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LJ Chaplin Oct 2016
I found solace in the arms of a devil,
A smokey-eyed creature
On a whole other level,

My parents warned me not to give in,
To a world full of chaos,
And a love built on sin,

But he stole me away and said he had a plan,
To take 'Mummy's boy'
And turn me into a man,

Fifteen years on and I'm on my own,
The fire went out
And I'm too scared to go home,

I found solace in the arms of a man,
Who hung me over the edge
And let go of my hand.
archwolf-angel Oct 2016
The cold plays a simple symphony
A perfect season for cuddly jackets and woolly gloves
Skin tight jeans and knee high boots
And knitted scarfs made from tender careful hands

Light weight make up that stays in tact
Kissable lips always stay perfect
A warm cup of coffee in hand
Music playing through headsets

Sights caught in between the falling snow
Brown hues whispering cheerful greetings
An embrace of warmth from body heat
Hearing that familiar heartbeat
Leanna Miller Sep 2016
I long - for the stars in my sight...
These days are dull  - not like the night.
The night sky glistens with twinkles high above.
I yearn..
to fall with the sunset
and think of things I will never forget.....
Diána Bósa Sep 2016
I wish I could be
there and wade through the blue with
you to wind your spring.
Johnny Brunac Aug 2016
As I began to write,
my emotions kept cutting.
Deeper and deeper,
as if I was staring to wage
a virtual war unto myself.
kaylene- mary Aug 2016
He abandoned you for no-mans-land
For ****** souls and bullet holes
With blood as thick as water
And it wasn't the first time you drowned in shallow seas
Your wounds won't clot unless you touch them
And you won't find plasters between sheets
History repeats itself
And you're becoming your mother
But if you pull apart your skin for long enough
Maybe you'll find solace
Or maybe you'll bleed out
Just Melz Aug 2016
This path we all walk alone through our minds
Has the most comforting of hiding spots
Like the trees in nature all around us
We grow our thoughts
We branch out and reach for the horizon
We build up walls
To provide the shade and oxygen we need
To breathe
To have the silence we can only find within ourselves
To continue on this journey with a clear mind
We create ideas within this path
We travel on and bring as much beauty to the world as we can
And yet,
Sometimes the only comfortable solace we have
Is alone,
Just walking down this path
N Aug 2016
strip and skinny dip
in the ocean of solace
float on your back
and watch the stars wink

entertain the seraphs looking
down on you
flail your arms and move
your legs
let them tell the creator,
oh god, she's making an
ocean angel

and you'll hear him laugh
in thunders

allow yourself to feel
small, so tiny
to be strangely frightened
but electrified when you smile
at some stranger in a dark alley

allow yourself to feel

because there is so much death
but also so much life

strip and skinny dip
in the ocean of solace
float on your back
and watch the stars wink
Bay Aug 2016
Stepping into another realm
where pain and sadness and happiness gladness
and regret bear no acceptance,
and are left at the door as I left at the door
my sanity, my humanity, my will to breathe.
Floating among shadows of past and of lives so far away.
Lives so forgotten and memories of childhood bliss
and content now become
droplets of terror
which form holes in time,
gaps in my life as the presence
which once existed in those gaps no longer exists in my world.
Walking among these shadows
and seeing the blankness in their eyes,
their hollowed shells rise and walk alongside me,
beckoning me.
Frivolous eyes of null draw the life from within me.
Life and organs and blood pumping
throughout a numbed body
as my organs transform before escaping.
Heart frosting over,
icicles forming,
further numbing my already numbed existence.
Veins like blackened highways of broken stone
crackle becoming dust
before seeping through my pores,
forever leaving my body.
The rest of me exits anyway it can
until I become a shell,
walking among shells,
casting shadows among shadows
and becoming a shade among shades.
On November 14th, 2015, my bestfriend who I was raised with, who became my sister, was in a traumatic car accident. She has fought for her life, suffering from seizures, aneurysms, constant infections, speech paralysis, paralysis to her left side of her body, and so many other struggles. However, she remained brave and willing to continue fighting. It was announced earlier this evening that her fight has ended, as she went into a coma, and was brain dead. She was taken off the ventilator, and I was forced to lift my eyes to the sky and tell my sister good bye. I have never been faced with grief before, and my emotions are being tested. They have escaped me, as I cannot find them. I am numb, and confused.
TKO Jul 2016
I see sorrow in the snow -- You know? As the flakes' momentums grow and slow, their pathes pluck away at my subconscious woes. Dancing, they are, to the rhythm imposed. They tango to my turmoil and dip to new lows. In their disorder I find solace.
With their most gentle kiss, I'm ushered away in their ballet of bliss.
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