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brandon nagley Jan 2016

Mine ecclesiastical adamant, amiss I am
With thou not close, I stareth from mine
Window, as an old lost ghost; needing
Thine hand on mine.


Agin, I needeth thee, next to me,
Warmth of the age's, an unaging
Recipe; for a king and queen,


I feeleth as a man
Locked in a cage,
The steel to heavy
To breaketh through
To thy face, though
Stuck through this
Glass, beyond the
Other side, I canst
Only hopeth, for
Ourn day, ourn
Time, I knoweth
We'll meeteth.
One day we wilt
Shine, one day
I'll connect to
Thine glim, one
Day thou shalt;
In mine arm's
Be mine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose dedicated)
ecclesiastical means- of or relating to the Christian Church or its clergy.
Adamant means-  diamond, or (more generally) any very hard substance. ( I mean diamond)
Amiss - meaning out of place. Things also no quite right.
Agin means- next to.archaic form.
Glim is- a candle or lantern.
JCabanilla Jun 2020
The day is looking great,
So start your day with a smile away from hate.
The wind says don't forget to feel him,
He wishes you a day full of glim.

A dreamy night would be nice,
When you close your eyes I wish you paradise.
I pray God not to give you nightmares,
So you can sleep well because you're in God's care.
Day 2 Guys! A poem for him again. June 19, 2020. Oh btw he sometimes answer my poem 😅 he even made a sweet poem for me. I don't know if I should post it here but let me know if you want to read the poem he made for me hahahha
Terry O'Leary Sep 2013
The warden’s bewildered, the keeper’s amazed
as the gate gapes behind us, a hole in the haze.
Our steps seem uncertain, the cobblestones crazed,
pearly stars burn above us like pinwheels ablaze.
Though lanterns hang vacant in streets staring blind,
broken paths paved in puzzles compel me to roam,
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The cannons keep calling, the piccolos shriek
and the druids drift, drumming, while pale pagans speak.
They’re urging me forward, my senses they’ve mined,
and the trail is erupting, come hie to the hills
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The looking glass glistens, a firefly glows,
and the brownies leap lightly on tiny tip toes
for the twilight’s collapsing, which serves to remind
that as dusk turns to dust, with no time for farewells,
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The ponies of plunder prance, passing nearby,
as crusaders on stallions cast stones from the sky.
The figments they’re facing have paid them no mind,
but our broncos are bolting. Corral what you need,
                                        I’ll not leave you behind.

My visions are swirling, they flash from the crown,
from the rainbows of summer, the tinsel in town.
While the compass wheel’s spinning, the minutes unwind
inside evening’s auroras – so cling to my cape,  
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

Drooping droplets of wax adorn pinched candle wicks
while the vampire steeple’s cathedral clock ticks
of the terrors in tombs where ****** flames lie reclined
with their flickers fast fading – abandon the glim,
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The orphans and widows lean into the breeze
watching horrified hangmen descend to their knees
for the angel of mercy’s no longer inclined
to forgive vengeful  phantoms (oh Furies of night!) ,
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The bandits are brazen, the highwaymen lurk,
some imbibing dark brews of a hag’s handiwork,
mostly gulping from goblets like goblins maligned.
Woman! Widen your wings, catching wisps of the wind
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The lepers laugh, leaping from tombstones of steel
chasing rollaway caskets on luminous wheels;
while their shadows shake, shrouded, twixt trees intertwined,
twisted time melts at midnight, take hold of my hand,
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The gremlins *****, grinning face down in the dust,
while the sprites and the pixies are watching nonplussed.
They sling bolted arrows at spectres enshrined
within winds somewhat flustered, just fly from your fears
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The tattered toy teddies and raggedy Anns
have escaped to the skyways in kid caravans
but now, spellbound by fancies, know not that they’ll find
their parade’s evanesced into echoes of dawn –
                                       I’ll not leave you behind.

The wind’s my enchantress, beguiles and commands
me to search for my fortune in faraway lands
and whispers her mysteries of passions entwined,
for the wind is Isolde – unfurling my sails
                                        I’ll not leave you behind.
Adam B Feb 2010
You're under this notion,
fueled by the flashing colored screen.
What you think you need,
what you know you need.
They've got it so right, they've got it oh so right
Living life like we're under the spotlight

Lights, camera, action
we follow the rhythm
believe the system
oblivious to the secret faction,
solely conceived as a distraction.

Impressionable we were,
deeply displaced,
Young eyes glaring into space,
we become what our imaginations trace.
Outlines of the human race,
told by the man behind the box
without a human face.

New watch, new ring, brand new play-thing
it's all you need,
they burn the fuel to your greed.
impregnating our every last thought,
only concerned with what, when and how-
much, we've already bought.

Remove the glim and glam of their cerebral spam.
the pursuit of happiness isn't in your wallet or your T.V. screen,
they'll only tell you it's how you're supposed to be seen.
Deceitfully robbing us of our imaginations, confining us to
their own limitations.
Overthrow their control and shut off your televisions.
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Creation's not of mistake, nor of
Natural selection, we art not of
Darwinian theory, nor of
temporal direction.


We slumbereth neath the
gipseian bleujaday, captured
By the great painter's hand;
King and queen of the mid-
Night crave, wax of glim's
On crystal stands.


Eurasian ether, creational
Blend, the mountain's do
Shaketh, when heavesia

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
©Lonesome poets poetry
Natural selection- is The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
Darwinian theory -Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.. ( a man who had none god) not me!
Temporal- has to do with the world. Wordly things..
Gipseian- relating to gypsies.
Bleujaday- is a word I made up on mine own, it means in the blue of the day, or blue day. I meant blue day.
Glims- are ancient candles or lanterns.. Archaic word.
Eurasian- mix of european and Asian parentage.
Ether- the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds.
heavesia is another word I made up- it means.. Heaven and Asia coming together... (::::::
Commends or commend- praise formally or officially. ( praises)
Just like light, you appeared
Illuminating the darkness away.
Just like a glimpse of hope, you came
To resurrect the still bones in me.
Just like a breath of air, you filled my lungs
Storming death like a flood.
Just like yesterday, I was gone
But now am born again.
I'm a prisoner in my own mind,
And my thoughts have made me blind,
I keep searching but I never find.
I'm a prisoner in my own mind.

I'm a prisoner in my own head,
And my own body wants me dead.
It's got me stuck here on this bed.
I'm a prisoner in my own head.

I'm a prisoner in my own skin,
And my old soul is wearing thin.
I can't get out, but how'd I ever get in?
I'm a prisoner in my own skin.

I'm a prisoner in my own room,
And no light ever hits the gloom.
A comfortably quite spacious kind of tomb,
I'm a prisoner in my own room.

I'm a prisoner in my own house,
And there's no glim left to douse.
No one to comfort me, not even a mouse.
I'm a prisoner in my own house.

But I'm no prisoner to the world, no doubt.
I'm a refugee they could live without.
So I'll be perfectly still. I'm not gonna shout.
They could wait forever but I'm not coming out.
Alice Baudoin Jan 2016
I mixed you up with the sky
In the end of the day

With the leaves
Of the forest glim

With our song
“Landing like a stranger”

With life,
I filled my days with you

My ears, my laughter,
My echoes, my hopes,

My steps, my nights,
My wrinkles, my sighs

I should forget
How the world is rolling

The same colors for us,
The same seasons,

Same words
Same smile

I’ll efface you
As a candle - dying,

As the snow on your path
Before walking

From my ears, from my laughter,
My echoes, my hopes,

My steps, my nights,
My wrinkles, my sighs

Still, could I ever efface you
From the orange sky of a sunset

From the leaves of the forest glim
And our song - “Landing like a stranger”?

Without you
I’m landing like a stranger

Into this world
As into any other
Prakhar Bansal Sep 2016
The night is long
My world is an illusion
I take this fall
This is my submission
At this hour so late
I see you out the window
Alone I wait
As I try to right my wrongs

And I hear voices
Voices in my head
All these noises
Noises of the dead

The fireplace burn
I am locked in
I see the sun
Your eyes, they glim
And I sit there
Watching you drift to sleep
Wish you could hear
The silence clouds my screams

And I hear voices
Voices in my head
All these noises
Noises of the dead

My demons call to me
Remind me of my sins
My past lures me
Hiding in the den
Your hand I hold
Lead me back to light
And I’m so lost
Give me back my life

And I hear voices
Voices in my head
All these noises
Noises of the dead

I reach out to you
Vanished like a dream distant
Raining blood on me
Death staring from distance

And I hear voices
Voices in my head
All these noises
Noises of the dead
shooshu Dec 2015
"A prisoner
of acrobatics.
A cosmic
seed of
bloomed vanity;
a gentle sin.
An indulgence of
glim & glam,
unable to
cut the rope."
|| shoo.shu ||
Emily Jul 2015
With blood cascading constantly,
These narrow glim lines under my pale skin,
I question, maybe I'm alive.

That the raging hammer thumping,
The hollow heart in my chest,
Means I am simply existing.

These soft inhales and exhales,
Thick polluted air,
It must mean something.

Though it could be confusion,
Simply too real to be illusion,
Definitely not delusion.
Maybe I've come to a conclusion.
To end my manic mental drive,
Maybe I'll live not to survive.
I think I am alive.
I like this - I thought the second stanza would end better with the word 'existing', thus given the final realisation in the poems' final line more potency. Just a thought anyway -
sandra wyllie Mar 2019
You burned
your candle at both
ends. I suffered a loss
of light. Instead of

getting bright you
dwindled in size. There
was less and less
of you. I tried to

tell you. Yet you
told me you still carried
the flame. You couldn’t see
that it was getting

lowered down
to a glimmer
until a light breeze
snuffed it out
z Feb 2023
i look for your skin to crawl
for your hair to get lost in
for the softest of your breathing
for the flames that you caused
for the burning in mine

inside this cave where the monsters sleep
where i tried to sweep and ****
where you whispered your tricks
where i shoot up the glim
where you whistle and                              flee

you watched them point their swords at me
i remain small to keep you where you want to be
this is a zelda reference
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
“Those who wander along the beach
Find conches and shells
But those who dare to venture
Into the depth of the ocean
Discover precious pearls...”

Of blindness must we suffer not to see
The hidden pearl into the imperfection

How many lives
May pass around us
Before we notice beauty,
Force, or splendor

Soul-stirring people in the day
Arose to my eyes
Somebody thinking of ending her life
Somebody terminally ill,
Praying for courage
In the ones that will be left behind

So many people we don’t look upon
Because they don’t seem good enough
Bright enough
To get our admiration
Spectacular enough
Young enough
Or maybe rich enough
Joyful enough
Or full of life enough
To catch our eye
To rise our glim
Our interest or our closeness...

How much distress
And how much desolation
Must we endure now
Before we see them
Embrace them
Treasure them
Learn from them
Cry with them
Grow with them

They slide unobserved
Like shadows
Shadows of thoughts that we are

Those who wander along life
Find conches and shells
But those who dare to venture
In the depth of the soul
Find pearls
This poem is inspired by, and dedicated to, the great writer and entertainer Amitabh Bachchan
AM Aug 2017
She lit a cigarette in his name, and poured some ***** onto her scars.
As the night became darker she whispered a broken 'i love you' from the door ajar.
She could see his chest rising and falling, and that was the first time she neglected her heart.

The second time came around as she poured some wine onto her guilt.
As the night became lonely she whispered her shaky 'im sorry' to the candles reflected on the silk.
She could see the shadow of his embrace as it moved slowly to the rhythm of their thrill.

The third time came as she poured whiskey onto her fears.
As the night became somber, she whispered 'i don't want to be here'.
From the kitchen counter she could see the glim of his body, as she hoped he couldn't see through her tears.

The last time came around as she poured some gin onto her lies.
From the shower curtain she could see the warm water falling upon his eyes.
When the night became heavy, she whispered a nostalgic 'good-bye' as her clothes fell from skin, for one last time
six pm Mar 2021
i had a dream there were polaroids of us.
developing sunken and strewn across,
my pink comforter; a soft cosmos.

i saw how happy we were,
you tall and in your glasses,
arms around me and hunched
to envelope your frame around mine.
behold; my real smile.

not where my controlled lips cover my gum line,
to feign the sort of *elationship i experienced
only when we would speak.
would speak.

shut the curtains.
i don’t even want the sun
to filter in through the fabric
and change the tone of my pale skin.

i want to stay the same,
i want to be exactly as i was
the day you reached across,
felt me, and i touched you.


i want to hold our whole world
and hand it to you in my palm,
even if mine crumbles.
Atlas bent and crippled from the pressure
i am devoted
to holding you up.
i will not shrug.
(oh, i must move on)

no. cleanse my home w. white sage
and string along my bedpost
bewitched apples cored. cored.
finally biting into you was like biting

into an apple that hid a star.

and *omitted, how i adore stars.
i lose sleep surrounded by them,
counting them,
staring into mirror telescopes until
my eyes burn and my vision blurs.

i will hold you in my mind’s eye forever.
i will dedicate and devote every motion onward
toward the path which leads back to you.
even if it feels eerily, like eights.

infinity. behold infinity
within the iris of your
half-moon eyes smiling
back in a b e a m.

i’ll race time to the future,
at the far end of our solar system.
first steps cracking untouched crust
of Pluto’s nitrogen snow,
at the center of her heart shaped crater.
look back into time
as the glim of Earth is licked
and flickers the moment

of our first kiss.

like these memories, no more
than a spectacle, a twinkle, in
the otherwise steady shine of Earth
bathed in our Sun’s overcast light.
filtered and shrunk by distance and
gravity as a star I had never gleaned before.

how fortune smiles upon all
who behold you, *omitted.

-six pm | *apples, mirrors, snow
Shobhit Feb 2018
Excruciating is the swim,
under the monotonous glim.
The walls, I wish to defy
and give what  it takes to satisfy
my dream of freedom
my freedom of dreams
taste the saline cream
for I am the turtle in the tank
aspiring to leap high
to swim across the ocean
under the mighty blue sky

Insipid is the strawberry
she feeds me with delight.
my heartbeat numbing down
succumbing to the blight
If only she could hear
my cry under the carapace,
I would take her to my abode
and bathe her in the sunlight.
for I am the turtle in the tank
breathing blood with every sigh
my scutes fading away
my wings are calcified.

She tells me matters of her heart,
and stories of her trend,
and at times she makes faces
that I fail to comprehend.
At times when she is gloomy,
she just stares me blatantly,
as if asking me to understand
for I am the turtle in the tank
and that is what I try
I sooth distressed hearts
and mine no one pry.
Anthony Mayfield Jul 2018

You’re safe
You’re warm
You’re home again

You’re safe and sound
You’re still around
Your soul is found

Bent low on the ground
Your face became shroud
But the water
Her water
His water
Their water
It loved you
It cleaned you
It sailed you home

The clearest water you’ve ever seen
The perfect temperature so keen
Your thirst is gone

The familiar man in the distance
Clad in Red
You’ve escaped his vengeance
His game is dead
Dead by the wondrous sword

You stare at him
He stares back so glim
Then he bows
Accepting your win
Then he’s gone
Gone forever
Happy endeavors
The Vacancy Saga continues with one final confrontation against the antagonist...
Tapiwa Mesah Feb 2021
Shadows glooming despondency uprightly,
Focusing a glim of shame and imposed abandoning.
''You look greatly molded in depression,
Your burden to me looks fancy.....''
That was a misery softened evil ****,
Piercing through into my shallow hollowed ears.  

Our rep casted her eyes aside,
Hoping to swift through a refreshing outlook.
The sight of it burdened her eyebrows,
Her lids stashed with a haulage of anger.

The wicked lingered in every set of a piece,
Even the tiny, lest we forget about the shiny.
It dug through and through to the cores of her bliss,
Sowing pandemonium, doubt and crime.
What crime?

Crimes of self doubt, crimes of hopelessness,
Cries for help, cries for a decent revitalizing wave.
Miles of cries led to crimes,
Cries of eyes for miles.

We are within the evil, daily
We brew it steadily.
Our hope, not a strategy; is that we live,
We survive this feeling.
We are 21.
In this piece "Her" is referring to a large portion of young people plastered together within the currency of depression, self doubt, purposeless existence. I titled it "The 21" because that's the day young people are celebrated in Zimbabwe, alas the young people are nowhere near the need to be celebrated but to be rescued.
Phoe Jul 2019
Unable to move on
Can't go back
Here I lie
Frozen in time

You could say I am dead
For life is about moving
Yet I still breathe
So I don't know what I am

I try to stay awake
But sleeping is all I can do
Dreaming of a better life
A life where I can walk

But when dreams
are full of color
Waking in the darkness...
Brimful with struggle

I remember the times
When I could see in the dark
But I got acquainted with colors
And I no longer can

Now I need a light to see
Light that I don't have
Never knew where to find it
For I never needed it

I don't know if,
Before the colors
It was better
But I can't go back

Going back...
Wishful thinking
Going forward..
A hopeless struggle

I just wish everything else
Got frozen in time
For time is the one thing
I need to find a light

A light so I can once again
See in the dark...

My darkness inside
Pratiksha Gadhe Aug 2019
If only I could ask the Moon...
Is there someone waiting for me...on the other side of the road...
with those eager and desperate look in his eyes...
with the glim in his smiles...
to meet his half soul????
You blossomed in the most evil soil of em all..
Earth, that's what this horrible place is called...
A flower no seed could birth, a memory no entity could reverse...
I'm In love with the way you embark on your journeys...
You set sail so fierce, ride the waves of life with no protection...
You walk by, the world turns...
Breaks it's neck, at attempt for your attention...
You pay no mind, your eyes tell all...
I could see glim, heart and soul, but pain most of all...
I think that's why I love your heart...
My pain matches yours...
The agony felt good this time, every time...
I'm stuck with demons that choose to be beautiful...
Disguise is the number one form of evil...
I cross this bridge from time to time, dark tends to test me at my lightest...
Skin bruised with struggle and black...
My soul sometimes belongs to him...
I steal it back every night, hoping he'll get tired, but it's me who gives up...
It's me who drops to both knees, and In the moment of living nightmares, beg for ease...
Every crack of the whip drives a new brain cell...
Only mine can't steer, He takes advantage of my weaker me..
When the moon is at it's highest, I sweat and tense in the thought of his presence...
It's been rougher than usual, nights are longer, and the nightmares last...
I'm at a point where giving in seems logical..
I don't understand what I've done, what I've done to receive such evil..
Such heart attack to the soul..
I realized, it was you he fears..
He acts out because he knows your close..
My angel has been sent, this woman everyone dreams of, has been a reality for me...
You brought hope to my attitude, you dug me out of that deep hole, you, you are my guardian..
Your my wings, your my getaway from life..
Your my gateway to that same time..
My beautiful angel,
(J)ust like a noble steed she strides through the boundaries of every unmapped terrain.
(O)ne magnificent beast that could pass any hurdle with one leap and never feels the strain.
(S)uch beauty that she possesses brightly, makes the stars go dim.
(E)ven gods would probably kneel before her and just watch her glim.

(M)ighty as a stallion riding towards barren fields.
(A) vast amount of knowledge is what she has and what she wields.
(R)ested within her is a golden heart said to be pure.
(I)n her soul there is an endless humility with an extent that no man can measure.
(E)ternal like time and change, all cherished treasures.

(B)raving storms that only comes in the darkest days and the blackest nights.
(O)n solid ground she plants her feet as she prepares for the fight.
(R)ushing against the blowing wind and towards a victorious plight.
(J)ourneying through long and rough winding roads  she walks to find her path.
(A)s to where it leads, well lets leave it to her and that is that.

(V)aliant like a true knights sacred mount.
(I)n never ending wars that even kings can no longer count.
(C)ourteously she brings us smiles and laughters whenever the curtains are lifted.
(E)ven if behind it all, all she wishes is that all the sadness would have drifted.
(R)elentless are the tears that would never seem to go away.
(A)nd yet she hopes to find a proper bloke, to mend her heart, and with her to stay.
(L)ove that can over come any test and that is what she prays.
tompoet rwanda Jul 2018
in a jail full of
darkness i diminish
my plasma cells and let
my mind lavitates to
release my glim

in a box full of liars
i maneuver every single
hand on me
to reflect my light
to their glooming hearts
and burn the seals.

in a bottle full of
fortified wine,
i release my helium
to nullify the alcohol
and evade their devils.

in a room full of enemies,
i multiply my hydrogen
to demolish their glimpses
with my fantastic glare.
Not Rand Feb 2021
Rotted hollow stumps grow greeting
Minds like yours and mine to meeting
Might and menace - the men retreating
From utter, bar none, monsters beating

Of hearts so strong and weak, along
To stringent thrums they croon our song
They part and in this place belong
Some rightful seat to wax and wrong

In love and scorn, in thoughts alone
Of deeds repaid and sins atoned
Upon the glim we fling the stone
And call aloft to steer us home

But not the blood home whence our birth
Nor still the foster touch of earth
- The flames unfit, the skies in dearth -
Instead on stanchions of our worth

Beneath twin pools of muck and ire
Beneath two more: The beast; The fire;
Ceaseless straits of optic mire
Rivers down and up the spire

From our aft the wire emerges
The string'ed puppet craft from urges
Our safety ropes - A net converges
Upon we fall in chants and dirges

Through gaps astride we tears fall
Side by ****** side from all
Our tide of eyes will cue the call
The masses' fist to uninstall

Yanked aside like rotting weeds
Our amalgam minds took-root recedes
The might has died, the menace bleeds
Our wants - They are this monster's needs
Doesn't make a whole loto f sense without the esoteric lore that goes with it, just checking to see if it sounds okay on its own.
Isn't so to say who you are.
It's about glittering eyes for dilated pupils.
It's about control.
It's about the movement of a butterfly's' wings.
Expression will always be there and if you think not it is there glim.
It can't hide but it can be in shadow...

© 2017 Clarissa van Vreden
AsJay Nov 2018
Why does it take so much?
I’m only wanting to feel happiness
Dreaming of having it in my clutch
But all I’ve got is emptiness

The night sky looks so glim
Stars shining at every corner
Knowing my chances are pretty grim
I’ll go stand over by the border

Fallen from my perch
Of my broken and eroding kingdom
At least now I’ve got the urge
To ******* freedom

Just like a jet soaring the sky
Or like the open water for a fish
I’ve always said I’ve wanted to fly
And now I have my wish

My love for you is strong in every way
While writing this I’ve begun to cry
‘Cause the only thing I feel I can say
Is goodbye
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2021
you are my soulmate
life is blooming just
alike spring season
I am having
continual affinity
with the thorns

the traverse
of time became
blur and dark  in past
you always glim a flambeau
by burning  the lamp
of your heart

you are
the guardian
of the life’s garden
full of buds and flowers
always shown me
the path of dignity
and good intentions

our pathways
may be full of flower beds
or cruel harsh as stone
I took the vow
will always walk
along with you in any
adverse circumstances

your arrival is always
alike morning breeze
full of fragrances
whole creations on the earth
feel jealous ad shy
by a glimpse of you

©deovrat "अयन"  28.07.2021
La Nómada Sep 2021
“It can’t be love.”
He cooed at me
Melodic Latin tongue
But I’d already fell in love
With every song he’d sung

That night we met
the stars ignited magic in the breeze
With princess vibes
I led our tribes
I had him on his knees

We danced the night away again
I sat upon his lap
“Que pasa te?” He winked at me
I’m caught up in his trap

He asked me to make sure that I
Was staying not for him
With crooked eye
He said goodbye
Emotionless and glim

I told him that I hated him
And how he’d led me on
He’s just a firework fantasy
They sparkle
Then they’re gone

He taught me that a gypsy love
Is best left undefined
This beach towns not the only thing
I have to leave behind
Jenish Mar 2020
Ah! my small withered life
Creaking like autumn leaves
Try yourself, tread and hear
My lost love and her cries.

Silence of death had took
Glim of my soul and love
Darkness ne'er lift from me
Until her light lit mine.
Yenson Jul 2020
Profile of the erudition
where wisdom grows in myriad branches
and reasoning takes and gives in deltas countless
from a core secured and enlightened in iconic orations
the alphas move from scared pleas to where omega resides
and flows and graces beacon in the dignity of pristine thoughts

The one word merchants of the violable mantras
slanted words intoning the echo of disjointed minds
in vacant spheres they offer saplings of hemlock and sap
for their headless gods ordains that heathens glim self reflections
in dog-meat from the dogmatic preachers who blows smoke in fakery

Pagans worship understanding of misunderstanding
devolution of torn utterances to find skirts to clothe the dressed
because the muse of cloggers only knows timber but not benches
pity the limited tutors who berate the rain in the drought as waste
the one word triggerers from the County of Dumbsville and gnoramus

— The End —