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Jeffrey Pua Nov 2015
Despite the moon, the mood
     And stars on foreign skyline,
From having seen the Earth, this world, teeming
With life, with breath, and breath Almighty,
     And spirit in things which are perceived,
Still, I feel a deep longing, a chasm,
The feeling of missing, the want
     For reliving a lot of things,

Like the beaches on the South,
Sagada, Batanes, the tarsier,
The reefs, and the mangroves,
Our fellow Filipinos eating Adobo
And the so-soft fluffiness of rice,
In celebration of our heritage,
     Our famed resiliency,

I am a tourist all my life,
I remind my self,
     Until I found you,

For they are all yours, all finest things.
     You are the islands of our country,
And all these call me
As though to take me to you,
As though you were calling out to me
     For an embrace.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Nishu Mathur Sep 2016
Yoke smiles
And twinkles from the eyes
Blend them together
Whisk, whisk, whisk
Till it all bubbles to
A perfect frothy fluffiness -

Heat some love
And tender words
Add fruit of human kindness
Mix, mix, mix
Some rinds of laughter
Blend it all well, in folds

Cup this
Into lightly buttered hands
Of giving

Then warm the heart
And put it in to bake

See happiness rise to a perfect gold

A simple recipe - the soufflé of life

Crisp outside
Molten and soft happiness within
Melissa Blair Mar 2013
I bought a brand new pillow
It looks really nice
It's pink and oh so fluffy
I can't wait to give it a try

It's been a tiring day
I'm feeling rather dead
I think I'll head off now
To rest my weary head


What the Hell is happening?
Where has my hair gone?
Why is my pillow growling?
And what is it chewing on?

I tell myself it's not real
And lay back down to dream
But then I feel teeth on my head
And I can't help but scream


My pillow really is eating
And I'm now missing a nose
The pillow's getting fatter
As it's belly grows

I try to run away from it
But the fluffiness darts across the room
It's gnashing at my toes
This fluffy pillow of doom


I think I'll test things out
Before buying any more bedding
I think I've finally lost the plot
This pillow's done my head in

I set the thing on fire
And ripped it into shreds
There's no way I'm letting
That thing back under my head!

-Harry Potter reference: I just realized after posting this that with no hair or nose, I would look like Voldemort!-
I have quite a strange imagination, wouldn't you agree?
Clindballe Aug 2014
Even when I am
Six feet under
The ground
I'll still be
Their fluffiness
Purrs and meows
I have a weakness for cats.
Written: August 27. - 2014
WoodsWanderer May 2016
Hey you
You with the crinkling eyes and the dancing laugh
with the arms that ensare my waist to throw me against
pure emerald mountain sides dripping with late spring rains
the shucking of pine bark to twirl wooden towers down lilting slopes
and the gangly limbs reaching towards the sky
in an attempt to capture the clouds
for the sole reason of dancing through their
you with the pure soul and poise fit enough for the queen
if only you were anatomically different
you would rule this world better than she
honesty running through your laughing veins
as you summit mountain after mountain
pure glacial eyes darting to capture mine
mischievious depths speaking of hidden love
I know you
so well.
Even though our friendship has been
2 months 30 days long
I know you better than I know myself
My best best friend you called me
as true as these wild trilliums we run past in an attempt to throw
the other into the lake
the fires which serve as a competitive twinkle in your eyes
we are so free.
You who contains the most pure soul
pure intentions I have ever come across
You are so loved
You are so perfect in your innocence
In the wise notes held in your fingertips
you provide wings to leap with.
I know there are waves trapped in your veins
calling for your brilliant smile.
I know when your head rests against my chest
it is with the innocence of a child
You are my best friend
My comrade in arms
My birch gatherer.
and this love spreading through my limbs
for your tired head and tumbling curls
is hard to ignore.
I know you are being called away
a bright future awaits
a familial expectation to fufill
I'm just here to tell you I will be waiting
In these mountains, these peaks
roaming annd laughing and dancing
waiting for the day my best friend realizes
his happiness is more important than others expectations
and I will be here
as free as when you first found me
ready for our adventures to begin
Come fly with me.
Jellyfish Jul 2017
Little orange octopus
that's staring at me,
your fluffiness looks comforting
but I wish you'd tell me what you see.
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
I’m not able to capture the true beauty of the universe
I can’t capture the ever changing clouds’ fluffiness
Or the way a bird soars across the sky in the easiest of ways
I can’t capture the warmth of the sunshine
Or the coolness of a breeze
I can’t capture the music playing from an old car stereo
Or the harmonies combined of the world
I can’t capture the smell of the rain
Or the pressure of the drops as they unite with my outstretched hands
I cannot capture the true beauty of the universe
I can, however, lie in the grass
Counting stars
Johanna May Oct 2011
She sits by the window sill
waul by the wall
singing him back home
because she has no thumbs
to open a can of tuna.
Evolution has been remiss
to her kind in this regard
but flea is well aware
this lack is compensated
by fluffiness, dainty white paws,
and eyes that glistens
ever so moistly
(looking at morsels mostly)
Gy7nnA May 2015
You can call me your teacher,
who taught you things you've never known

You can call me your travel buddy,
who takes you to places you've never been

You can call me your dream weaver,
who help you build your dreams

You can call me your chef,
who feeds you with delicious food

You can call me your preacher,
the one who caddies you to the house of God

You can call me your singer,
who sings to you melodies you've never heard

You can call me your book,
whom you read page by page but with no ending

You can call me your psychologist,
the one who analizes your character deeply

You can call me your mirror,
for you bare everything to me that no one will ever know

You can call me your match,
that lights up fast when you need a fire

You can call me your pillow,
the one you hug at night to hide in it's fluffiness

You can call me your blanket,
the one who gives you warmth inside and out

You can call me your home,
for I am your shelter when you are lost

You can call me...
The one who stays behind your back

The one who holds you invisibly
The only one who speaks your language
or your soul mate

But I want you to call me...
The one who never left, just like the way you want me to...
Eternally! ✨
Hayzzzzz... sad!
Ashley Dennis May 2013
Behold the mighty cloud
That floats above the rest, and is proud
Of it. His fluffiness no teddy bear
Can match. Snow is jealous beyond compare
Of his whiteness, and the fact that he
Can make rain, hail, or snow be.
The trees themselves cower and shake
When he yells thunderously, and quake
When his rage electrifies the night.
He can fly low, create fog, and banish sight
Or soar in the sky with the wind, his friends,
Who help him move faster than a car tends
To go. His awesomeness no other can show.
Madeleine Feb 2018
As all leaves have fallen to bare empty trees
Temperatures begin to drop
Colder and colder each day
From not being able to see your breath to seeing
And all the long sleeves and pants come out
With hats and mittens and boots and all other snow gear
Its time for the delicate and soft things to fall

For how could this be so soft yet hard at the same time?
Soft when first falling from the white clouds above
To being packed into spherical shapes to become hard
That is white all year round from cloud to ground
Yet when gone number one in or stepped on many times
Turns a different color

On those nights with the lights outside seeing them flakes fall
And looking so peaceful it just seems so relaxing to sit and look at
And watch gracefully fall for hours at a time

Thinking how pure it is to have something glide to earth
Making the round land we are on so beautiful you look in awe

To be outside no longer warm
To dress cozy to enjoy the weather and play in the fluffiness
Or stickiness and build with it
Just too much fun sometimes
After to come inside and heat up with some hot chocolate
Or maybe some tea and warm fuzzy blankets

The outdoors becomes cold and sometimes like ice
We choose to stay in and play some games and have some family time
Read a book
Or even a movie with some snacks to enjoy

Before bed as it continues to fall and watching it
As you begin to fall asleep makes the night relaxing
And followed by peaceful dreams

When grown and with the significant other or married spouse
For some to be outside and kiss under the elegant shapes
Is magical and sometimes cooler than kissing in the rain

To be able to build igloos and snowman
Making snow angles and snowballs
To tunnels and riding down hills
Snowshoe and go cross country on skis
To finding a sled or tube to ride down hills
Gaining speed and once in a while crashing
Or falling off with laughter to top it off
To catching them on your tongue
Sometimes even in the eyes but that’s alright
Because it is just water after all just a different form

With water freezing and some roads turning to ice
And lakes, rivers and other bodies of water freezing over
To skate on, play games on, fish on

It’s a wonderful season
Another time to get together with
Family from both sides
Enjoy homemade foods
Cookies that get made once a year
To ending the year and beginning the year
With the snowflakes that glide and shimmer

For some who don’t like to be around it as much
Or even as long
Vacation time is around the corner
To leave the white beauty to travel to warmer weather
For a week or maybe some months
But to come back with it still here
But not always

When it begins to fade and the inches become centimeters
To seeing the grass again
It is time to say goodbye
Goodbye till the end of the year
Goodbye winter gear
Goodbye but not for good all them long sleeve and comfy clothes
To the hot chocolate we all love
But secretly still have throughout the year

Saying Hello to warmer weather
Temperatures rising
Rain coming
Storms coming for May to bring flowers
Once again

Goodbye winter for not many will miss you
But there of us who will and
Be waiting till you come again

You are many things
Many ways to describe you
Even though you can make us cold
And yet enjoy your presence
See you again
just moments ago, i went online and tapped Google
   if some miraculous spell
   could be drawn out of thin air
cause (this house husband

   feels a bit embarrassed to divulge),
   but at present,
   the will to live aye cannot bear
cuz  after an ample lather of soap and shampoo,

ah pronounced heady effect became immediately clear
where times gone by
   (even as late as early January
   tooth how sand and eighteen),

   the strands clumped, glommed, and matted together
   as sieve ma noggin got sat upon by a deer
no matter after shaking head banging fashion
   (imagine rock stars of yore

   whipping their wild locks) from ear to e'er
butta noah such dizzy inducing antics
   resulted in absolutely no fluffiness,
   hence my worse fear

(irrational?) yes, an obsession i.e.
   thy hirsute outgrowth fixation dated back
   tummy boyhood when cranky gear
and defective cogs somehow impacted

   preoccupation concerning
   every singular follicle fostering hair
strand, but during prepubescence,
   this now grown man took a fancy
   to this, that, or the other lad,

   who sported a style envied yours truly,
   hie wished said thatch tubby upon mine
   ma lil oblate spheroid,
   and pleaded (weathered and in vane)

   with fate to make magically ap pear
this, tis minuscule wiggle room
   to muster support from rear
guard, hook offer me wiggle room

   asthma body electric goes on a manic tear
precious seconds ticking closer
   to the final count down where
this mwm might remain bed ridden
   for an entire year.
modelb0nes Dec 2013
I fell in love... with the way
you fall asleep. slowly, then all at once. god, I sometimes wish that I saw the pictures that reside underneath your eyelids and the images, that make a map on the inside of your brain. but no, here I am, feet as cold as the heart of a murderer's, listening to coffee steam and the sound of your soft whispers.

I fell in love... with the way
you fell in love with the sky.
the tenderness of the clouds
and the fluffiness of the atmosphere, you've always adored the sky; especially after it rained. red-sky,
I think you called it. though I've never had the pleasure to witness one (and with you), I hope it looked like you. I hope it looked
like your eyes in the evening time.
that'd be my redsky. I see redskies. redskies in your eyes, yes, well
if that counts.

I fell in love... with the way
your heart fell into beats. each one
sounding like a metronome that stopped to the sound of your voice and had no specific rate. oh, it'd flutter then fall, then rise, and fall again; kind of like how I feel about you. kind of like how I fell for you. kind of how my love is now for you.
and I really wished I figured out which part I'm at now, the flutter or the fly part..
my continuation to john green's quote "I fell in love with the way you fall asleep".
Mohd Arshad Oct 2016
In the yard, something squeaked,
But music was softer, and sweatness
Blew, and at the window it was sweeter
I saw the source of it, hugging the glasses.
In the twinkling of a star
The whole blue was white, very white.
The cat left the bone, licked her whiskers
And crept through the hole to the yard.
Oh, amazing!  She danced, cupping her legs
To catch the fluffiness, falling in a fashion.
Mesmerized, I, too, hit the floor soon
To taste the feast, Awash with bliss,
Winter had laid down after swan summer,
And were there like leaves in the rain.
Mohd Arshad Aug 2015
When I stop telling lies
And dishonesty is mowed on,
My soul speaks to the singing birds
And smiles through the fluffiness!

My wings never beat to come down
Though greenery invites and delicacies call
And The nature of the sky binds the soul!
Notes (optional)
Tom Balch Jul 2016
He sat on a rock by the banks of a stream
he was armed with some paper and pen,
he jotted down thoughts that came in his head
his first poem was formed there and then.

He wrote of the music the water composed
as it danced its way round all the stones,
he wrote down the words of the water birds song
and he wrote of her colours and tones.

He wrote of the warmth from the mid summer sun
how it shimmered and hazed over fields,
he wrote of the dust a tractor kicked up
and his poem was starting to build.

He wrote about clouds in the Robin egg sky
their fluffiness, whiteness and grace,
he painted his picture on paper with pen
and the warm summer sun on his face.

He wrote of the calm that came in the air
as the afternoon started to tire,
he wrote of the orange and red glowing hues
of a sky that was blazing with fire.

He wrote of the Martins that took to the skies
the aerobatics and speed of their flight,
he wrote of a day that was second to none
the smells, his feelings, the colours, the sights.

And as the day darkened he put down his pen
and his paper he folded with care,
he rose to his feet bid farewell to the moon
and tipped his hat to all he´d seen there*.
wordvango Sep 2016
was four balloons in the sky ,
cut loose to fly,
at the end of the auto dealers day,
I was done with my building a shower
awaiting my ride, outside.
The four balloons took flight
in a mostly blue sky, seemed to have
a direction in mind.
They were flying away from
the eastern grey clouds
into the more calming
west, filled with
fluffiness and calmer breezes,
I called to them, lying on
my back in the grass.
Hey you, blue balloon,
hey red one, okay yellow,
do YOU hear me, the white
one shimmered.
Hey, don't forget me. Come
take me with you, pretty
things, so free
and unencumbered
by things down here,
they seemed  gay,
one after the other, separated
by a few hundred  yards
I felt burden free for a minute.
I guess they inspired me.
cheryl love Jun 2013
Owning its space, living amongst freedom
Diving deep into a field of gold
Touching the fluffiness of the cloud
Keeping its beady eyes peeled.
The flight of an eagle,
Swooping, catching a mouse
The King of the birds of prey
Its path revealed.
Mateah Sep 2024
In the hum drum and the toil
In the itch of daily life
As we each till our own soil
Carefully avoiding each others' strife
We go to and fro enjoying
The comfort of monotony
And take pride in our employing
The right of autonomy

We take little heed of shadows
And the artwork they display
Or the fluffiness of clouds
As they drift along their way
We forget to thank our knees
As we bend to take a seat
Or admire the flowing streams
In the hardwood beneath our feet

It takes substantial effort
To see the inches in the miles
But there's something striking in them
That I think you'll find worthwhile
Take notice of the details
Don't be blind to little things
When life feels all too big
Just practice noticing
I've found this makes my life feel much less chaotic. Noticing details helps ground me, make me more thankful, and helps me realize the insignificance of most of my problems. Haha.
Allyssa May 2021
I now understand the time of the Renaissance,
Where the clouds painted across the sky were strung of gold,
How the sky was painted by Michelangelo’s hand,
Where the cherubs danced and sang amongst the fluffiness of the timeless sunset.
I understood the dream of the gods painted in soft lights and surrounded by gold,
I began to understand the offerings and the worship to the creatures that blessed us with the sun and sky.
I started understanding when the sunset before us stretched into forever when I looked over and you were painted in those golds,
Those soft rays of peach and marigold.
To feel effervescent in a moment that made me feel warmth and love,
To know your name and heart in the ever increasing stretch of sky,
Is like painting the clouds so I can have an excuse to gaze upon your face while you watch in awe of the colors made just for you.
Christiana Krump Dec 2015
I dream of flying
Like the caged bird, now free
Of pouncing on life
With the roar of a passionate tiger
Of living to the fullest
And standing like a tall pine against the sky

My desired life is not clouds and fluffiness
It is the ferocity of a storm
I do not want shelter from it
Do not keep me in your menagerie
Thinking you can protect me
I do not want it

The skies call to me
The sea sings for me
The forest speaks with me
The world embraces me
Maloi Nov 2016
I'm living in a world of angst
but breathing in a words of fluffiness,
you can't read me that much cause
I'm still an alive memory.
Poetic T Apr 2020
Lucid eyes gaze at you deeply,
not just one, but the attention
of another. Then another,
till onyx eyes follow your
every movement, mimicking
                 your head gestures.

These little clouds of white,
    like a breeze surround you.
But what started of as a gathering
soon became a mob mentality.
As they hurry around you a
hurricane of nibbles upon your being.

As white becomes crimson, it would
look pretty if not for your blood painting
on the canvass of there appetite.
You try to scream out, but as you raise
your hand in desperation. One after another
they consume digits. And screams are
muffled out by there herd of ear piercing

­The circle of life has a funny way of coming
around, as they clean each other all that's left
is a stain, quickly dissipated with multiple
fluffiness walking over as they ***...
    What was a ink blot on the field now just
a hue on the blades no one being the wiser.

Then later another walker, brave and daring
walks unrespecting, and this one isn't as
skinny as breakfast.. Lunch is served.
As they smile sweetly, the walker says

Oh dearie me..
             this isn't going to end well me thinks..
cheryl love Jul 2014
Owning its space, living amongst freedom
Diving deep into a field of gold
Touching the fluffiness of the cloud
Keeping its beady eyes peeled.
The flight of an eagle,
Swooping, catching a mouse
The King of the birds of prey
Its path revealed.
wordvango Apr 2017
one day lying on my back on the lawn
the sky painted a portrait for me
a man floating on clouds like cotton
through passages of eternity

these empty spaces passages
they floated between the white
fluffiness created a movie
of sublime white and blue

I saw men and women in
portraits above
smelling sweet sweet blossoms
the grass green the clover

all around were dreams and hypnosis
things brought forward
I had forgot
thoughts of then

the sun peaked through
a ray of sunshine so bright
I was blind for  a minute

when I opened my eyes again
it was such a beautiful day
I sought to lay there
on my back
and watch the sky

to eternity
or until
I died
The Fire Burns Sep 2017
Spicy and sweet,
warm and moist,
cinnamon and nutmeg,
sugar and cream cheese.
swirling vortices streaked with vanilla.

Titillating tongue taste buds,
travel a tasty turning trail,
roaming whipped edges,
and plunging into fluffiness,
exploring extravagance.

The plate now empty,
disappointing want,
but secretly satiated and satisfied,
the sweet and spicy glaze remains,
coating memories in the mouth.
The sea and the sky combine
To form an oil painting in my mind
As the fluffiness of sleep encircles
And traps me to my bed
Through the semi conscious world I wander
Shoeless across surreal plains
Never quite getting to grips
With the surroundings I’m submerged inside
I somehow know it’s not real
Yet it feels like I should be here
The beautiful colours and strange images
Are magical yet misshapen in view
'bout fluffiness of hair after washing

Now get ready for...
yup intelligent persiflage
determining if ***** "talk" gauge
correctly calibrated courtesy this sage.

Beats out global warming
by a long stretch
most important commander
must set example you betch
chore life no matter
if miserable wretch

survives impeachable offenses
enough to make me kvetch,
especially four more years
yours truly will once again become
bulimic anorexic wretch.

Versus important crisis
of planet Earth,
where Gaia's bountiful
nature woolworth
analogous wharf resplendent
docks side of ships berth state
housing electricity generating

mined resources inevitable dearth
warming chill folks
courtesy ***** hearth
reminiscent during inchoate
fetal nine months
in utero signaling imminent birth.

Quite understandable reasonable,
non negotiable, inviolable...
blah... blah... blah
scalp itching blather
particularly to prioritize
orange-blond hirsute fullness

upon rinsing sudsy shampoo lather
as expressed by this
post baby boomer
pencil neck geek father,
who attempts to walk poetic feet
across cyber sea
miraculously to slather.

Trademark seedy nonsensical
farcical gobbledygook,
perhaps posthumously printing
bestselling blank paginated chapbook

ghost written by Trump
titled Art of the Steal
detailing head and shoulders how to look
suave and sophisticated all business

swiftly tailored harried style shook
White House disguised himself as rook
key "Fake" incognito president
recruiting apprenticed bartered bride
slow vacuuming trophy wife crook

cow hoard milching, kickstarting,
inciting, generating... donnybrook
coiffing pompadour resembling
forefathers windblown periwig.

Nope not even one hair
mussed out of place,
as if teetering fountainhead
supporting Atlas shrugged

top heavy topples
and crashes scattering
bajillion easy pieces everyplace
analogous to humpty dumpty
each and every last vestige

vanishing without a trace
exiting out cloaca
subsequently intently watching
toilet bowl royally flush
clockwise if within northern hemisphere

heavy enough to sink submarine
haint no reason yours truly might gush
even if abominable ballast
saves queasy passengers
plummeting thru aerospace.
Kenya83 Apr 2020
You started your life as a fluffy white feather
So perfect, so flawless, so pure

The price of life saw you change with the times
And that fluffiness is no more

You fell from the sky and caught my eye
Our stories have changed, amour

— The End —