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Danielle Paige Apr 2017
A girl with a roar too big for her body
sharpens her ribs into points:
a trap for her tender, thunderous heart.

She’s been here too many times
before, counting seconds
until the inevitable,
the call to arms, the battle cry.

A summoning to the field soon to be
stained red, where grown men fall the hardest
and the survivors do not celebrate
because this is not victory.
There is no after-party.

You can’t fight with your foundations
and escape unscathed,
these wars take their toll in the end.
She’s lost her loved ones here before,
you see, and this is her returning to the crime scene,
taking a walk through memories half-faded.

She’s coming to terms with the blood
on her own hands,
one wound at a time, one heartache,
one less voice at the end of the telephone.

People like her know
the truth behind silent suffering,
feel the acid rising in their throat
and know how to stomach it.

Don’t pretend to know how this ends.
It’s different each time
and sometimes the strongest stumble,
caught off guard by an unfamiliar rhythm
in their lungs. Too easily choked.

Not everyone is as ready as she is,
unprepared with their soft
exposed, bared to the world, to the place
where it all ends.

She hopes they’ll make it
but it’s a free-for-all
and she’s made it this far.

This isn’t where she falls.
Alan Brown Apr 2017
gnarly wooden tentacles
itch at Earth's gritty soul,
puncture its spongy surface,
& descend into the deep.

the strands of juvenile oak
maneuver the hickory soil,
strangle desolate tectonic pipes,
& ravenously slurp the dwindling liquid within.  

this is how it began.

slithering branches hiss at the sun,
& suffocate the placid sky in  
crusty juniper leaves;
like infantry banners they flutter
triumphantly in the erratic, apocalyptic air.

beneath them lies the fractured animal kingdom,
scavenging on rationed rain and sunlight
drizzling through the foliage gaps;
this is the cost of conquest,
punishment for a war unwisely waged.
humanity spurred by ambition
falls victim to the wrath of the forest
& subsequently into eternal darkness.
Eagles made of stars shower distant cities,
Like acid rain, without reprieve.
Drenching skin, and hair, and bone.
Ripping flesh from soul, from spirit.

Bodies swaying, but never rising.
Mothers crying and never healing.
Fathers falling and never praising.
Children calling, but never answered.

Shards of glass, and stone, and bones.
Pools of blood, and tears, and hearts.
Heaven so distant, and hell so near.
Angels of destruction; angels of hate.

Bodies are charred, and black, and spent.
Covered in soot; bathed in the lives of others.
Born into death, teeth are breaking.
Mouths hang open; smiles abating.

All doors have been shut.
All avenues are cut.
Locked in a box with stars.
All for what?
Donielle Apr 2017
Our lips meet like an
The pieces of debris
cannot be
traced to a source.
There is no me,
there is no you -
where one ends
the other begins.
We are
one infinite breath
One life,
the origin
of everything.
We lunge
forward and back
with our souls,
using only our hearts
to speak.
The corners of your smile
edge chasms
for my mind's feet to tread,
my tongue,
a soft landing for you
to count on.
Our mouths,
two pillows
in the midst of a battle
only to be won,
by our forces
bringing peace
to the wrinkles
in our bedsheets.
Cheyenne Yacono Mar 2017
I died drowning
Drowning like the rest of America
Trying to breathe under the numbers
All of them telling us that we're failures
I died drowning

It was more so a ****** than an unfortunate event
I blame society
Piling papers and statistics on teens and the to be's
We're shoved into school at the age of 3
For that I blame you

I blame you for my death
The air was extracted from my lungs
All 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen

Geometry fried my brain at exactly 112 degrees
Physics pushed me off a cliff and I accelerate by 9.81 m/s
World History murdered me with every war and battle

English killed me just like every author
Band beat me to death like a drum
Weightlifting dropped 225 lbs on my throat
The play acted out all of my deaths

I didn't die just drowning
I was beaten, burned, shot, choked, mocked and everything in between.
I was murdered and I  am still living

I am here to convict the killers
They say it takes a village to raise a kid
But what does it take to **** one?
What everyone in school feels
Somewhere between two fires I fall and make my last call
I wish I had chased the time I left behind, too tired I am
For the sake of an illusion I created in my mind
For something that I can never find
So restless and so relentless I got to be
For what I can never see
And I can never be free
And that's the end
There is nothing for me to send
Let the fires just fend
, away the breath that burns
Or someway turns
For me it's a flag for a glory
Like an endless chain reaction
That just leads to fury
A battle in side-out
On somewhat no one just fought
So, I feel all apart from the people I’m with
From the people I know
This is more than just a go, it's so-so
Kenya83 Mar 2017
There's a fight between my head and heart
My head is yelling get up and start
Frustrated by your idle ways
You can't just stay in bed all day
Seize the day! Don't daydream it all away

I want to, honestly I do
But my hearts so heavy it's because of you
You give me these pains
You paint the images in my brain
That make me want to stay here and think
I'm afraid what I might miss if I blink

But you won't miss a thing, these thoughts aren't even true
If you get up and try, you might find something new
Something that makes you forget the pain
That makes you feel like you again

I'm being stupid I know
I think I'm enjoying feeling so low
I'm not being lazy, although it may seem
It's exhausting running your thoughts on my screen
And I know you're well aware of that
Your making my heart beat fast
Deep down you also want these images to last
If you let go, I could let go to
But it isn't really what you want to do
You say it's all me, but we work as a team
You paint the pictures I bring the steam
Without my fuel your paint would dry
Without your paint I just might die
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