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Seeking life through another's eyes
be not how I wanted to live.
Let it be my eyes that others seek,
and the hope they intend to give.
Angela Rose Oct 2019
I don't need to understand your problems as I hold your hand to help you through them

You don't need to understand my words to support me as I try to fight my demons and manage through them
Amanda Sep 2019
Can’t sleep at night
Whispers fill my head
They are known to me, these
Voices of the long dead
Looking for guidance
I should listen to their counsel
But who am I fooling.
There’s only one voice in this skull

Guess I am just missing
The guiding hands that raised me
Always there to turn to
When life got a little scary
So now I have to be the strong one
Trust in the decisions I make
Be true to the values they taught me
And hope I don’t make a mistake
Larry Kotch Jul 2019
Your careful hands levelled out the budding bloom, and set the staging pots aside the heat of noon, thoughtful timing shifted them from watery sheltered vase to rough garden ensembles, like that you shaped the ravenous growths again and again.

With careful fingers you massaged around the banks, no garden book to guide such terrifying specimens, you could not bring the scythes to taper off the exploding flanks, so you watched from further every night.

And so with time you peer with awe at the new garden features, puzzled by a wilting stem, delighted by a fanning brush, sometimes tracing natures path, other times your gaze will be lost. Your garden bright and overgrowing.

Open the door dear gardener for life has been unleashed, when the toil of daily demands has reached its peaks, remember your creation. Know that all the blooms that cheer the neighbours, would, with your hand - the Nation.
This poem is an ode to my mother, creator of the garden that is my life. This poem thanks her for her perfect gardeners touch, helping to help me bloom, knowing when to shelter me from the scorching sun and when I'd overgrown the staging pots. But like all children, I grew in wierd and unpredictable ways, as if the garden was itself now out of control and the gardener had to watch from further every night. But though my developing personality and interests sometimes delighted her I know parts of my thinking and philosophies frighten her. To her I imagine it to look like a bright (in that her creation will always be rose tinted) but overgrowing (out of her control + out of control in general). The last stanza is an invitation to her to not shy from lending a hand back in the overgrowth. Despite what I hope to be myself now manifesting in some small way (i.e delighting some of the neighbours) I rely very much still on her to consolidate this mass of energy for a higher purpose still.
Shane Cook Jul 2019

Throw open the gates that once confined you,
And run.

Past your childhood home,
Down the sidewalk
’Til the pavement ends,
And then:

Keep running.

Into the trees,
Over river, through wood.
Do not fear the path you should take,
For I will guide you.

Look up.

Feel the sunshine warm your face;
The wind rush through your hair.
The endless expanse of blue
awaits you.


Until the golden sunlight of day
fades to night:
blue to black.
And then:
keep running!
For I will be your light
In the darkness.

Over uneven grounds and jagged rocks
that trip and pierce your feet;
Through sand and stream and mud
that weigh and slow you down;

Run until your lungs burn with fire
and your legs give out from under you
and your heart is ready to burst,
And then:


For this is what I have for you.
Ben Jun 2019
Like trying to read a book
Without opening the cover
I need your help now
To turn the pages
And guide me through.
George Krokos Jun 2019
Our ways in the world
can be darker than the night
without right guidance.
Written in 2018.
Michael H May 2019
Raining on your parade
The date saved
The memoir gave
Tunnels bound
By horns that sound
The time,
with you
A light will guide you
And here though,
You will resonate life
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