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SHE Sep 2017
Three years ago, we became close,
with eyes closed we kissed each other with passion.

In those three years, we were confused of our feelings,
We went our separate ways after,
But in those three years I have loved you,

you were never aware of how much I've waited.
How much I wanted to say those words,
After three years I met you again
I finally was able to tell you,
but now I'm too late.
To the guy I loved, I wish nothing but the best.
the hands of time*
do tick on by
in the process years
passage quickly by

our clock's cogs
speedy of haste
there's not a spare
minute to waste

a youthful soul  
racing along
then into old age
comes a final gong

the hands of time
do tick on by
in the process years
passage quickly by

life's every moment
strikes a chime
until they reach
a conclusive prime

days on the rapid  
circuit decrease  
as momentum's lap
will so cease

the hands of time
do tick on by
in the process years
*passage quickly by
Art Sep 2017
Has it been that long?
Since your gray eyes first met mine?
Since I first saw your smile?
Since I first heard your laugh?
Since I felt your hair brush against my face?
Since I heard beautiful words come out of your mouth?
Since I watched them fall onto paper?
Since I last looked into your eyes?
Since I last touched your hand?
Since I last heard your voice?
Since I last saw your face?
Has it really been that long?
More or less a first draft. I've been having revelations lately that I simply have to write down.
Àŧùl Sep 2017
Last night I stood atop the North tower,
And as I gazed down from the roof,
I hallucinated a Boeing hurtling,
I saw it collide and felt the impact,
Soon I saw and heard the fear.

The fear vibrated downwards,
It was a nightmare of old memories,
It was a fear of odd memories,
Of memories that I never had,
A nightmare with open eyes.
My HP Poem #1661
©Atul Kaushal
Eleanor Rigby Sep 2017
Between the stars
And the million years
Your face appears.

-- Eleanor
Mister J Aug 2017
Amidst the night I walk into the streets,
The chilling wind howls from the bayside;
Pedestrians crowded with people going home,
Moonlit waters illuminated what the dark hide

I sat alone on the dockyard pier,
my mind wandering into the vast abyss;
as the waves come crashing to the beach,
so does my questions and their answers kiss

A wicked smile runs across my face,
as if something fun will nearly occur;
Then my thoughts drift onto the ocean,
vanishing with the waves as if they were lured

My life had been full of tears and cries,
Smiles were seldom, Laughs were really rare;
but they always say that Life is a big wheel,
Once you're down, then you're up, and God cares

As the cold wind continued to plague me,
A warm hand touches the back of my head;
I turned around only to see the woman I love,
The one companion He gave me, she I had wed

With a kiss she greeted my wrinkled cheeks,
her hair, grayed with age, danced with the wind;
even as her years passed by, she still looked fair,
the most valuable treasure in the world I could find

Our love never changed as our years went by,
the passion in our eyes glowed brighter than ever;
I was born to grow old with this woman beside me,
to be with her, and hold her in my arms, forever

We walked home together in that cold winter night,
holding each other's hands like our teenage years;
before we opened the doors I looked at her sincerely,
I thanked her for the love, and crushing all my fears

True love will endure all the years to come,
the fiery passion unchanged even for a thousand lifetimes;
because when God gave man the right to love a woman,
it transcends the boundaries of the very fabric of time
2nd old poem for today, probably the last. Thanks
Madeon Aug 2017
It may take only a few seconds
to hurt someone that you love
but it may take a lot of years
to heal this pain.
Brianna Aug 2017
I'm fixing drinks in the kitchen - it's 4 am and I am petrified about our future.
I watch you sleep while I sip the bitter taste of whiskey running down my throat.
The memories of you and I in our wild years creeps back to me while I sit on the couch contemplating life.

You wore pants too tight for comfort and I wore the best dress I owned as we drove across the country.
We laughed and listened to music from the 90's and drank cheap beer at the motels we stayed at.
We took photos at every monument we saw and always kissed each other goodnight.

My dad always said you were never going to last.
I always thought... we were going to make this work.
You always told me you loved me even after we fought.

Here we are a few years down the road, you're sleeping soundly and I think... maybe my dad was right.
Because you're the kind of guy who dreams of stability.
I'm the kind of girl still dreaming of her wild years.
A Aug 2017
Seven days ago you kissed me on my head and told me to never leave you, that I was a the sun and you were the earth

Six days ago you asked me how my day was and I shrugged and smiled and just kissed you so I didn't have to pretend everything was okay

Five days ago you brought up the argument we had last week about that girl from your work and asked if I was still mad about it

Four days ago we made love and I swear it was the most amazing thing I knew this day I could love you forever

Three days ago you texted me and told me you couldn't see me because you had plans with your boys and you haven't seen them in a while

Two days ago I saw you in the background of a mutual friends picture, you were with that girl from your work. Two days ago my heart broke

Yesterday, we fought for hours and you said "I love you" to me more than you have in the past 6 years and I couldn't believe you because how could you love someone but hurt them so bad

Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll wish I had never met you.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
I walked through these doors.
I just wanted to get away.
I just wanted to pass a unit at uni.
I just wanted to start afresh.

Its been three years.
I still walk through these doors.
I met good people here.
I had a lot of fun here.
I still have fun here.
I tell people about here.

3 years of growth.
3 years of loving you guys.
3 years of happiness and going places.
3 years of managing sport.
I'm glad I came
I,m glad I met you.
Now I know, home can be anywhere.
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