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slr Jun 2018
Come with me to the boardwalk and wander down to the turbulent blue sea.
Come with me to the fire and let the shadows of the flames dance across your face.

Take me back to the sandy white shore with the cool waves lapping at my feet.
Take me back to the yellow sun high in the sky, warming my face.

Follow me down the rough path and feel the cool stones on your feet.
Follow me up the steep hill and stare at the moon’s inviting face.

Get in the car and leave the lonely world in the rear view mirror.
Get to the top of the mountain and watch your fear hide its face.

Bring your best and your worst and we will explore it all together.
Bring me to the first place you felt truly alive and we will basque in its face.

Let us get lost in the inky night sky, and never find home.
Let us get lost in the abyss of each others eyes, forever staying face to face.
This poem type is called Ghazal. In it you will have between 5 and 15 stanzas with 2 lines each. The second sentence should always end with the same word. In mine it is face. The stanzas should be able to stand alone but also work together. I really enjoyed this piece as it is different from what I normally write.
Isla Jun 2018
It rained today
I know it's your favorite weather
it was mine too
but today when water poured from the heavens
it poured from the walls
and it poured from the corners of my eyes
It rained today
and my lungs filled up
I could not breathe
but I could not let go  
so I sat alone
alone with only the thundering rain to console me
pouring from the heavens
pouring from the walls
pouring from the corners of my eyes
because the one thing I want
is the one thing I can never have
the one thing I want
is to find you
but even if you scream
How would I hear you
over the rain
I guess history finals make me want to think about death. Understandable.
III May 2018
We are all just broken messes, aren't we?

Just weird abstractions of people,
Clinging to the material and unnatural
Thrills and chills of being,
In some odd hope that we will wake up
Rejuvenated and refreshed
And with a mind so clean
And pure
And sure of ourselves,
But we are really just lost
In our own self-constructed mazes of
Complications and complexity.
III May 2018
Ever so slowly,
I am seeing
Glimmering shards of myself
Creep back into the
Beat of my heart and
The cadence of my words.
Kivanc May 2018
I slept well,
Maybe someone made me sleep,
I could say only thing,
I rejected it without wanting.

I imprinted all of my memories,
All of my disturbed feelings
With the meteors fell down in my dream.

I saw Devil's hell,
Not with its hot but with its cold,
I found out with cold,
I lost my everything.
Jimmy Apr 2018
I've been searching for you forever. I've swam across many great seas and crawled across many treacherous deserts making sure not to leave a single stone unturned. I've been chasing you like a rainbow hoping that I'll find the *** of gold. I keep getting more clues but unlike Nancy Drew, I'm no detective sleuth. You're moving too fast and I'm starting to get tired. Eventually I will find you even if it's only in my dreams.
Rae Apr 2018
we are finding out
the indecipherable
and then it kills us.
Jean Sharlot Apr 2018
Two syllables
makes me weak
my knees are shaking
and my heart's breaking.

Two syllables one word
leave me breathless
makes me speechless
but it gives me spaces.

No, Yes, No, but Yes
One word give me happiness
it takes away my eagerness
but leave me full of tears.

Madeleine Apr 2018
Sometimes the only way to know yourself truly
Is to find yourself completely broken
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