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13.9k · Aug 2018
My Day
Just Maria Aug 2018
I get up in the morning
Ride the bus to work
Hoping it'll be on time today
Cause my boss a real ****

I sit at my desk
In front of a computer screen
I'm already getting ***** looks
From patients waiting to be seen

Do this and that all at the same time
I spend the day multitasking
When will I get a break
That's what I keep asking

Well at least I have job
And money has to be made
Cause come the first of the month
The rent has got to be paid
For all you daily grinders... I feel ya
3.4k · Jun 2018
Just Maria Jun 2018
Life can be so cruel
I know, I've been a victim of its wrath
I dreamt of riches like a fool
But never found that golden path

I see others that have so much
But it's not envy that I feel
Just wish I had the Midas touch
Wouldn't that be ideal

I don't really have much wealth
But I have some good things on my side
Like my family and my health
And I also have my pride

So life and I will struggle on
I'll give it a run for its money
Not giving up till I've won
And  living in the land of milk and honey
Just Maria Dec 2018
It's Christmas time in the golden state
For a sign of snow you'll wait and wait
And the only snowman that you'll ever make
Are the inflatable ones that are really fake

Christmas shopping is the best
Going from store to store with no time to rest
Make sure you get everyone on you're list
If someone's forgotten they will be ******

The mailing of Christmas cards, it never ends
Who would have thought you had so many friends
Putting up the decorations is suppose to be fun
But when it comes to doing the job you're the only one

Try to wrap up the presents nice and neat
But you know before the night is done you'll admit your defeat
So drink some eggnog and stay in good cheer
And remember Christmas only comes once a year
2.1k · Jul 2018
Summertime Memories
Just Maria Jul 2018
When I was a kid, Summer was so much fun
Playing and laughing all day in the sun
We would all gather for a game of tag
Or running a race to the finish flag

We would think of ways to try and stay cool
Like going for a swim at the public pool
Drinking tall glasses of cold lemonade
While sitting under a tree in the crisp shade

Riding our bikes up and down the street
Waiting for the ice cream truck for a popsicle treat
Staying up late with my best friend
Hoping that Summer would never end

I'm grown up now but it's just not the same
The loss of innocence is such a shame
It's been a long time but they're still  very clear
Those summertime memories that I hold so dear
Summer is here and it got me reminiscing about those fun days I spent as a kid playing  with my friends having so much fun during summer vacation once school was out
1.6k · Dec 2018
Not a Beer drinker
Just Maria Dec 2018
A beer drinker I am not
I prefer tea nice and hot
I'll drink a soda once in a while
Cherry pepsi that's my style

As far as coffee I will pass
Don't like the bitter taste that it has
But apple juice is quite alright
Or a hot chocolate for a cold night

I think that water is the very best
For quenching a thirst it beats the rest
I could choose cold or I could choose hot
But a beer drinker I am not
1.3k · Sep 2018
The Fair
Just Maria Sep 2018
This year I went to the Fair
I couldn't believe how many people were there
There were rides, games and so much food
Taking everything in brighten my mood

On what to do next I couldn't decide
So I thought I chose something to ride
I don't do heights all that well
So I just rode the carousel

I played a game trying to get a prize
I didn't win, wow, what a surprise
I ate some nachos with a lot of cheese
I sipped a cold slurpee and got brain freeze

I saw an owl, a zebra, a camel, and a raccoon
Also a little boy crying who'd lost his balloon
On the way out I stopped and bought a souvenir
I'll definitely be back again next year
1.3k · Jun 2018
Just Maria Jun 2018
Laughter is the best medicine, I've heard it said
So don't take a pill, laugh a little instead
Laugh with the world or laugh at yourself
Laughter isn't a medicine that expires on the shelf

Tell a silly story or a really good joke
You don't know whose laughter your bound to provoke
even a giggle goes a long way
When you're feeling down and are having a bad day

When you don't know what to do, cause your life is a mess
Laugh really loud to deal with the stress
So laughter is the medicine that I recommend
Remember that things workout in the end

Forget the ***** and enjoy the laughter
Then you won't wake up with a hangover the day after
I'll live my life and laugh all I can
Cause I'm laughter's number one fan
I love to laugh and do it as much as I can.
It's a great stress reliever and you can even burn calories laughing, so it's a win, win.....RIGHT!
1.1k · Jul 2018
Classic Cars
Just Maria Jul 2018
Going to the classic car show
Is quite a delight
All the cars parked in a row
What a wonderful sight

Some are candy apple red
Others are metallic blue
Some have flames on the sides
And there's even purple ones too

These cars are real beauties
They were made to last
Some were for cruising
Others to go fast

There's the classic Ford Mustang
And I'm willing to bet
That some still remember
The sporty Chevy Corvette

They come from a simpler time
And if truth be told
Compare to the new one's of today
I prefer yesterday's old
Recently went to a Classic car show...awesome
907 · Feb 2021
Just Maria Feb 2021
Photographs tell our story
About good times and days of glory
Of relationships that didn't last
They're like a time machine to our past

They're the memories of places we've been
And gives us a chance to visit them again
They'll show our kids who haven't a clue
That we were young once too
845 · Jun 2018
What? Love
Just Maria Jun 2018
I opened my whole heart to you
You closed yours to me
My love was pure and true
Yours was a festering disease

I was part to blame somehow
I've come to realize
If I knew then what I know now
I never would've believed your lies

I found the best kind of love
While you were being so cruel
I was able to rise above
And stop being a lovesick fool

I reclaimed my self-respect
And saw how much you were lacking
I was tired of your constant neglect
So I sent your **** packing
820 · Oct 2018
Just Maria Oct 2018
Halloween is once again here
The spookiest night of the year
Where witches and ghosts are all around
And monsters and goblins can be found

You see them walking on every street
Knocking on doors for their trick or treat
Don't look in their eyes, not even a glance
They'll steal all your candy if they get a chance

I lock my door and turn off the light
Waiting for the final stroke of midnight
When all the trick or treaters have all gone home
And they are no longer free to roam
Happy Halloween
805 · Apr 2021
Just Maria Apr 2021
Spring is in the air
Flowers are in bloom
Birds are singing everywhere
And the sun hides the winter gloom

We tend to forget our troubles
As we enjoy the spring
Kids run thru the puddles
That April showers bring

Spring is only three months long
And that's a real ******
But it can't really be to wrong
If we're springing into summer
750 · Jun 2018
Kaylee's shoes
Just Maria Jun 2018
Out of wearing her shoes, Kaylee gets so much pleasure
They're like her gold and glittery treasure
I hear the sound of her heels as she walks down the hall
I think they're about two or three inches tall

I ask to see her shoes and she sticks out her foot
I give her a compliment and say that their cute
She thanks me with a smile on her face
Then puts her foot down with a sweet kind of grace

I must confess that  I've admired
How she walks in those shoes all day without getting tired
There is no doubt, I've come to see
That those shoes were made for my friend kaylee
This poem was written for my friend Kaylee who has these gold glitter shoes. I was admiring them the other day and she asked me if I could come up with a poem for them. This is the end result
501 · Jul 2018
Just Maria Jul 2018
Zombies are the walking dead
To **** them shoot them in the head
Your flesh is their favorite treat
If you see one be fast on your feet

If you look at them all you'll see
Is a disgusting flesh eating disease
I don't want to meet one that's for sure
For the walking dead there is no cure

Let's hope there's never an invation
That we stay a zombie free nation
Because there's one thing I don't want to be
That's a walking rotting zombie
Another themed poem
453 · Jun 2018
Just Maria Jun 2018
A sail boat is docked beside the pier
The lapping water is all I hear
I feel the breeze upon my face
I dream of blue skies and open space

To sail the sea without a care
No time for worries, just time to spare
A thought of new adventures crosses my mind
Of all the treasures that I will find

I'll gather stories from far and near
That I'll retell year after year
At night the moon will shine above
And I'll remember those whom I love

A little sadness enters my heart
as from this dream I must depart
I turn away with a slight smile
At least I was free for just a while
I was inspired to write this poem by a photograph that I took of a sail boat and I started dreaming about how nice it would be just to sail without a care
398 · Dec 2018
Just Maria Dec 2018
Tu vida fue con baile y canto
Tu muerte no sera  con tristesa ni llanto
Ahora estas con Mima en el cielo
Y para mi eso es un gran consuelo

Ya no estaras en esta vida
Pero esto es solo  una corta despedida
Algun dia nos veremos otra vez
Reunidos todos los Alvarez
My dad passed away on 12/8/2018. I wrote this poem is Spanish because that was his and my native language. Love you and will miss you Pipo.
382 · Jul 2018
This Itching
Just Maria Jul 2018
I itch and itch everyday
I scratch and scratch but it won't go away
What causes it I'm not so sure
I just wish there was a cure

It could be the bugs in my bed
Or maybe it's all in my head
I tried pills I tried lotions
I've even tried homemade potions

All the doctors say that I'm insane
All they want to do is study my brain
I went home and started to cry
I guess I'll itch till the day I die
I posted this poem at another site where Itching was the subject.
372 · Jun 2018
Garden of my heart
Just Maria Jun 2018
In the garden of my heart, there grows
A beautiful red thornless rose
Humming birds, butterflies and lady bugs fly all around
A place where peace of mind can be found

I look within myself to try and find
That which is tender and kind
To come to know the real me
And be the best that I can be

To forget the reality of my life
The daily struggles and strife
I try to make a work of art
Out of the garden in my heart
254 · Jun 2018
My poems
Just Maria Jun 2018
My poems are quite simple
I admit that it's true
But it doesn't have to be complicated
For my message to get through

I write about what I see and feel
Almost every day
I try to find the words
To express what I want to say

I like the flowing rhythm
Of the words that rhyme
It's like a sweet melody
I hear it every time

So even though they're simple
I want to make it clear
All the poems I write
Come from my heart and are sincere
234 · Jun 2018
Just Maria Jun 2018
To all those girls out there
That think they're ugly or fat
I'm here to tell you now
How wrong you are about that

You don't have to be a super model
Or a movie star
Just hold you head up high
And just love who you are

I know it's hard sometimes
To make it through the day
Take those depressing thoughts
And throw them all away

So listen to me now
Your beauty will shine through
When you take the time
To love you for you
For my daughter and all the beautiful girls out there--just love yourselves
225 · Jun 2018
Rude people
Just Maria Jun 2018
Rude people, I've met one or two
They push and shove and they cut in front of you
I'm really shocked by the way that they act
And the courtesy and manners they seem to lack

A simple excuse me, can I get by
Then I wouldn't mind moving and stepping aside
They'll step on your foot and just keep on going
Not a sign of remorse on their face is showing

It just makes me mad that they act this way
But I guess that's the world that we live in today
Rude people are everywhere, what can I do
Except mind my manners and say please and thank you
I'm sure everyone has met one

— The End —