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Jul 2017 · 269
Veronica Jul 2017
I feel unwanted by everyone
Useless and hopeless
Just wanting to run into the woods
And get lost.
Everyone treats me bad.
Stop treating me like this.
I deserve to be treated right!
If you only felt how i feel when you treat  me like this .. yes im talking about you roger.
May 2017 · 307
Veronica May 2017
This bad luck keeps following me
I try to stay away from it
But it comes back
It comes in whatever it can
Wether is humans or objects
Weather or luck
It stays close to me
Everyday i feel weaker
I just want to give up
It seems like it uses the ones i love more
To push my down that hole
They abuse me in there own way
Some verbally some physically
Some harm me so bad
I cant take another day like this
I want to run out and dissapear
Where no one can harm me or make me feel like ****
But i still havent got the courage
The day i do i hope they regret the way have treated me
It'll be late but i hope they blame eachother
When im gone
May 2017 · 235
Veronica May 2017
This life i live is a joke
Im not ever taken seriously
I have suffer from my childhood
And from what i see im going to keep
Suffering the same
Maybe not is the same way
But i will still feel kind of the same pain
My path was meant to be black
And lonely
With pain and always getting put down
No one ever helping me in any kimd of way
May 2017 · 329
Veronica May 2017
Havent been in this for a while
I tried to let my feelings and thoughts locked inside.
Thinking everything would change
Maybe its just me seeing this people and world the wrong way.
Boy, was i wrong?
Today is my birthday an instead of celebrating im inside this room crying in silence
My so call boyfriend was planning to take me out and ended up cancelling.
He told me he would take me here and then changed his thought to another.
Then told me he didmt have money to take me there.
He said if you really want to go why dont you take out money and we'll go there.
Im just sitting here thinking i cant believe he woke me up and told me to get ready for this type of ****.
I wish i could say i had a good birthday with my family and my little baby whose on the way.
I guess my life was meant to be a living hell.
Sep 2016 · 823
All alone
Veronica Sep 2016
Nobody likes me
Im fat
Im skinny
Im ugly
Im unattractive
Im stupid
Im dumb
Im short
Wether i wear make up or not
Whether when i was kid or adult
Wether is my boyfriend
Co workers
Or anyone
Wether is strangers
Or not
Im unwanted
By everyone
Aug 2016 · 519
Answer me
Veronica Aug 2016
I ask for kids wether they are boy or girls babies or toddlers
To please be protected
But everytime i turn on my tv i see a new poor baby being abused in a certain way
And i ask myself is there really a god?
If so why do you ignore my prayers?
Why do you let this poor baby suffer?
Are you with us or against us?
They say to get closer to you
That you hear our prayers
That you will help us
But honestly all i hear is my echo
I ask for you to protect this kids to see if you do
Because thats my sign to see if you hear me
But honestly i dont see anything good coming along
You make me start questioning
All this questions
Are you real or not?
I know i should never question you
But cant help to pray and not get a good response
Am i asking for the impossible?
Is it hard for you to protect the same little angels you sent to this heartless people?
Why do you let this monster keep having babies?
Why would you sent this little ones to this harmful people?
Can you hear me?
Can you please listen to me?
All im asking for is no more violence against this poor little ones
Aug 2016 · 786
God hear my prayers
Veronica Aug 2016
I hate when i hear of babies and kids being abuse by their parents or step parents
It breaks my heart i pray that god protects you, you little ones
Please i'll do whatever you want god but please protect this innocent little ones
They dont deserve any harm all they deserve is love
Please no more violence against this poor babies
That dont deserve it
No more abuse
Please i'll do anything for you god to protect this kids
God please all i ask is for you to protect all this little ones
I wish for all the kids and babies to be protected by any harm from anybody that is hurting them please!
Veronica Aug 2016
I have deeply respect for people who have cancer
Wether they are kids babies adults
They are strong and stay happy and positive even though they know what their destination might be
They never let the hope die
They always have patience for a miracle to save their lives
I pray for them for god to help them in every way
I wish this cancer would never exist
And for there to be a cure for this thing
I cant believe how evil this cancer could be
It amazes how this people could be this strong and fearless
When i see normal people like us we panic over any pitty ****
We should learn from people who really suffer and stop whinning over little ****
Because our lives arent in danger like theirs
Trust me they wish they could be going through any little thing
Instead of going through what they are going through
But everyone who has cancer you will all be in my prayers and i will wish along with you for a miracle to happen and save you
Everyone please lets all pray along
Start making a positive in other sufferring lifes
This also goes for hugo gomez i saw the news and it broke my heart they said all they wanted was a prayer from us
I will pray for him and also for all the kids adults babies that are going through this. ❤
Aug 2016 · 485
Veronica Aug 2016
All i ask for
Is for love and to defend me from any harm
Is this too much for you?
Why do you act like im asking for the impossible
Is this seriously too much for you to handle?
If so let me know so i could sent your A**
To the curve
And can let right guy to walk in the door
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
I've had enough
Veronica Aug 2016
Im tired if this ****
Im tired of you always pushing me away
Your making me hate you more everyday
I want to treat you the way you treat me each day
I tell myself in my head whenever he wants to be lovey dovey
Imma send him to the curve like he has done to me all this years
He acts like he is to bomb for me
Please you need to fall from that cloud 9
If you are rated your probably like a 1
That fuking attitude you carry kills everything you are
Im done begging you
Im done doing everything you want
And not getting anything in return
From now on whenever you want love
You should start asking your fukin hand
Im tired of my boyfriend treating me like this is been years of dealing like this. He is always pushing away.
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
Veronica Jul 2016
For all the girls who are out there
And think they are fat and ugly
Your not
Your beautiful
Your body is ****
Don't let anyone bring you down
We all can't be the same sizes
Imagine might as well make us all look alike
Thats why god made us different
And we all go through different stuff
Please love yourself as who you are
Trust me there is someone out there
Who loves you the way you are
Jul 2016 · 397
Veronica Jul 2016
I want to do this for people who feel or think they are fat
I sometimes feel like that
I start letting my brain run and i look in the mirror
And "Say no one will ever want me like that."

Im 5"1 and weigh 160 pounds
And honestly im proud and at the sametime not
I have started to do my exercise to loose this extra fat
But i still dont see anything wrong with my ***
But when someone tells me how much weigh i have gain
I response telling them "what can i say god made me like this"
And "please dont worry,"
"I will loose my weight whenever i think is the right time,"
And "in my own way,"
When i was told "No one is going to want you like this,"
I would say "i have a bf who is deeply in love,"
"We are about to go out do you wanna come long?"
"Oh wait i dont want you as a tricycle taggin along."
"But even if i werent to have a bf i know im good enough,"
"I could have anyone i want,"
"Is just that im not ready and it has to be whenever i want."
So please mind your own bussiness
And worry about your own life
Because i dont need your useless critizes killing my vibe.
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
To whom it may concern
Veronica Jul 2016
If i was here to satified you
Honestly i wouldn't had made an account
Im here to let my feelings out
Not to satisfy anyone
So if you dont like my poem
Please pass me by
For im here to type what i feel
And "not to impress anyone!"
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
Veronica Jul 2016
It hurts me to know that you dont desire me anymore
That you do anything to dodge my love
Like when i hug you and you roll your eyes
Or when i ask for a kiss, you bearly even put your lips against mine

I hate this and it hurts me inside
You think i dont notice this because i try to act like nothing is going on
But i do, i could feel that cold kiss you give me
Not meaning nothing at all
It feels like a peer pressure empty kiss upon mine
When i hug you and i ask you to hug me back
I know that hug is force and i feel emptiness all around
Where did all this feelings you had towards me go?
Where did all the love you had for me go to?
I sometimes think either you got tired of me
Or maybe you got a side chick
I try my best to bring our back love
But sometimes i think why am i the only one?
Love only grows between two not one
All i ask is if you dont want me
To please let me know
Jul 2016 · 613
Innocent eyes
Veronica Jul 2016
When i look in his eyes
I see sadness and frightness
But cover in lightness and happiness

When i look in his eyes
I see hope and love
Being in a loving family
And having lots of fun

When i look in his eyes
I see all these
And makes me want to be that person
Who will make those aspect come true
Jul 2016 · 2.3k
Sunny days...
Veronica Jul 2016
Sunny days has come our ways
Hot weather is what everyone has been waiting for
To head to the beach and make those time memorable.

Sunny days are the best
Because it seems to bring happiness all day
You look outside
And all you see is brightness everywhere.

Sunny days are the times
Where you can have a drink and have fun
Make a bbq and spend time with your love ones

Sunny days are the times to take advantage
For they only come once a year and vanish.
Jul 2016 · 6.1k
Veronica Jul 2016
Being molested as a child
Is something so digusting,
Knowing my mother knew
And told me never to say anything and kept herself quiet,
Makes me grow more anger against her
Makes me want to wish her the worst
Like i do for that molester,
Hate the fact that now that i had the courage of speaking up,
No one in my family had my back,
I feel so sad and alone,
Because i notice that the family i had
Was not a family at all,
I wish they were all in my shoes
And feel the way i do
See things through my eyes
And see the scars he left behind,
Wish they felt the way i do at times.
Where i feel my body disgusted
And cant be touched,
Wish they would go through what i go through
Where i cant let my partner love me
The way i wish i could be love,
When my partner touches me
I feel used
I get this ***** feeling
And start feeling blue.
It hurts me to know that once i told who i thought was my sister,
What her husband had done to me
Her response was "it is what it is."
From that moment on,
that sister died
And was erase from my life,
I hate anything that has to do with them
I cant even stand hearing their names,
Honestly i hope you guys the worst
And dont judge me for i am who i am thanks to this monsters that i had to be raised by
Im just glad i have part myself away,
Because i dont want my kids
to go through what i did.
I will always speak for them
For i dont want to be that monster
That never did anything.
I was molested when i was little like around 5 or 6 maybe even younger but my memory can only remember that far .. anyways i was molested and told my mom when i was young and again when i was 16 years old and she told me to stay quiet. I told her i was going to tell my dad and brother and she scared me off saying if i do they would go to jail because they would **** that pervert. She said i would come out on the news and no guy would want to be with me. Because i was molested. Now as an adult i had the courage of speaking she still tried to insist not to say anything but i told her she doesnt control me anymore i told her nothing is going to scare me and the whole family needed to know who this pervert really was. She now says she didnt say anything because i was 16 years old and i was old already. I honestly hope that lady who i called mom and that person i called sister and her nasty husband the worst and im glad she and the one who i thought was "my sister" is out of my life. I cant ever forgive them. That lady who i also consider My mom keeps being that evil person helping anyone that wants to hurt me.
Jul 2016 · 337
Too much
Veronica Jul 2016
Tired of this old game
Being accuse of things i have not done
Being ignore
Being treated like a brick wall
How much more of this do i have to stand?
I know if im in this position
Is because i chosed it
Because i could walk out that door at any moment
But i choose not to because of how strong my love is for you
I may look like a fool to you
I know people might judge me as stupid
Because i keep staying by your side
And honestly i dont know how to back myself up
I keep typing poems to get rid of the anger and sadness
Thats killing me inside
Never wishing this type of relationship upon anybody else
Jul 2016 · 1.7k
Always accused of lying
Veronica Jul 2016
He accuses me of lying
Even though im being honest
He said he sent me a text
And did i not response
But i assure him
I never recieved anything
And he says "yeah right"
It hurts me to know
That i could swear on everything
And im still a liar
I wish for once he would believe me
But of course that will never happen
I hate the fact that im always being blame
For things i have never made
Im tired of being in this position
Always being accuse of lying
This just happen to me. I swear i never recieved anything but he doesn't believe me .. i really am not lying. He just got home and went to sleep and is mad at me.
I swear im not lying. He always says i am when im not i always have to proof my innoncence smh. I hope god proofs to him im not lying so he could feel bad which i doubt he ever well .. he never feels bad for accusing me of lying even if i prove him wrong.
Jul 2016 · 363
The love for my kids
Veronica Jul 2016
The love for my kids
Is irreplaceable
There's nothing is this world
I would trade it for
I carried them through each pregnancy
And have this strong bond with each
They may be different ages
But to me they will always be my babies

I wish they would stay babies forever
Because due to the fact they will never leave my sight
I dont mind changing there dipeys and waking up at night
I love being able to hold their tiny body
And admired their tiny feet and hands
Seeing them sleep and smile
And Hearing their cries
Knowing they will one day grow up
Breaks my heart
Thats why right now i try to cherish each moment with them
Because i know over the years
They'll become adults
they are my everything
Jul 2016 · 544
My son's first poem
Veronica Jul 2016
When i always look at my mom
i smile
And she smiles back.
When i say i love her
She says i love you back.<3
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Missing the old you <3
Veronica Jul 2016
Remembering those goodtimes
Wondering where they've all gone
Thinking if you still love me?
Or if im something left in the past?
How did we get to this?
What did i do wrong?
Am i still the person you want for the rest of your life?
Or am i just something you got use too?
And waiting to see how far can it last?
I miss the person you were
Wishing i could make the old you come back
But i know thats impossible and makes me sad
When we argue i sometimes think,
"i dont think i could take this anymore"
Im ready to throw the towel
But then the love i have for you
Makes me think twice
And i say "maybe one day the old you might come back."
Jul 2016 · 405
Love slipping down
Veronica Jul 2016
When all the love you have slips down your hands
You start off with this amazing spark
Everything is happiness and love
He makes you fall head over heels for him
And makes you feel like his the prince charming you were waiting for
But once he knows you give your everything to him
He starts acting like your not worth one cent
The love he had shown you has now just been a memory to memorize
When you take a glance on him you dont see that love in his eyes
You try to revive that love and just get pushed away
You feel a knot on your throat and just want to throw yourself to the floor and cry your life away
But you dont, you get the courage to stand up and go to bed
cry yourself in silent and wipe your tears when he comes your way
  You think he is going to feel bad and grab you and show you the love that once was there
but when you see him go lie down and gives you his back
you realize that you stop mattering to him      
even though you have gave him your all
You see all that love you both have had
Is now like a quicksand rapidly slipping down your hands

— The End —