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Geno Cattouse Oct 2012
I had Joe Willie from jump. The Jets were off the chain
Baltimore benched Johnny U cause he knew the game. And played it too.

The AFL was full of bells and whistles.Speed kills
Three yards and a cloud of dust. Get real coach. We shootin rockets to da moon. High tops . Cmon pops.

Change the guard.
Them people ain't done nothing to me said Ali.
Da Nang ain't my thang.  He was the greatest. Still is.

The Haight was great.  Oh yeah Kent STATE.
1968. Open the gate to the house of the rising sun.
Joplin. And Jimmy. Marvin and Tammy.

The Doors and Hair. ****** in the air
What rhymes with Agent Orange...... Nothing.
Inevitably when I write I drift back to the sixties , seventies and even the eighties . Those times were scary and normal/safe at the same time. A convergence of many things that are  seared into my being forever.
Sharina Saad Jun 2013
When I was small
I had a favorite game
A game only girls loved to play
Paper dolls, pretty paper dolls....

My sister Sara dressed the paper dolls nicely
Elegantly dressed, pretty dolls...
and we loved to style them our ways...
We got bored easily and Sara begged me to buy more dolls...
I used my childish charm to get a rupee or two
My grand papa joked about our  paper dolls
"no saree wearing dolls"? " no chapati making dolls"?
" No parantha making dolls?
and both of us replied.... " ohhhh.... shut up grandpapa"

When we grew up a little,
My sister and I were sent to a boarding school.
It was all girls school
and we were taught grooming, social etiquette
and how to be a lady...prim and proper
Dressed smartly, talked only when necessary
and sat up neatly, no head turns..
No giggling... only smile delicately
No tantrums or emotional plays...
just be poised... controlled.. poised and controlled...
Of course
We were not allowed to play paper dolls anymore

After awhile I hated the school...
Told my sister.....  They were turning us
into paper dolls...
Paper dolls have no say...
They only follow.. They are puppets
Remember paper dolls we used to play?
All pretty in the outside but there is no life
to breathe....
Suffocated i felt here.....all I wanted to do is flee
Sis, cmon this is certainly not us... let's flee

We managed to be who we wanted to be in the end
to live in real world, be with real people
given a freedom to choose what we wanted to do
with life...
We enjoy our life not the traditional way anymore
Have career and still we dressed nicely and elegantly
We are real people...
Unlike the paper dolls , who only look poise and beautiful..
but inside they are freezing.... lifeless....paper dolls..
Sag Oct 2015
tell me how you really feel
tell me you don't think of me like you used to
tell me you finally see how people get sick of me
tell me you're tired of resting your arm beneath my neck
tell me you're tired of being tired together
tell me again how happy someone else could make you
tell me you hate my ****** rhythm and shaky voice
tell me all of my paintings look like ****
tell me I don't mean **** to you
tell me my words mean nothing anymore
tell me my words mean nothing
please tell me I mean nothing
Kai Jan 2022
In the reserved room built with teenage angst
sat a guitar waiting for a dear friend.
My quick fingers were tentative to touch.
I listened to the chords I brought about—
played a tangle labyrinth. I wish to quit.

Was that a G sharp or a B flat note?
Frustration brews like a furious storm.
I wanted to toss everything away.
This instrument? Not mine. And that is that.
Too embarrassed by my ineptitude.

I loathe guitars! I cannot play them right.
That riff was supposed to be heavy metal.
Not math rock, but it’s enough to settle.
That might change if I use guitar pedals.
Cmon, keep your head high. Let it stay bright.

A friendship with my guitar has begun.
There are bounds I’m still trying not to reach.
And one day, I’ll be good enough to teach
or possess an audience at the beach.
Hey, the guitar is becoming quite fun!

****, metal. I’m a stoner rock artist.
I can play bends, solos, and vibrato.
Look, I even came up with a motto:
to thrive, start with anger in a bottle.
With my advice, you will go the farthest.

My fingers’ pink blush irritates my skin.
Still eager to play. I ignore the sore.
It doesn’t feel like a chore anymore.
This instrument? It’s mine. It led to doors.
It helped me find heaven and become kin.
Learning the guitar's not easy, eh?
Ma Cherie Jun 2017
Poetry comes an poetry goes
haiku sonnet epic ink
in any style even prose
sometimes I can't even think,.
other times the well is dry,
maybe I just need a drink,

A little drink a little smoke,
loosen up it's summertime
maybe take another ****,
come up with another rhyme,
yes cmon it ain't a joke,
cmon you know I'm feelin' fine,

Under the sun of June again,
holding onto hope,
cmon now an be my friend,
grab on to this piece of rope,
in its strength you can depend,
when it seems you cannot cope,

just look to my lovely sun
for inspiration,
it is certain to deliver.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk....sorry been away with a hectic ife ; )
Sharina Saad Jun 2013
Juliet looks at her watch
feeling bored,  Mrs Saad please stop blabbering
Juliet glances at her friends
ah cmon, stop pretending writing notes
Juliet stares at the whiteboard
The alphabets are dancing
The sentences jumbled up
Juliet looks again at her watch
convinced Mrs Saad would never stop
Juliet peeps between Steve and Chris
there is Romeo looking so serious
concentrating in Literature class
Romeo is the most outstanding
His art is most envied
Now Juliet feels ashamed
To win Romeo, she should at least
try to write a stanza of poem
role play a scene from Shakespeare
and write a script for a play...
who would notice her enchanting beauty
In Mrs Saad's  literature class
unless she proves the beauty of her brain
in a form of literary texts that convince
and win....
so to all Juliets in my class, stop building castle in the air...
Redshift Mar 2013
three bites of cereal
to calm the burn
in the pit
of your stomach
this is the season
of the winged rodents
singing corrosively.
eating crows' feet
& bringing
lulling, rolling
waves of heat
heavy humidity

this is irony
for days & days
& daze.

we'll be floating
in an ethereal sea
of humor & stupidity.
the street is sweltering.
but those waters are
still pretty cold.

have some humility.
I hear they give it out free,
it even comes with extra soul.

start a cult
with me?
we can
tell em we
talk to god
& then
we touch
turns to gold.

burning ora.
Wednesday Nov 2015
Dripping peach juice down our chins,
chasing each other in the fiery sunset.

Veins popping out of your arms
begging something I couldn't quite make out....

You would draw me.
My body blown up on the big screen,
my curves soft like the smoke you were blowing out of your mouth.

The ***** videos,
followed by the sweet ones,
the ones with the sun in my hair,
our laughter electric as we fell down the rabbit hole.

The spray paint we dropped on the roof
as we ran from the sirens in the distance.

Electric, electric, you are my electricity.
No one can catch us if we float on air.

You said
"will you be my girl, will you be bad for me?"
And I slid down the slide, my legs scraping the mulch.
"For you babe. And you only."

The curve of your spine against my arm.
The freckles on your back,
the fine hairs on your neck pressing into my lips.
The warmth.
The light coming through the blinds,
your face illuminated.

You throwing up under the streetlights,
windows fogged, sleepy eyes saying:
cmon love lets just make it home.
Everything is gonna be okay, the police are gone..
Cut your losses, let's make it home.

Christmas trees in bay windows,
we watched them jingle.

I would leave love letters under your pillow,
in your car, whisper them to you as you drove.

You're a magic man.

And in your boxes- your hidden treasures..
I would stare at them until you set me under another spell..

Your dark hair wrapped up in my fingers..
Another sunset.

Asleep in the back of your jeep,
in the middle of the woods,
river water burning my throat.
Listening to you *****-
always vomiting,
always kissing.

Peach juice dripping.
Jack Torrance Apr 2018
You’ll only have one,
just one, and that’s it.

                                                            ­                            No, I don’t want it,
                                                             ­                                 I’m done, I quit!

Of course you want it,
cmon, only one.
Besides, you’re much funnier,
and way more fun.

                                                           ­                        I know that’s not true,
                                                           ­                      and it’s killing us slow.
                                                           ­               I don’t want it, please stop,
                                                           ­                                 go away, just go!

Where would I go?
Let’s not talk nonsense.
Just one drink man,
you deserve it my friend.

                                                        ­                          How can you say that?
                                                           ­                            You’re a part of me.
                                                             ­            You know one turns to two,
                                                            ­                      and two turns to three.

Nah, not this time,
this time isn’t the same.
Just have one man,
cmon, for old times.

There ya go......
How about just one more?
Seema Sep 2017
I am losing my mind in this heat
Can anyone rock on some crazy beat
Let's do a hip hop rain dance
So we all can feel a little less tensed
Rain God, hear us through
We dance from our heart, that's true
O'Cmon, don't be so stubborn
Just shower hard in our urban
I honestly can't think straight
Soon we'll turn into human bait
Baked in this burning sun and heat
O'please can you give us rain as a treat
Things are moving in slow motion
There's salty smell coming from the ocean
It's getting too stuffy, why can't it snow
A little cooler, but I really don't know
Tropical Fiji, why are you getting hot
It's like sitting in an oven or being stirred in a ***
All my energy seems sapped in
I am feeling hot, I am suffocating within...

Dry season too soon.
The Dedpoet Feb 2016
Whether I'm out on Military Drive
With my Ruca cruising the street,
I can't stay alive
Without that special meat.

I'm talking bout early morn,
Looking for a place for some comida,
When you need that taco like food ****,
You need it in your Vida.

Yeah, you have buevo ranchero,
Or maybe some bean and cheese,
But I need me some vaquero
To fill my Mexican needs.

So make me a taco,
Make it chorizo and egg,
I'm just a typical vato,
Cmon, please don't make me beg!

And now you know about my favorite dish,
Eating Mexican is like a granted wish.
From the San Antonio series of poems for my city.
I saw you standing there
As you were staring straight at me
You mustn’t have heard me calling
Because you carried on walking
As if you hadn’t heard a thing
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep blue sea
I am desperately trying to find someone to save me
From my dull reality
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep blue sea

I Don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I’m not here to hold your hand and
Whisper sweet nothings in your ear
The ****** fantasies flickered through my mind!
As you stood there unaware
Of the fire’s you were kindling up
Girl won’t you let me fan your flames!
Ohh fan your flames! Cmon!

Opportunity came a knockin for a few swift moments
Only for father time to whisk that chance away
Ohh Where have you gone?
I’ve been searching for so long
So SO long
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep sea
I am desperately trying to find someone to save me
From my dull reality
Don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I don’t just want to hold your hand
I saw you walking over there
I’m no geographer but I know my basic geography
The world ain’t flat
So by walking down there
You should be coming back
My way sometime soon
I meant to tell you all my thoughts and feelings
But I swallowed them up in the boldness
That is my pride
Hands so clammy
I choked on my words
Forming incoherent blabber
I want to be more then friends
Please disregard what those scousers told you
I don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I don’t just want to hold your hand
Let me take hold of this opportunity
I don’t want to spurn this chance to say
My hormones are about to implode
And I must confess
I don’t just want hold your hand tonight
Katelyn Jul 2010
“Shes indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on lookin
From left to right
Girl, cmon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin is so wrong
Im Mr. Right”

The car passes the first lane,
But it doesn’t stop.
Mom, mom? Answer me… mommy?!
Through the grass.
Losing control
Being tossed around.
All that is going through your head is,
Grab the wheel, grab it kate!
Out of the median and into the traffic.

“You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after this song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone”

The car starts to roll, once, twice.
We hit the poll and finally come to a stop.
Look over, the cars are passing by,
I see my moms face her body slumped over the seat.

“911 what is your emergency?”

“We just wrecked my mom isn’t waking up she, she passed out wile we were driving she’s not responding to me!” crying, “Please I need help, she wont wake up.”

“Did you make contact with any other cars?”

“Not that im aware of.”

“Ok I will send an ambulance and the police are on their way.”

I need to call my dad,
Why isn’t she waking up.
The sounds of the cars traveling at speeds of 70 miles per hour or more makes, me start to lose it.
I hear the sirens,
They ask me my name, and what happened.
The EMT pulls my mother’s body out of the car.

My daddy shows up and just holds me and tells me,
“everything will be ok, it’s alright baby it’s alright.”
last I wanna see or hear
is you cried.
cause the pain I get from that hurts inside.
I feel your sorrow,I feel how hollow.
But remember,If i'm in your heart then move on to tomorrow.
Cant you see? Baby?
The love I have is truly,  eternally,And specifically yours?
The only women in my life that I adore.
That I respect and cherish each sec,when you take away my breath.
with you I live for.
Do or don't tell me more,
If you wanna keep to yourself I understand,and I respect that.
But baby when you cry,its my job,my priority to prevent that.
Make sure that,each tear is less dense and not emotionally filled.
its not your fault,it never will.
So please don't regret any choice you made babe,cause my love will ill.
I know you cry to get it out and,It will never happen when my heart is in.
Each tear will dissapear,and any fear,we'll overcome.
As long as I can heal it,With God's help Love will always be sung.
With each breath from my lungs,not asthma can prevent me,to stop running with those tears.
I catch each one,kiss each one,and let the pain dissapear...
Not one will slip,from my hand,
As long as your heart has grip on me,
I help you stand.
YOU'LL never need another hand.
Cause my heart,my love,MY trust,I will be the only man.


Each day,
each week,
each kiss we give,
every time we speak,
I fall hard with love for you so strong it leaves me weak,but I still give.
MY BOO! I mean,your my one,and only!.
DONT ever forget,I'm here,you never are lonely.
My pookie,
My joy.
my sweet cookie,
Lovey dovey chipsahoy.
sweet kissy kiss smoochy smoochy.
EACH moment with you is filled with bliss,
romance,and butterflies make heart and stomach lift.
Yeah! -.-
→You now you always win.
In any love fight we have,
but I always win if we both end up cuddlin.
And snugglin,with alotta smoochy! smoochy!
Cmon admit it ;)
(its a tie),
Don't cha think mi pookie?
Haha I love everytime we hold hands,and its like there's no limmit to our convos.
No matter where we stand
You light my side up with one smile,a blessing to witness and have,your time and attention,
I can go on for miles.
I CAN say the things that makes your day,And remind you of my support and love for you,Like I did last nite.
Before you went to bed,
You gotta a text from me,and you read,all the sweet comforting.Words that I wrote,
you can almost hear me sing.
Even if my voice is bad,
I'm glad that your nite was made, And I can rest myself.
Knowing our love safe,
And your tears are saved.

BY: Emmanuel JV Hernandez
Delton Peele Aug 2020
Driven too fast
These past years
No worries im in a click.
Caught a rift enjoying life
chasin some dreams ,
Yesterday ..........
My competitions' gainin on me
Accelerating......I have to catch what im chasin
Before my way of life is taken from me
I waist no time .....I cant ......if I want to win .......what i need is more speed keep more tomorrows comming my way
Cmon Cmon CMOn CMON LETS GGOGOGO CUZ Were all init ta winit ....its the big one son its the human race.
Pushen ........stayin in control I bet my skilz iz  azgoodaz my luck
With out rules from a sideways
Point of view............ im cool
At least to me

Youths fading

As i t  g  o  e  s    i   t   t   a   k   e   s
My gusto
Int the timeline of my life
August is coming to a close
Its the most difficult thing sometimes to understand what this is all about ...why did these  sapiens ruin this perfect gift of paradise
And whats the prize .............old and conservative barely able to afford the meds to sustain their life jaded because 80 %     80%     80&      
~++++++××××$×××*********80%TO90% of our lifes ...............................
working.        And were stupid enough to put everyone ...every one
Everyone under subjection under the thumb under the rules the law we judge .............****** bums goofy goof off. Dumb dumbs......Get a job.........  
Do you know how humanity ......was originally suppose to have been at this very time line? Ill bet not one of you can answer that confidently.
Because no one can stand the idea of working all day ....and not recieve a check or some kind of payment......
Try liven in the wild for 20 years workin the whole while
And literally give every cent to someone else. Never knowing where your next meal is coming from ...if you even get body deserves anything people .........nobody earns anything work work ..... Time could have been "spent " helping healing laughing feeling loved makin love makin homes makin lifes worth liveing makin dreams come true .makin sure the next gen .benifted and inherited the same freedom and wisdom without pride and prejudice and war.............hey but not to wory ..........bust your azzez off for the machine....I MEAN ***.  YOU CAN ALWAYS DO IT DIFFERNT THE NEXT TIME RIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET?
Grace Jordan Dec 2015
My eyes hurt after I cry. Every time. Did you know that?

Its like my head is telling me to close them, and maybe I won't see the blood strewn across my childhood walls, my childhood hands, anymore. Their assailants were little secret cuts made each day, desperate to ask for help.

Years after they stopped, my eyes can still see them. My walls talk to my head and remind me how many times I wished I were dead. And I don't feel them, I can't fathom them, but they eat at the frays of my sanity, the few weak threads, and start tearing the life I've put together for myself apart. Who am I? I can't tell if I'm a death-lusting 15 year old or a stable and happy 20 year old woman. My eyes get so blurry here.

Its so hard with this picturing mind, to not remember how picture perfect we could be sometimes. I forget the calling and crying and cutting for those little snapshots that make me think I ruined all of it. That its my fault we're not picturesque enough to send perfect post cards for Christmas anymore. Its hard to convince myself it was never that way in the first place.

I mean, cmon, Grace, open those burning eyes of yours. You've felt like an outsider since you were young. Your father joked that with your starlight hair and sky eyes you were an alien that they adopted one day, but the odd part is you kind of understood why it could be true. Not just because of the celestial features, but you never belonged. The daughter they wanted and made you to believe you needed to be was never you. You walked on glass shards of your own shattered heart to try to reach the strange plain where your parents resided, but the more you bled the further you felt.

But they lied, you're their flesh and blood, that part can't be undone. They gave you special recessive genes to a T and made you suffer as a child for having them. To top it all off they gave you this ****** photographic memory that traumatizes you too well. Its like you can never leave the blood behind.

Yet tonight your eyes hurt, even too much to picture the blood, so maybe its time for some rest. The memories, the blood, even they can wait. For now what you need, god forbid you admit this, is some silence and rest. There has been enough clatter between your ears for one night. Who knows, some people might not even be able to withstand such clatter and chatter for a lifetime.

Guess your just a special recessive alien like that.
trapped in a child’s backpack
disguised as a lunch sac
really its a sac of crack
I take a hit
then I’m on the attack
looking for a ***** to smack
or getting first in track
in the 69 meter dash
faster than flash
that’s what happens
when crack and I clash
why every time I see a dumpster
I want to swim in the trash
I find some old ladies to flash
cmon don’t hold back
let me see some saggy **** fast

cause on crack I’m a blast
until I crash
I don’t mean come down
forever my high will last
getting last place in this race
cause my vehicle
which is now a bicycle
its cooler than an icicle
I got too many DWI’s
that must mean driving while Ill
because I’m the illest
that doesn’t mean I’m sick
well maybe in today’s slang linguistics
enough with the gimmicks
time to go
I’m late for the methadone clinic

these lyrics you will try to mimic
but me my self and the critics
can tell your full of **** kid
my rhymes go for the highest bid
yours go for less than a fat guys skid
marks, underwear found in the park
because someone **** themselves
and then said oh well
when life gives you lemons
then go home commando
and hide your **** dyed
I bet that **** on your legs dried
you hid them in the sandbox
the first kid that found them cried
from that moment on
that kid is now scared for life
and in ten years he will go to class with a knife
and end up doing 20 to life
so the moral to this story is
don’t do drugs and make sure
you keep your ******* tight
or you will **** yourself
and ruin some poor kids life

cause on crack I’m a blast
until I crash
I don’t mean come down
forever my high will last
getting last place in this race
cause my vehicle
which is now a bicycle
its cooler than an icicle
I got too many DWI’s
that must mean driving while Ill
because I’m the illest
that doesn’t mean I’m sick
well maybe in today’s slang linguistics
enough with the gimmicks
time to go
I’m late for the methadone clinic

I master bate 15 times a day
I think that means I’m gay
getting off to videos by drake
I always *** when it transitions to Wayne
isn’t that the worst thing
finishing when transitioning
to a ****** alien so lame
I think I’m going insane
I’m always stuck in my brain
trying to figure out which
backstreet boy I want to impregnate
why does life feel so fake
my mind is about to break
i day dream all day
about drake using a shake weight
just kidding everyone knows I’m straight
just ask my boyfriend
you will see him at my wake
cause tomorrow I’m going to die
I’m taking my own life
because we live in a simulation
and I don’t like this character
so I’m switching my controller
my soul I will register
pay my membership fees
and live my next life much better

cause on crack I’m a blast
until I crash
I don’t mean come down
forever my high will last
getting last place in this race
cause my vehicle
which is now a bicycle
its cooler than an icicle
I got too many DWI’s
that must mean driving while Ill
because I’m the illest
that doesn’t mean I’m sick
well maybe in today’s slang linguistics
enough with the gimmicks
time to go
I’m late for the methadone clinic
I wrote this while picturing the great Eminem rapping it after listening to the slim shady LP
Brianne Rose Nov 2015
"I'm Late"
I think these words over more times than i care to count
"I'm Late"
I watch the rain fall in front of my eyes as i try to ignore the chill of the cold night air.
"I'm Late"
Why am i late? What's there to be late about?
"I'm Late"
"I'm Late"
I don't realize there's a person in front of me until i bump into them
'Excuse me. Sir? Could you please-'
"I'm Late"
He walks right through me as if i didn't exist.
"I'm Late"
'what? Wait! Sir! Wait!'
I chase after him, but my cries fall upon deaf ears
"I'm Late"
I continue chasing him until i come to a scene, a body lays on the road, covered in torn clothing and blood.
"I'm Late"
I slowly watch the Police roll the body over to get a view of the poor victims face.
"I'm Late"
I gasp...
"I'm Late, I'm Late..."
"I'm Late"
and know i know why...but now....a new question rises up...
"I'm Late"
'I don't care that i'm Late! I want to know how i died!!! How is that me laying there!? It cant be me!'
"You're Late", an Officer says to a middle ages man as he walks up to the scene
"I know, and so is she apparently...How'd it happen? any eye witnesses?"
"None so far. The girl was hit by a car, driver never stopped. She never saw him commin."
"Poor gal."
"I know."
'A car?'
"I'm Late"
'i got hit'
"I'm Late"
'I...I don't...'
"I'm late, I'm Late"
'i...cant just...i..nononononono...this is just a dream, cmon wake up!'
"I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late...I won't make it in time"
'Time for what?'
"Heaven awaits me...and I'm Late".
'H...Heaven? in God and all that?'
"i'm late...and now i cant enter...."
  An echoing of a door is heard, and slowly the whole worlds fades away, but before i went i heard something:
"Welcome to Hell child...You're Late."
random random poem, comment as you wish, and i'm sorry it's been so long since i've posted.
Geno Cattouse Nov 2012
I see you.come on.
you or me.THUMP.  Good one.Gotta remember that one.
My turn. Dont think just flow let your training carry you. THUMP.

Dip step.Dip step
Circle Right. Jab low.Jab,Jab.
Keep your hands up. dont leave it out there for the counter.
Flurry. Push Kick. switch Bang.

Feel me. Block,Block, slide right. Bang.
Feel me. yeah. Time up now, Throw lightening.

My feet are off the ground now.
I cant  hear the crowd now.
Me and you Podna.
Come get this. Payback Trap.

Here he comes .Feint left overhand right.Right hook.

Slide baby slide.
Slide baby slide.

ELECTRIC slide. from Head to toe.
Tingle. Who turned out the lights.
Seven. Eight . Nine . Ten.
Man I'm gonna be late for school again.

Okay. Okay I am getting up now. Turn off the light.
Quick shower and grab books and off.

You Okay snake. Snake you OK. Cmon snap out
come on. Yeah There you go look at me Snake. Look at my
hand see my fingers? How many snake . How many.

Oh Yeah. Didn't see that one.
What he get me with.
The One You didn't see.
Leg kick slid up and caught you looking. Button shot.

Man. That is gonna leave a mark.
I'll get him next time for sure.
Lil Blow and a couple honeys to take the pain away.

Live to fight another day.
ZACK GRAM Jan 2020
WHITE: white legions so what im proud to be a lost value no cult no need when we succeed tragedy....

white hate is dead an if you still believe you will die in emphanty....

white black spanish asian an indian cool lets work together make life easier feel me?

BLACK: black alliance who gives a **** on a quick come up no repercussion no hate dying in vein.....

black word black voice former segregated who gives a **** chump its 2020 act like it we speak english....

black white spanish asian an indian cool they my ***** dont get it twister or youre dead wrong!!!

"SPANISH: spanish conveyance death day sayonces one race the whole world knows abouttum.....

spanish got no safe zone or economical system just a bunch of tan monkies jumping about a desert...

spanish **** a english black white asian or indian i gotto im your vato comprende? we can fix this.....

ASIAN: asian communist party dont get me started they hoes make you go ******* an broke....

asian money hungry corona virus spreading scared locos on too much rice an dojo tell em comojo dont mess with the mojo...

asian black white indian or spanish either way spread the blessing share the wealth work together for better health find a cure on 1....

INDIAN: indian culture native or eastern beast mode on the low hittem up dont need one but gotta phone.....

indian no speaka english cmon bro its 2020 get your acc together that acc says dolla dolla bills yo so imma return fire....

indian black white asian or spanish dont play no game you know the name its simple mane were all different but gotta work logically i got blunt you got **** i got bitchs you got drinks.......



beautyshesmear Jun 2016
slap the box and
call me poison-us-
with fight songs,
not our trees.

The leaves fall
halo-like the root
ground angels that
they are.

Thats something
im gonna say I remember
tires, pavement and small
wet kisses.

Tired, paying and seams
of brain, hitting the floor
dancing. Dancing.

Dance, prance, stamped
on the back of my neck,
nicknamed. Self-proclaimed.

I probably wont remember your name.

The game is in the tough turf,
rough birds, reads yellow on
red, branded
Crimson at birth.

I heard it the first time…
Denny Chimes. I got

but I am not sold, here.
You no arts kid.
You ***** breathed skid.
You ******* no color bid.
You wise eyed pig.
coonass roux grit rig.
pompous junk drunk jig.
keg king fit for fear fig.

God is in the pavement,
and the Bible is on my belt.

And I cant STAND the fact that
you need help.

roundin up the wheels
of my drinks in hand
till the cows don't come home.

I dont want to be alone,
sing till the loam becomes sand.
And its quick,
to fall far from plan.

You're skinny and you misstep,
but I kept the ideas on head,
not a.
I walked down that sidewalk,
liked I owned the place.

And I did,
when I was not the case…
I screamed at your window,
a few months later.

I hope you heard me.

did you hear me?
My skin may bubble,
but its not allowed to scar.

And it doesnt
because I said so.
If I could go back,
I would heal from you.


Loves in


less than two.


One decision I did not make,
changed my fate.
a date.

Now labeled and baited.
again and again
and again.
Tell me of my sins.

I wanna smash that
bullet between your ears.
Its been jamming around for years.

You wanna root my fears
in what is up here,  perhaps
before mirrors.

shards halfway into you,
we broke through and became one.

Tears, terrors,
and pinkie swearers before God

I love you.

Above all,
I adore you.
implore you,

to see this,
in true
Count my confessions
its too many to say
what I ran from,
I can name the cracks
in the concrete
I didn't pick up any
thick licks of honey
ringing the horns that
sounded the years
of long bad ticks.
I don’t have
new tricks
im fine
and I've hurt you again.

Thats a lie and I just might win.

sly over there, a violin of concocted *** coils
of Cmon— let me hear that again.

Your songs are lucid and the spit is acid.
Thats why I became his main assettttttttttttttt
t t talk is cheap
but my body is cheaper…

You looked at me that way,
spinning my hay for whats its worth
and at least
you fed it to your horses.

everything runs its courses,
the forces
carry my wheels packed with my life
in a bag.
Jet lagged from flights to hell
and back-packed ready
to see my God in the pavements— away close to home
with the Bible on my belt.

I felt
the tilted welt
split its rock
and crumble tumble down my throat
into my gullet
swift like velvet, memories tell it…

That my fiction is now Non,
and the friction is gone—down the road

with me.
been awhile, good to be back.
Sarah Gammon Apr 2015
Unlike E.T, I don't need a phone
I am already home;
I am in my comfort zone.
Babe, you'll never be alone
and I will make it known
by writing it in stone
and in our souls, its sewn.
For, you are where my heart is,
full of joy and bliss;
nothing can beat this
or the taste of your sweet kiss.
Before, there was nothingness,
and now I have a purpose,
and this, is, bliss.

Patience is a virtue,
one I attribute to you
because baby, its true,
that everything you do
shows your value
and you always come through.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

Chocolate is my favourite meal
so I got myself a good deal,
I got chocolate I can feel
come to life, its unreal,
there's no wrapper to peel.
So delicious it makes me squeel,
cmon baby take the wheel,
It's my heart you always heal
with your beautiful dark skin,
warm hands, and body thin,
the greatest being your soul within.
Away from you, I am aching,
with you, I always win.

I haven't found the words to say,
what I try to tell you every day;
that I love you, in every way,
so much now that it is cray.
Promise me you'll always stay.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

No one's ever loved me like you do,
so honestly, through and through,
a love that's pure, strong, and true.
I could never properly thank you,
but I can promise to never leave you
'cause I can see just how big we grew,
and its beautiful, like a sunset's hue.
I won't stop thanking my lucky star
for our incredibly journey, so far,
and for how amazing you really are.

Let's make the world green with envy,
make them wish that they could be,
even just half as awesome as you and me.
If they get mad, let them be,
because **** their jealousy.
Let's rub it in, my baby;
I love you and you love me,
and that's what it means to be happy.

Got me screaming

No I am not dreaming

This is ******' awesome.
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015, for my love, Ernest. Thank you for loving me better than anyone ever before. xox

The cloud's been crying,
          Like some tuna fish dying.
Field's been flooded,
          Like a superstar in market.
Ground's been shaking,
          Like someone icy chilling.
Wind's blowing,
          Like a laborer snorring!

They are dying in hunger and poverty,
And you were like,

       *" It's the ******* social hierarchy! "

And everyone's just looking
Like it's ******* nothing!?

      "Come to me nature!
                              While I do the killing?

Are you kidding me?
Is this a drama I'm watching?
Is the *madame villain
Oh, Cmon! What a film-producing!
Im a Friend Feb 2015
So from the top when I first met you, I remember the first time I met you and wish I could have with been with you, It was at a cheerleading competition or close to it, I saw you and I was with Henry and Chicago. I never spoke up because I didn't even know you. But came school and we met, I remembered our pumpkin fight and how we sat outside on the trampoline watching the stars, how we went the the fair around Halloween time and remember while all the people going to the fair are passing the car and when I was changing in the car, and remember most of all being happy. Your the only one who's never truly hurt me. I've hurt you but not in a way I ment to do. I have no clue the pain I caused to you. To be trapped, forgotten, to be an outcast, just trying to be normal. All the distress I have been swamped on you have been buried upon just worse. If I could change the past I would. There's some things I never go to do for you the only one who could be faithful to me and feel like you loved me too. i want to explain so much but at the same time lets just hang out. I want to be able to help you in any way I can. Doesn't matter if I have to come get you and spend a few hours, I mean cmon I'm not that bad!
Manisha Uniyal Jul 2015
I wanted a normal guy
but what I got was a monkey
I wanted him sober
he rather turned funky

I wanted him to speak softly
but his tone was always high
like a crow he would sing
and says"baby cmon now you try"

I wanted a candle light
but he would always gobble
table manners were never learnt
with fork and knife he fumbled

I wanted him to look neat
but he looks like a cave man
hair looks like a wild bush
belonging from some junglee clan

I wanted to do salsa
but he so lack the art
dancing like a bear
and says " baby why don't you start"
Max Neumann Nov 2019
come on
hand me a poem will ya

or at least a stanza i
be willing to do everything

what? then gimme a
a verse kiddo i'm sweating like

not even a verse? cmon!

a word baby!
please just one ****** word

or i mean frankly ahem argh
gimme letters

at least one single meaningful letter
invitation to a fiendship
You me
Or is it just you
Are you selfish
Or are you going to be with me
You Are nice
Or is that just an act
Or are you going to be with me for times end
Or are my felling for me true
Cmon im losing control over these thoughts for you
Mercy Dec 2020
"Hey boo its festive season"
"Cmon just a day"
"I count on it though"
"Mercy please"
"Okay fine"
Guess its my turn to stop
Being a constant knock
On an abandoned
Tark Wain Jun 2016


are you listening?

Anyone? Really?

I have some things I'd like to say.

Seriously with this Donald Trump guy?
I mean in a vacuum I understand it
like if you don't factor in that his rhetoric
is is right out of Adolf ******'s guidebook
or our very own Joseph McCarthy
but we don't live in a vacuum
open your eyes
even if the dust is clouding them

and another thing

Mass Shootings
what the **** guys?!?
can we not do that
I get it
we all die
life is a flat circle
we'll pray for you blah blah blah
I mean *******
you don't have to love everybody
or even like them
but come on let's not do that

ok you're listening now

and gay people
why can't they ****?
I mean seriously
what's wrong with a little *** play
are you that self righteous



******* ****
cmon guys it's not that hard to get consent
watch a few **** pickup youtube videos
and you'll be just fine
you don't have to be a god awful person

what's up with that whole thing?
I understand that it's brought good things
and that's awesome
but do you guys really have to fight over it
I mean either your religion is the "right" one
or it isn't
and there's a ton of religions
so odds are you're wrong
so why boast about it?

water food and shelter
can we try to give that to all living people
even if their skin is different from ours
is it really that hard guys
I mean Geez

They told me life would be hard
it isn't

or at least it shouldn't be
if people would just listen

— The End —