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Dec 2024 · 140
Ramir Dec 2024
Red burning like your desires
I’m slowly scorched by the ember
Still i jumped to chase the fire
The pain numbed me, Still I lingered.

The coldness I see in your eyes
I thought I was the only one feeling Blue
Your stare pierces through me
As you unmask your emotions
The same way I do.

Yellow was your favorite.
Like your aura that shines bright
I may have or may not understand
Still I course through your blinding light

In the boundless expanse of this spectrum,
You were always a bewitching vision.
I reached for you with desperate hands,
Sought for your beauty, as it slipped through my grasp.
Nov 2024 · 263
Ramir Nov 2024
Am i lost again?
Clarity will you find me?
Vows, I held to yours.
Nov 2024 · 117
The Epitome of Feelings
Ramir Nov 2024
I told myself to stop,

But my actions were relentless.

I thought it through,

Yet, I keep coming back to you.

I kept thinking 'bout your untied hair,

Kept thinking 'bout your smile—way too often.
The cold breeze when we were together,

That moment when you asked me to hold your hand.

I was lost, and so were you.

The deep conversations,

The facade you wore, hiding you were broken.
Despite that, I knew from the start—
I’m certain.
Certain It’s only you that I’ve wanted.

I wanted to learn about you every day,

Feel the emotions you feel,

Embrace you for who you are.
Your best to your worst.

As you embraced me for who I am.

Despite the uncertainties.
I’ll always be here, waiting.
Nov 2024 · 105
A Night in the Rain
Ramir Nov 2024
You opened the car window,did you felt suffocated with what life has brought?You asked me if it was okay. I said,Just go ahead, cause that’s you. There’s no need to hold back on what you wanted to do. All I see is a real person who is true. My heart skipped a beat as a ray of light pierced through.

I kept thinking how every time i looked at you, you look different. With your tidy pony, or untied hair. Either or both is fine you still look beautiful whichever you put on. That you might be wearing many faces. I’m struck by the brightest but fell deeper with the opposite.

The way you gazed at me during the time you felt like i ditched you, the expression you gave when u saw me made my heart jumped. You grinned then smiled. I know you are anxious. I was worried, but it all faded out when i saw your angelic face.

The way you told me you are not in the mood, you acted like you were ignoring me. I let you be, but despite that you still bit me. I didnt know if you are acting playful or was annoyed because i was there. I’m ready to take all your mood swings, the good,the bad. If you are happy or glad. Is feeling down or sad. There’s nothing wrong with showing what you are. I’ll take any of it.

I was afraid, i know we only just met and my heart was not ready i had to think this through. I’m 6 feet down under and it feels like i’m digging a deeper grave but who am i to resist what i’m feeling. Who am i to feel fear from what other people will say. When you faced my weakest and i haven’t felt any single form of judgement. I got the courage to patched up my war torn self. I’m no longer afraid.
Oct 2024 · 175
Ramir Oct 2024
Have i lost my sense of purpose?
I’m numb from all this wandering.
Have i lost myself in the process?
I can no longer feel anything..

I have all the time to ponder.
Though, I never look at the brighter side.
I’ve told myself that i’m moving.
Yet, my body feels unalive

The fragments that i started fixing..
As I see right through my scars..
I may or may not be healing..
I’ll leave it all to the entity of time.
You’ll make it
Oct 2024 · 90
Ramir Oct 2024
You told me your demons.
Who opposes what people see.
They were eating you slowly.
You wanted to be free.

i'll prove them wrong.
I'll fight them with you.
I'd rather lose myself and leave.
If that's what it takes to save you.
you never lose by loving, you always lose by holding back
Oct 2024 · 121
Dawn of Sunrise
Ramir Oct 2024
Back then I am careless.
Even if its Selfish
Back then I am unafraid.
Even if its unrequited.
Just to be close to someone like you.
I'd tackle darkness, unknowingly.
You're a sun, bright yet eerie.
A white void, I cant see through.
How do I thread lightly?
Without losing me?
Without falling for you?
Nov 2017 · 413
Endless cycle of daydreams
Ramir Nov 2017
And here I am again writing..
Poems out of the blue..
Where I let my mind out thinking..
What is it like being with you?

I felt like we're distant..
You're outgoing and im not.
You shine the brightest.
And I am darkness..
Still you cast my shadow with your light.

I don't have much to offer.
All I have is sincerity.
That once I've learn to love you.
I'll love you for what you ought to be

These word I can only utter.
My daydreaming is through.
I'm now back to reality.
Thinking what it's like.
Loving you.
Sudden thoughts of starting new..
Nov 2017 · 356
Ramir Nov 2017
A warm breeze,
Passes through..
excites the living soul..

Awaken the flame,
Left you in the cold
shattered, mourning..

Darkness engulfed..
Memento of memories.
As the fire slowly fades.
i left you drowning in misery
May 2017 · 540
Story of us two
Ramir May 2017
I use to love writing..
Stories about us two.
How bittersweet beginnings..
Happy endings were true..
I wrote about your smile in summer, that feeling..
That kept coming back..
Glimmered like sunshine..
Your firm grip, hands tight when you held mine.

Graceful as the flower dance.
As if were in a mellow trance.
In the peaceful meadows like the wind..
That feeling, it keeps coming back again......
Your arms gently rubbed my skin...
I was so high
As you hold me near...
My heart skipped a beat..
Yes everything!,was clear.
No wonder, i keep on falling..
I fell and fell for you..
And still
I use to love our stories...
I believe those were true..
My heart started to falter...
I lost myself in the middle...
But then... There was You
Its been awhile..
Sep 2015 · 777
Ramir Sep 2015
I miss those big eyes that stares whenever im not looking.
I miss those stolen kisses you took when you're there beside me
I miss your hands that kept me warm in the cold.
And those fearless words of love you told.
A part of me is incomplete without you
But the moment You break the silence..
Fills the missing void within..
You may be far, but i feel your presence
It lingers within me.
For our love knows no boundaries, our hearts bonded..unseen...
I would always love you my dear.
I will love you proud and fearless.
For distance is never a hindrance.
For souls who has accepted each other to be destined.
I miss you
Jul 2015 · 754
Sweet Midnight
Ramir Jul 2015
You're my king in the castle,
With a heart that is blazing yet fragile,
You're the crown and I'm your jewel,
Has softness that kills my fire.

Another year adds to your life,
My wishes are beyond the showering comets,
You're my lovely dream knight,
And I will love you without any regret.

Sweet you are like a candlelight,
I admit that this love is new,
Whisper your wish at this sweet midnight,
I only want what is best for you.
credits to the person I love the most
Jul 2015 · 703
Ramir Jul 2015
You are the rain that washed away the pain.
The ray of hope that made me believe again
The glimmering star that shown me light
The blackest dark in the night that calmed me just right.
The lone flower in the vast green meadows
The pleasant tune in a song's mellow
The humbleness that set aside my ego
The dream I wanted to be with in my tomorrow

You are my strength when I am weak
The voice in the silence, with words I cant utter to speak.
You are my panda, you are my empress
I want to live my life with you to the fullest
I don't believe in difficulties over the rest
For the one above only put our capabilities to the test.

My dear there's more to you that meets the eye
I know you know it too.
I may falter at times, But I can never hurt you
For the love I shared is true.

If I were to live again
I'd strive out there to look for you
If I weren't able to seek you..
I'd pray to reach the highest heavens
Just to be with you.
I thank you for the love
Jun 2015 · 352
When You Miss HER
Ramir Jun 2015
A part of you is empty
Your mind suddenly is full
Oh.. her sweet memories
That will never be dull.

You yearn for her return
Never have been to excited.
To be with her..
Hold and kiss her again..
Jun 2015 · 532
For you
Ramir Jun 2015
For I am yours
And you are mine.
How grateful I am our fates intertwined
You've fill in the void that made me broken.
With the uttermost love and sweetness you've given.
I thank thou for showing me that after all those troubles and depression
You took me in, you made me feel loved and made me love again.
But this time its different. It is above any euphoria I've been.
The only kind of love someone so unique like you
Once in a lifetime to be seen.
For you would always be dearest.
My sunshine in day.
My moon beam in the night.
My strength when Im weak.
My voice when i'm lost at speech.
I LOVE YOU for being true.
These words I shall keep forever..
For you.
your love is my passion. my dearest
May 2015 · 1.1k
Ramir May 2015
I have always been afraid to love..
And used to think its not worth it...
Used to tell myself enough is enough..
That all those efforts won't  be working.

Then there was you..
All my fears, I began to fight.
With your presence I no longer want to hide..
Whenever loneliness haunts me at night.
A single thought of you makes it all subside..
You were my comfort in time of sadness
Apr 2015 · 348
Heart of the weak one
Ramir Apr 2015
I wanted to be the strong one
So I could be around you.
For your presence gives me strength
Your absence makes me weak.
How could I depend so well on you?
When there's too much uncertainty..

I would not flinch.
id be strong for you
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Girl don't falter
Ramir Apr 2015
Girl don't falter...
I know out moments aren't meant to last forever.
You gave me ur all..
Still I surrendered,
Shattering our happily ever after...

Girl don't falter ..
It may be too soon..
But, please remember all the memories we've spent together..
I really did my best and tried to be stronger for us...
I was devoured by my indecisions
and you were blinded by your heart

Girl don't falter..
I know I was at fault
You and I both know its over
Im sorry dear, Im lost at words.
I've lose you
I've lose you..
I always say do not falter..
In the bitter end I was the one who did.
I'm losing you..
Mar 2015 · 626
The One
Ramir Mar 2015
I think I've found the one.
But she hasn't found me yet.
I think I love her now.
She doesn't have a clue.
Maybe she does..
Or maybe I am overthinking.
I think I love her now.
Im just too lost without her..
Just by hearing her voice
Gives me the impulse to live
To love.. To be stronger..
Starting to love again..
Ramir Mar 2015
Things would get better
A thought i've insisted on my hoping heart
Love would bring us closer
Wishing nothing would tear us apart
Our spirits will not falter
Its been a struggle for us two.

Have I been the only one fighting
Am I losing little by little with no clue.
Girl tell me.. what you really feel?
I'd fight if you let me
I'll leave if you want to.
I'd stay if you tell me
I'd take the all the chances for you
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
Dear Wanderer
Ramir Mar 2015
Hi wanderer.

are you lost?
Or are you searching?
Searching for something to give you meaning.
Have you been found?
Or is waiting to be?
You could share me your stories
Id share mine to thee.
Are you looking for love?
Are you for fun?
Im not here to waste time.
Please do not waste mine.
Wanderer.. you might've been searching
you've might have been found..
you've might've seen your meaning
you've might have seen through mine.
Or you dont.
whatever might this bring.
I'm glad you've dropped by.
You've never wasted time here.
Every little thing you've done.
Is worthwhile.
Are you lost??
Jan 2015 · 2.2k
Miss Of A Great Miss
Ramir Jan 2015
I lie alone, awake in bed
As you wander in my head
Then I thought ive miss
A delicate time
Where being with you is a bliss
I felt love back then..
I was scared.
For it wasnt that strong,
You must have been weary for waiting too long.
I wished ive met you in a different time.
Yes truly is.
Ive missed..
Someone as good as you Miss.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Stuck in love and repeat
Ramir Dec 2014
Have you ever soul search?
Search for the right one
Enduring the feeling of being alone
Watching people pass by
Til the right one come along

Have you ever felt you've found?
Found the one you needed
Or is it the other way around?
Learning to love again
Felt complete, no longer broken.

Have you ever been in-love deeply?
holding on to someone's hand
Felt like it will never end
Starting all over again
Learning, believing, Loving
Settling the mind of your's and her's Forever

Have you ever seen forever?
Took the chance like its now or never
Realized that the love shared has faltered
Wished you're mistakes be altered
Tried to save what you've shared
Only saving the other while you drown
waking up, she's never there..

Have you ever felt like repeating?
Or are you too tired Soul searching?
Too tired learning, loving, believing..
Hurting, forcing yourself to forget..
Never regret my friend..
For the love you've lost
You'll learn.. you'll be stronger
Stronger for the better, til the right one comes
You never know.. maybe shes the right one and it will happen again at the right time.
Ramir Nov 2014
I never knew in time
Id encounter a girl so fine.
You'd only see perfections
As her beauty is so divine

I wish id meet someone like her
Someone so imperfect youd never want another.
Someone who'd change your fragmented self
With all the happiness she made you felt

Love is a game we ought to find...
We wander,wonder,look back.
Things we've left behind..
Enjoying the chase, hurting ourselves.
keeping us blind..

Never knew love would be this fine.
Finding a girl youd care for..
Then losing her in time
For she was the girl I love the most..
I cared for..
But was never mine.
Oct 2014 · 409
Good ol' times
Ramir Oct 2014
Its you and I
On a Sunday morning..
Drinking tea, chatting all day
Like we would never say bye

Your smile worth staring
Your eyes likewise
You hypnotize me with your glare
As the summer air passes..

This day my imagination kept running.
With all these daydreaming,
For it happened too often
Kept my mind flying

All these highs and all those things
Really kept me wandering
Cherished moments worth remembering
My day, I've spent imagining
You and me..
In this Life's Irony
An ample of happiness is all we need
Oct 2014 · 360
Ramir Oct 2014
Come what may,
I  want you to stay..
I know you're hurting.
I know you're afraid.
But we are just learning.
Learning to love.

I wish you'd listen
Hear out my plead
I know you're sick
Your Heart is heavy.
In the simplest way I could
Let me share what you carry.

I pray you'd see through me
I badly do...
For I'm afraid to give my all
But so are you..
It was never our fault.
No one was to blame.
We've made our choices..
Split unevenly the pain....
What a shame, I knew we could have done better..
Oct 2014 · 2.8k
Ramir Oct 2014
Nothing seems to complete me
Someone took my other half
She left a void in my soul
Love? not even a single drop...
And then you came...
Ramir Oct 2014
You love your earthly endeavors
Forgetting what is really dear..
As your reflection reflected in the mirror
Projection...fragile ego and fear..

You tried to be strong for yourself
Bearing the burden you've left..
Scarred your flesh with pride and greed
Never sought for atonement with the coldness you've felt...

You tried to be weak for their empathy..
As you cage your soul with lies you knew
Leaving nothing but animosity..
To you and everyone around you.

We've prayed for you to change
Still your pride prevailed..
For only you, yourself could help you
And not the temporal fancies you hail..
sad thought in a cold morning
Oct 2014 · 608
You and I
Ramir Oct 2014
For our love is a tragedy.
Left me clinging unto memories
Drenched in the ideality
Of my self proclaimed idiocy

For I've only followed what I've believe was true
Set me wandering across the blue
Hard for me to believe what we shared was a lie
Made me never wanna believe again.
For those days we've thought was well spent
Didn't made much bearing in the end
Oct 2014 · 409
Ramir Oct 2014
As I stared at your brown eyes
I was mesmerized....
Surprised by your beauty inside and out,
That moment I've realized...
How you made all the pain and sadness subside.

You've brighten up my gloomy days
Made the misery fade away.
A sudden glimpse of your thought
I could never explain how badly I wanted you to stay

People say, Love is very hard to define.
How can you be so clueless?
When you've shown the meaning.
How it feels to fall..
In the right place, at the perfect time.
Oct 2014 · 862
Ramir Oct 2014
Came the time where I first saw you
Your smile like summer,
In that cold night's dim hue.
In a flash you're near me
We've hold hands together carelessly
I've never felt so free back then
Those days begun with you
As the darkness in my heart brighten

You gave me signs..
Which gave me reasons
Our time spent well, in heart's season
Euphoria is what I've felt
You've told me, you've felt the same.
The emotions were doubled
With the happiness gained.

Those were the good'ol days
Never had anything like it.
No matter how big or small
All I've felt is Bliss.
have I not seen through you?

— The End —