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Sofia Von Jul 2014
Summer heat summer sweet
With a wealthy nature, rich pheromones erupt
Birds n tha bees escape the trees
Please don't plant your seeds
But throw the leaves
Up n up
To get down and drop
Where the dirt pops
Ken keseys ashes
Edible umbrellas turn rainy days on their head spinning pupils wide void of discontentment
Fairies fly off clouds and stars fall at day
Impossible, feelings are blown in and out of proportion to fit a screen thats too small
Tough love
Tough life
Slick surface don't let me fall off the boat as it rocks
Swisher wraps over the curves
Got me feelin lucky like a charm
Cheef all day got me smellin dank as a Rastafarian Only stoppin to sip my Captain Morgans moonshine
Till we hit the caribbean
Then Jack's got me headin for tides end
Flush the bile outta your system
And spiral out of controls iron hand
**** responsibility, Apathy rules all.

Paper crane ******* get all superficial but yellow bones make my brain go fuzzy in smokey ***
In n out, fast n slow
Nicotine dominates
My senses are lost at Molly
That ***** finger ****** my life
Made me *** every time
This unhealthy relation in action doesn't phase me yet, I'm too young to think that far
I mean
What do you expect?
A Teens crowded perceptions can be judged like a bums intentions.
Peace my brotha
Dandy danny says theres a way out
-side with the rap culture
Shots of rebellion pour through the cracks we each fill
The glass
Is too cracked to be see-through

West coast vibes kick back lax attitude I carry on my shoulders
Forever green is my state
Wash that **** off your lawn crack *** haters I'll spray paint your ***
Equality's the goal
**** race
**** sexuality
I see soul
Open up
Show me your beat
I'll count bars as we spit elicited slurs drizzled to drops leaving the cops to stop us
Obeyin the brand
Odysseus needs a job he calls pima community college art department chairperson sends her his resume she does not respond after a week he catches her on phone she says he lacks proper credentials laughs to himself his whole life never worked lucrative or reputable position gets job working at thrift store wacky group of coworkers customers store frequently smells like public latrine job expires after 7 weeks he gets better paying job working at record exchange Odysseus always loved music everyday he learns new artist or band his coworkers are at least half his age they pester him about being slow on keyboard he never learned to type neither he nor his generation could have foreseen future would revolve around keyboard he plods on register keys people smile politely kids he works with fly fast making many keyboard mistakes November 29 2001 george harrison dies of cancer he is 58 years old Odysseus recognizes he is from past world different era of contrasting standards ‘80’s behavior is totally unbefitting let alone ‘60’s beliefs it is 2002 and one badly chosen word is sure to send someone flying off the handle he watches his language carefully co-workers mostly born in 1980’s grew up in 1990’s they live indifferent to hopelessness he struggles to bear none of them believe in higher power music is their religion he wonders what their visions concerns for humanity are? they seem addicted to consumption as if it is end in itself he questions what is hidden at root of their absorption? loneliness? despair? apathy? absence of vision? where is their rage against social conversion current administration? he warns them about homeland security act privacy infringement increased government secrecy power they shrug their shoulders why aren’t they looking for answers? why don’t they dissent? do they care where world is going? he realizes they will have to learn for themselves few coworkers read literature or know painters philosophy their passions are video games marijuana “star wars” most of them are extremely bright more informed than he often Odysseus needs to ask questions they know answers to right off the bat he is like winsome uncle who puts up with their unremitting teasing “hey you old hippie punk rocker get you fiber in today? stools looking a little loose! peace out old man” in peculiar way he finds enough belonging he so desperately needs they tell him stories about their friends *** addictions eating disorders futile deaths he is bowled over by how young they are to know such stuff job includes health insurance which is something he has not had since Dad was alive having some cash flowing in he buys laptop computer with high-speed connection cell phone trades in toyota for truck opens crate of writings he abandoned in ‘80’s begins to rewrite story sits blurry eyed in front of computer screen his motivation has always been to tell truth as he knows it he wonders what ramifications his labor will bring positive or negative results? he guesses his story will sound like children’s fable in stark brutality of distant future october 2002 3 week ****** spree terrorizes maryland virginia  district of columbia 10 people killed 3 critically wounded police believe white van responsible october 24 man and 17-year-old boy arrested in blue chevy caprice juvenile is shooter assailants linked to string of random murders including unsolved shooting of man at golf course in tucson Odysseus mentions incident at work speaks of prevailing terror madness in america co-workers kid tell him he is crazy “did you see a white van parked outside the store Odys?” they seem desensitized to increasing national atmosphere of anger panic or perhaps they are overwhelmed by weight trauma of modern life lie after lie prevailing  havoc slaughter make for dull numbness in world they know suicide is compelling option december 22nd 2002 joe strummer dies from heart failure at age 50 Odysseus’s eyes wet he adored the clash everything they stood for loved joe strummer and mescaleros he plays “global a go-go” over and over listens sings along with first track “johnny appleseed” march 2003 president bush launches attack against iraq united states seems drunk with “shock and awe” zealous blind patriotism many people politicians countries around globe question unproven line of reasoning saddam hussein possesses “weapons of mass destruction” Odysseus gripes “not another **** vietnam” record company allows employees to check out take home used product Odysseus stopped watching movies in 1980’s he has lots of catching up to do particularly likes “natural born killers” “american history x” “american ******” “fight club” “way of the gun” “******” “king of new york” “basquiat” “frida” “*******” “before night falls” “quills” “requiem for a dream” “vanilla sky” “boys don’t cry” “being john malkovich” “adaptation” “kids” “lost in translation” “25th hour” “28 days later” “monster” “city of god” “gangs of new york” “**** bill” list goes on perfect circle becomes his favorite band followed by tool lacuna coil my morning jacket brian jonestown massacre flaming lips dredg drive-by truckers dropkick murphys flogging mollies nofx stereophonics eels weakerthans centro-matic califone godspeed you black emperor magnetic fields fiery furnaces dresden dolls smog granddaddy calexico howie gelb sufjan stevens warren haynes dax riggs john vanderslice alejandro escovedo sean paul elephant man bjork p. j. harvey ani difranco aimee mann cat power sophie b. hawkins kathleen edwards mia doi todd kimya dawson regina spektor carina round neko case fiona apple nina nastasia beth gibbons mirah rasputina dr. dre talib kweli immortal technique murs slug atmosphere trick daddy eazy-e tricky list goes on october 21 2003 elliott smith commits suicide stabbing 2 wounds into his chest Odysseus thinks about music when jimi hendrix stood up at woodstock deconstructing national anthem on guitar it took courage when punk emerged with ugly screechy sounds attempting to divorce itself from melodious harmonies of 1970s complacent crosby stills nash  the dead kennedys and *** pistol did not pander to conventional commercial success what they performed were desperate gutsy songs trying to reclaim music rock’n’roll is no longer about inventing instead it imitates its glorious past hip-hop and rap come nearest to risking rebellion but are caught in gangsterism infantile self-adulation no longer does music offer vision of what is or could be instead it conjures looping escapism from hopelessness of modern life he continues working at record shop for several years store contains every genre of music cinema he grows weary of retail sales weary of higher-ups constantly changing rules dictating what to do head manager is manipulative drama queen thrives on crisis once in private admits stealing from company Odysseus nods not knowing what to say head manager works Odysseus hard keeps him down atmosphere of conspiracy betrayal hang at start of each day assistant manager routinely taunts berates bullies teases regularly calls Odysseus “dumb-****” or “****-up” other times laughs after goading Odysseus to flinch eventually bully backs off and they become friends retail pushes Odysseus to brink of misanthropy corporation requires all employees to exercise overt courteousness while serving a public of disrespectful gang bangers demanding “show me black market brotha lynch mac dre why ya godda keep dat **** behind da counter? dat’s ****** up hey old man i ain’t got all day” it always amazes him when shoplifter is caught with product stuffed down his pants thief blatantly states “i didn’t do it i don’t know how that got there” thanksgiving through christmas to new years is most swarming stressful he feels like automaton greeting customer scanning product looking at screen to see if price agrees with product typing money amount counting money into drawer counting money out handing change to customer handing customer product receipt next customer cockroach capitalism packs of masses line up in endless stream of needs stupid remarks job also involves trade appraising condition value resale probability of cds dvds video games tapes vhs vinyl news of  iraq war gets dismal mounting civilian casualties suicide bombers hostages beheadings beginning of 2004 reports of torture ****** psychological abuse **** ****** ****** of prisoners at abu ghraib prison guantanamo bay white house cover-ups denials growing insurgency increasing u.s. body count other costs he thinks about men and women who are so much braver than him then comes re-election and lavish republican parties parades cheney rumsfeld tom delay and whole regime smirk portentously on tv none of it makes sense anymore “we the people of the united states” what does it mean? the dreams and aspirations of his generation have long since faded away he is citizen of forgotten past current world is barbaric place he barely recognizes there are real pirates with machetes rocket launchers on the seas big drug corporations hiding harmful findings kidnapped children abandoned children crooked politicians corruption at every level of society horrifying stories daily ******* priests slave markets extreme heinous cruelties abruptly everyone is acknowledging society is worsening life is not the same he does not understand people and certainly does not understand america or the world he remembers when all could be so good modern existence has turned everything into madness what happened to lessons of history? it is as if Odysseus fell asleep and when he woke everything is changed he is mistaken about what he thinks he knows feels pity for people america pity disgust sorrow he misses his dog
Grant Mailo Sep 2012
racism and stereotypes
I’m not chief keef but that’s that **** I don’t like
especially when I’m judged like when people say that I don’t “look right”
cause I tell I’m samoan so I’m supposed to be big and strong
and playing some stereotypical sport like football
it’s just an ethnicity, like anyone else, relax
but on a more serious note, I feel bad for the blacks
tell me why a few weeks ago, my roommate is walkin’ down on mill ave.
and he sees some girl sittin’ alone so he comes over cause he just wants to chat
but as soon as he approaches her, she gets all tense and afraid
cause she’s over here fabricating some image that he’s some kind of troublemaker, like the dude from the movie crash, you know the one with the braids?
I find that **** ludicrous
that many people out there judge off the color of someone’s skin and think they knew all of it
all of who you are and all of how you act
so you supposed to be a gangsta on the streets cause you young and you black
or the only explanation for the brotha with the beemer is he be workin’ that corner sellin’ out dime sacks from his nike knapsack or maybe he’s just one of those cats that likes to rap and occasionally slangs crack
but no, he can’t be no college educated man
he’s wearing a nike outfit and his skin is all black
and don’t even get me started on all the idiots that judge Hispanics and call ‘em wetbacks
what the hell is wrong with this world?
latinos are arguably the hardest working people around
but jose and carlos must be illegal cause they’re holding a shovel and their skin is all brown
so let’s get a group of racist ******* to push sheriff joe arpaio to introduce sb1070
good job Arizona, you’re now the most hated state in the country
cause we don’t like Mexicans cause they’re taking all the jobs that we could have had
but let’s skip the fact that they’re willing to work twice as hard for half the pay with no insurance to cover their back
how do you disrespect anyone, who’s willing to do all that?
and as we go over these issues with all the minorities
racists begin to develop a sense of hate for those that make up the majority
the white people
this girl in class may have not have been paying attention or got an easy question wrong
so let’s just whisper under our breath that she’s just another “dumb blonde”
let’s just assume that she’s daddy’s spoiled little girl cause she has a coach bag
and that she has a lotta of money, no rhythm, and above all no ***
and her daddy’s daddy’s daddy must have owned slaves back in the day
so I’mma use that against her if she ever misbehaves
and act like the majority of her people haven’t matured past that stage
and since they seem like their living well, it must be safe to assume that they were born privileged
and that they’re completely oblivious to the sufferings of other races and completely ethnocentric
all these stereotypes and racist assumptions, *******
why can’t we,
live in a colorblind society,
where all races can connect without the animosity?
well, the answer is, we can, but it starts from us
stop the racism, stop the stereotypes, stop the hate, and begin to trust
in people of all colors with different mothers
like the cliché goes, don’t judge a book by its cover
so just because he ain’t a brother
that don’t mean you gotta give him the cold shoulder
so, if everyone can, I need yall to do me a favor,
I need you to love you, love him, and even love me
love her, love them, love everyone equally
and as for me? I’mma just be me
regardless of what people assume, I have the right to act freely
cause I’m not trynna be the center of attention or the definition of perfection
I’m just strivin’ to be proud of what I see in my reflection…
spoken word poem I performed at the ASU welcome black poetry explosion 2012 event. wrote this only a few days before the event so it's a rushed job. indulge anyways haha.
may Apr 2018
I find it ironic that I’ve come to you for advice
Whether it’s about my boy problems or family drama
You’ve given exceptionally good feedback
By seeing you engage in these things I realize you are really growing up and it’s kinda scary
Maybe we do watch redundant YouTube videos
And laugh when we probably shouldn’t
Or I make you watch my favorite romantic movies until I’m fed up with your laughs conjured from my tears
in some cases even text each other at 2am to join one another’s Minecraft server
But you know I’m perfectly fine with where we stand now and I hope you are too
Chuck Jan 2013
Now, I'm here to tell a story
Bout some lessons learned shawty
I got me a tough crew, know what um sayin
We played da diss game, slaydum
Not one a da crew, brought da game shame

First, I dubbed myself Kang
I'm good, true! But didn't mean a thang
Then coughed ma gural Sumpim
She got da club thumpin
Put her own style in da game, bra
We still thuggin? Na!
She first coughed a little gural princess
Kicked in the castle, copped the Queen's dress
Took the crown, made her own success
Her rhymes get the heart pumpim
Much respect to me gural Somthin

Next, little siss picked up the mike
Jumped on the tandem, started peddlin the bike
Shawty's rhymes hit dem in da face
She rhymed like a ****, dresses in satin an lace
Mad props out  to my siss, Madison grace

I was alone,  like a stand  a timber
****! Forest on fire with Diein Ember
Laid down rhymes so tight
He'd have my back in any fight
I gotta thank ma boyyy
Gangstan whichu was a flippin joy

Otta nowhere swaggs a tru Gansta chick
Bustin rhymes en droppin dimes like she was Slick Rick
Wedyan be da real trick! Thanks gural slick

Finally, swooped the dark Raven
Rollin on 22's gatz a blazzin
Loyall to da shawtys
Flyin like a bomber on sorties
Droppin posers to der knees
Makin succaass  beg, brotha please

To all ya all I got ta tell ya
Would I do it again, hell ya
Um movin on to a new gig
Pull off my crown, plop on a wig
To ya readers out dare got some advice
Giv it a spit, it's Gangsta's Paradise!!!
Thank you all for playing along and reading along. The truce is out! Use Gansta form to have fun with any subject. These were all in fun not meant to offend anyone? Thank you all, especially those who tried it with me.
Ayeshah Apr 2013
I step up to the curtains
they weren't open yet,
but I could hear the melody of the music
I listen curiously,
the man performing before me spoke,
he used words to address me as a
Afrocentric --Soultress
with a little bit of Boriqua aurora ,
I bow my head and laugh.
The curtains lift as I walk out & up
I open my mouth softly
I tells of lovers wrapped entwined entangled
sheets become hiding places as lips taste of honey
from valleys of lustrous milky--juices
from a our oasis
of ******* *******,
overflowing valleys fill to the
brink with sweets raunchiness hehehe...
I step to the right to
look at the crowd
making sure they get the effect of how he tasted
I hold the mic
I gentle massage it
while motioning
to a man sitting right in front,
he licks his lips
I then turn my head to my left
the parties sitting right up front on my left,
I speak to them of the swells of his back and how
my nails dug deep as he enter me swiftly
with his Mandingo shaft...
how his blue eyes seeped into my brown eyes
he drove deeper inside of my mahogany velvet box,

a women in front crossed her legs tightly
wiggled in her seat,
I bow my head so I don't laugh,
I watch the center crown as
I explain how he  the man with this enormous
Mandingo ****
stuffs it down my throat
I **** him in choking as he trys to insert it deeper,
I'm lavishing up every bit of his essence, 
 the couple in the center hold hands even tighter
look at each other with a shared memory.
I flow with the music softly slowly
I connect with each member of my audience,
sharing with them the way he bent me over his stool inside
his photo lab
kissed between my cheeks as he spread me open
softly fingered my ***
while using the other to finger to lavishly assault
my chocolate velvety muffin,
I moaned he readily spread me,
telling me as he moved in front of me saying be still,
he tied me up to this tall stool, the crowd leans in
as if ready to hear the next verse,
I give in after a moments pause,
sharing with them how he spread my legs
tied them right after he spread
my hands on each leg of his stool.
In his photo lab he lubed up moving his hand up
his light skinned shaft,
I watched
longed for him to touch me again,
the radiance crowd
sitting on my left seemed
to be thinking as I did,
"is he going to stuff his **** back inside my mouth,"
I speak again
seeing how their all
longing to know he did in fact slowly 
walk up to me, lifting my head and saying open up baby,

I did as I was told,
the man sitting in the shadows
on my left
to be stroking his **** as
I proceed to explain in poetic
****** verses
of this tall
black man
with the
blue eyes,
he seems in tuned
so I keep speaking of how
I licked his shaft
then allowed him to slowly meticulously
his **** inside my mouth
slowly pull out again .
I tell the audience how he ***** my mouth first slowly and then like a beast, he was ready to explode I explain how he grabs the head and stops him self from *******,

I get an
from all the men in the audience
I laugh..
continued to explain
how he didn't want to just yet...
I explain how
he wanted to ready me for his assault
on my sweet *****,
using words to describe it ;
like mahogany rose buds or petals.
how his Mandingo shaft
would be his weapon...
They seem eager to know more,
I tell a tale of how this light skinned brotha had me tied and teased me in his photo lab,
explaining how he pulled out a ***** just
as big as
his manhood was
while eating me he slide it inside of me
I quivered and shook he'd stop,
it seemed right when I was about to ***,
he seem to laugh out loud at my misery,
he knew just what he was up to, the audience seemed to get deathly quite,
seems even the music died
as explained the rough treatment I received at the hands of this blue eyed light skinned devil
of a man,
He licked me even at timed used his fingers along with this *****,

I explained to my audience
how he stopped his assault
on me as he slide his Mandingo up and down
my *** teasing my *******
putting the tip of his head in and then taking it out,
I told them how he finally stopped for a second,
then he entered my *** with the ***** and slide his 12" ****
deep inside my ***** causing me to cry out,
I tried to stop him but my hands were tied and that of my ankles as well,


he moved with such force and swiftness
I couldn't utter a word,
the more he moved the more
my body betrayed me as it heated up
from the inside out as
if he ignited something new and longing within me
he moved fast and ferociously in and out of me in sync
with the enormous ***** until
I myself was begging for him not to stop,
spoke memories & fantasies out loud,
letting my audience
know how
came so close to a ****** I've never ever got to feel or come close to feeling again,
I acted as if there was more but I then kissed the mic and walked off stage ....
another night
Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright ©
K.C.L.N 1977 - Present YEAR(s)
**All right reserved ®
René Mutumé Aug 2013
Nineteen twenty ways
to love the same photo, I
remember, it all.

The blubbering moon,
was thumping like itself;
no matter, we go!

We entered the room,
and we became an image,
and drank until full.

hot seat, the material
IKEA, alone,

pristine sounds of loss,
a man and woman dancing
each others eyes, there.

Midnight morning fly,
buzzing flea-like, almost gone.
My window opens.

All the yakking dead.
My porch- old wood and sunset,
smoke diving within.

Suffocate us sea!
If you dare drink what we have!
Our stomachs fit you!

The Titanic floats,
the night swim will carry us,
calmly to ourselves.

Opaque sea-gulls fly;
we are but moon beams seeking.
Igniting ripples.

The taste of salt shouts,
it devours our tiredness.
Running beside us.

Half shore nearing us,
no other bodies near us,
we know only peace.

Inside our madness
there is every dream which wakes
wet steps, standing up.

Skin inked by needle,
below your growing wild hair,
moving, as it stays,

A religious book,
its pages moving in wind,
brown with gentle time.

Negative film roll,
opal, and doused with liquid,
so we are, so still.

Permeating dream
a leaf from burning tree branch
settling in grass.

Sudden flower bloom,
I watch you grow as days change.
Time, can never be.

Holocaustic love,
returning to the swap mind,
nothing stays buried.

The last beggar hangs,
he was a poet, a friend.
Servant girl watching.

Holograph song sings,
she is more awake than words.
I smile back at her.

Doorless buildings shine,
travelling up beyond us,
the meeting begins.

The office suite melts,
only listening to data.
So much for talking…

Peyote smoked.
Old tribes knowing how it goes.
Perfectly happy.

Madigras come now!
Alive smokin drunk street life!
Masks bleeding with ghosts.

Mine, yours, lit by fire.
Lets join the raining parade,
and grab a chicken.

They do it in the ethereal range of our eye’s linking hands,
our bodies swaying to the din of infinite types of drum life,
happy to be ours, enough to fill every street with realms,
packed dead-masked as New Orleans is definitely new my love – - !
the bar door requires a kick from our ripened legs,
it shatters the sweat stairs as we walk down finding the ground
inside leaving the painted parade to flood in on itself,
the chorus is tap tap tapped and stamped by the bar-man ready here
to cool us down and let us choose from any drink we wish.

In thick New Orleans accent he says:

“You been swimmin’ in the big Bayou brotha-sista.”

But it’s enough for us to answer him from the photo behind his bar.

We let him touch us, we sit frozen in front of a box camera and wonder
what’ll happen as the bulb flashes.

I pull ma Creole queen into me, as all galllreees open brotha-sista!

The photo be taken quick enough to ****** life from shotgun.

You’ll just keep on sittin there wontcha ma cher,
while these gumbo ya-ya come down ma stairs.

**** Mardi graaa…

A couple come down the wooden stairs.

Helping each other stand from too much street juice.

Looking back from the photo the barman knows that the couple
heard him talking, they slap down on the bar stools as he kisses the
photo of him and his wife.

“Well they be a truer than you or me cher, dontcha think?”

He says smiling back, more cheer than teeth, as the conversation begins,
undisturbed by the pulsing sounds from above.
Andre patterson Nov 2016
we all know Im sweet its nothing new
But thats all I hear you say My brotha!
And you girls actually trying to hype this brotha' listening to a
washed up
***** ***
low down *****,  but see yall didn't know this downlow brotha' was sleeping with me inbetween yours and his bed sheet covers.


Fools he coming with them covers

"and you muthafuckers gonna suffer".

Trust me when I say that this story is true for all them girls out there that don't know the truth.
Bubbly booger Oct 2014
Today I decided to go to my crib.
I then invited my homies to bid
that Lamar is goin to bring his kid.
So while I'll be chillin here popin some lids,
I noticed none of my homies have come to my crib,
not even Lamar and his kid.

So I tried actin all cool,
until I saw a small red pool.
I soon found myself a fool
by following that pool.

I found two brothers who were smothered in red.
One was dead,
and conceived a decapitated head.
It was Lamar who was stained red.

The otha brotha seemed to be a kid.
I said, "Why would you do somethin like this."
He said, "you will never find the otha bodies I hid."
I soon found my homies did make it to my crib,
Every single one of them were hung by the head.
They were all there except for Lamar's kid.
Never bring a kid to the crib.
Lil' Tarzan Dec 2016
See ma name is Lil t, born female but got pronouns with they and he

Ma big brotha calls me a lil' ******, ma otha brotha calls himself Born2Play with one digit

Nobody talk **** with this 5 foot 4, you mess with me and you out dat door!

I'm a Virgo born in a foreign country, at the age of three flew over the sea

Ma blood is made up of Blue, Yellow and Red. Romanian is one of the 5 Latin languages if y'all dumb squats read

A child of God is what they call me,
I **** skittles when I reach the MTL metro Beaudry

I ain't like those otha chicks,
When I was 17 I realized I didn't like ****

Put two and two togetha,
Adopted rainbow sheep of ma family, had a dream about this ******* named Gabby

Ima end this rap short and sweet,
I stand proud and tall for Comaneci the great 10 on 10 gymnast athlete
YoungGentleman17 Jul 2014
**** reality look at what you done
Got people on Facebook posting there selfs with guns
Then the people who doing it be thinking it's so cool
But what if the tables got turn around
What if somebody crazy saw it
What would you do
Now you got ****** out here looking for you
Because you wanna do what your friends do
be yourself homie your girl has said lots of good things about you to
And nobody don't wanna see none happen to you
I ll tell you straight up that life ain't a game
I know my bestie don't be saying that **** for nothing mane
Why follow your friends
When they should be following you
I know you da realiest ***** they can come to
I ll tell you what happens when you follow behind a bad person steps
You get set up for the ****
You get set up for time
You ll get set up over anything for trusting to many people in mind
Its a lot of ****** out here blind to see that
You a educatate brotha with money so
Be that
You a educated brotha with a good ******* your side
And I know don't wanna do none that put tears in her eyes
Ay it's your life
And we all just want the best
We seen a lot of ****
And don't want you to end like the rest
**** Reality
I hope this poem can bring a change
It's ****** up how we speak of real and people look pass it dang
Dr Strange Nov 2015
I am my brother's keeper not his reaper
But it seems to me people rather die than survive and become stronger than they already were
Tsk shame on them, shame on me
It is sad that we are stuck in our old mentalities
We rather put each other 6 feet underground than help one another climb a mountain
Slavery may be over but now we are just binding ourselves in these rusty shackles that were left behind
They're cutting through our skin, poisoning our blood, corrupting our minds, making us forget that we have come a long way
That we are not where we once were
They strain us, drain us of all of our energy
Leaving us crawling on the floor searching for scrapes to put ourselves back together again
I understand that we are not where we wish to be
That we still have a long journey ahead of us
That we are still marching forward like soldiers
But it is not helping the fact that a brotha can go out and serve in the military for 13yrs and survive but come back home to his own street only to be shot in the head by his own partner
Then we complain saying the white man is killing us
Hell we are killing us
**** black lives matter
**** white lives matter
**** all **** lives matter
What we fail to realize that we are our own future
Not them
We control what we do
We control where we go
Not them
But if we continue down this dark path we are heading down
Well let me just say we won't have a future
And again I say...
I am my brother's keeper not his reaper
But the way things are looking
We will be our brother's reapers not their keepers
Andre patterson Nov 2016
Black brothers Black brothers
Who are you my brotha? Nor time or history will undue our feud, we are family through blood and enemy's in communities

So Black brothers Black brothers
Tell me who and why that hate and crime wont bring us together, as I've known and seen in my black eyes that not even love or Prayer will brake my Cry's

So black brother Black brother
Tell me who I am my brothas
Speak the truth to Power
Neptune Jul 2015
I don't talk much cuz,
Nobody hears me,
When nobody hears me,
They don't see me,
Ignored like a dead floating fish,
Nobody can save me,
Fine then I abruptly say to thyself,
***** every soul that I consider alive,
Away to anyone who blows a smile at me,
Excuse my behavior all of sudden...,
Excuse your behavior that I tolerated since my existence began,
Leave me be I need no help from trouble that caused effect,
Everyone be happy in your place of hell that you danced your way to,
I have no more hands to throw out,
I have no sympathy to deliver,
I lost love when I threw my heart away,
Along with burning my emotions into the atmosphere,
I walked away quietly rebalancing thyself somewhere near this beautiful island,
I will call home,
More than just sand,
More than waving waters at my feet,
Sweeter than cut coconuts juice with a pretty straw,
Calmer than the trees breezed in a restful evening,
Prettier than the morning sunrise til the heavenly sunset,
More rhythmic than dem girls hips sway to a reggae beat,
More deeper than a poetic revolutionary black brotha,
I know what I am,
What I like,
What fits me physically and emotionally,
What makes me smile even through the bad,
Who I love to the endless of time,
What's ok to accept and keep it moving,
I say less now because it's just cheap,
I rather work to earn what's owed to me,
Graciously and humbling to my soul,
I only live for me now,
For my own universe.
For my lost soul's Caribbean women out here stay positive. Keep ya head up always!
Trupoetry Apr 2015
Like air to lungs
Like love to lovers
Like life to death
Till death do us part
Till God makes us see
In him we all need
One another
One after the other
Brotha & Brother
Sister 2 Sista
Like water to a well
Lets not wait until it runs dry
Eyes wont dry
Until another color cries
With us, not for us
There is only one race
the hueman race
man of color
many colors of men
Color coated pain
Assorted flavors of oppression
All leave a bitter taste
In the mouth of a wordsmith
these words hit like bricks
against walls
in glass houses
with paper doll people
the revolution is being televised
because revolution cannot be heard
without being seen
focus your lense
See yourself
wordvango Jun 2016
Hansel and Gretel were so named to make them
the laughing stock of the hood. They had a crack head mom
and a dad who disappeared before they were born.
Often they had to subsist on small tidbits of bread they
found on the path into   the forest.  

Once on their forages they met a little girl
dressed in red. She said her name was hood.
She had a red dress.
She had a knowing about the forest and the  surroundings.
Said don't trust no one. They are all *******
wolfs. And they walked.

Where they ran into three lil pigs i forget.
Think it was in Louisiana  around Baton Rouge
near the Bayou la batre and the wind was blowing
and the Republicans ignored them
and the Police kept them in

and the little boy, Jack Horner , who had a finger in the ****
saw them coming , and pulled his thingy outta the hole
and all hell broke loose.
I give my votes to the guy on the fence
who fell and all the King's horses
all the King's men
didn't even try to put back together.
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
They say come shine with us brotha
We'll make you a star
Above the life your living
Into a new beginning
They Really want you to Illuminate...
So They'll scope you out, take your talents
and you'll Illumainate..
Out of the darkness
of nothingness
the normal everyday
Into a new relm of darkness
Blinded, guided all the way,
So You'll do as they say
becasue you want their way
of lifestyle they portray,
But thats not their everyday
But You Illuminate.....
On the black and white
cause colors don't exsit
well not by themselves
just hidden in abyss
But you Illuminate....
Climbing to the top
your light can't be stoped,
As a pawn in their chess game
you just want the fame
Because you Illuminate....
You think we are not the same
And you do as they say
found no better way
to see but out one Eye
an As You Illuminate...
All You see is I
Cuz To you thats who got you there,
But they know it was them
and You so unaware
You Illuminate
For Him,
Marrying the night
with contracts that seem so right
and then Your tied to strings
To Illuminate
All there things,
the corruption of the pure
No longer your own source of power,
But they're your electricity
Causing you to Illuminate
The way they want you to be
Binded To the ROC
Universal Mind control,
But everyone Once a chance
To Illuminate The Soul....
Making this your goal
you dont understand,
They say to be great...
You Need To Illuminate....
Grace Sep 2020
I am tired of being black,
Oh—excuse me, should I lie?
Okay, well then golly gee ‘brotha’,
for this blackness I am most willing to die

Oh, ‘brotha’ how much longer must I wear this mask?
Where is Dunbar so we can?
But don’t worry, man. This world won’t be "over-wise"
Cause our skin’s got all the power to hypnotize

When they see this skin, they just gon’ shift the blame
As ign’int slaves is how we done got our fame
I am tired of being black

I am tired of being black,
Oh—excuse me, should I lie?
Okay, well then golly gee ‘brotha’,
for this blackness I am most willing to die
Wayne Pritchett Oct 2010
At times I sit
Back and relax
from the daily disappointment
of another failed attempt
to make a milli
out of 2 greenbacks
and a shiny penny
so money i lack
due to employers
not callin a brotha back
"dont worry Wayne"
"i dont care about that"
"im really feelin you"
"i got yo back"

her name was Elaine
beautiful black woman
skinned the finest brown
kept my head off the ground
facing up to the sky
with all the confidence
of a grown *** man
till the week my luck
ran out like
our well ran dry
i was victim of nonsence
moms got word that
i smashed in the backseat
snatched back the keys
havent seen ol' girl since

lookin up to ask
what more can happen
i recieve a call
that put me on my ***
my one thang from
around the way
was seen at the mall
hugged up wit women
i put the phone down
cause im mad as hell
turned to the liquor
tilted the bottle
maybe i can find
that hidden message
pour up the brown
so i can sip
till i cant tell
this *******
aint just in my mind

Courvoisier or Hennessy
Remy Martin too
when i find my
next one thang
the brown got my back
when im in the groove
kissing the lips
of that beautiful child
born of kings and queens
of kingdoms not crack
workin a 9 to 5
not depending on
the next coke move
relieving her stress
while breaking that back
blast off at 9
cause her love
might taste so divine
scratch me up
then we goin till 5
i know i wont
be that 60 second man
and let her down
cause the brown got my back
i figured out my problem
just gotta lay that
brown **** down
(c) Wayne Pritchett
Margo May Jul 2016
hey there drummer boy
it’s only been a little over two years
(yet it feels like so much longer)
since we befriended and adopted you,
creating a new musical fam
and look at us now.

same church
same school,
immense musical growth
passion to worship,
new adventures
all year long,
smiles and waves
that remind me of
deeper friendships
that will stand the test of time.

although sometimes i tease and laugh
(and i sincerely mean no offense),
see it’s really because i care
and whether you like it or not,
you’re like the twin brother i never had
but secretly always wanted.

one of my favorite drummers
i easily follow your lead
you are reliable.
one of my closest friends
i never have to worry
you accept me for who i am.

whether it’s the denim shirts and hipster boots
or patagonia tees and baseball caps,
when life gets crazy once again
don’t forget that i’m always here;
i got yo back brotha.
to jb, the twin brother i never had, you'll always be one of my favorite drummers to lead worship with. thanks for being you. you rock.
Hooflip Nov 2014
Im a teddy bear that’s off a vicodon
or 14
rather have a morphine n a line a done
It’s fine tho
Comfy, mad fluffy, cuddle buddy coming.
**** a bad *****, leave her mind blown

I’m on vinyl
Tapdancing on your turntables
Help an old lady cross the street
then I break her ankles
Tank full
Stole the sheriff car & i’m invincible
Peeling out until the wheels invisible

I’m on mission *****
To laugh & see some pretty ****
& if ya cry along or crack a smile
Well that’s some blissful ****

A ****** idiot
behind my eyes convinced me
That the beauty’s more important than the soul
& made me hideous

Well I was for a little bit
Saw the light , snatched it
Packed the bowl n then I took a hit
Look at this
Noodies from a stupid *****
The ***** thick
n ******* pop
i’m pickin up my jaw,
it dropped.
This **** n ***** been busy ****** carmel broads.

Floatin in a moat
like oh no I only had a door to go
That castles made of acid
& the king’s a ****** dinosaur.

I’m all kinds of flow
Myself, I wouldn’t mind to know
Or maybe that’s my mind just tryna hide
That I don’t wanna know

Sticker pickin,
Peelin leaving pieces
On the surface that accepted it’s adhesive

Fizzy twisted
Drizzy crying in my shower
Been trying to get him out for hours

***** I’m captain underpants
Runnin down the block & then I gun it back
Im out of breathe but **** I couldn’t let & go without a pack
Whats up with that, finger snap
The sky is the limit,
We’re all under that
Mind is never shut down
till the come down
better run now
I’m numbing & i’m tryna bust a nut

Girl you’re ****** beautiful,

She sleepin on me, couldn't even use my shoulder, Shoulder cold but how she doin me is colder,
it's cool, get it?
I made a pun about the temperature

I'm mad lame but less so because I said it first,

Up all night talkin to the stars
******* got kids like a brotha got bars
I'm hard
Waving it out of the window of my car,
I was sober & I crashed into a bar

That's ****** funny yo
Tummy go grumble
Flow hungry
order dominos

*****, where the **** my pepperonis at?

You ****** my pizza up n now my foot is floating towards your sack

Imagine that,

So demented,
***** i'm elvis with a head spin.
How you not ***** but them ******* melted?
You're welcome c;
er, thank you, for being bout the finest chick i've ever seen
& being nice instead of being mean.

I wish that you were single
Wish our skin could come together
Wish my tongue a chance to travel through your dress code
your neck go, in circles & circles
You ride it,
Your nerves all alive at one time
& my timing
Prone to make you moan a lot louder than you ever have
show you how it feel to *** a thousand times back to back
Can you use that body better than it looks?
Rattle back n forth, you roll that *** beyond the books
Lock it up, drop it down
******* bouncing to the rhythm
Of us pouncing at desires stuck within us...
**** you got a big ********-larry
BLitZeD Feb 2016


For the second time around, I won't be too gentle.// You turds can't rhyme for *****, soft as a noodle.// Get rid of that shirt, Wordman, do us a favor.// It ain't bad at all, its just, one size too little.// Ill break you fools in half, straw snapping like a scarecrow// Cowardly lion come out, Monster Smashed you innuendo.// The reason why you got passed by the first time around// Like a girl post some pix up, cut my **** in half, now u goin down// You and Wordman teams up, who cares! a pair of freakin clowns//

let um start off first, either way ur a representation of a man in a hearse /hurt um real bad n rubbed his face in the dirt/the pics that I posted was just a ***** in a skirt/sskkirrt! on this *****, like who you ****** with nerd?/ that's a ****** sweater what u talkin bout shirt?/ an what exactly do you think you rhymed off ****?/ ******* from the start, pulled out and drove straight into the curb/ Asian drivers man, they'll never ****** learn/ a coward vs a lion I guess my warning wasn't herd/ why'd you delete the first battle? you coulda reread my words/ then you'd probly remember to go again would be absurd/ but everyone loves a under dog, makes emotion go reverse/ cause then when you go under dog , the wears not even worse/ an no one teamed up on you,/ I tagged in and hulk Hogan lumped a few/ American Dream, elbow jumped at you,/ then to your defense, in ran gorilla monsoon/ the way I see it, the joker popped both of you,/ a heist on ur thread but that's just my point of view./ sights locked retical red, not a sound with the front mount/ knights drop, clown with a crown, and a jester in bed./ leave um slumped out/ /roar/ I messed with his head/ take my advice and this cypher ...just jump out

Round 2

Let um start off first? Now what the **** was that?// Your no king of the jungle, but a little ***** cat!// A blissful of zits in your face a sign disgusting// BlitZed does not show off his face an ugly duckling// My rhyme is in verse, so fresh with multiple gears on my Hearse// You can't spit for *****, so your *** be going in reverse// A fan of hulkamania? That **** ain't real brotha!.// I bet your next line would be "Hakuna Matata!// You ain't no **** Mufasa, your like that fool Scar hangin out With them ugly *** Hyena// I laugh at you BlitZed, I ******, I flip the script with my skills// Your elbow dropped not fast enough a straight kick up your chest!// This is SPARTA!!!! So jump on out! off to the next round// Welcome to the Writer's Creed, A true MC battleground!//

if this is Sparta then ***** I'm Gannicus,/ two swords in my hand while u attack with some shallow ****/ your **** right I'm scar and ull still bow down to this/ u wont get to far hyenas surround in the mist/ Hakuna Matata but theres reason to worry kid/ shoot um point blank an laugh as he say the dots are blury miss/ from his stomach out leaks guts an curry strips/ no lines to connect, his souls in a hurry, drips,/ out his mouth like his mom as she dines in nutty bliss/ bust um quick like his dad, his sister we both miss/ a cute little thing, deaf dumb n blind, snitch/ I think not, i broke her fingers, a tight grip/ dropped her leg and screamed Hogan wins/ layed on top of her and counted to three/ donkey punched that ***** in the head an continued to proceed/ so ask her how much I give a **** about writers creed //


You claim to be a Marvel-Super-Villain-God-Like / If you are Galactus" I'm Lactose - Bacilli / Fermented like Lactic Acids what I spit!/ A genus of original but your just a make belief/ BlitZed please! step it ^ up a bit higher/ Your dealing with an oldskool underground ****** / None of that Kindergarten *****' of entry level / My words may be shallow but yet sharp as a Razor / Your write- wrist slice the veins blood burst just like a geyser / My word plays undefeated so try a little Monster / I sMashed your Baked Potatoe with chives a little butter / On side some bits of bacon a Cub is now a Lion / If you don't understand, im at work im eating Lunch / Im on break and wasted half of my time you little punk/ But its cool It's all in fun and that's what its all about / In a place full of infected A cesspool full of talent / Respect to my opponent a true Warrior of Poets / A Monster Mash Creator, A Master of Salvation / The bad *** Mr. BlitZed, Will continue this ***** later-/ Here at Writer's Creed, or where ever else you pleased/

A mutant, a radioactive contusion./My ***, gave it gas, now im ******* moving./Onto the end, the finish line, a ******* shoe in./Im new an, your old news, news i knew and /screws im loosing, as we pretend this battle im loosing, wrap it up with a few loose ends, /confusing, a thriving city, up an left it in ruins./Black cloaked, hooded druid, IV fluids, /Gat broke, firing pin, out i chewed it, trigger squeezed now, told you id do it./Ten teeth marks on the barrel, yea EG blew it./Face on some blue ****, stiff Elmers glue tip, /sticky grip, stick um up, Richy Rich, Jackson upper cuts, a Rampage, no *****./Bomb on the stage, chickens with no cluck./Took a bomb on stage, chicken heads, my ***** well ******./Salmonella poisoning, chocked the chicken, she likes it real rough. /In an out, left and right, my blade keeps the feathers well plucked. /Goose and a swan, I recognize no duck, bad luck, body covered up in the back of the truck./One G, no UN, i see, just pun./Mission complete, no fun, grey skies, trust me, no sun.. rains not done. /Bars run from bars, bring the heavens down from the stars, impacts bombard/even from behind bars locked cars explode far, gorilla tactics, no holds bared, reload the AR/Re-roll a new cigar, as i retold, another page from Scar/12 bubbles Gage the contents of this unmarked mason jar./I know your popping some corny something, but i wasn't listening./Busy kicking it with Popcorn Sutton, drinking an smoking **** in the kitchen./These lines must be glitching, space-time the fabrics ripping./Physics are ******, i need a new physician./Watch as my feet move, roots grew planted in a quantum position./Like Groot, stomp um like a twig, raging tunnel vision./A ton of incisions, a gun mixed with questionable decisions. /A life for a life, changes nothing, for both sides the death penalty still glistens./the only difference is the same as this blunt. *****, BLitZ3D is still hitting. /Next time i roar a warning make sure you ******* listen... /
Im already bored with you
I pulled a gun
And a sword you drew
Sa Sa Ra Nov 2012
Then I'll be straight
Saying it is an illusion
or you are deluded
Not what I see
I know it seems hard to remember
all the agreed to agree things before
we were you's and I's there once only was
what there we forget to remember the
fundamental of fundamentals but it's all in there somewhere
beyond consciousness our busy brains one day by and by we go on
anyway motion in motion still in motion with attachments and all those strings
inter-dependency things should ring a few and many more bells by more here as well
I just I just I know I know tossed upon such trips guided spells and I know I know its just
as easy to say ya know ya know hahaha I know ya know but ya want me to spell it out like it were abc and 123 but see and be they are not required here there or anywhere I care to be I know I know and have I fear fear I fear like have we been here before have we not tried that **** and it aint so pretty and i'm not getting the point.. the point the point not pointedly but blunty it scared one brave crazy super sweet 'n tough brotha to one long road on the dark dark night of not a lost soul but of a soul just I don't know more like a zombie no heart could not feel a thing abject terrorization upon the torture dejours in some kind of darkness a little glimmer in the nightmare long tunnel of despair but too good taboo for this own kids did i see angels three suffered every slight from heaven to be here on what they call some other earth but still i know here is the better place for heaven...they too are partners all and ya it's been a long road but hahaha I'm a trillion type light years time distance dollars one of beings matters not I am I am and am way down this page and few have dared like me I just keep on daring and daring beyond it, they all for they, it what did I say ha forgive me this way...take a quick back to the top what I know and what did I say; well and the filters having to with Shaman Master J; He worked with special permissions and that is another day for much is such about this and there were times where wounds and illness were for reasons not brought upon by one self alone in the local life as it were; but then there were the many times where the healing was granted and the words of the Shaman Master 'your sins are forgiven'; so then this was noted and it was asked why is it not simpler to say you are healed and the Master replied 'it is simpler to show the cause and effect and your own power'; yes here now very loose semi quotations but what I know is you know by night and by day, in darkness and light; what is love and hate; you have perfect judgement; you know what is judgmentalness; consciousness is your smaller reality as is what we see by light what we see by heart; know by heart and mind is servant on and on; we have agreed to agree on in my seeing and feel oh way to much for we suffer all unnecessarily;
the holy grail is within each we are what
some would say would be that cup;
blessed be;
B Woods Jul 2011
Caught an ol' friend smokin' down Derby Drive
Two lost buddies shootin' **** and feelin' high
These cats I was with though, sho din't jive
So I said, Later fellas, think I'll call it a night
Went a'whistlin down the sidewalk all proper and trim
These houses lookin' at me, got me feelin' dim
So I say to myself, Son, whatcha gonna do?
You're gonna groove it all night until the mornin' dew
So I flip my flops off and toss 'em in the road
When the weather's hot, barefoot is the only code
I've got Summertime feelings on my mind
And a love in my heart that I like to call kind
But if you come at me on a one way street
I ain't turnin' around til' your *** is beat
Cuz ain't no one in this world gonna mess wit' me
I'm a child of the flower and a man of the tree
I'll chop down some wood out in the forest green
And build you bird houses you ain't ever seen
I like to fly in the sky, and **** on your head
Only if you ain't listenin' to what I said
If you're a good student in my class you get a gold star
But if you mess up too much you won't be goin' far
So read your books, do your work, pass this course
If you don't, it's ok cuz things could be quite worse
Just take a lesson from the teacher once a day
Then before you know, the black and white turn to grey
You start seeing colors you ain't never knew
Hearing sounds and voices speaking loud and true
But where did we get off from this walk in the road
I'm searchin' and a'searchin' for my humble abode
There's a cornfield on the left, I sho' ain't goin' in
Cuz' the aliens from Signs are gonna be my Fin
I'd rather walk by and just stare at the sky
As Jimi says 'Scuse me while I kiss this guy
If you're Gay, then stand up, you a got a brotha in me
Just don't be gettin' feely at afternoon tea
Unless of course we're hangin' out with the Queen
I'd like to show her crazy, Americans WE
Sillysilly Brits with their chips and fish
Prince Charming William more like Lil' *****
I sho' like their countryside and cities, though
And getting all kinds of coins and colored dough
I really ain't got nothin' against those guys
Except for when the King is telling all his lies
Monty Python's Flying Circus, what a trip
Reminds me of some mushies with insanity dip
Whoever knows what the hell they're talking about
But in reality, do you know in from out?
A rap I'm working on.
B Woods Sep 2010
There is a love no phrase defines
Eight letters mean nothing
but what you take from them.
And some take none.
So I'll take a few more letters
cos' eight seems not enough,
to tell of a love that rests
high above the lust
of a high school romance.
This is a love where you dance
through the night
with your shirts off
to music that doesn't even play.
You sneak abouts here and there
and hit bowls against the grass
and glance on lakes at night
the ultimate paradox shining
in mankind. Belligerent fights
with brooms ensue to be ended
by boxes of cardboard pizza
or red pepper pita and hummus.
Your parents say, "those guys again..."
And you say, "Hey! you're talkin' bout' my friends here."
So you go.
You take rides endless it seems.
Take trips to places before unseen.
Talks of blabber and sensibility.
Snuggle seshes end in wrestling matches.
If you wake up and your jaw hurts,
you and Maxy probably got drunk again.
If your clothes smell a bit,
chance that Andy dropped by.
If your mind's been blown
Mack and Will laid with you
by the pond for hours.
If you feel a love stronger
in your soul, Dbake's nearby.
If you laugh your *** off for days,
Dusty probably told a joke
or pulled his pants down.
If you can't wrap you mind
around some fact or story,
Bankman must have sprouted
out some MIT engineering bull
you wish you could understand.
But who gives a hey when
you're out chilling with the bros,
brews or not, smokes or tokes or nokes,
there is always a brotha out to chill.
And to you, I say
Jasmyn 'Ladi J' Jul 2013
Escape to a place where the collection of my thoughts are placed
Gray matter leading to a ladder or not cuz I'm in a shell
Mysterious rebel against what I may think is right
Maybe I'll float in a vast ocean and be right
I can't seem to bond with the same *** so I jus lean towards what is best
Alas young mama cuz you were always looking for a sista not a brotha or Mista
See I always had male friends
Made me Tom boyish to make some amends
But recently I was hit my storm
Met a group of women who don't make me feel forlorn
Horns to what may seem devilish
Metalish...nah that's not them
I can't actually be myself around them
My girlfriends
No judgement
No jury
Jus bein me
Now I see I can actually have girlfriends after all these years
Ginuine friendship...kinship
Cat fights...nah
Cuz we too pretty and classy for that
NBU brought us together
How can such a horrible place lead to friendships amazing grace
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
2014, a year where 90s and late 80s babies are happy hyper turnt up not turnt down are swaggerific vs Brillitelegerent. Everyday we live is a commercial Just because we see many commercials Young fly and flashy is what we all want to be but what about those that just want to be "young wild and free"

Free to speak, free to act, free to stand, free to move, free to sing, free to dance, free to read, free to eat and more importantly free to choose how and what we want things to be like Females: I see we got swag of soul urban sophisticated finesse then theres those of us who are preps that are chic may be geeks. Lastly the girls that love to twerk alot plus cover themselves in thick make up and hair dye or is it a weave or a bob (Bob)

They say we sweet cuz we got that "bubblegum" question is what is your flavor something like K Michelle? Nicki Minaj? Rihanna? Miley Cyrus? In that case so do we all skirts and crop tops and bikinis and short shorts or is it galaxy leggings or perhaps jeggings.

Fellas they say you are pimps and players dons and brothas that be like "Forget the haters" they say you are cool with swagger as Kesha said something like that Nick Jagger. Urban dominance, fitteds and suits glasses and high fades what about those high grades Yasssss my brotha ooh I cant forget about those gorgeous dread heads now Ayeeee

Alright I mentioned alot about the guys but which are you...chris brown? Drake? That boy Meek milli or Justin Beiber well whichever it is Ladies and Gentlemen Just remember your place and Destination our Generation peace
Vivian Aug 2015
She had a vibe
and a brotha started diggin it.
Now he's in the club
walking round like he's addicted and,
She doesn't mind;
she's a sucker for attention.
But keep in mind
She's not dancing alone.

The music ends
and he passes her a compliment.
She tucks it away
and decides she wants to play a bit.
They wander off,
and it gets a little steamy.
But keep in mind
Someone's calling her phone.

When morning comes
recollection makes her feel like sh**.
So before he wakes
she has got to find a way to split.
She leaves a note
and starts looking for the way out,
But keep in mind
She still hasn't come home.

He heads upstairs
and can't wait to open up his gift.
She is locked up tight
so she can not run away again.
He comes in close,
and her screams are never ending.
But keep in mind
That his cover's been blown.

When cops show up
he's gone off to find his next target.
But he soon gets caught,
and he is given the worst sentence.
They find the girl,
and her husband rushes to her.
But keep in mind
She was dead long ago.
Yenson Apr 2019
They weren't born with a silver spoon
only an umbilical cord tied round their necks
alas this stopped enough oxygen getting to their brains
creating minds full of mumbo jumbo ideas and fantasies
and a bleeding wound that gives them pain without relief
reminding them all the time they are low and never good enough
cause they were born without a silver spoon on a dusty ***** track

It's a blemish that can never be erased
even with a million lucre they still feel small and stained
you can take them out of the manger not the shame out of them
they always believe and know that those others are better than them
with stunted-brains and raving-angst they never see the world right
its us and them burns the burning passions in conflicted sad minds
life long struggles for the struggle to find that silver spoon never had

Their leaders had a brilliant idea in time
mind without a silver spoon their brains always suspect
find all the silversmiths and **** them all and then nationalize silver
one called Stalin killed millions because he saw silver in their teeth
one Pol *** decided he saw silver in the educated and killed them all
this Chavez took all the silver and gave it all away now they are poor
and Fidel says we'll share equally but I and my brotha will only give

The Silver searchers in the some of the West
decided, we should just fight and talk and hold rallies and hate
all those born with the silver spoon must be punished to kingdom
but look says some, you can have silver if you only apply yourself
that's a trick says them of the befuddled minds and complexes bad
let's just be nuisances and hate and holler and torment and harass
Looking closely all their leaders had silver spoons but that's OK
Come on, don't be a sourpuss all the time, you gotta laugh while the revolution rages, We may not have silver spoons but at least we should keep our sense of humour, ain't it so, comrades.  Down with the Royals, no nookie for them, except Harry, Charles, William, Andrew, Edward, definitely NO to Philip and ehh......that black one......
Chuck May 2013
I know what it's like to be called *****
You are not alone with this badge, brotha
Saturday is for you and me
The victims of profanity
No free ice cream, flowers, or the otha
Cyrus Gold Apr 2016
Murderous rampage avoided, I spare you the shame
But got ya crew duckin’ for cover with the troops I deploy
Yellin’ and shootin’ at each other, no longer a game
But more a rumble in the jungle, better run jungle boy

It’s Brotha Cyrus on the dock, I’m the loch ness
Scorchin’ the earth with all my hotness, see you sweat on the block
I’m the reason for lemonade stands, you better be chillin’
Population feelin’ the tension like a storybook villain

Robbin’ a pharmacy? Can’t afford medication?
Well pay the price to emulate cuz I ain’t givin’ advice
I ain’t a teacher but I educate, you speculate
How can a playa get any bigger with the lack of a vice?

Inspiration came from the West
Cause my writin’ is lyrical
The swagger came from the East
Come in and join in the feast

With heavy steps I walk the earth
Disturbin’ ya peace, you in danger
Anger eruptin’, showin’ greatness since birth

I feel like 20 million dollars, defyin’ the physics
Better behave in my mansion ‘fore I limit ya visits
Ya girl gave me her digits… my bad, terrible timin’
I'm half amazin' thanks to credible rhymin'.
Pure fun. Had an amazingly fun time writing this. Hope you enjoy :)
CJ M Jun 2015
The country.
A little girl, forced to the ground by police twice her size. What was she doing wrong? What was the honest reason for it? Why did they see her, out of the entire crowd, as a threat severe enough to be rough-housed?
A little boy, playing with his toy pop-gun, like we all have, but the police claim to have feared for their lives as they drive past him. They turn around, in their car, get out and open fire. What was it that made this little boy look like a threat? Did they honestly believe that a child would chill in his own yard, fully exposed, just aiming a random weapon at random people?
A chubby man, ever hungry of tasteful things, has brought about a new hunger for the rest of the minority world. How can you honestly say you feared for your life, mister officer? He said he couldn’t breathe on several occasions as you strained the life out of him in front of multiple witnesses.
A poor man, looked homeless, running from the police. No weapon, no fight, just natural fear of someone who’s afraid of the trouble that’s been brought them. They shot him down in broad daylight and got upset at those who shouted their disapproval of the actions.
A church for the community, welcoming all with open arms. No security checks, no guards or peacekeeping officers. Just a church who wanted to praise the lord in whatever way they could. A homicidal maniac came through their doors, sat in a bit before opening fire with automatic weapons. How can you call yourselves warriors of god if when your own life’s at stake you beg and plead through five reloads instead of taking the actions necessary to neutralize the threat? Many died that day in carnage, and their families weep with te rest of the world wishing them a rest in peace. Right after the event, you want to forgive the killer? You mean that the blood splayed by your kin means nothing to you? The death of men women and of all ages means nothing to you?
Don’t feed me that “God wants peace” Line anymore, I’m tired of it. He gave you hands to put together in prayer, yes, but he gave you fists for protection. He gave you a voice to shout in his name, but it’s also a mouth for raising the battle cries of a raging spirit waging war.
You see it only as the “Peaceful” Light, I see it much deeper at my age.  People wished this man a speedy sentence to the nearest clinic to clear his head. Take it off, I say, for if this sort of insanity causes ****** then he needs to be lobotomized.
The list of events is endless, literally, I merely touched the surface in an attempt to shed a light on what it is.
Some say it’s not genocide, some say it’s mere coincidence, no my brotha, no my sista, running into an old friend is coincidence, finding a penny on the sidewalk is coincidence. This is by design, whose, I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean there’s no design in affect.
I have a solution for these plans though, it’s a hard call, but a solution that’s inevitable.
Re-build your own communities, my people, and stop ******* it out. Stop spending so much money at the neighborhood walmart and grow your own **** food. Stop living off of welfare and make something out of yourself other than a tight pants street-walker imitation.
Pedal money back into the community instead of once it hits your hand you spend it at fancy stores knowing that you live in the housing projects, knowing that the car you drive isn’t yours and isn’t paid for. Become the gods and goddesses that you are truly meant to be and revive the ancestral Kings inside of you and revive your communities.
The simplest way to end hate is to get away from it, and once we get our own back, we should do just that.
-the justice has spoken
I just can see this mega-huge picture, it's all coming together simply,  true integration is basically a myth and separation is becoming steadily the best answer.
Travis Green Jan 2022
I long for the moment to watch you flex
Listen to your catchy, freestyle bars
Sink into your hotness, your glorious thoughts
You are a solid brotha, a sweet lover
A hypnotic hustler, my drug addiction
You fill my mind with sensual thoughts
I love to lust after you, gaze at you guzzle your gin
Nicotine king obsessed with caffeine

You make my kingdom gleam
Deep in your maze of dreams
I feel your streaming steam
Ghetto majesty, you are
The brightest, timeless star
My handsome, distinguished man
Smooth-shaven cheeks
Brilliant, loving, and dashing eyes

You are my spectacular and romantic free verse poem
Your strapping form is the flex I desire in my life
I want to rub your thick chin beard
Your firm, **** neck
Your warm, broad back
Speak seductive similes and metaphors
Over your immersive body
I can create fiery haikus
On your flawless, licentious lips
Slide my tongue over your armpits
And leave a trail of hypnotic sonnets

I can craft a luscious couplet
On your solid, good-smelling chest
Sparkling Versace boxers and socks
I love how you move, your vim, your tranquility
Take in your irresistibility
Your masculinity is brilliant in every aspect
Your style accentuates your frame
Your skin of splendor is pleasing
To place my face upon
You are the only one I want
To be vulnerable to always
Butch Decatoria Dec 2015
I grew up here...

Then moved to Sin City that sophomore year
afterwards a whole new world
Navy at 19 returning to the pier...

fresh meat they use to say
graduate of the great lakes boot heels

that's history - here now a days new to me -
reacquaint with youth and city


Beach city by the cool sea
not so easy  city
not too busy, too ******, or greasy city,
to take your shirt off
to feel the breezy - city (i am)
curiously lost
exciteably exploring you
hard city  
different from my boyhood
not so scary-big - city
with beaches
a great place to grow-up
kind of city

open bike rides on my schwinn
safely happy
suburb city

she's maturity now successfully
sophisticated city
evolved from understanding
city of girls who can be
as manly and boys are as
pretty, gritty
of individuality

(like a quirky
cousin, *****, brotha, neice
with Cali.-valley speak! - city)

there's so much i want to see,
learn and believe in
this city,
i am a long lost twin city
just a baby,
friendly city, ******* your full *****
care for me daily

wish me luck a lotto city
even in my muck and ****** bitties
unconditionally cradling me with love
this city...

californicating sea world and zoos
old town wanderlust
You're in my blood and Carmen
cool city
this city by the beach
This city
that I love...
Part I
They say death comes in threes
I say pain is apart of reality
Looking at my homies
On the block guzzin' forties
And toting a glocks
On the look out for flaks and punk *** cop
****** ain't no stranger
Nothing but danger
Where I'm from deep in the slums
Ya find killers to drug dealers
Hoes and hoochie quick to give up the *******
They try to throw something to eat
But I don't bite I just watch and write
About the real.**** I see and feel
Keep my pistol concealed
So when my enemies lurkin' me
The last thing they gone see
Is a nice chromed nine shined
Blind Cuz I catch em off guard
Turned there vehicles into an open casket yea I'm drastic
I hate to see my own in plastic
But I gotta do what I gotta do
Its the life of a **** brotha
My heart has no fill so i feel no pain
Razor in my teeth herringbone as a neck chains
Made of gold times is growing old
Friends turn to foes
Looking for me but can't find me
Even though I'm right in front of me
Once the dark I gather my best thoughts searchin for peace
In many ways
Hopin' for better dayz

Part II
And to homies doing time
Hold ya head high to the sky
Cuz we know half of ya serving is a lie
Hard to support family
When ya sittin' in the penitentiary
society is a flim flam
Got ****!! how many brothers they gone lock up ?
The ***** *** system been corrupt no abrupt
After brothers the color of me
But if I **** another like me
I get praises silently from white society
And they won't care
If ya poor and on ya last dime
And do a crime
Not for the love of it
But to support his broken family
But media labels ya a culprit
Dangerous and the biggest threats
Are our cops letting the drugs drop
in the first place Miss the case
**** the judge They all gotta grudge
Against skin colored like me
I ain't a suckas I'm the black machavielli
In time I will rise no need to open my eyes
Cuz my third eye vigilant
Soon to be a retaliation for all the incarceration for scorning Black nation
Comin' with me violently we moving silently
With our clenched fist raised
Eradicatin' evil
Searchin' for better days 
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your handsomeness has my imagination carried away
Straight up untouchable brotha, rugged thugged-out seductiveness
You give me the wildest ****** vibes
You  take my breath away
You make me so hot for ardent chocolate ***
Craving to fuse our **** delectable flesh

Taste your sparkling macho hotness
Like a banana split sundae
Traveling down my throat
Luxuriate in the sleek, thrilling feel
Of our weaving worlds
I desire to dive into your indescribable
Powerful ocean overflowing
With swirling dopetacular poetry

Your cosmic crash-hot masculinity
Dazzles my immersing framework
You are my magically fiery aphrodisiac
Pour your euphorically adorned gorgeousness
All over my aromatic satin flesh
Let’s cruise through the remarkable carnal boulevard
Fall under your thrall, at the alter
Of your calming chocolate charm
CJ M Oct 2015
A good world is what we live in, but a racist country is what we are. Let’s admit it. Racism is the American way, it’s found itself in more than one faction of life.
Black children slaughtered in the streets by those supposedly trying to protect them: Police, others, “concerned citizens”, all there as an enemy to a people meant for peace.
And it’s remained that way for decades. Decades? Try centuries. Why for America not change her ways? Why for such a lost people be judged and labeled for their not knowing any better?
Why is it that a black boy in a school can be picked out of the crowd like cherries in a fruit cocktail, and be subjected to such redundant behavior? Why is it that dark isn’t seen as beautiful? Why is it that we catch hell like ***** in a baseball glove? And why won’t this world change?
My people, the good people, have been led astray, taking away our little progress and turning it against us like a machine of war. My people, the black people, have been taught the art of self hate from their former slave masters, we have been taught that the darker the uglier but the lighter the better, as it still shows to this day, and this mindset disgusts me.
And when I close my eyes, I see nothing but the faces of those killed, far too many to name, and yet even after years and years, no justice wrought and no tears spared from the eyes of family members. And yet the injustice continues where murderous policemen still roam the streets like hyenas looking for a fresh **** in a ghetto where nothing but torment already can be made.
Where is my peace?
Where is my brother’s peace?
Where is my sister’s?
Where are the leaders of my people with the same skin-tone, why are those available already sold out? Why am I being used even when I don’t know it? Why am I living in a hell made by a people whose whole purpose was to torment my ancestors.
Times have changed, customs accepted and new stereotypes made. Now anyone can say “*****” and it not seem racist because it’s the thing now. I’m sorry, my brotha, I had no idea such a thing could trend. Now ****** foreplay is considered dance, dry-******* your nuts off is considered a “trap dance” and this supposed trap is exactly what it’s called. But yet we don’t complain? Rise up, my black brothers, arise my young sisters. For we are at war with a beast of our own creation, and that beast is seeking to obtain our inner guts as a fulfilling meal if we don’t do anything about it.
Rest in peace, my fallen comrades, for as this war progresses, I will soon join you beyond the stars of the mind and under the ground of those who stomp to battle against a foe who challenges us all.
Washington 10.10.15
forget poem. This is an ultimate vent for me. It stings like tears in dry eyes how much this country is plagued by hidden and open racism but nothing's being done to change it. so here it is.
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
Im a different type of lover, sophisticated brotha. But i get down tear it up like no other..Im the game type, proto to be exact...So You can be the one to test something like that...Super slick powers..lasting long hours..energizer bunny fell asleep in the shower...Look at what i' see a normal man...look a lil deeper Im your number one fan...undisputed winner...different type of lover...Once you played with me you wont be looking for no others...Do it to you right...shower you with rice...put rocks on your finger I will lock you down for life....#typeProto

— The End —