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Tangled thoughts – I love
your beautiful strands of hair,
And not having them tangled in
my fingers, leaves me so stranded.

I can’t help these tangled thoughts;
thinking about your curls.
Lorelei T Jan 13
A tempting truth, I must say,
like a labyrinth of thoughts that flow through my mind.
Your name still lingers, bittersweet,
Your eyes, like coffee, dark and deep,
A memory I can't defeat.

The fear inside, a knot I can’t untie,
One, two, three—
I tell myself it’s time to break free.
To be brave, to let the truth spill out,
Let you see the parts of me I’ve kept hidden.

Your voice, just like a vintage song,
With passion and sin, it unfurls.

This is wrong,
I shouldn't want this.
Uh oh, I'm falling in love.
Cyril Jan 2
How unfortunate it is
that words will be just words
if not sent to a lover.

If I spend my days
stringing verses together,
and weave them into threads,
would it be long enough
to travel the earth,
and arrive where you are?

Would you hear my sighs
in these tangled mess,
and think that these verses
are fruits of restlessness?

These fragments of truth,
imperfect and raw
are all that remain.
These clumsy lines,
void of pride,
and stripped of ego.
You're lucky to be clueless.
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2024
Most things in life happen to be a contradiction
odd as it sounds, especially
when it comes to the things we love.
They have a way of crunching us down
and breaking us open.
There aren’t many things that get us,
but of the few that do,
I’m glad that you’re one of them.

The way the salt blends perfectly with your skin,
even when you’re cold. You’re crisp, sometimes moist.
Every moment can't be as perfect as the last,
but I think that’s what makes us, us
the things that happen in between the things we like,
and the way we get along with the things
we never thought we would.

Like drizzling you in bits of chocolate,
even though it’s dark
it brings out the pieces of you
that you try to hide beneath the warm,
fried parts of you that everyone sees.
Odd as it sounds, your salt with my sweet
you get me just like I get you,
tangled in a convulsion of warmth.

There’s something about the way that you crunch
that makes me reach my hand out for more
Shivvy Nov 2024
I know that the world doesn't approve
But hold me as everything else is on snooze
Kiss me through the night
Away from the world's sight
Skin to skin, heart to heart
Promise me we will never part
Just forget, that this no one would approve
Then for once remember that I love you
A M Ryder Aug 2023
The mind, divine
Through the vine
Of time
Tangled, entwined
In some
Grand design
Of marvelous form
And numberless prime
A nothingness enshrined

All the light
We cannot see
Lovely, dark,
Soundless and deep
Figures shift, restless
In the mist
A maskless mayhem
Patiently waits
selina Dec 2021
in a single heartbeat
i lost sight of our surroundings
everything fell into focus

even now, i am tangled in your web
and the only words i had found always held you
on a pedestal, at the foot of which i bled
J Mar 2021
my hair will not spit sparks if you brush it
it will cling onto your hands
the brush
your shirt and shorts
the ones that ride up against your thigh
my hair will not curl lovingly around your fingers
it will grab onto anything put through it
it will keep you here
a part of me forever, the way it should be
my hair will not remind you of flames
but maybe of a lion
though easily tamed is it when
it's sprawled across your lap
your nails gingerly scratching my scalp
my hair will not cascade down my back
ever so gracefully masking the scars from my past
teasing you in its waves
it will claw against my spine, it will dare you to draw near
my hair will not remind you of an ocean
spread out so perfectly as I run,
molding against a perfect sunset
it will be a beast, sneering at you
luring you closer, begging to be chased
it will make you its prey
my hair will not be brushed out
my favorite knot will be entertainment,
lack of motivation in its calligraphy,
you see it as a cry for help,
it is my declaration of power.
my hair will not spit sparks when you brush it.
it will be the forest and flames all in one,
and when you're choking on the smoke,
you'll remember that hair is power.
to touch it is to drain it.
I empty all
into your talons
because my hair will remind you of a monster
and your breath will be its leash.
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
Stars always became tangled in her hair when she played in the sky.
They twinkled like glitter on her skin when she stood beneath the red, hot sun and glowed in the darkness of his shadow.
This isn't really a poem. It's more like a pretty thought. It was written in 2016.
Tylor Nov 2020
I never believed in happy endings
My life was insipid until I met you
I first slept by the ocean under the stars with you
Once tangled in blue, I am now tangled with you

You filled the cracks in my skin with vibrant colours
And healed all my bruises with a simple touch
With you, my life is full of surprises and wonders
I am so full of love now, there's no space for any hatred or grudge
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