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Jul 2023 · 277
Poetic Eagle Jul 2023
I didn't leave
You pushed me away
Jul 2023 · 297
Poetic Eagle Jul 2023
Somewhere in between he is not her type and they are just friends
She fell in love
Random thoughts
Jun 2023 · 1.5k
3 a.m
Poetic Eagle Jun 2023
sooo loud its deafening
Be my morning to midnight chat
Night and day,
Lets live stories and make memories
Can we explore what life has instore
Be my bestfriend
Crushing on the idea of being "bestfriends"
To the person that existed in the abstract
May 2023 · 1.4k
Poetic Eagle May 2023
Would l be a poet, if you weren't the poem
There is always You behind every word

My thoughts and feelings are getting used to the idea of having you,
Stand before me dressed  in rhythm and sound
To the person that existed in the abstract
May 2023 · 643
Dear bestfriend...
Poetic Eagle May 2023
I am getting more used to poetry
than people
Ink paper therapy
Apr 2023 · 685
One art
Poetic Eagle Apr 2023
Letting go is an art

I mastered it
Mar 2023 · 655
Silent noise
Poetic Eagle Mar 2023
Flow of Words bottled,
Silence so loud
Wonder why my heart is shut?
Chronicles of my heart
May 2022 · 815
Him and her
Poetic Eagle May 2022
Roses are red..........not all roses are red
Violets are blue....violets are not blue
Blood is my staring at her
So are you...................l dont like you too
Just saw blood is my lifeline line ...n liked it
May 2022 · 564
Poetic Eagle May 2022
They said, thoughts are transferable
So, are you thinking about me too?
Random thoughts
May 2022 · 625
Now and forever
Poetic Eagle May 2022
Now and forever, always ringing in my head
Could be a story to tell
Imaginations reaching far from reality
A fuel to my everyday life,
the company in my head  keeps me sane

Now and forever, could have been different
If only l had known now is the forever l wanted
But...l didn't loose it all, a part of it is within
Laughter and joy, never a sad moment,
The only tears dropped are the ones that build happiness and create memories,
Memories l hope we could both remember

Now and forever, l picture it every day
A fantasy too good to be true?
I dream with my eyes open so reality can never bring be back to brokenness
Look and become, they say
Just a piece of my heart
Work in progress
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
Poetic Eagle Mar 2022
l looked forward to a goodnight
not a goodbye

l wish l could bid you farewell
so long grandma, until we meet again
Feb 2022 · 595
confused emotions
Poetic Eagle Feb 2022
just like my text , l wish l could unsend my feelings
rando m thoughts, work in progress
Dec 2021 · 357
Poetic Eagle Dec 2021
roses have thorns,
even  beautiful things can still hurt you
Sep 2021 · 829
Dear black child
Poetic Eagle Sep 2021
Do you have to get high when you low
In hopes of solving your mental problems
Face your problems, cry so what of you are a man, speak to people,get help. It's okay to grieve. Stop suppressing your feelings. One bottle of alcohol will not solve your problems. It even gives you a bigger headache
Aug 2021 · 869
Poetic Eagle Aug 2021
You broke my heart
But with every breathe each piece seem to be patching it way back to you
The heart wants what it wants
Aug 2021 · 393
Midnight thoughts
Poetic Eagle Aug 2021
It's 2am, staring at the stars,
Spread so bright
A reminder that in the beautiful night l am not alone
Thoughts scattered in my head
Emotions too confused to fit in one poem
I am tired but what exhaust me still keeps me awake
One of the many dreadful days
Jul 2021 · 1.2k
Poetic Eagle Jul 2021
Roses have thorns,
Even the beautiful things can s hurt you
Random thoughts
Jul 2021 · 1.1k
4 am
Poetic Eagle Jul 2021
Up at dawn just to rise together with the sun
As we hope to leave our darkness with the shadows of the night
Random thoughts
Apr 2021 · 1.8k
Poetic Eagle Apr 2021
It's the silence of the night that makes the thoughts of you so loud
Close in distance
Apr 2021 · 2.6k
Poetic Eagle Apr 2021
It's the silence of the night
That makes the thoughts of you so loud
Close in distance
Apr 2021 · 670
Poetic Eagle Apr 2021
You shoot hurtful words and expect me to  smile

My emotions are not bulletproof
It's okay to say to let people know you what you can't tolerate
Apr 2021 · 587
Poetic Eagle Apr 2021
"it is finished"
The only debt l could never repay
Jan 2021 · 296
Poetic Eagle Jan 2021
It's only when you alone when you realise silence makes the loudest noise
All the voices in your head won't stop calling
Alone at midnight
Jan 2021 · 284
Poetic Eagle Jan 2021
Should I be sad you let go
Or be Happy l am free
Midnight thoughts
Dec 2020 · 1.3k
0000 2021
Poetic Eagle Dec 2020
The clock ticks midnight
The beginning of a new year
New decade, a new month
We all smile and laugh at the opening of a new chapter
But why does everything feel the same
Dec 2020 · 243
Poetic Eagle Dec 2020
It's midnight,  your face still covers the moonlight
Is it you following me
Or me who can't let go
Random thoughts
Nov 2020 · 410
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
Stories change

Memories are forever
Midnight thoughts
Nov 2020 · 315
Letter 1
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
Dear hope please stop making people believe in impossibilities

Yours truly reality
Random thoughts, nothing is impossible
Nov 2020 · 192
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
I was chasing the game
When l was meant to be playing
Random thoughts
Nov 2020 · 365
inside poet
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
its the poetry in me  that still loves you
my heart already let go
why do you end up being the person behind poem
Oct 2020 · 132
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
she looks at the moon
And still see his face,even brighter

"I atleast deseved a goodbye"
Random story
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Him: fall for me, l will catch you
Her: why
Him: Because that's what super heroes do
Small talks
Oct 2020 · 322
Rake my world
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Forever was only a fantasy
Till you came along
Midnight thoughts
Oct 2020 · 163
Life flip
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Used to sleep to see your face
Now l sleep to forget you
Times change
Oct 2020 · 115
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Your eyes spoke
when words failed
Midnight thoughts
Oct 2020 · 145
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
I am not sad
Just realised l was never happy
Midnight thoughts
Sep 2020 · 207
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
In the end it's not everyone who we laugh with that stays
Random thoughts
Sep 2020 · 230
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
I never asked you to leave
Only advised to chase your dreams
Wasnt l part of the dream. Random thoughts
Sep 2020 · 181
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
slowly the memories fade
before you know it, there is nothing left to hold on to
random thoughts, loving people from a distance
Sep 2020 · 1.4k
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
Writing my own fairytale
Maybe that's where my Happy ending lies
Random thoughts
Sep 2020 · 92
Amour 💕
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
Even the oceans failed to understand how deep our love was
Random thoughts
Aug 2020 · 140
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
4am,we at the threshold of a new dawn
Sunrise are the most beautiful
But today I don't want to see the light
As soon as the sun shines, we saying  goodbye
And then we oceans apart
But friends till end of forever
farewells are never easy
Aug 2020 · 125
im tired
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
lm tired of looking in the mirror and failing to recognise myself
lm tired of having a voice but l cant speak
lm tired of speaking only for me to listen
lm tired of dreaming , waking up to see a different reality
lm tired of looking exactly like the person next to me

At times l ask myself if friendship was the only thing l had to offer
how big will my circle
how many people will still be will to roll with me

Not everyone who is rolling with you is rolling for you
some are rolling against you
if you fall today how many people in your circle will still be willing to as much as you do for them

Now l ask again do l really have to be like
you so that you be for me
l thought being different was the beauty of life
My colour together with yours combined to make a beautiful rainbow
but no we all have to sing the sane song
lm tired of dancing to the same rhythm
l need a different melody

So society lm sorry
But lm setting myself free
society has taught us how to live that we have lost ourselves on the way. you don't have to be anything but yourself
Aug 2020 · 113
broken and happy
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
I saw love in your eyes but it was definitely not for me
and l still find solace in them
random thoughts
Jul 2020 · 136
Heavenly birthday 🎂
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
Happy heavenly birthday best friend
It's been seven years
each year moving us closer to eternity
On this day 7 yrs bc we celebrated her last birthday with us
If only l knew it would be our last
Jul 2020 · 114
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
I feel like writing
But can't put the feelings to words
I can't understand myself either ✨
Jul 2020 · 152
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
My love for you is like counting the stars
It gets tiring but still beutiful to look at
Random thought
Jun 2020 · 185
Silent shouts✨
Poetic Eagle Jun 2020
When words fail
Silence does the talking
But l guess mine ain't loud enough
Random thought
May 2020 · 209
Flash back
Poetic Eagle May 2020
As the heart bleeds
It only gets stronger
Mar 2020 · 128
Facade ✨
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
The lines in my poetry are nothing but a facade

But how else could l tell the story of my life
If only you could read in between the letters.....If only
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