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Anthony Feng Dec 2019
I don’t need your permission to love

I don’t need your permission to think

I don’t need your permission to fight what’s best for me.

I don’t need your permission to heal
what you can not see.

I am going to blossom into a warrior
& shine like never before.

I will learn from my mistakes,
without your stares & your doubts.
Here’s to the society that thinks that they can control us and stop us from loving who we love, from thinking freely, from doing what we’re passionate about, from healing from our past, and thinking we can not change from our mistakes.
mel Dec 2019
all the cells in my body
dance in unison
with the ache
in your heart
my blood pumps
with the knowledge
that you shine most
from shattered parts

you are loved in a million ways
no matter who decided they
could not find a way to stay
and even if you don’t hear it enough
you have just as much meaning
as all that glowing star stuff

i know first hand
that life can be tough
but it knocks you down
so you remember that
alone you are enough

you are the universe in motion
allow yourself to feel every emotion
because if wildfires have the right
to burn everything in their paths
and if the sky can cry
for days on end
then why would these rules
for each of us amend?
when we are filled with
the same elements as them

you are allowed as many phases
as we see in the moon
and just like the sun
this world is warmed by you
you share cosmic meaning
with everyone you meet
this world depends on you
like the air that we breathe

so i hope you recognize
the strength that you grew
from the punches life threw
and that no matter what happens
this earth keeps spinning
just for YOU
Joy Nov 2019
Little lady,
let me remind you,
that you needn't compare
your swamp green scars
to anyone else's,
needn't compare
your copper abilities to
the platinum ones
of those marble gods you admire,
in order to measure
a worth which needn't be measured
on the golden scales of
self criticism and loathing.
There is space under the sun
for all of us.
Manan sheel Nov 2019
A single evil thought, has the potential
to destroy centuries of creation, in a second,

Still, a single drop of creation, a little thought to create,
is worth more than oceans of destruction...

© Manan sheel.
Poetic T Nov 2019
There are wolves at the door,
        but we will never let
them get there claws into you.

We are looking for the princes
  that'll treat you right..

And  we know you'll defend them,
          the princes when the time comes.

Your strong my daughter,
            raised that your stronger

than anything that'll get in your way.

            Your the meaning to our life.

But your free, and your stronger than
           any before you.

                                      Kick there arses..
xtine Nov 2019
if you would be willing
to lend me some of your time..

i can prove to you  
that i'm worth more than
just a spare second to say hello

i can show you
that i don't deserve the role
as an understudy for those who
can't be there for you

i will make it known to you
that i am not someone you can dispose of
after you've gotten what you needed from me

...but ***,
how will you know all these things if you won't
lend me
of your time
What hurts is when you pour so much of your time and effort on people you care about, but they don't do the same for you.
Myka Nov 2019
they say all of it is worth it
in the end, it is.

weeks maybe excruciatingly long,
but the universe gives me these
tiny breaks inbetween
as if it's telling me:
"here's love, comfort and home.
there's a storm coming,
more destructive than the last one.
but i know that you're stronger.
your bones are steel,
your spirit is unbreakable,
and you will survive,"

and i will.
Marquis Nov 2019
The painful irony
of when the words you want to hear
are spoken from the wrong mouth
'You are worth waiting for'
What makes me worth it to you
and not to him?
Why is it, that the one who offers me the world,
is the one I don't want
and the one whom I offer the world to
doesn't want it
What kind of disturbingly ironic world am I living in?
Speaking Eyes Nov 2019
I won’t die without you…
Because stop fighting would be not loving you…
Not a little…
You had given me so much life,
that I can't give you death...

This love is worth to fight
Nobody says it will be perfect…
We didn’t't thought it will hurt like this...

But here we are…
Fighting with love…
Building us again…
Loving our dark sides..
To my boy... To you CAAS
Robby Nov 2019
Please don’t fall in love with me
I’m not someone to trust with your heart
I don’t even trust me with mine

Please don’t find me attractive
There are storms raging beneath this surface
Evil things dancing in fire and brimstone

Please don’t desire me
I’ll only let you down just like I do everyone else
I’m not what you want or need

Just keep looking... okay?
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