess
     paradigm of powers left to rest...
yes, we're lazy,
but we have only cowered in
being exhausted by exploring
unfathomable areas of interest,
tongue first, eyes second, mind last...
who are we?
    begging lyricists?!
   really? that's all we  are,
and forever will be?
          you want a ******* sing-along,
go to a pub and recite
               your little japanese
enrichment prodigy that's
the karaoke...
               i have a purpose:
words explore first,
what numbers subsequently explain
into a rigid format...
Nidhi Panandikar Jan 2018
Before I save you, I have to save myself.
A journey with a drink, travelling for a morbid farewell.
Before I rescue a stranger, I have to save myself.

My sister was wrong, I am not the most confident and beautiful person she has known.
Before i blame someone else, I have to blame myself.

My love never left me, she knew my worth more than I ever did. She gave me her oxygen, when i blew out mine, in balloons of unnecessary nostalgia.
Before i forget her curses, I have to forget my sins.

Of all the friends who left, some held on tighter. "I told you so" was never an option, they danced my worries away. My sisters now. Family always.
Before I cry for those I lost, I must praise the ones who stayed.

I remember less and less about happy memories, but only things I regret. Things that left dusted into the wind.
Before I raise hell, I need to raise myself.

Singers, songwriters, lyricists, all of them gave me words i needed to sew this piece together. A new reign must now arise.
Before I praise myself, I must eulogize those before me.

Looking back 10 years , I see regret as much as i see satisfaction as much as i see the work of an over-bearing brute.
So before I take someone's life, I must first lay down my own.
The melodies of the heart, must never cease to ring, for when they ring a tide of satisfaction seeps through.
Briscoe Sep 2019
The great pretentious act of our poets,
Is to believe every line's scripture,
For they're painters with black and white pallets
Simply putting one word with another.
They're lyricists without melody,
But they have one refined, silver blade,
That cuts to the heart, and it's memory.
Universal tides collapsing to glades,
Which can be explored and made beautiful
Not because every stone's overturned,
Not because wisdom nor knowledge make it full,
But by the will that says "linger on these words."
To peel moss from the grave, to burn away
Ash from the corpse, and hear what they've to say.
"The maximum known depth is 10,984 metres (36,037 ft) (± 25 metres [82 ft]) at the southern end of a small slot-shaped valley in its floor known as the Challenger Deep.[2]"
L C Centauri Feb 2021
I have been everyone before
Projecting patterns onto myself
Black and every color imaginable

Sparking the flames that grow higher and higher
Burning me down to that of infinitesimal workings
Becoming nothing more than a solar flare in the mind electric

After years of abandoning the in-between
I straddle the border of systematic understanding and global comprehension
Because a bounded existence is only meaningful in the Kafkaëske

Forever seems like too long to hold your breath
Push yourself past the panic point
Reinvent the Renaissance

Stoking the flames that grow louder and louder
Relishing in untestable power
Instrumental labor setting foundation for the lyricists

The human condition adds fuel to the fire
Existence precedes essence, I have always been alive
Choose to ignore, invent inertia infinitely into inconsistent ignorance in immoral imagination

It’s showtime inside the cage; my consciousness is thrown away
Had there been a result; there would’ve been a reason
There’s a permeable permanence profoundly proving patience performed in particular patterns probably pierce perceivable perfection
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
New beginning

Lights in the dead of the night sky;
The music plays waking the neighbourhood.
Electronic radio-waves leave no place to hide;
Wipe away the sleep from your eyes for good.

The noise is inside you now and forever;
Words of poetry dig deep into your soul.
You take apart their voice in any weather
And you are found wherever you may go.

The hands that feeds reaches into your head,
Leaving you without will; enslaved by a song.
You have become the beautiful word, never will you forget,
Or forgive them for not arriving sooner.  It has been too long.

Until now the sound had always been missing,
You were longing to hear the heart beat inside your chest.
Reawakened by love like you had never been listening;
They spoke to you like no other has ever said.

All the ends are now attached;
All the pieces fit at last.
All the words have been connected together;
Lyricists open up your head, releasing you forever.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —