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Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
At the moment you are beside me

As you read I hope you feel the depth of joy I feel every time I am blessed with your shape embroidered to my legs like the most intricate piece of cross-stitch I've ever seen

I am beginning to worry you will be embarrassed to be displayed next to such a ramshackle patchwork quilt

Threads so new and bright

Meticulously placed with attention and care

My stitches old and undoing in several spots

My patches come in many colors
Are randomly placed in a smorgasbord of different patterns

We clash worse than diamonds and driftwood

But I realized being shown next to me only exemplifies your perfection

And something clicks in brain

Maybe THAT is why we're so good together...
If people were blankets
c Dec 2019
I’ve been loving you selfishly
Saving every moment that makes me smile
As if you don’t feel happiness too

Did you know that I love you?
Until I met you
I didn’t even know
How to love myself
For G, who doesn’t know that I might love him
I know that
for one moment
tomorrow morning

I will have forgotten
this pain

tearing through me
like lightning
through a tree

but after that moment
I will be struck
all over again
I wrote this poem when I lost someone close to me. Yesterday marked one year since he's gone. I've never wanted anyone to read it before, but I feel ready to share it now. Holidays are hard when not everyone is around to celebrate with you. Sending a lot of love to those who miss someone this season<3
Lilly F Dec 2019
the moment I tried to convince myself I wasn't in love with you,
was the moment I realized I was

Mistella Dec 2019
A voice is heard often
Like a lion roaring in a den.
He wants to come out,
Roar once again, slake his drought.

But another voice is heard again,
It rebukes the lion and closes the den.
This voice sounds like that of a man
Who wants to do all, but has no plan.

The day isn’t too far
When the tumult will turn into a war.
Face of lion with a body of man, I see,
None is ready to set the other free.

This war of the voices begins with the sunrise,
And ends at the moment I close my eyes.
This is the way where monsters tread,
Head’s alive, while the heart’s dead.
Yueyi Yao Dec 2019

The fragrance of dewdrops
dissolving amongst crisp morning air.
The green and delicate leaf buds
sprouting from once-bare branches.

The humming loud radio
playing from front seats of cars.
The taste of vanilla ice cream
melting under yellow rays of sun.

The rain-streaked glass windows
blending messy autumn shades.
The rustle of fading book pages
turning minute by minute.

The blanket of thick fog
tumbling between red brick houses.
The fallen needles of pine
snapping under light footsteps.

The bright umbrellas and hand-picked flowers,
the lawn mowers buzzing and sprinklers half-off,
the flock of birds and wilting blades of grass,
the ticking golden clock and snow biting cheeks.

Four seasons,
year by year,
and that is

My moments do not make a line
But one eternal round
My past can never chain me down
For choice remains unbound

My past consists of memory
With meaning I assign
Each moment I create anew
This blessed life of mine

The future too does not exist
Except in my mind’s eye
The implications of my acts
Lie clear to see (or deny)

I pre-create in matter fine
My true prosperity
Building spirit templates that
Will yield their fruit for me

Each moment - indivisible
A bright & glowing sphere
Is where in faith I plant the seeds
Of that which will appear

One eternal round of truth
One eternal round of love
One eternal round below
One eternal round above
This is Prosperity Poem 61 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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maria Dec 2019
Saw you with her
I stared for a moment
-it was just a quarter of a second
don't get yourself confused-
Smile on my face
I looked away
I'm happy without you
I'm happy without you
even if a tiny part of me still has a part of you

written on December 20, 2019
© ,Maria
Max Neumann Dec 2019
i just wrote a letter to a good-hearted man.

it is night where i am right now.
while writing, i heard my father's steps.

he slowly approached me; mistrust in
his face.

he thought i would have done something
bad. i had not done so.

five minutes i spoke to him; i needed him to
believe me since i will travel to another city
later today.

i do not want to say "farewell" in disharmony.

yet, i am not disappointed or angry.
everyone acts weakly from time to time.
i forgive my father.

before going to bed i will talk to somebody

somebody who is everywhere and always with me.

nothing to add.
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