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James Oct 2018
They say it could be the Bible; the manual on dealing with defeat. Composed on top of Calvary, where they often let me sleep. But they ****** me and kicked me out, at around book thirteen;
- “You’ll never understand, until you’ve fought in World War Three”
My heart is no good, and my hands are tired from fighting; I tricked myself into thinking I was worth something
yellow soul Oct 2018
I see you over there all alone
You see me as in the old days
It takes me back
It takes me back

I broke up in September
Wanted you back in October
Missed you in November
Wished for you in December.

Take me back now
You are the only thing I want for Christmas
You can get all you want
If just we can bond

I broke up in September
Wanted you back in October
Missed you in November
Wished for you in December

Nothing could make me smile
You are the only thing
Give me peace
Tack me back.
Bo Tansky Oct 2018
You, story master of comparison
Can you see without your Claritin?
Even the tools of your insight
Have they helped to make things right?
The story of your life
Is one among many
Your unique point of view
May only be true for you
And those that think like you do
There really is something to this wish fulfillment
But don’t think because you saw it out there
It’s the lords’ prayer.
So thinkers think
lovers’ love
dreamers continue in dreams.
Still, everything is not what it seems.

We think we are above
the beautiful greenery
scenery that we see
but did you ever see a tree
compare itself to another  

Said one tree to another:
Your foliage is a pale shade of yellow
Your bark is a lark
And you can’t play the cello
Like me
What kind of tree can you be?

Do the bees share their honey
does one crafty bee have a secret stash
hidden below the window sash
that he’s saving for a rainy day,
A getaway?

Did you ever hear a songbird say  
My song is sweeter than yours.
My high notes higher
On swifter wings do I soar.

If you’re tempted like me
To let a bee be a bee
And a tree be a tree
You will understand
If you want to soar
Don’t first attempt it from the highest floor
Don’t think there is a highest floor
Don’t think you need to soar
Don’t try to understand
Just let a bee be a bee
A tree be a tree
These are the things will set you free
Like the wind
You will wind like a gentle breeze
Then gust if you must
Never making a fuss
Don’t think you are,
Were, will ever be, anything
More or less than me,
Us, you, they, whoever
It was when I realized that all my trying
Simply wasn’t working
And I gave up.
But all it caused to say was

I get it,
I really do
If I want to keep you near dear  
I must set you free dear
Understand it’s very hard for me
I think you’ll agree.
I know what to do
Doesn’t mean I’ll do it
I’m not like a gentle breeze
More like a hurricane than a sneeze
Depends on your point of view
Because you see me,
Through you.
It’s true.
I have no idea what that means
It may be true
For all I know
I said so I should have meant it
I think it’s more like
I see through you,
You can come out of the closet
And I will come out too,
But only with you.
Because we are the only two in there.
I don’t see anyone else.
Do you?
I’m not suggesting what you think
Far from it
So far from it
You know what I mean
No point in explaining
If nobody gets it
You do
And you’re not complaining.

So if you don’t want to be a bored buddha,
Eat some bread and buttar
Don’t forget to shutter
Never rebut her
Never say mame
Because you found the only ******
And now you’re in a jam.
Thank you for this man
Just like I do every day
Thank you for this man
I want him to stay
Thank you for this man
Please . . . . Please . . . .
Don't take him
In Jesus name I pray
The Lord Giveth
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
this is what i do
i sit down
away from my happy persona
and yell out my depression?
no its not
its more of a therapy session
a way a part of me can finally feel acceptance 
and show what we think
show what we are
‘Stop and take time’
is a phrase to remind
Often paced
in this race
we call life
We will face
Ourselves stumble and fall
far from grace
Get upset
thrown off track or lose sight of
and just plain forget

A respite put aside
Even small amount set
Where our life’s placed on pause
No more trying to get
We’re not running or chasing
This moment is still
Left behind is that drive
To consume and fulfill

For a minute it's tranquil
We clear our filled heads
Ruminating no more
on what’s done and what’s said
A stillness
to find inner peace
Or get back what’s been lost
If not all;
just a piece
Written: September 26, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter format]
Phi Kenzie Sep 2018
I haven’t seen you for the first time again
but I’m not sure I want you to see me twice
at first glance

I’ve changed to want myself
and I’m scared you still won’t
so I don’t try
because I want you to
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2018
Without a rope but
squaring the circle
the giant man gives it a try
takes a flight off to the sky
only to fall flat on the ground.

She turns around
gives the circle her pi.
He bounces back
and retakes the flight
Que Sera, Sera on the way!
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