Having caused much pain
And upset to one I love
I looked long and hard
At me to find the root
Of my failing,
I cut deep and discarded
My ego my pride
And a host of other bad
Habits that accrued
Across the years,
And deep within me
I found an eight year old
Little boy with arms
About his knees,
Head down,
His tear streaked face
Framing a mouth that
Screamed silently in pain,
Heartbreak and
So I looked within
That visceral version of me,
Cutting deeper than before,
And right at his heart
I found a budded rose,
At first glance
It was perfect,
But closer view showed
Dessication discolour
And paper thin petals,
But even as I watched
Your hand appeared,
Caressed the child
Then watered his
Withered heart,
And in an instant that bud Regained its lustre
And its carmine hue,
The petals spread to glorious flower,
The silent screaming paused
In wonder then delight,
I realise now there
Was no fault in me nor
My heart or view
I just needed watering
With love
From you
Sometimes being loved is enough to heal even the deepest wound