I stand upon a familiar shore,
of white sands and ocean waves,
looked upon so many years before.
Salten sea breeze fresh upon my face,
casting mist and haze like some dream,
where I see that other time in this place.
In this place I now stand so all alone.
as if drawn across rolling dark waters,
to calmer days once warmly known.
Days when loneliness was an unknown.
where sun was warm and seas were still,
so long before any storms had blown.
I recall your smile there upon your face,
and you were there to share my time,
it was you that made this a perfect place.
But this sand now beneath my feet,
leads nowhere I would wish to go.
My only memory now of loves defeat.
Waves roll and ebb high upon the shore,
sand worn away and faded coastal dreams,
the remains of the beach,
that was ours before.
Even memories fade and become shadows of what they were.
The years erase thought the heart still knows that something was lost.