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Andrew Layman Apr 2020
Drain the venom with your pen
write it out,
until it wraps around you.

Stem the bloodflow
use it as a tourniquet
spit out the poison onto paper.

This world was made to devour
unhinging its jaw,
seeking to binge on us.

Do not be afraid
be forewarned;
take off the head of the hydra
and be resolved to continue with the cause.
INTO THE UNKNOWN, Copyright © 2020 Andrew Layman
All Rights Reserved.
Breathe in energy
Breathe in light
Breathe in prosperity
Breathe in delight

Feel limbs relaxing
Feel more flow
Feel greater confidence
Watch your dreams grow

Breathe in radiance
Breathe in health
Let your breath resonate
With the rhythm of wealth

Feel the guidance
From above
Breathe in the plan for you
Created in love
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Stone Jan 2020
how is it I'm so uneasy
how is it that you've been fine
life reveals what it's dealt through seasons
circle comes around each time

you're above
over me
you're feeling the love
craving unconditional love
inspired by Mad Season "I'm Above"
Butterfly Dec 2019
You said that you still have the picture of me.
And the only thing I wonder
That picture is the most ugliest thing that exists
That thing should be burned
I wanna laugh until I can't breathe with you
But I know I'll cry until I can't breathe
Why the **** is the poem here and not above
francine Dec 2019
as above, so below
as good, so evil
as within, so without

is what they say,
contemplating on morals.

they say its the same,
but is it really.

as above, so below
as good, so evil
as within, so without

these aren't the same,
these are opposites.

above isn't the same as below,
good isn't the same as evil,
within isn't the same as without,

they are pure opposites,
and yes,
one could not exist without the other.
just a thing,
Colm Nov 2019
Smooth as softened alabaster
Their scent to you an immeasurable bliss
Where the sun tucks the moon beneath his chin
Rests an endless dream no more than a wish

This series is all about containment. Quick and expressive. My kind of people.

The vision - A Lovers Embrace From South Pacific
George Krokos Nov 2019
The love between us isn't as it ought to be
for true love is much deeper than the sea.
We both stay on the surface breathing air
but love dives deep in one's heart there.
We seem to give in diminishing returns
whereas love pours out more as it burns.

The problem lies in our incompatibility
and physical attraction we think is free.
Appearances can be very deceiving here
together with ignorance born out of fear.
We both desire and need the same thing
though for all we know it isn't as lasting.

We're so demanding in a shallow way
but love doesn't ask for things to play.
If love bothers us with a good reason
it's because of the time in due season.
Our lives are caught in an invisible net
and real love will draw us together yet.

Love and beauty often will go hand in hand
and there's nothing that they can't withstand.
Two people looking for love are sure to meet
no matter in what conditions they both greet.
The love and beauty they'll see in each other
will be like the kind found in any true mother.
We are all looking for unconditional love
that may only be found in the Divine above.
Written early in 2019.
Grace Nov 2019
I want to get out
But how, I don't know
I'm trapped in this place
With nowhere to go

I just feel so stuck
In this prison of mine
I want to get out
I want to feel fine

But instead I'm just scared
Trapped by my fear
Of rejection and hurt
Too afraid to draw near

I don't speak unless spoken to
I never just go sit
I feel like they're all annoyed
Though I know that's not it

God is with me
Yes, I know this
But sometimes I feel like
I'm not really His

I'm stuck and I'm tired
But I know there's hope
God is my hero
He can untie the ropes

I can't do it myself
But my strength's not my own
My King is above
He's still on the throne

He'll lift me up
Out of my chains
And help me realize
His love is what reigns

And one day I'll find
My life turned around
And I'll thank the Lord
My prison's torn down

But for now I'm still trapped
In this place that I know
But it's all in my mind
Soon I'll be able to go
There is hope for me yet. But I'm not quite there. But I'm hoping that I'll get there soon
Madison Greene Jul 2019
I think the most important trait is to be teachable
to understand that sometimes you are wrong
that sometimes you don't know what is best
there will be times where you are hurt, others where you are the one doing the hurting
the cards you've been dealt don't take away your ability to break someone
you cannot use your pain as an excuse to be ignorant
understand it and rise above
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