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Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Words surge
Vulgarity stutters
What's that again?
OH!! You shuttered

Shut down voices
Disagree in thought
Stop in your tracks
Facts are not sought

Facebook, Twitter
Social media sites
Opinions are all quenched
Control is such a might

The Storm is coming
So I was told
Stand up strong
Always be bold
was banned from a site and a Facebook link because I voiced my opinion and questioned their facts, when my opinion didn't agree with the author's view, they cussed me out and name called me then they banned me without allowing me to rebuke what they posted about me
Lovey Jul 2015
You know that feel when your eyes are closed sometimes.
Like you are falling and when you wake up all
you remember is your dream.
Ever wonder why you feel that?
Maybe its you going back to your body ever
think of it like that?
Maybe its your spirit going back to life.
Or maybe its one way of the universe telling
you you could go at any moment.
Blue Angel Apr 2015
Keeping your mouth shut
let's people think you are a fool
but opening your mouth also proves it
Ezra Apr 2015
They say,
The Heart is like a door,
It can be open or shut,
You can walk in or walk out,
You can be locked in or locked out,
But hear me out;
Don't believe all that they say.

They say
When one door closes another one opens,
I don't take no stock in that
When one heart closes--
It can close forever.
Alan S Bailey Jan 2015
Over-run by Christian perfectionists, all I can think of is ***,
Someone please save me from myself, save me from this hell,
Let me be different or chop them off, I won't be needing them,
I'll just make them go away and disappear, I'll need a knife as well.

My short and useless life will be over soon anyway,
I was certainly given enough guilt I can not hide,
No one will want to be my friend, not day to day,
Not if I'm the one that's got to be the eccentric "lie."

In the end the rest of us are stuck in this abyss,
The one where it's an evil thought to let nature grow,
Allow her to flourish (and why should we let her live?)
To be the one to sew the seeds, but we will never know.

It's a tricky path I'd rather have never been put on,
When I was a kid I thought everything was fine,
Then I grew up and found out I was different,
My train is on the tracks, I'll never make it on time.

And so I ask the world to answer, everyone just laughs,
They tell me I'm going to need to move out of the country,
I'd give anything to leave, but there's no clear set path,
Maybe I should have been born into a different family?

So my friends wish me well, my unborn children already dead,
I don't want to be this way, carry on and sewn shut in tears of red,
I'll be back again to ask for help and they will all just cringe,
I guess they've made certain that I shall be the "embodiment of sin."
ink Nov 2014
I say hello
My nametag dangles from my lanyard
"Hello, my name is Liz
Pronouns are kye/kyr"
it says

They see the lanyard
and they laugh.
"Those aren't pronouns!"
they say
"She is messed up."

Shut up.

A 300lb woman
looks into the mirror
she sighs
remembering her peers' words
"You should lose weight."
"You're very overweight."
"Your obeseity is your fault."

A 75lb woman
looks into the mirror
Her anorexia laughs
remembering the 300lb woman she used to be
her peers then tell her
"You need to gain weight."

Shut up. Shut up.

The boy hides his face
Not giving the teacher eye contact
The teacher calls his name
His stomach flips upside-down
She called on him on purpose
he just knows it

In front of the class
expectant, judgemental eyes glaring
Instinct tells him to run
He looks at his notecards
All he sees is chickenscratch
The teacher hangs her head in disappointment
and growls
"Just sit down if you have nothing to say."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

A girl drags hersef through the day
Everything is black and white
Coming home to wild parents
Who hit her constanty
and then claim
"I love you."

Excuses, excuses.
For every welt, mark and bruise
But when she gets one on her face-
She had given one, too.
In fact, she had given many
How generous she was!
The police came and arrest the girl.
All she heard was
"Her mother is dead."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

Take a breath
the girl tells herself
She goes to her parents
They stare, wide-eyed
at her dress, eyeliner and nails
they just stare.

She tells them
her new identity
They tell her
"Chris. You aren't a girl.
You're a boy."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

You read a poem
titled "Shut Up"
About the hardships
The unfair, the despair
of living life.

Please know
Opinions don't matter
If you are happy,
who cares what they think?
If they criticize you
Just smile
and say

Shut up.
You are valid.
Please do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

You'll be okay.
statictitanic Oct 2014
It's the flame that burns through each layer of skin
if you resist, you can try to save yourself from these sins
It's bottled upon the top cabinet, to the right, in the left side of the kitchen,
next to the cabinet there's a window
letting the hazy skyline fill in the unspoken words from your lips
You can try to conceal these wrongs, drink away this burning flame
but the ashes will always remain.
Look, and walk around, the cursive words
scribbled on the doors of bathroom stalls
abandoned buildings to sinful to care who desecrates them any further
Soon, you don't have to see but hear
the drying throat, hope to swallow more doubt into the pit of hell.
The longer you bear this pain, the more time will reach its last hour
and when the world has shut the door on your face
leaving you in limited space
these secrets will be written on your arsenic bones
and all that will remain is the secrets heavy in the New York air.
Katie Nicole Oct 2014
why don't we
just curl up together
in the soft blankets of my bed
we'll shut out the world
and all of its harm
and be cozy together instead
cosmicashes Aug 2014
sometimes it feels like my mouth is stitched shut,
maybe to prevent me from saying the wrong thing?
but when the stitches fray and im allowed the luxury of voice it seems like wrong is the only language i know
my old account is called cosmic poet. so im reposting my old poem. uh what do you think?
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