Shut up, you love me
You say when I remind you of your dumb choice
Shut up, you love me
You say when I start to lose faith
Shut up, you love me.
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up, you love me
You say when you're hiding the truth
Shut up, you love me
You say when there's nothing left to hold onto
Shut up, you love me.
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up, you love me
I say when you need to know how much you still have to live for
Shut up, you love me
I say when I have to know what's going on
Shut up, you love me
So stop pushing me away
Shut up, you love
I plead as I'm begging you to stay
Shut up, you love me
As I pray for one more day
Shut up, you love me.
I could add so many more lines to this unfinished mess but I hope you guys enjoy it thus far