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Casey Rodger Apr 2018
Finding love for life was easy,
I felt that grow within my soul,
Although not everything does please me,
I've always had respect for life's goal,
To teach us lessons hard or not,
Maybe even 2 or 3 times round,
You could have to climb to the top,
Or know what it's like to fall down.

Finding love for myself is a journey,
It's not been as simple to do,
Every straight road just keeps turning,
It looks so easy when I look at you,
As if the opposite has occurred,
You're just hateful towards your gift,
And in love with the mirror that's blurred,
I think your perception needs to shift.

Finding love for the ones who've hurt me,
Different ego's in different ways,
Feels almost impossible you see,
But they're making moves and running plays,
I work at letting it not bother myself,
And try my best to understand them,
I will find space in my heart on the shelf,
That is labeled "Old time friend".
Clear Memoriez Apr 2018
I found happy,
He's nice,
and kind,
his eyes are the ocean,
and his mind is the universe.
I found happy.
I love his smile,
and his laugh,
but his jokes are by far the best.
I found Happy.

~A Little Girl
Ezis Mar 2018
What would it be like
to have someone
who is your everything?
What would it feel like
to be someone’s

People talk about
finding this person
who they love forever
but why can’t everyone
have that?
Why can’t I
have that?

They say
one day you will find
the person you will
love forever
but right now
I have a hard time
finding anyone
besides the warm bodies
I find in the dark
on a dance floor
who I never see again

My person
I fear
is lost
gone from ever being found
He took the wrong exit
on his way to me
Cpoet Mar 2018
One day I woke up,
I realized that it was yesterday,
and that yesterday was no way to live tomorrow,
And if I did not change today,
My yesterdays awakening would have only been in sorrow..
For many yesterdays ago I took advice I should have never even borrowed ,
By those who chose to live today as though, they may never see tomorrow
The hardest thing is not finding yourself
It is when you find yourself and you aren't happy
spiral-whirl Feb 2018
her words are where her heart is,
her eyes focused on ahead,
for the delicate petal has lost its stem,
running to find,
running to search,
however nothing seems to be there,
and the petal withers away.
Nickolas J McKee Feb 2018
So adorable your longing,
I'm lost in this snow,
Knowing yours and your name,
Where is this love I cannot find?
A woe of us won,
Something yet to be known,
You away gone and away gone,
I know we are strong.
Us lost in this love on,
What of this paradox upon?
Forever are we,
The possibilities,
All endlessly so.
Of us lost in time longing on.
I know we just met, but tell me you're not a one to get away...
its bitter Feb 2018
Check in impatiently
hauling light luggage -
downturned eyes,
bundled fifties,
skull packed with sickly
sugarplum notions

Stiff key-card door and
three hanger closet -
leave your mittens, jacket,
and conscience dangling

cotton-knit sandpaper
no softer than well-trafficked
threadbare tawny-port carpet and
your hands and feet pretend
not to feel it

a bit numbly,
you notice her standing
with glacial stillness
moments away from
the foot of the bed

Two crooked lampshades and
dim headboard lights
close their eyes when
the mattress springs
first compress,
the air tingling
with dustbunny snowflakes

This room is too dark now,
something like snowblind,
but you don't really want to see
do you?

Frostbite when she touches you
and somehow this bed
is more welcoming
than your own

you'll remember her
february fingertips
and hailstone hair,
a sensation of northerly winds
strange how heavy the comforter feels
sprawled across your skin

you envision an ice slab,
see it suffocate
a slow-flowing river,
and your breath quickens
if only because your lungs
have been crushed

then, just before hypothermia,
she leaves,
lights off,
wallet lighter,
you stay whiteknuckled, lightheaded,
half-consumed by a snowdrift,
beneath the duvet -

your tongue sits confused,
having asked for peppermints
and been given ice cubes instead

and when you finally rise,
and thaw your limbs
and try not the slip
on the black ice
she always leaves
by the door,

Try to forget
you paid
hourly rates
and shed your clothes
that you might find warmpth
in a blizzard
E A Spain Feb 2018
I believe that some of the best art
Comes from a dark place
Not sure what I look like in your eyes,
But clouds inhabit my space
It’s been some time since I felt the heat
And the walls closing in are cold and bleak

Every time that I arise and look up to the morn,
All I find is leery signs and others of forlorn
I was ravished by the wind
And beaten by the rain
I had given it my all and still had nothing to gain

I found peace and I’ve lost it before
He showed me the truth and I’ve only craved more
I found peace once by the pond
With the bees circling in the valley
But even that dissolved once we strolled into saturated alley

Well where did I go?
Where did he lead me?
If I had the chance to tell you...
You wouldn’t believe me

I was ravished by the wind
And washed down with the rain
I know how hard work is to bring success
But all that love results in, is pain
I know that every time is different
But you’re always left feeling the same
With no one else but you and yourself to blame
Alone in the well is where I was left to wither and wane

I hope they’ll be coming for me finally
As I can now feel the pressure
But the light in me is reminding...
That it is the only thing that holds me together
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