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Julie Grenness Apr 2016
Great Caesar's ghost,
Hail dictating despot!
Overlord of Rome,
His soul still roams,
Big Julie's the magnate,
His motto still rates,
"We ain't dead yet!" Great!
All hail dictating despot,
Hail, great Caesar's ghost!
Feedback welcome, bit of fun.
I used to swim across the channel to rattlesnake island when I lived
in Florida . We all knew the sharks loved
the funneling action of the channel to the bay . And we were always aware that there were sharks near by . We saw them every day . Yet the allure of the island just a scant one hundred yards away was to much for a 10 year old to pass up . So I would swim across holding a rod and reel high so it would not soak in sea water . I admit there was apprehension evident in my strokes and kicks but I made it across . On the other side there were no rattlesnakes anywhere .
Just gorgeous unclaimed white beaches and aqua clear water . Needle fish scooted across the surface and schools of mullet jumping were all I could see . I did little or no fishing , just running and jumping into the surf . What an afternoon it was . But the sun slid down and we knew we had to leave soon as the big sharks move in at dusk to feed into the night . So we stepped into the swirling waters of the channel and then plunged in and swam . Sharks have all black eyes . Cold  black eyes and an expressionless grin that is all business sporting a mouth full of jagged dagger teeth . They are cautious up to a point but no one knows where that point is . Once that point is reached . . . well you don't want to see that point while your in the water . So about half way across the channel we see a dark shadow swim by in front of us between us and the beach . We know it's a shark , a big one . Perhaps more than fifteen feet long . We can't stay where we are at , but we fear to move on . So taking a deep breath we swim on slow and steady . Finely the beach is at hand , our feet touch sand and we run up on the beach and collapse . Then with heaving chests of fear we look back only to see the shark swim by . Needless to say that was my last visit to rattlesnake island .
Abdullah Ayyash Mar 2016
My world is not like other worlds that sear
My world is more like heavenly wide sphere
My world has no bitter sadness nor tears of tear
My world has no lies to lie nor fears to fear

When I raise my eyes above all the mustiness,
My world has blue skies splattered with whiteness
My world has misty horizon fighting brightness
My world has huge trees carrying greatness

I’m all by my self ruling my world that never fades
Sitting with pride on top of my hill, from gold is made
Like a brave lion holding his shiny sharpened blades
Watching his river filled with precious valued preys
© Copyright
Abdullah Ayyash
17th of October, 2010
Named after the Son of the *****
Found the light while looking for the switch
In the waves
Can't compare a life to how insane I am

How are you? How is the man
Standing at 6 three in a couples years will have knee pains Longer than the synapse that runs from the hip to the chest to the cranium
Worried about fleek game and the cruise ending
At any moment now
Peace flees and crows cackle yowl
Holistic tendencies I try to keep up
And I think the time has come again to  bends too and fro
With the wind, like a limb
Begging to just say I know,

There's more after the falling action of the sad story.
I wanna say that a podium waits beneath a Jumbotron, with furious music, and o positive dripping it's ****** self down onto it

Like the excess acrylic From a mural
Slipping it's way into another mural,
Oh god. (!)

I said, I saw you in the cracks between the tile !
The cements
My hearts rots volatile while my babied mind wants repents.

I really don't wanna know how you are, what u are, whoever you are.
I just wanna praise you,
Extend my exalt in perfect symmetry out from me.

the high and the lows
Friends and foes
The cup runneth over and hits the ground but the fountain continues to pour

Each side

Gimme ..... ...... ...... ....... Whatever it takes.
A thanks to the great spirit
ji Mar 2016
Your breath is my nicotine,
your perfume, my smoke;
it warms my within--
a little nudge, a gentle poke

sends my sober mind ecstatic
and my drunken soul awake,
my thumping heart, erratic
and my rickety bones break

to the sound of your voice--
is my alcohol and wine
topples me out of poise,
stumbling never felt so fine

is your stare; i'm defenseless
as i stand before you
are my vice and addiction,
my downfall and destruction.
Brigette Beck Feb 2016
If I've learned anything
It's that you don't always get what you want.
Life isn't like the movies
Make it out to be:
People don't follow the script in your head,
Your plans for the future
Aren't what's in store for you,
Expectations can crumble
In an instant,
Everything you tried for
Turned to dust in a second.
That's just the course of life.
have a good day :)
Kenna Marie Feb 2016
Great events often turn on small wheels. It is a gear shift that is not easily obtained.
With time thinning, moments to turn around for better is lessening.
We don't build without foundation, the pyramids also were not overnight.
So to be wan and weary when the seemingly endless journey advances,
you realize pace is adjustable.  
Baby steps are inevitable, but the worth of building up to better is just so patiently inclined.
Jack Huang Feb 2016
I have sailed the seven seas
on a sturdy ship with sturdy sails
And  felt the ocean breeze
while guided by the whales.

I have fought a giant snake
A killer shark, a one eyed squid
and a monster from a lake
when I was just a little kid

By  my side was  my crew:
An otter, a dinosaur, a  fisher bear.
Sailing across the ocean blue
together  with  joy and care.

But at the end of the day
I would visit my last location
I would put my toys away.
harboring my imagination.
Imagination is probably a kids best "crewmate". I remember as a kid how many adventures I had just by sitting on a carpet or on a chair. Imagining how the carpet was a boat or the chair a spaceship.
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