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when did you last
in gentle obsession
cast your mind
so the wind spoke.

it passes. miss it's
touch and a whole
world being shunned.
are you such a force.

self-important that whispers
in trees, whistles of alleys
to hollow to drown
the media holler.

same current though howls
could rip through a town
bring your world tumbling

hark then or would you decry
the cruelty and misfortune
and wail curses at wind .
be quiet .

listen to the situations
it brings.
Tatiana Apr 2016
A boy with a bear was sitting in his room.
The bear was missing an eye
and the thread was unraveling
but his mother promised to fix him up
to make him new again.

They were going to his friends house
and his mom told him to leave his bear
But the boy didn't listen.
That bear was his heart and soul.

It was a warm summer day
the sky was bright blue
not a cloud could be seen
and the boy opened his window.

Don't stick your arms out the window.
The boy didn't listen.
Don't stick your bear out the window.
The boy didn't listen.

He wanted his bear to feel the warm air
in the same way he did.
He just wanted the bear
to feel the warm air.

But with one large bump,
the boy lost his grip
and down, down, down it goes
into the street-like abyss

But he didn't say anything.
He didn't know how to speak.
His bear helped him and now he's gone
somewhere on the side of the street.

The boy closed his eyes
shaking his head
and he slowly closed his window.
His mother breathed a sigh of relief.

He stared out the window.
He didn't look back.
He turned a blind eye
to his own unraveling thread.

Where is your bear?
I dropped it
You dropped it?
I dropped it

By the time they went to look,
it was already too dark
and the bear was gone
and so was the boy

I dropped it
I dropped it
*I dropped it
26 days in a row is a bit too much so I'll still do the 26 poems in total just not one every single day. That's a bit too much of a strain on me.
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Wait for a while
Wait for sometime, quite sometime
Wait till the next moment in time passes by, wait until then.
Wait for a while.

Wait because there is something going on in the mind
Distortion of facts leads to disturbance of the thought process going on in the mind
Annoying seems the present moment in time
Still it’s always better to wait for a while
Wait for sometime.

Wait because there is something going on in the mind
What happened then at that point in time?
What went wrong?
What happened prior?
Whether it was a diversion, whether it was a deviation
No one knows
No one can tell
Except for you, yourself
So always it's better to speak truth to yourself.

Since there are so many things going on in the mind,
it's always better to stay firm upon something not only at the present moment in time,
but also with the passing moment in time.

Make sure everything is clear in the mind with regards to what is going on in the present
Once that happens, then from that moment onwards things start changing
Time now to proceed with what has been decided as of now in the present with regards to the present moment in time.

Once that gets decided, then no point in looking back
It’s time now to proceed with what has been decided in the present and specifically getting the same thing done with regards to everything going on in the present.
Alan S Bailey Apr 2016
Would you attend a half-time funeral
Near the oak and pine branch at the cemetery,
Floral bouquet in hand, the last stand,
For the fool who dazzled in the light
Of dark, sorting through old newspapers,
Cigar in their mouth, unseen by such
That they remained happily in front of
Live TV watching the 7:00 news, amuse,
A vague smile, broken down besides
The window pane of a thousand tomorrows
Yet to come that never will. You will see them
All come, when they finally reach you at full
Speed, to end, to the same place you already
Arrived at in the light, and found the truth
Is not anything mystical or a fateful message,
It's ironically simple, life is simply life.
Caitlin Mar 2016
He is loyal, my god is he loyal, to a fault really.
Don't abuse this quality like I did.
Don't push his buttons and test him limits needlessly,
yes he will stay. Even after you yell and scream,
He does have a temper. Sometimes it is scary.
Don't match his anger with yours.
Just sit him down and help him calm down.
He will apologize profusely for scaring you.
His anger turns to fear quickly,
it is a delicate scenario.
Be patient with him,
I may have taught him how to love,
but I also left scars.
He is idealistic, he will plan a future with you,
if you're anything like me, it will be before you're ready,
just be honest with him about it.
The worst thing you can do is shut him out,
be honest with him and you will get honesty in return.
Most of all, love him.
Love him hard, and with everything you have,
because he deserves that.
you know who you are
Annika Sayson Mar 2016
  A little birdie told me that you finally found someone after years of thinking of what we could've been in this present time. I told you that you can do it, and you did it. You've finally moved on. I couldn't be any happier that you are now happy in the arms of another and finally starting a new journey in life. Make sure to get this one right okay? You should do the things that you lacked in our past relationship. You check up on her, constantly remind her she's important, shower her with attention that she needs, set the both of you as top priorities and never leave her in her time of need. Never let her feel that she is nothing compared to the other females in the world, especially to me. Because I know she's a lovely human being and I'm glad you are with her.

To my former lover's new lover,
  You've got someone who's a real keeper but we didn't last because we were lost, young and naive. I hope he'll shower you with constant love and affection and that you will do the same for him as well. I am glad we did not end up being together because he was meant for you as I am meant for my current lover. Now don't you compare me to you or you to me. We are different people and we are unique. I will not interfere for this is an innocent letter for both of you. Smile honey, he loves you not me.

Back to my former lover,
  You do well and be well. As I am in a journey with my current lover, I hope you'll enjoy your journey with her and never stop loving her. Thank you for what we had before. If it wasn't for us breaking up, we would've never met someone better. So in the end I do not regret the "us" that we had, I hope you feel the same way too.

                                             your former lover.
An open letter to my former lover who finally found his new muse
J Valle Dec 2015
Next time I fall in love;

I'll be more cautious
And be less precocious
Won't keep my flaws in
Let my tears flow out
Add someone to my world
Instead of making them mine
Sing my lungs out
Won't shut my feelings

Nex time I fall in love;

It won't be with you.
Jellyfish Nov 2015
Last night I cried
until I had red eyes
I was
continuously saying
that I wanted to die
in between every breath
I was
mumbling little nothings
that meant everythings yet
no one wanted to hear me.
I am
steadily now, the next day.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
In the frequent changes that take place from time to time
In everything that moves from one moment to next
In each and everything and in all,
there is something that will remain constant
There is something that will remain the same
It's the response to change.

Every change has got a start at some point of time
Every change breaks a myth,
bringing a new reality to life.
Every change has got something substantial to do with the present moment in time
Every change makes sure that it presents the present moment in time in a different way, different from all that happened prior.

Every change will tell what else is there with regards to the future
Agree, accept and welcome a change with concise and clear mindset and an open heart.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
Decide once and for all, all that’s going on in mind
Decide and then proceed
It's important
Also important is the fact that you make sure nothing else is going on at the back of mind
Once decided, time to move ahead with what to do next.

As simple as it seems what seems to be simple is not that simple
Life has never remained simple
Ups and downs
Highs and lows
Success and failure,
life consists of everything and all.

As simple as it seems what seems to be so simple is not that simple
Life has never remained simple
Remembering and recalling the past
Reconciling the present moment with past
Continuing with the present moment of time
Ascertaining the future,
life consists of everything and all.

Whatever goes on in mind at the present moment in time,
one thing has always remained for sure,
life remains unpredictable.

Uncertain and unpredictable are ways of life
Vagueness and ambiguity remains a part of life
In all the ways of life, remember one thing for sure
One thing that must remain the same, must not change
As and when, whenever you get a chance,
seize the right moment in time,
the best available opportunity in time and make use of it,
remember then, don’t forget to smile.

Live life to the best of your abilities
Live life to the fullest, until the last moment in time is over
Never leave the opportunity to smile in life
Life continues with the ups and downs, highs and lows
Never does it mean life is all about odds
The only thing it meant was to look at life with a positive approach.

Never give up
As and when you get a chance smile
It’s important since when you smile, life will smile back at you
The odds will remain, but the ways of dealing with them will become simpler.

Be positive in life,
A time will then come when something will fall in place and the rest will follow soon.

Have patience,
Be confident, have faith in yourself,
definitely, a moment in time will come when you will have a way of your own.
Thereafter you will realize that victory is not far away, it’s on the way.
A time will come when you will reap the benefits of all the efforts that you have made.
Until that moment in time life continues on its own,
so don't forget to smile as and when you get the right moment in time.
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