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Merinda Feb 2019
Being trapped in the castle
Since i was little
Never finish the riddle
Drives me to the trouble
Fell in love with devil
All of me is going evil
Someone please rescue me from this battle
ChrisL Feb 2019
Inside me an unquenchable fire,
Rising and falling as a phoenix dies and is reborn in the purest of flames.
With every rise an unbearable pain uncomparable to anything I've ever experienced before.
With every fall a gut wrenching agony of searing pain.
Ebbing and flowing like the tide beneath a full moon, waves of acid crashing against walls of flesh.

No more of this can I take.

One, surely not enough, two I take instead for with this battle I will require all the help I can get.
I throw them in and begin to chew ravenously like a beast starved of food.
Chalky, dry and the strangest taste of mints fill my mouth and cling to my teeth.
I muster all the saliva I can and swallow the precious substance.
Within seconds I feel it hit the depths of my stomach, plunging in like an icy sword.
And so begins the battle of all ages, a clash of titans in a seemingly pointless battle for nawt but relief.
Like two dragons, one of fire the other of ice ferociously battling tooth and claw.
As the war rages on neither seem to be gaining the upper hand, both evenly matched in their immense strength.

After what seemed like hours yet only took mere minutes to pass, the dust settles and there is no winner in sight, in a final almighty clash the two dragons destroy each other leaving behind no trace of this ever happening.
The pain subsides and the burning gone, finally now I can be free from the fiery chains that once bound me.
I've read the stories of people who have given up
Dont be discouraged things can always look up
But once you dip and you dip really low
Someone will notice but no one will know
You can go day by day and no one will see
That there is a battle you are tired of fighting
You've already lost is how it may seem
But trust me dear you are winning
By fighting your exhaustion with you tears
No one will see your sadness or fear
Just keep it up and you will see
That if no one notices then you are free
You cry for attention so someone will take your place
But you mustn't give up you've earned your space
You're doing it right
by living your life
We all make mistakes
This can be seen a space for you always will be
There is no fight worth giving up, the small battles lead to the overall victory
Adunola Osilowo Feb 2019
Be afraid! That's when it means something to you.
The fear of starting;
when you want it but you can't have it, when you fight for it but you still lose it but that's not way scares you, what scares you is that voice that tells you to try again.
The fear of failing;
when you have it and it all starts to slip away, when all your victories start to unravel in front you and the thought of losing it all grips you so tight.
The fear of what would come after you succeed;
when you're at the top and you can't remember what the ground feels like, when the battles over but you're the only one left standing, when you shine so bright you can't see anyone else...
So be very afraid, that's when it means everything to you.
Kate longshaw Feb 2019
For years I have belonged to you,
Obeyed every command.
Although you beat me black & blue,
We walked life hand in hand....

To you, I was just a loyal slave,
You grabbed my broken heart
You wanted me down in my grave,
You are deviously smart....

I saw it that you were my all,
Sir smack and captain crack,
you laughed each time that I did fall,
And you still try to attack!

You stole my morals, drained my life,
Worse was I lost my child.
You caused me so much pain and strife
You made me ferrel and wild!

I don't fear death, I've been to hell,
Many times you dragged me down.
This time'll be different you would tell,
Give me more white & brown.

The depths of which I'd go for you,
Were nasty, *****, bad.
But I thought that our love was true
But now I see how sad!

I did blame you but now I see,
How I was very wrong,
Infact you are a part of me,
Was blinded for so long.

So now I'm armed up to the teeth,
Though you'll always be there,
Testing me, festering beneath
But you had better beware....

Coz to the surface you may pop,
Every now and then,
But I ave a big **** axe,
To give your head the chop!

Kate Longshaw **
Rowan Wolff Feb 2019
Chronic illness isn’t
Some beautiful
Girl sitting under a tree,
Book in hand.
It’s no romantic tragedy
Or heartfelt tear-jerker
Sitting on the floor of your bedroom
2 am
Trying not to cry because
You wanted to be in bed three hours ago
Your body didn’t.
Obsessively tracking every
Food and drink
Symptom and medication
Juggling four doctors and work
All at once
Trying not to *****
Struggling to stand
To exist
wrote this about my struggle with undiagnosed chronic illness.
Emma Pals Feb 2019
Do you know the demons I'm fighting?
The battles I'm losing?
The suffering I'm experiencing?

I want this war to be over.
But right now I am not winning,
I cannot take control.
The demons are winning
And I am just submitting.

To surrender is my only other option
It's fight or die.
But to surrender is to wave my flag,
To admit I am weak.

My white flag will not wave,
I will not back down.
Even when the thoughts get so strong
And it seems to be the only way out.

I will not surrender to the demons inside.
But the battles I lose, will not be a loss.
Only a celebration for a day soon to come,
A day only I seem to find joy in

That, my friend,
Will be my death.
nova Feb 2019
the anxiety
is the roaring
pacing monster
in the back of my closet
that i can only
keep caged for so long
and the bone-achingly
insatiable void
is the silent
shapeless creature
that lurks in the back of my mind
waiting to strike
when my back is turned.
i can't fight two fronts at once.
i can't win both battles simultaneously.
therefore, a choice must be made.
which is the lesser of two evils?
Bereniké Feb 2019
Before her eyes saw the light,
she was alone in pain and fear.
She wasn't all right.
One day she said: "Enough!"
This has to stop.
Along the way she heard words that cut like a knife.
Words that were harsh, but true.
Yet they only made her stronger - they made her fight.
Thus she fought like she never did before.
There were obstacles and traps.
Still she fought until all her limbs were sore.

And she won.

Can you win too?
David Feb 2019
Don't go too far
Don't go too far, while I pray for you
Don't go too far
Stop fighting and travel with me, there's no enemy, oh stay

Don't go too far
Don't go too far, while I wait for you
Don't go too far
It's not a war field, it's just a field
With mountains and plains

Why do we keep
Fighting when there's no enemy?
Just stay with me,
Just stay with me my baby oh
ll take care of you.

I see a star
I see a star upon our blind heads
We'll never reach
But we can lay and watch it while we love

Why do we have
To move somewhere else?
Isn't it ok?
Isn't it ok to stay here baby?
Nothing over there.

I remember when
I remember when I went too far
Drowned was my heart,
I tried to reach the star but it was far
Further than far

I know there's no choice but staying here
And love whole life
No past, no future, I love you so and
I won't stop

I remember when
I remember when I reached the end
It was so deep,
It was so deep and I had no choice but returning to home.

Now we are together
among the great river
Oh always change
Oh always change, no eternity
So now I love you

Remember you
Remember you trying to reach your dream
And then you fell
You fell down to the deepest hell
But now
We're still here.

And now
I know there's no choice but staying here
And enjoying life
Enjoying life for what it is
With you,
Oh my love.
I made this poem on the Korean traditional song "Arirang",
You can try singing this along with the song, it fits it (I think it sounds better if you search the piano version).

This writing is about knowing that if we believe life is a fight and problems are enemies, life will be full of suffering, because anytime we fail, it's a defeat and we feel useless or unworthy of living.
While if we believe life is a travel and problems are just obstacles, life is much more peaceful.
Thanks to this "trick" I overcame a very bad period near to depression, I think it can be useful for everyone.

Then it's about life having nothing at the end of it but death, it's about living in the present, solving the problems and remorses of the past calmly, trying to find a concrete solution in the present instead of dwelling about the past.
About living the present free from the anxieties of the future, accepting our limits, accepting that reality is transitory, it continuously changes: when we're in a bad period, it will pass, when we're in a happy period, we can enjoy it the most till the day we'll have to say goodbye to it. We have to accept life with its transitory nature I believe.

Also it's about believing everything is pure conscience and that this frees us from existential pain, like the fear of death and loss (from Buddhism, if I understood it well)

Then the lover here is not a specific person, it's anyone: a friend, a mum, a dad..
It's love in general, not a couple.

Sorry for the long text, just wanted to share this, I think it's useless if keep this thing in my phone only lol
Hope you enjoy it :)
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