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svdgrl Jun 2014
Don't obsess over the romantics-
shadows of eyelashes
what longing is and means
the way a chest falls
when bad news is heard.
Do anticipate disappointment-
and revel in pleasant surprise
only for the moment it exists.
Understand nothing lasts forever.
Don't give it away all the time.
and form a forcefield- a wall if it wills.
Always focus on the next task at hand.
Stop being so gracious-
and have more ambition,
demands that are either met or excelled,
higher standards.
You are stone until you want to be water.
Trees until you want to be storms.
The mouse until you want to be the owl.
Oh, angel darling,
Protect me from the night sky,
The stars glare on the beauty of the
First full moon.
The sun envies
The softness of the glow,
When bolides crash down
To find the eastern glow.
Where are you now,
Dreaming in the dark?
When you left me it turned off
All the light.
But I don't mind--
I love the feeling this night,
As the moon slips sleepily,
I am left alone.

Why can't I get use to that?
Maybe because the stars have their kind,
And the sun has a family--
Why am I like the moon?

The night is colder,
But I don't mind,
Tonight I love the night sky.
Nyctophilia Definition: A preference for the night or darkness
i s a b e l l a Jun 2014
This perfect little girl
seems like she's a storybook away,
and the image you wish to see
is drenched in black,
a shadow that won't reveal
the identity of its master.
This perfect little girl
used to hold your hand,
but is now letting go
to search for something greater
than protection -
she's searching for herself,
and this perfect little girl
you tried to create,
isn't who she's looking for.
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
You cried in battle,
And the earth shook,
Searching for fear...
I only found determination,

Your fingers blocked the fire rain,
Despite you,
My skin invaded,
The ashes seeped into me,

As my teary pupils dilated,
My mouth resisted to speak,
But my mind wailed to the heavens,
While God covered his ears.

You tried to cloak me,
And you were dangerous,
And you were fierce,
And you were beautiful.

I was broken to begin with,
It's not your fault I'm bleeding.
It's not your fault I'm weeping.
It's not your fault I'm dying.

Your attempts were not in vain,
I'll never forget your efforts.
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
I retired as a child,
And came to a conclusion,

My skin was mine to protect,
My mind was my fortress,
My eyes were my windows,
My soul too precious to be yours.
Ms Ann Thrope Jun 2014
You talk of loneliness so frequent in your speech,
You talk of loneliness as if it's company, you beseech.
You say you search for light & truth
Integrity--it grounds your roots
You rarely talk but when you do,
It's loneliness that torments you?
It occurs to me that you are blind!
I will not rest until you're mine!

But wait...

Your heart is one I've seen before
So fragile & vacant at its core...
I couldn't live with that bloodshed on my hands
(Yet, that hasn't stopped me with any other man)
But your's is one I will respect
So, from the shadows I will protect!
I'll be your angel in disguise
No one will harm you; They'll be denied!

A saddened day with us apart
Tis better this way--to guard your heart!
You are my God, my Love, One Soul!
Do not fear, my Dear, you're never alone!
Written May 2012
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
Locked eyes
touching lips
an act so beautiful
or so ugly

making love
having ***
different names
different reasons
different positions

vaginal, oral, **** or *******
Trying for a baby
wanting some fun
don't have time, so make it quick
or have a moment alone
what ever your reasons
what ever positions
take precautions

One act can turn into a lifetime mistake
what ever your reasons
what ever you positions
stay safe
Although in the title it says only read if over 18 if anyone under 18 reads this, if you are having or thinking of having *** remember although at the time it can be amazing the feeling doesn't last.

A serious STD can not be cured and could/will ruin your life

Babies might seem cute but you know those days when you like to sleep in, well you can say goodbye to those for a about 13 years maybe longer

Trying to explain to your parents that you are pregnant/going to be a dad is the same as telling them you are dropping out of school

Giving children up for adoption will seem like a good idea at the time but you will eventually always wonder what they are up to, who are they etc

The person you are having *** with might just tell his/her friends and then gossip spreads which may lead to some bullying.

It's better to stay safe than take the risk
unless you're a risk taker then in that case go sky diving, shark swimming, rock climbing out doors, etc.
Jayanta May 2014
Please give me an umbrella!
It is so glittery,
Need to save them from daylight!

Please give me an umbrella!
It is so pouring,
Need to protect them from charging water!

Please give me an umbrella!
It is so scary, everyone carries gun,
At least I can carry the umbrella to protect them!

They are flimsy, delicate and hope for every one of us,
So, let me protect them!

Please give me an umbrella!
Kenzee Rae May 2014
Darkness surrounded me,
But you gave me hope.
You were the light
In my abyss of darkness.
When I didn't know which path to take,
You assured that the right one
Would prove itself.
The twists and turns,
Were far and plenty,
But you stayed at my side,
Protecting me through it all.
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