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Tori Schall Mar 2020
All these memories are full;
weighted down by iron bars
that lock and trap.
wrapping chains around me,
but I let them.

Too wild to be tamed,
Too alone to be sane,
but you looked at me
and you smiled-
oh god, you smiled.

Too scared of trying,
not understanding the meaning of family
until you took my hand
and I know what you're doing,
but by some miracle-
by some twisted miracle,
I let you.

You weigh me down now,
long after you're gone.
These chains never rust,
they never loosen.

I let myself be captured by your love.
And I'm still not sure if I regret it or not,
but you taught me how to feel.
And sometimes I wish you hadn't,
because these feeling that are inside me
are far from the malleable, soft thing that I've become.
Far from the person you turned me into.

They are sharp edges
and strong, unyielding walls.
They plunge me into a current
and I don't know how to swim.
So I take it all, floating along
without your guidance.

You taught me these things-
and then you left before you were done.
You've left me to smooth out the edges on my own
but you never taught me how.
SoVi Feb 2020
Sounds too soft
For me to truly capture.

On my face
Against my hands
On my hip
Guiding me towards the truth.

Grasp my head
Force me to listen
Force me to watch
Force me to comprehend
The secrets you possess.

© Sofia Villagrana 2020
Michael R Burch Feb 2020
Native American Epigrams
loose translations/interpretations by Michael R. Burch

Never judge a man for his sins
until you’ve trudged many moons in his moccasins.

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.

The soul would see no Rainbows
if not for the eyes’ tears.

A brave man dies but once,
a coward many times.

A woman’s highest calling is to help her man unite with the Source.
A man’s highest calling is to help his woman walk the earth unharmed.

Help us learn the lessons you left us,
in every leaf and rock.

Native American translations originally published by The HyperTexts
John McCafferty Feb 2020
Pull back from me to
clear through your clutter
Only guidance can be offered for
the effects we have on ourselves
and others
Observe our actions from above
as a higher state helps to adjust
Step up from who and where you are
to be the change you want to make
Assess, review and conclude
For only we can improve our fate
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Jolan Lade Jan 2020
Oh, twenty-twenty
You came quickly
Will you be long?
Help me get through?
Carry me to twenty-twenty-one?
I´m worried I wont get to see next year too.
2020 January.
I was asked to describe myself,
to use words that define who I am.
but how could I say anything without thinking of you?
Besides one acrostic, this is my very first official poem. Any guidance would help :D
Brian Jan 2020
I find myself in a storm
I knew where I was going
Yet I am surprised
That God is crying out
Water from his eyes
Me by myself
My worries and my fears
I knew where I was going
How did I still end up here?
Then I see the lights
The only offering of guidance
They keep me from going astray
Without them surely
The ditch is where I would lay
I've seen these lights before
In following my older brother
In the kind words of a friend
The proud teardrops of my mother
They were there all along
Showing me the way
Were it not for them
The ditch is where I would lay
Wrote this one night after driving home through a very bad thunderstorm. Hope you enjoy!
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
In the event of a hostile assault,
storming a castle or surrender
of the garrison.
2. If you are going to be captured
(as hostage), first and foremost
stay calm. A cold assessment of the situation
will help to plan your actions
more clearly. Resist -
use interior items,
available weapons,
elements of beauty care
or desperation.
Remember: your goal is to not stay alive.
Do not question the free will
of (you and) people who favor you.
3. Hide (only) to convey
the message or to strike
the best shot. If found -
act aggressively,
make unexpected sharp movements,
do not spare your words -
try to personally insult
someone of the attackers.
It will change your position;
death is likely to be faster and more decisive.
4. Noisy screams attract attention
and make you a priority target.
5. Don’t trust men if they say
treacherous things. Do not be afraid to oppose them -
endanger yourself hastily.
Last. It may happen that you will not have
time to read the prayer at all or in
full. Therefore, those who need to be convinced
of the virtue of the immortal soul,
should have to take the habit to
daily, at a comfortable time,
confess before God.

Drawn up by
Voivode Stanko Yursha
Castellan Simon Chortoriysky
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