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Viseract Jan 2017
Smoothing out my imperfections
Lessons learned from past rejections
How can he develop, when it hurt so bad
To reflect upon the times, he fell

And he knows
That he doesn't know where to go
He knows where he's been
Forgiven his sins
Now is time to begin,

A mistake in progress
An object to forget
Trying to improve
But not done yet

Despite the hate,
A tidal wave
Gasping for air
It's just not the same
Now he must start, again

Rinse and repeat
March in defeat
He's learnt time and again
There's no substitute for the mentor
Called pain
"He", huh.
Joe Black Dec 2016
I saw something pump in my hands
Is it my heart? It cannot be
The old reason is fleeting.
Sick ghosts aren't healing.
Affection shot her nasty arrows
Using my heart strings.
Perhaps that's why it's on the floor
Defeated and dead.
Where do your words begin,
Have I gone mad, did I sin.
If I search for it
I do it blunt and bare.
No old ghost can haunt it
Or taunt it.
As your doubt settles right
Where your heart used to be
You blame me...
Tell you what, I take the blame.
It's always the same
Story again.

--Eleanor Rigby
All credit to fantastic Eleanor Rigby
Julia Mae Dec 2016
because there was no one else
and i can't even help myself
Sarah Gammon Dec 2016
All my life I've tried to provide for others
I've kept trying to put people back together;
I ride the tide of their most stormy weather,
but I have yet to actually make anyone better.

I failed because I never knew where to begin.
I learned over time we must heal ourselves within
before helping broken people as a mission
but even that simple beginning, I can't win.

Shattered into pieces, I know not how many years,
only that I cannot remember a time without tears.
The struggle is more than real, it's all my fears
and there's total misunderstanding amongst peers.

All I ever wanted was to make another whole,
to reach out to someone and fix their broken soul.
It was foolish of me to try and it has taken a toll
leaving me empty, miserable and with no goal.

I don't think I can ever mend myself right,
I keep trying, but I never win the fight.
Every now and then I think I see the light
only to watch it dissipate into the night.

I stay awake thinking deeply about our world
and how I am merely but one broken girl
searching through waste, looking for a pearl
but whisked away in defeat as it whirls.

If I can't save myself, or anyone at all,
I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stand tall.
I will weep until the day I crumble and fall,
knowing I couldn't change a thing, nothing at all.
Copyright Sarah-JG 2016
True courage
Is not the winning of wars,
But rather the dignity
Of a graceful defeat
From which one moves on
Swiftly, like the last of the morning stars
Bleeding from the sky.
You can find more of my poetry at
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2016
Its closing in
Burning within
Beneath my skin
My darkest sin.

Its rising to a peak
It's blinding me from what I seek
It snaps at my  feet
It shouts out at me with all its strength
"I am your defeat!".

It's eyes ablaze
yet oh so dark
What measure knows his tallied days
What fathom holds  his tormented heart.
It peers unwanted into my fragile soul
it grasps tightly
desperate to take me down and pull
me with him.

His hold so tight,
like an eternal night
the fear goes on and on and on.

But then I see it.
Or perhaps it's a Him and not an it.
It's bright as the sun yet I can look right at it.
Its coming close
so very close.
My heartbeat quickens,
my frail courage thickens
And the beast that grasps my soul clenches tighter
as the light before me glows brighter.

As the being comes closer I can tell that it's a Man
but like no man that I have ever seen,
his eyes carry the fiercest gleam,
like nothing else I've ever seen,
like no dream thats ever been dreamed.

I can see pure white light
the fire that surrounds him is ferocious
yet somehow I am surviving this sight.

I look down and I feel
the cold, clammy claws
of the beast start to peel

Before the brilliance
and the sheer glory
of Him who comes
The beasts resilience
and the wretched story
we share
begin to crumbled.

Piece by piece,
link by link
stone by stone
the dungeons, the shackles the walls,
that the beast had build around me
Began to undo.
All his work, everything that he had fought for for so long,
now coming undone in mere moments.

Suddenly I feel it
The great weight coming off.
I had been at the bottom of the sea
with a millstone tide around me
with all those voices telling me
who I ought to be.
Telling me what I ought to see
down in that devil's sea
where all around me
was darkness.
A darkness that gave me a false identity,
a darkness that told me I could never be.
"Now see darkness?" I shout "I now can be,
for you now can not.
For He set me free, He said son you're free!
so be here no more in this devil's sea.
Come with me now
I want to give you an eternity with me."

I stretched my weary legs and jumped for freedom
I watched as the beast plummeted down into his doomed kingdom.
It was finally over.
The weight off my shoulder
all those long years,
all those wretched tears.
I was free.

As I reveled in my freedom
He stepped in near,
He said "In me there is no fear".
He said "My son, my son I will never forsake you."
I said "But I am not worthy, if only you knew
what I know, if only you had seen what I have seen."
He simply looked into my eyes
with those burning eyes of his,
And He said "I know 'everything', and 'everything' doesn't change a thing.
My love for you is unconditional, my love for you comes without a price or expectations. It's pure, it's whole, it's bigger than you could ever imagine. I have always loved you, I have always been with you, but you have not always been with me. I have set you free now be free and see all that I have for you.
My son your 'everything'  doesn't make you weaker, it doesn't make you less attractive to me, it doesn't hinder me from loving you. Your 'everything' only makes you stronger. Your story is your strength. Your past is your rock. Broken bones grow back stronger, Broken hearts grow deeper, broken souls find their healer and re-find their purpose.
The best is yet to come for through me
SabreLi Dec 2016
How things change; I’m not a little child any more
No need for someone to hold my hand
To shield me from the truth
No more reins – I’m all grown up for sure
Now I’m ready to understand
The bitter feuds of my youth

Lately we’ve gotten so close
I feel like I’m losing the one I love most
How can it still hurt so much?
We’d only just got back in touch
And I’m losing you again

They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice
You and I know that’s not true
I’ve already lost you before, that’s not luck of the dice
You shouldn’t have to say goodbye more than once

I won’t make it back in time
But that doesn’t change the way I feel inside
Wherever you are now you’re fine
It’s so hard to grasp all the time that went by
Look at it this way; it’s better late than never
We’re not so far apart, I’m just south of Heaven

How things change; you’re not there any more
You won’t be there to hold my hand
To shield me from the dark
No more reins – you’ve moved on from here for sure
Now I must understand
It’s okay to be apart

I’m just coming to terms with the thought
That of all the battles you’ve fought
This one finally defeated you
It wasn’t fair the way it treated you
And now I’m losing you again

They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice
You and I know that’s not true
I’ve already lost you before, that’s not luck of the dice
You shouldn’t have to say goodbye more than once

I won’t make it back in time
But that doesn’t change the way I feel inside
Wherever you are now you’re fine
It’s so hard to grasp all the time that slipped by
Look at it this way; it's better late than never
We’re not so far apart, I’m just south of Heaven.

Copyright © 2016 SabreLi
Written after the loss of a family member who I hadn't had much contact with prior.
Puspanjali Sahu Oct 2016
Before few days
may be the day before yesterday
a lion was killed
how its trembling roar
ended in a growl
before he touched his death,
you and I read in the newspaper
is all written by
the hunter

another lion was killed
and story of his tragic death
was again
in the front page of all newspapers

Wait a minute
I saw the lion’s picture
May be...
No, I am sure
He was on the front page of
the day before yesterday’s newspaper

But he narrated the story

Today's lion was
yesterday’s hunter
To survive in this world, to be successful you have to **** others. If you can not ****, if you can not be a hunter, then be ready for your ready to be a dead lion.  Many people say this
But I don't understand....are we really that miserable ....can’t we live a life in our terms with a smile, without killing others
Just Melz Sep 2016
Ice* cold
Like my soul

     Growing older than old
  Melting away
         As the days get hotter
Why bother with the same things
      When everything changes
          And I can't escape the heat
   Of my heart as it finally feels
Y Rada Sep 2016
Dear Lord,

I know you know by now the news -
I did not pass the board exam
You made me feel that I did -
I dreamed I was on top six
Was I a fool to dream and believe?
I actually never made it
The peace felt before the results
The calm before the storm
All successes are from You
And failures came solely from me
And it's all my fault.

I just received the news that I did not pass the licensure exam.
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