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Feb 2020 · 440
Angelina Feb 2020
I’m lucky
only I cross
the borders
of tangled
my mind, it’s -
messy, so messy, it will take eternity
cleaning it, carefully
but I’m scared
not to live my sacred fantasy

I’m happy
only I enter
the banter
of silent
my mind, it’s -
crazy, so crazy, it will take ages
treating it, slowly
but I’m scared
not to read my unique pages
Feb 2020 · 149
Angelina Feb 2020
if I build
an empire
the lands
it won’t matter
if I build
a boat
the seas
it won’t matter
when I shatter
and dust claims me
in timely manner
Feb 2020 · 138
Angelina Feb 2020
Beyond life’s frenzy
Lies a mystery
Competitive queues
Hiding the most valuable clues
Keys if you will
That unlock you and I’s potential
One that reveals itself wholly
When we devote ourselves to our inner crazy
Being discouraged to access
Fear of insufficiency
Leaks from our bones when we open our eyes
To invisible paintings of ourselves
Blindening is the light of adaptation
Shutting the door that holds our reason
The very inspiration that relates to our mission
Only a few sprints left
Until we complete the marathon of finding ourselves
Feb 2020 · 253
Angelina Feb 2020
You vibrate a certain warmth
Countless hours spent under the sun couldn’t deliver
It heals my heart
Knitting the pores that drowned me
Building a shield for it
Torn only at your presence
I don’t know if you can feel your brightness
Disguising my weaknesses
Your smile is my shelter
Protecting me from the world’s sinister
When the piles of doubt fill me
Your selflessness enlightens my consciousness
You seem to know me
The kind of recognition exceeding our bodies
A pair of eyes give birth from our conversing entities
A telescope burning time and tending to our queries
Feb 2020 · 329
Open door
Angelina Feb 2020
Once in a lifetime, if you’re lucky
You will stumble upon a human lacking all flaws
To you at least, resembling an angel, as if fallen
Only to be of service to your prayers, you have let go
Of the weights that pulled you below your needs
You see them, and the whole world disappears
An invisible door open only to you, you follow
The footprints they leave every step of the way
Arms embracing your deepest wounds, sealing them
With the notion of transferring your pain to them
Storing every drop of your mind in theirs, merging theirs
To the point where you have created a new mind of its own
An access point only crossed by the door with keys solely to you both
Feb 2020 · 180
Memories of Never
Angelina Feb 2020
There is
A door I open frequently
Paradise to many unknown
I live there often 
In imagination yet to be grown

There lies
A truth ever so strong
Euphoria unbound to present sight
I crave it in doses
Reality aims to provide
I live in memories I never lived.
Feb 2020 · 192
Angelina Feb 2020
I know a story
Once told
Loses its glory
I know a sound
Once spoken
Allows me to be found
Not too loud
Not too profound
Hardly, scary
I used to deem it
A child, lost in misery
Now, I am lost
Without it
With me
Now, I can see
Feb 2020 · 214
Angelina Feb 2020
How is one here
Presented with endless possibilities to explore
Days and days ahead of them to navigate
Through Earth’s greatest treasures
Yet at the same time they are not here
Instead focusing on the box assumed as habit
Worshipping paper to depend their experience on
Freedom engulfed by invisible barriers, fences
Borders striving to sustain what is unsustainable
And how is one here
Gifted breath from the early beginning  
Decorated with hope and ambition, love and protection
Nurtured in freedom to talk, and move
Yet at the same time they are not here
Placed behind a colorless cell
Imposed on them is a paper which determines them
Who they are, their whole being, wrapped up in the finger of a single sheet
How is one here
Dancing with the assumption of being a free
Yet jailed in the arms of a ruthless system
Feb 2020 · 136
Forever missing you
Angelina Feb 2020
Oxygen must envy you
Earning the title was such an easy task, you tried Chaining my airways, only to unlock to your sight
And you did, now decide

Mysterious force invading my territory, I cried
Saving my particles from depending on you, for breath
And I failed, now feel
The void that engulfs me since you left your wreath
Feb 2020 · 156
Hungry Eyes
Angelina Feb 2020
They need not share about the flames
Expanding within the constraints of their chests
Just the sounds of each other’s names
Are enough to feed the ferociousness
Stealing their competency and giving them
Two pairs of hungry eyes that indulge them
Feb 2020 · 153
Feel me
Angelina Feb 2020
Would it cost you much
To caress your duties away
Stop being in a rush
And listen to what your heart has to say?

Years are fragments of a drainage
Seeking to absorb our vision
Should we give priority to distraction
Or kiss the trophy of determination?

Our beings know no less than peace
Do you not feel a certain bliss
Lying in the arms of your bed
Who calls your soul to take over for the night?

It doesn’t beg to feel alive
For its endurance is eternal
It only asks for your hand to borrow
Merging with it to produce your grand renewal
Jan 2019 · 973
Sky’s Art
Angelina Jan 2019
Take a glance at the marine sky giving birth
To the commencement of the day
And tell me there isn’t a point in seeing its worth
Painting a canvas of endless serenity
Whilst enveloping an array of secrets
Focusing its task of provoking curiosity
Within who we are and who we are yet to be
Why don’t you observe the slight interruption
Of what seems to be
A gap entertained between lingering layers
A bridge between yesterday’s and tomorrow’s scheme
If this is not a light advocating for returning prosperity
I don’t know what is
Jan 2019 · 270
Inside my dream
Angelina Jan 2019
How enlightening is it to think
That our whole world can be altered in a single blink
Life as I knew sighted, now becomes vacant
Driven into an endless tunnel of mystery
Which gratifies my thirst at present
Eradicating any signal of reality
And instead
Focusing on my retained energy

And how easy is it to see
The close proximity between two worlds
One that surrounds me, and one that is within
Within my ability to create my own life, rather than merely live by it  
How wonderfully designated is the life I experience
Inside my dream
Oct 2018 · 2.4k
Angelina Oct 2018
Infinite amounts of definitions could not depict
The extent to which a structured norm
Is measured
Blindness adjoins clarity, while sight provokes vanity
It is an aspect unhindered, lacking certainty
A single word yet so many portraits
Drawn on the canvas of our linked pathways

If you ask me about beauty, don’t
For my lips would quiver nonsense to you, to me
The mass of the universe that surrounds our whole being
The endless rows of glimmering stars that speak to our vulnerable eyes
Or perhaps, the raging force of life that springs from within us

If you ask me about beauty, don’t
Because you would have to look at yourselves to see
The beaming smiles corresponding with velvet risings of cheeks
The abundance of glistening tears that have embodied those very same
And even, the flashing spark of joy which invites a feeling of utter content

If you ask me about beauty, don’t
Otherwise there would be an influx of sentiments towards
The prettiness of colored nature, steadiness of height-breaking hills
The calmness of the bare sound of waves crashing into an advocacy for peace
The building blocks of surroundings that determine you and me

So if you ever want to ask me about beauty,
Bare the consequences in mind
Just the elaborate thought of such a question
Could raise a plethora of reasonings
Aug 2017 · 2.2k
Angelina Aug 2017
Life, in a mannerism, they proclaim
Is fragile, untouchable, limitless, rather a chain
Life, the folks sing, as delightful and indescribable as it is, is only here to stay

I do not know where, I do not know why
But thoughts mingling within my nerves apply
A paradox of significance within the definition
Of the purposeful journey we call life

Albeit the good, we choose to focus rather unwisely
Precisely of course, over delusional mastery
Understanding only comes in hand when necessary
When it threatens our existence, calling Bravery

You see, humans as smart as we are perceived to be
Might as well be a laughing stock to the rest of the scene
What we value, we fail to pursue, what we preach, we fail to reach

Would it hurt to let go of Prejudice?
An individual who has been imagined by generations beforehand, woven by bits of uncertainty and; well, where is he?

Hold on, here comes another
Violence and Destruction stand on the porch
Should we let them in? Should we not?
They are there, ready, ready anytime temptation hits now

Humanity degrades what she has created
Humiliates what she has achieved, and criticizes her dignity
Worth has lost its value, hence wonder
What have we done to help save her?

Sense has lost all contact
With wicked games being played, selfish pact
Response no longer yearns for Suffering
Such that, we deceive our own sect

Where is Understanding when we need her?
A few doors down the street, go ahead and wake her
She has not heard from us for a while now
Last time we spoke, I reckon, was when our own path was in danger
Aug 2017 · 1.1k
Amidst Wander
Angelina Aug 2017
The more you seek the more you know
Whether it be in an upstate penthouse
Or a lavender tree surrounded bungalow
The mind, an unfathomable garden of planted scriptures, undefined.

The heart yelps, the voices blow  
Initiative galore of intriguing canvases follow
One does not see, one does not hear
But sense is beyond the limits of sorrow

I would like to see, I would like to hear
Albeit constant delusions of fear
Created to seek what's beyond the border
I rest in assurance, one day the tendency of denial won't wander
Dec 2016 · 871
It's true
Angelina Dec 2016
It's true, I must admit
He caught my eye, doubt I caught his
Drenched lips and maneuvering gestures
Lost in lust perhaps, wandering in bliss
Shimmering stars above reflecting
The sparkle in his eyes as he nodded
Lucid dreaming every day
Will he realize or will he not

Now I stand alluringly
Beside him, gazing
Fingers tangled
Hearts mingled, souls stringed
Sinews intrigued
My thoughts had topped all odds, I suppose
Nonetheless, it's true, I must admit, he caught my eye
And indeed I caught his
Angelina Aug 2016
To: Sarah Joyce Crimson*                                                     8th July 1943                                                  

A man in a gray suit has captured my heart, mother
Along with the tie, of course
Surrounding plants would've died
At his gaze and grace

Armored charm and wide toothed smile
His last name could've might as well been poise  
I don't know what it is about him, mother
But his gentle crinkled eyes certainly isn't  

His voice is as flattering as the lullaby you once sang
The tone itself symbolizes warmth and stability
Undiscovered treasure in the midst of all volumes
It is home I feel closest to when I catch a glimpse of it in my ear

I don't know whether to feel astonished or quivered
By all means, that'd be deemed as eerie
But you once said when a man one day turned my cheeks bright pink
It sure could only mean one thing

It is unreliably evident not to notice me blush
It is even more apparent not to notice his blunt stare
Sending chilly shivers down my spinal cords
Activating fondness I'd never in a million years imagine I'd sense

If only you were here to see for yourself
How proud I'd make you, indeed
You said one day I'll be able to marry, mother
Well, this day isn't as far planned as it once seemed  

                                                       ­               *From: Christine Louise Crimson
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Two worlds colliding
Angelina Aug 2016
His hands
My thighs
A combination of two worlds intertwined
Abiding by each millisecond to entice

His crystal eyes
My body
Allured, oh the stare that’s daunting

Sitting, untouched
Warm summer breeze
Lips compromised
Bodies emerging

My head
His chest
Speaking the unspeakable
It’s almost surreal to digest

Attached, don't want to let go
Extraordinary illusions undergo
Am mesmerized, am in awe
Oh darling, please carry on
Just a scene in my head...
Aug 2016 · 2.3k
Maybe in another universe
Angelina Aug 2016
Maybe in another universe are we all free
Maybe in another universe do we have our own will
Maybe in another universe do we tame sin and advocate prosperity
Maybe in another universe do we encourage diversity
Maybe in another universe do we differentiate based on morals and not plain ethnic variety
Maybe in another universe are we in control of our own minds, and bodies
Maybe in another universe do we think for ourselves rather than follow others' paths
Maybe in another universe are we not in denial of invisible surrounded hierarchy
That divides us.
That feeds us.
That maneuvers us.
That disables us.
That obtains us.
And proclaims us theirs.
Maybe in another universe...
Aug 2016 · 7.0k
Somewhere In This World
Angelina Aug 2016
Right now, as we speak, there's a little boy, aged five
Pushed aside on the corner of his mat, where he naps
His fingers are clenched onto shredded crumbs of bread
He managed to get his hands on this morning despite his mother's constant nags
About having to save the last few bits for his new born sister  
Ashes and rubble are his best friends ever since he can remember
Disturbance aches him no more
For everything he's ever known are dents  
He wouldn't know what the other side of the rainbow looks like, let alone both
For he's never encountered a rainbow during his yelps of pain
Pressure, abundance of destruction, humiliation
His innocent weeps never reach aid
He is now used to it
No more room to present emotion
For everything he's encountered will forever be frozen in time
He wouldn't know what peace is, ever
For contrarily that would be foreign to him
Therefore, somewhere in this world, silence takes over
This little boy whose whole life has been built on lies and disruption
Aug 2016 · 6.6k
How do I put it?
Angelina Aug 2016
How do I put it?
Your eyes
Crystal clear emeralds shielding utter mystery
I'm trying to find the words
To compete with your beauty
Bear with me for a while
Delights reflecting the sun rays
Incompetent habits of mine trying to serenade
Everything you've ever planted inside of me
Can't you see?
Oceanic pearls hidden under the sea
Driven wonders of destiny
I'm talking to you
No no,
The magnitude of astrology couldn't put into words
Your dazzling pair of stars glazing elegance  
Can't you see?
How you blind me...
Aug 2016 · 883
Somewhere Far Away
Angelina Aug 2016
"May I?" gestures the man's hand, sliding fingers with the love of his life.

"Take me" "Take me somewhere I'll forever disregard the absence of emptiness"
Mar 2016 · 403
Angelina Mar 2016
Eyes speak louder than lips

Tears speak louder than gestures
Mar 2016 · 3.0k
Angelina Mar 2016
Color, one word, thousands of references
It is an illusion, science perhaps may explain it
But people have utterly transformed its definition over the past decades
Is it pride? Is it wealth you carry within you once you are born precious yet so fragile?

Define it for me
Release the inner load of prejudiced assumptions
Passed down from generation to generation
Do not be afraid to speak your mind
For you are enlightening me
Go on, define it for me

Red, orange, blue and green
Purple, pink, white and colors we've already seen
Came in touch with, and accepted for what they seem
Whom we do not hesitate adoring, whilst waiting for what more of them there is to see

Colors, beautiful bundles of joy
Billions of them undiscovered
Yet willing to view
And yet unwilling to embrace one another solely because our skin tone is a shade darker, or a shade lighter?

I'm sorry, I thought we loved the thought of not having to unlock our gates to gardens full of plain, light pigmented roses
There's got to be the darker pigmented ones, and the yet to blossom ones
The ones that are yet to be labeled
By humanity's impaired vision
Mar 2016 · 933
The rusty mirror
Angelina Mar 2016
One, two, three... pop
Pimples, all gone
Brush, brush, brush... swift
Any more imperfections to hide? Nope, all clear

Now tell me mirror, is it pureness that you see?
For this is not me, nor what I intend to be
Watching me grow from dauntless to wanting to appear so dear
Oh how I wish I could polish the years of society's willingness to rule me so utterly
Its' footsteps stomping its' way down my back, still, I persevere...

Tell me mirror, does it hurt?
Does it hurt witnessing me go all the way from oh so untethered to oh no, petrified of every little flaw?
Does it hurt viewing my eyes water as I double-check just to make sure?
To make sure no living soul feels intimidated by natural flaw?
If so, does it tare you little by little inside?

Forced to look me in the eye, whilst the words 'not good enough' appear on my forehead
Does it **** you more more inside as you grow old, glass getting rusty, not being able to tell me how beautiful in fact I am?
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
Feelings like dust
Angelina Mar 2016
Love is in the air they say
It is invisible to one's curious desire
But when I looked into your eyes, dazzled
It was then, my gut's feeling I surrendered

But those were the good old days, my love
See the soul may in fact change
It simply does not live by the same ol' rebellious heart, as it has grown old
Feelings like dust, attitude like grain

It pains me to say I've moved on
Found a brand new pair of crystal blue eyes to gaze in awe
A new pair of hands that are there to save me
I did not fail to find a pair of lips that are surely nice to look at
Although I must admit they do resemble yours

So if I happen to be floating in your mind driven ocean for a while now
I have moved on, for feelings are just as sensitive as dust
You sweep 'em, you lose 'em
After all, one gets tired of the same old, same old

— The End —