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Alpha Aug 2021
I'm dancing in the (rain) blaze

(Freed from sorrow and pain) Enjoying the fast pace

(Luck fills my heart with laugh) Grinning I burn it all down

(This world I'll always love) I'm ******, so high above the ground
Just a thought... If someone would remaster a beautiful poem... In this case, a good ol' fashioned nice poem, remastered to a cooool poem. Or rather, a hot one.
đŸ˜ąđŸ‘ˆâ˜ ïž RIP Poetry
Kelsey Jul 2021
Let my words slide like slithering snakes on your tongue
Devour my sentence structure like children ******* thumbs
Feel the anguish of fake people that can't see, touch or hear
Then when your tears sludge the page, I am your master puppeteer
May every letter leave you wetter and each comma stir up drama
And when you reach the end of it all, you'll be begging for more trauma.
Be your own cheerleader
Borges Jun 2021
Mejores actores: digamos 20 años
Tiene Pegue
No tiene Pegue
Tiene Gato
Tiene perro
Oye MĂșsica
Odia la MĂșsica
No tiene Amigos
Tiene un chingo...
Habla Español
Odia Francés
Come Sushi
Come oatmeal
Cama grande
Cama chiquita
Vive en Mexico
Vive en Japon
Sabe mover sus pies
Sabe mover sus manos
Escribe de...
Nunca Escribe
Odia el Baño
Siempre en el Baño
Odia Ropa
Ama la ropa de otras personas
Nunca nacio
Sigue Naciendo
Toma agua sin parar
Toma Vino
Hace el amor a la cerveza
Lee PoesĂ­a LatinoAmericana
Lee PoesĂ­a Francesa
Lee PoesĂ­a Inglesa
Tiene diez carros todos feos
Tiene motto
Odia la pizza en restaurantes
Odia La mĂșsica en domingos
No tiene Anteojos
Usa Wipes
Toca la electrĂłnica
Toca la acĂșstica
Lee libros de adultos
Lee manga
Le encanta el arte gĂłtica
Le encanta el arte expressionista
Toma Tazo
Toma Harmless
Tiene ojos Azules
No tiene ojos blancos
Tiene ojos verdosos
Sueña con Ojos
No tiene tele
Tiene diez teles
Ama los muebles
Odia los restaurantes
Compra librĂł todos los dĂ­as
Ama la poesĂ­a
Corre de gente extraña
Uye de librerĂ­as mal iluminadas
Toma ginger ale
Toma Sake como campion
Toma vino como idiota
Tiene muchos sombreros
No tiene uno
Nunca a tomado té blanco
Nunca a oĂ­do a Bjork
Odia a Bach
Uye desnudo de Otros compositores
Ama el aguacate
No sabe hacer guacamol
Lo a picado un insecto
Odia las abejas
No sabe quien es Kidman
Respeta a Tarkosvky o no lo entiende
A ido a Panajachel
Nunca a fumado motta
Colecciona motta
Se enamora todos los dĂ­as
Nunca anda enamorado
Fue Pobre en sus años
Sigue Pobre
Juega video juegos
Nunca a comprado uno
Odia pelĂ­culas en otros idiomas
La ama a todas de su propia principia
El piensa en tercer persona
Nunca a ido a un play en la cuidad
Simpre lee
Ama fiestas
SĂłlo en peliculas
Ni en peliculas
Ni pal Tigre
Actores, hollywood, prophet, lĂ­ricas, momentos,
Paul Butters Jun 2021
Keep cool and calm,
Don’t do any harm
To others or yourself.
Even when rejected,
Don’t be affected.

Swim through the storm
Don’t even get warm.
Maintain self esteem
You know what I mean.
Control your emotion
In all the commotion.

Be Mister (or Missus) Cool
And don’t be a tool
For their challenging way –
You know it won’t pay.

People can be evil,
We all know that.
Almost primeval –
That’s a fact.

Feel good about yourself
Ignoring all barbs,
Keep up on that shelf
And deflect all those words.

If you can, smile and laugh,
Show you’re not bothered.
Like a giraffe
Don’t get smothered.

Beat them with wit:
Show them you’re mentally fit.
Use sarcasm too –
You know what to do.

If they then want to fight
Bring it on if you must,
But if outnumbered and outpowered
Get running -
Leaving a cloud of dust.

But first don’t react
Or do anything you can’t retract.
Keep your Cool
Don’t be the angry fool.

Assert yourself
And say what you want.
While doing your best
Not to affront.

What more can I say?
Being Cool is the way.
That’s my message
For today.

Paul Butters

© PB 22\6\2021.
Personal Mantra.
Brendann Apr 2021
The creaking boards, leading to the endless fog

The smell of salt

The crack of the waves, seem like a distant memory

The only noise comes from the boards and the birds

The smoke, white as snow, consumes me as I near the end of the peer

I could only stand and stare
I wrote this in 2019. It was really smokey from the forest fires and I took my motorcycle on a ride to the beach. I walked down the pier, sat down in the smoke, and wrote this. It was so peaceful.
Ryan Buynak Apr 2021
when we trace the fear
we come upon treasure
that was lost
like the canary in the coal mine.

I am not cool,
and that is cool.

hummus is cool,
and it loves people
more than I do.

The laughing shadowy girl
who stood at midnight
by the flowering tree
is cool.

I stand in a city of glass,
dying so deep
near the message river,

The only true currency
in this bankrupt world
is what you share with someone else
when you're uncool.
Andrew Rueter Mar 2021
Desperate and lonely
you need someone for holding
but that's not how you know me
so you just call me homie
when looking for comforting company
to give aid to your conforming country
then you just start hatefully hunting
to prove you are... something.

You say get in the whip
like you're cool and you're hip
you sound like a **** that is dip
but I need your script in my wrist
so I hop in your motor vehicle
hoping for a hopeless miracle
that you'll stop acting satirical
and break out that bag that is spherical.

That shot must've not sat right
you've been looking for a fight
all narcotic night
your sardonic sight
has been on pointed humor to get me annoyed
but I don't feel like Robert Downey Jr. or Pink Floyd
when you interrupt my ****** stupor to argue like boys
I just want to be a user drama devoid.

You spit and stunt
telling me if I don't roll the blunt
I can get the **** out of your car
I ask why you're acting hard
is it emotional scars?
Or Xanax bars?
This planet's marred
with cancer hearts
you play your part
by trying to act cool
thus making the world colder
you look like a piece of stool
but think you're a soldier.

My shoulders shrug high
saying I don't want to be Drug Guy
so there's no need to be unkind
we can talk about this sometime
once you're unblind
but until then
see not me
with your peacocking
you seem cocky
but scream softly.

You call me a *****
I say try me and you'll see
it'll only be fueling
an endless cycle of dueling
but you want to be the crazy one
so your choices are hazy ones
and your ideas lazy ones
like playing nun
for gaming funds
then regarding yourself as a mature man
everyone can smell your manure ****.
Victor Bilgin Mar 2021
soft touch --
cool air --
a breeze is flowing
through us
as we
sit and talk about nothing.
do you feel it?
that familiar twist?
the same thought
i had
when we met.
i saw violet shades
and holy hands.
you told me
too many people
want to be happy.
i just want
to be.
Julie Grenness Feb 2021
In my burb, cool cars are superstars,
They never seem to travel far,
They drive off to the bottle shop,
Head off home, dodging the cops,
Maybe they seek lively young babes,
I think the **'s are giggling away,
Another trip to the bottle shop,
Your fun police, I am not,
I do not care where your mufflers are,
Cool cars here are superstars!
Feedback welcome.
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