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ClawedBeauty101 Jul 2017
Define for me the length of waiting

How long are you willing to wait for a person who is deeply fading?

What to you is too short? What to you is too long?

Do you fear your individual is too far gone?

Waiting is like a jail cell, where your mind is imprisoned

Time has the key, deciding how long you will stay with the life-line you were given

For 10 years I've been slamming my cold weak fist against the prison cell, praying that you would hear it

But still your back remains towards us, it would be cruel for me to throw a fit.

How can you hear us? When the lies of your authorities have deafen you?

I've been in here for 10 years, I know I may be for a little while longer

I may not ever come out at all. Still wait? Why bother?

Am I such a fool to still remain faithful to the bond that was created?

Or a wise young person to believe that the relationship never faded?

I could starve and yet survive this prison without a word from you

Because I still have the audacity to remain in hope,  the hope that someday you will come through...
You know who you are, I hope someday you read this, and know that WE will always be waiting, without any anger and bitterness. We are waiting for you
Shaxy Jul 2017
Seven years later, I came back to find you, waiting.
The Writer Jul 2017
This is the tale of the little girl
that never wanted to grow
She only ever wanted to play
and to frolic in the meadow

As time passed by for the little girl
and as the flowers wither and die
all the little girl's friends grew up
and began to say goodbye

Without a friend to frolic with
the girl grew to be alone
Until she noticed with a shock
that like her friends, she had also grown

No longer wanting to prolong reality
the girl- now a woman left to find
new adventures in a world she once rejected
leaving the meadow of her childhood behind
Karina Putri Jul 2017
Blink in blink out
Your mind is in the crowd
Let the lights guide you out
When the traffic trapped you down

The road keep rolling
People still following
But the eyes start blinding
And your soul starving

One wish two wish
Your palm about to squish
Grass, tree, sea, and something about the breezes
Remind you something you missed
A Alexander Jul 2017
The stars demanded my attention,
Filling the sky with their flare.
I quickly gathered our family together,
to run over the hill to marvel.
My dad was more reluctant to see what
All the excitement was about.
Having stayed behind,  maybe he knew
Something I didn’t at the time.
Perhaps the worlds end, but I didn’t want
to let this moment pass by, and miss the awe.
We kept running and running towards the light.
This is in reference to a dream that I had when I was younger..
f Oct 2015
I know his body is tired  and his hair is grey with the weight of time and knowledge
but I want to ask him to stay
I want to run my hands through his hair a little longer
because he looks as innocent as his name

I want to ask him not to leave me yet
But I know he's not mine, I knew from the moment I met him that he's only here for a certain amount of time

I want to hold back the tears as I look at him in the eyes
He's too good, too kind and I know it's almost time for him to go

I hope he knows that I loved him until the very last second
until his eyes couldn't focus on a thing anymore
until the moment where his heart gave up on him
until the last beep of that **** machine

I hope he's some kind of proud
I hope he once loved me too
happy years aren’t
hard to come by.
out of 365 days
there is bound to be 1
that is full of maggots,
and to take its place
later on down
there will be 10 more
that are full of progress.
it is upto us
to choose,

whether these times
are going to be long
forgotten years,
rotten with bigotry,
stinking of nothingness

or as a testimony
for the times when we
burned our minds and souls
as embers on a cursed night
to never look for the sky ever
in search of a false hope.
Zero Nine Jul 2017
You know the bandage pull
And how they say you should
Remove in one yank?
Oh, for comfort, true.
I've got the addiction
Just like you.
Meet me on the carpet crisscross
And we can slowly tug the
Adhesive for the pain we need
Over days. Better yet, stay.
We can hide ourselves for years.
Blu3moth Jun 2017
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
"Hopefully done with college"
"Married with a couple of kids"
"Buying my own house and starting a business"
"No debt. Everything, student loans and car payments gone"
The typical answers to that question
Want to know mine?
I never saw my future as bright
Hell never thought I'll get this far
I can see the end of my path
Where do I see myself in five years?
Depressed if I'm not already
Homeless because of my pride
Jobless because my stupidity
No one to turn to because of my negativity
Love is no where near me
That's the last thing on my mind
After food
After drink
After a roof over my brainless head
There's too much going on
No one will help me
Why would they?
It's all my own fault
So the answer to your question
In a different world
Hopefully a better one
After this one is behind me
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