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Jul 2020 · 167
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
My love for you is like counting the stars
It gets tiring but still beutiful to look at
Random thought
Jun 2020 · 196
Silent shouts✨
Poetic Eagle Jun 2020
When words fail
Silence does the talking
But l guess mine ain't loud enough
Random thought
May 2020 · 214
Flash back
Poetic Eagle May 2020
As the heart bleeds
It only gets stronger
Mar 2020 · 146
Facade ✨
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
The lines in my poetry are nothing but a facade

But how else could l tell the story of my life
If only you could read in between the letters.....If only
Mar 2020 · 240
My love story
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
It all Happened in the abstract

That's the only place where it could get a Happy ending
The love that never happened
Mar 2020 · 139
Words ✨
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
Your words are seeds
Speak today
See it into existence tomorrow
Yeah speak your mind but mind what you speak. All your words come to pass
Feb 2020 · 211
Poetic Eagle Feb 2020
You give your heart away to the ones who already have enough love from others so yours may not mean anything. You left empty and it  is that vaccum that kills slowly. Accepting love from others that care may seem reasonable but the difficult part comes when you can't reciprocate the same love because yours has already been given away. Without knowing you have broken a heart already and that makes two people hurting. Life would be so much easier if you didn't expect to get exactly what you give. Just love everyone the same way Jesus loved the church. The ones you love don't love you and you love the ones that don't love you. Its karma. The cycle will go on, mental illness n depression will never cease. Why not open up to change. Don't give away your heart just give the love and don't expect the same thing in return. It's not risky at all coz love has never failed......not yet
Random thoughts
Feb 2020 · 132
Poetic Eagle Feb 2020
Nothing is loyal except for your shadow it never leaves
In the dark it's not visible
But it's always close
Random thought
Dec 2019 · 924
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
Words don't heal anymore
I'm done
Dec 2019 · 379
self love
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
there could never be space or time or another you

embrace your flaws and find beauty in peoples differences
that's the starting point of happiness
Dec 2019 · 306
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
Sometimes excess love becomes toxic
Moving closer to an obsession
Dec 2019 · 369
Her heart
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
Stone hearts love the hardest
And may never break
Get e saying that I'm cold hearted a lot
Dec 2019 · 395
my nature
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
they set the limits
I break them
enough is enough!!!!!!!!!
Dec 2019 · 292
gone too soon
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
the wounds run deep
thought  we would you have for a lifetime
too bad tears cant turn back the hands of time
you were amazing till your last breathe
Return If Possible
until we meet again uncle
Nov 2019 · 264
letter to myself
Poetic Eagle Nov 2019
you just turned 18 yet nothing changes
its just the date and time that changes
it still feels the same
not as happy as l anticipated
happy birthday to me
Nov 2019 · 284
Poetic Eagle Nov 2019
how do you let go
when your memories are still holding on
your mind knows whats best but the heart says otherwise
Oct 2019 · 375
Poetic Eagle Oct 2019
If silence could speak
The world wouldn't be such a lonely place
I wanna break free
Sep 2019 · 419
not a poem.....
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
l put down the words
all lies?????

Maybe the paper wont understand the feelings
Or its the fear that even poetry could know my story

its all hidden in between the lines
And in the letters l find my solace

Can l find my true safe heaven on pen and paper?
its all an illusion, nothing gets better

Maybe it all comes down to being emotionless
Am l unhuman????? NO

My heart is just too big to store everything
Originally it was meant to pump blood but that changed

Why it never pops all the feelings or get tired? idk
its still a mystery

Even l want to know when l can finally break free
for now its safe to say its nature...……..
is it normal to feel nothing?
Sep 2019 · 393
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
l don't break the rules
I just make new ones
random thought
Sep 2019 · 252
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
Him: what if l fall for her
Her:  will just pick you up
Random thought
Sep 2019 · 602
wicked world
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
they are waiting for me to break
so they can take advantage of my pieces
random thought
Aug 2019 · 1.9k
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
I'm always falling  hard for the person in the mirror
random thought
Aug 2019 · 368
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
no need to see my scars
to know that I'm hurting
Aug 2019 · 209
lesson 1
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
its not my fault
life taught me not to care
random thought
Aug 2019 · 723
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
they hated  me so much
that l fell in love with myself
Aug 2019 · 346
free at last
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
time heals no wounds
it just gets you used to the pain
such that the pain doesn't hurt anymore
Aug 2019 · 425
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
they told me to go get a life
and l got you
random thought
Aug 2019 · 178
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
it doesn't hurt
its all in your head
Aug 2019 · 321
ma vie
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
even poetry failed to keep the wounds from bleeding
not everything that bleeds eventually heal
Aug 2019 · 273
random thoughts
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
1 love doesn't fade it just switches people

2 feelings never fade they just change

3 nothing is permanent but love is also eternal
Jul 2019 · 352
10w (iii)
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
if l ever cried for someone then it was love
if only l could.....l would
Jul 2019 · 194
random thought
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
time heals all wounds
but doesn't take away the memories
how true is that
Jul 2019 · 16.2k
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
some people break your heart just to see you bleed
Jul 2019 · 372
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
nothing is permanent but don't forget
love is also eternal
everything can last
Jun 2019 · 333
Poetic Eagle Jun 2019
how will l heal when my wounds  bleed every time l see you
whenever you hurt l find myself in pain
if only tears could dry
just a random thought
Jun 2019 · 530
Poetic Eagle Jun 2019
my God aint't ordinary
so l wont settle for nothing less than
life becomes easy when you know whats exactly meant for you
never settle for less than what you deserve
thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!
May 2019 · 271
if you could read my mind
Poetic Eagle May 2019
If you could read my mind
You could hear a thousand cries
Pleading for you to care just once more
If you could read my mind
You'd see a million papers
Filled with broken poetries
Of a love story which never happened
And so many unspoken words
If only you could read my mind
Maybe you would feel the pain ‘
my eyes failed to show you
and you refused to see
If you could read my mind
You’d see a heart that still yearns for you,
a heart bleeding in silent tears
If you could read my mind
You’d see a side of me l failed to show you
The eternity l always dreamed of
If you could read my mind
Maybe you’d understand how it feels to love
a person that can never be yours
If only you could read my mind
l wouldn’t be writing this
inspired by a similar poem on this site
nothing hurts than someone u like failing to understand the little things u show them
May 2019 · 384
dance in the rain
Poetic Eagle May 2019
it was pouring,
you couldn't differentiate my tears from rain
and only focused on the dance
people focus on what they want not your pain.
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
5 words
Poetic Eagle Apr 2019
Not all scars are visible
Not everyone shows
Apr 2019 · 247
Poetic Eagle Apr 2019
ln a room with so many people
l can only hear your voice
is that love?
another random thought , help with the title
Apr 2019 · 925
Poetic Eagle Apr 2019
If a broken heart still beats
It can still love
Being broken aint the end

give it a title pleaseeeeeee
Apr 2019 · 982
my shield
Poetic Eagle Apr 2019
l act like l don't care

but inside I'm screaming
who else dos that
Mar 2019 · 417
finally awake
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
finally realized us wasn't written in our forever
but like they say if dreams don't scare you they aint big enough
should l let the fear die?
some questions are better left unanswered
Mar 2019 · 687
too late
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
she was a burning fire
but he failed to see the flames in her eyes
and now he is struggling to relight the ashes
together with the flames the feelings faded
whats lost cant always be found
some things are meant to stay as ashes
Mar 2019 · 378
1 4 3
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
they say love is pain
but the tears are so sweet
love is blind...……..
but would rather stay in the dark as long as you remain there with me
but inside im screaming
Mar 2019 · 621
dear crush.......
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
one day you will miss me
as much as l miss you
another random thought
Mar 2019 · 176
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
Eyes talk
That's why your silence doesnt hurt me
I still have hope your eyes says it all
Mar 2019 · 440
........ my only wish.....
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
How will the memories fade when sunrise and sunset always remind me of you

If only l could sleep forever
If wishes were horses everybody would ride one
Mar 2019 · 447
Healed 2
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
We could have lasted for eternity .
But we were short lived.
Guess it won't be true love if not painful
You left me *******.

But you didn't take my courage.
The painful memories became a motivation.
The emotions could have killed me.
But instead gave me unimaginable stamina .

I lost my senses l went crazy .
Never imagined myself healing .
But now my heart is like a singing bird.
My mind didn't just stabilize l actually got a sixth sense added.

Your love came as a volcano .
Leaving me totally shattered.                      And gave me a nightmare of a lifetime .
But finally l can say lm healed
She was broken but now healed
After all there is an ok in healed
@diamond pickle charmxy
Feb 2019 · 227
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
he told me he was hurting
yet I'm the one with the scars

he said he was bleeding
but I'm the one with the wounds
I listened to your words but believed in your actions which said otherwise
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