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Lost Jun 2017
The battle isn't over until it's won.

Life isn't over until your last breath.

And last time I checked,

my heart is still beating.

So I carry on.
Benji James May 2017
It seems the more I look around
There are people conflicting in themselves
The hatred seems to store in itself
And there wandering around without a hand to grab onto 

Hope, is lost

We watch as they fall

Nobody knows what to do

This is what society gives you 

The calmness is now violence out of control 

And instead of looking for answers within them self

They start taking it out on everybody else

I see the anger the anguish
The public opinion clashes
It just fills me with overwhelming sadness
To see that Instead of handing out hope
Instead of offering help
It seems everybody's quick to judge someone else

What you heard sometimes are not true.
It could be fake like a smile I gave you...
the loneliness inside is killing me now,
Trying to look for your hand to grasp.
Your memories gives me hope in a world
where everyone is so easy to judge
And I've had enough oh

I see the anger the anguish
The public opinion clashes
It just fills me with overwhelming sadness
To see that Instead of handing out hope
Instead of offering help
It seems everybody's quick to judge someone else

I've seen the hurt
I've felt the scars
I've heard the screams in the dark
You breathe each breath
As if it's your last
Your forming in the shadows
Feels like you're losing your place
You feel like you're morphing into another person's face
Take these wounds that never heal
Take another pill to help you deal
Scrape another cut to express how you feel

I see the anger the anguish
The public opinion clashes
It just fills me with overwhelming sadness
To see that Instead of handing out hope
Instead of offering help
It seems everybody's quick to judge someone else

give me the shadow to lead the way,
A light to follow in this dark place...
one more cut and I'll be losing my way...
Give me the time of day
Give me the chance to show I can change
Take a look, open up your heart
Know the story before you judge
Not everything you hear is real
Not everything you see is how I feel
Sometimes we hide behind a smile
Sometimes we keep the tears inside
Until we unleash them alone in the dark of the night

I see the anger the anguish
The public opinion clashes
It just fills me with overwhelming sadness
To see that Instead of handing out hope
Instead of offering help
It seems everybody's quick to judge someone else

©2017 Written By Benji James
Rohan Nath May 2017
There a soldier lied on the exhausted sanatorium bed.
Stay unvoiced and insensitive as he bled.
Faintly opened his eyes to observe the mayhem,
While a red uniformed nurse was announcing several names.

At the same time as I, Dr. Bell the way I was known
Reached and stood beside him to analyze the boy alone
The other doctors refused to examine him as he was a foe
Whereas I, Dr. Bell known as a savior has a life to bestow

Neither did he move nor did he watch me staring at him
But relentlessly looked blankly on a white wall with a grim
Suddenly he gradually inserted his red hand into his pocket
To pull out a photograph soaked with blood and sweat

Tears flowed down from his eyes as kept on staring at it
I wore my spectacles and approached nearer to inspect it
I was accurately traumatized to an extended degree
For what it contains is a picture of his family!

He closed his eyes and remained silent for his life to dim
Finally, he inhaled his finishing breath before the last glimpse.
Rohan Nath May 2017
Captain! Our soldiers have deceased on the battleground.
Young youths! Yes, they were young boys!
Their motionless figure lies on the ground.
Crimson immortal stream shall never end flowing.
Captain! They inhaled their ultimate breath,
But it was a breath that packed their blood with fright.
Several lack arms and limbs;
Some are fragmented by showers of bullet;
While others disintegrated into pieces.
But don’t worry,
For I directed a message to the Command center.
They will ship a fresh division of troops…
Rohan Nath May 2017
The coldness of winter stretched everywhere.
Is there any possibility to remain alive?
I scrutinized around but they all appeared same,
Young boys with an expression of terror.
‘Is anybody there?!’ I gave out a long shout;
My voice echoed through the lonely desert.
No sound responded except my own.
Sometimes ago it was tremendously noisy
But with the trade of violence everybody hushed.
I walked around searching for existence;
Walking through the crowd of silence wasn’t easy,
As I frequently stumbled upon the figures of dead.
Some of the faces weren’t recognizable
Yet I identified the fear in their appearances.

Suddenly, my eyes fell upon my companion!
It seemed like he was having a bad dream.
His body was pierced by the bullets.
‘Wake up, matey!’ I shouted at him
‘Your mother breathes with a hope!’
But he didn’t care to answer back to me.
Tears welled up my eyes and so I spoke:
‘You have given up your life but for what?
Death for death? Suffering for sufferance?
I know you have sacrificed your breath
Yet you will live a forgotten death…’
Sadia May 2017
I feel trapped within the four walls of my mind; locked inside this body. I've tried to ask for help, but struggle to say what it is that I need. I feel like a puzzle with missing pieces. I'm a prisoner in my own body, and each day hurts more than the last. Life feels like a constant battle, and all I want is a fresh start.
Daria May 2017
How could those words possibly come out of your mouth?
Your happiness is one thing I do not deserve.
When I have yet to find my own.
The way to find it is lost.
I have yet to give up searching.
Stealing yours is not an idea I imagine.
Helpless, you would be left without it.
You will be empty.
You will be me.

Nothing is what I leave you with.
This is all I could offer at this time.
One day I will regain mine.
You, by then, will have sold yours.
Someone who had theirs all together.
Will come along, yet you are still without.
Without a smile, without a reason, without me.

Stop comparing me to everyone.
Only then you will find it, you will have won.
Until you surrender your battle with me.
You won't be allowed to claim victory.
Open your eyes, I'm begging your skies.
In the end, I was not your prize.
Richard Grahn May 2017
On our battlements
The great war of perception
Rages over time
Lost Apr 2017
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face,
I didn't know what it meant so I just hid it away.
That's my problem,
you see,
whenever the sun shines,
I hide in fear,
that's my sin.
don't really know what I'm fight'n for,
but I do know it's important so I implore
myself to get up,
wipe away the tears,
forget the grinding gears
in my soul.
I know it's hard to comprehend
the things I've been through
but ya gotta understand,
I'm just 17 and I've seen the worst of life,
been kicked down every time I tried to fight.
I can't win,
I can't lose,
'cause I got nothin' left,
just me,
and I will never forget,
how I fought those battles,
broke down those walls,
stood up and braced the impact
of every fall.
I'm strong but I'm weak in way you can't understand,
I work hard so I don't have to see it again,
that world I was brought in,
the pain I saw,
the and I will never forget.
This is my fight song.
Accidentally wrote something while talking to myself. It's fun to read out loud though.
The town is ravaged, as you take your looks away from me
So begins the life long battle
Waiting for the roads to rattle
And i rise to face the day
That gives me the pain
And break my chain
And ravage the town in vain
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