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who wants to know
the exact day one will die?
(not I, not I, says the fly to the spider)  
but she tells me, this crooked old lady
from a dream…

she circles me, prods me
with bony fingers, ogles me
through blue blinking eyes, her mouth
curling in curious, curdled smile  

you will be here a while--you have
until you are seventy-five years plus a day  
how do you know this? mostly in your eyes, she says  
but they are not red, from lack of sleep, I protest, and
my blood numbers are grand, all within those blessed ranges
still red, she says, and being duly desiccated
by wily winds you do not control  

but I still climb mountains, I proclaim
and look for Ponce De Leon’s fountains? she asks  
why do you argue with me, in this liquid world
of sleep, for I am thee, and you
are me    

when I awake,
I know not where she went
or from whence she came, but woefully
I concede, the old lady, and this teller of tales
are one and the same
sometimes a dream is just a dream
Your coy movements wave at the world's end.

Stuck within the hinge of a tear dollop,
Your form dances in and out of focus.
Emerging like acquainting whispers,
You are the unkept secret tucked away.

My mind barks orders to produce an image.
Gears hardly churn like chewing stale gum.
The very idea seems intruding,
Rendering your features would be rewarding.

Avoiding the gaze that may morph to a glare,
Foolishly scared like a cherry red kid.
Confidence regained, paralysis sustained.
My actions are planned and assembled.

Beneath my brow, muscles flex, tendons stretch;
My eyes become the second hand's twitch.

I turn to you already turned to me.
Thee Artiste Carvó's "Fumility"*

I am a tróubled Tróll, yes I be
draped in bonds of turgid fumility
endowed with a mind's inanity!
Indeed, I fantasize the glóry of Thee
floating like a cork in lunacy
at the edges of the dredges of futility!
But then, as I hallucinate visions of greatness in I and me,
the Vóices come, singing fóllies of my destiny
buzzing in my head like a bumblebee!
The mystic maggóts envelop the I, the fartistic see
birdies tweet to coo coos in the jujube tree  
while the lónely Lóg swims in I and Thee,
counting buttons, deviant in insanity!

Some souls are just simply shallower than others. There is no shame in recognizing I's ówn drabness, and appreciating the bóredóm Thee'self has unleashed upon the world. When Thee writes crap about the greatness of I, Thee is displaying I's disappointment for I's lack of gifts...
Would you yourself not feel pity for the finest fartist alive?

Original ('Humility') by:      Thee Artiste aka Logbrain Crappó
Reworked by:    CrE aka Trollminator
This is the fifth in a series of reconstructions of the drivel of "Thee Artiste" aka Logbrain Crappó which has been previously posted on HP.

True, nothing could possibly make Thee's mindless nonsense less lousy, but at least it can be put into a neater, though still steaming, pile...
these horns, these horns, they weigh me down
they extend like branches towards the sun
and my head is forced to face the asphalt
while I never get to see the rushing headlights

my shadow is sewn to the soles of my sneakers
feet slowly being molded to cloven hooves
as I tip toe through then new year silverdust snow
to feed my few remaining stray familiars

I still live behind the old car wash
so there isn't going to be an inspirational landscape
only drunken demi-gods, dollars falling on deaf ears,
and a cutlass ciera in need of a catalyic converter

inev idiv iciv
Your colors are so heavy, how dare I, I cannot sleep. Years inundated under, through skin coils, marigold fields. Yellow crocuses, orange California poppies. Moors of cattle ranchers, yokes of oxen. Plasticine uber-confidence, silky white-skinned testubular thrice people harmonies. Blisses of contagion, contagious bliss. Wrists and incisors, tying down in a bedroom, waking up to live harps and choruses. You dance like you're so alive, but I'm so alive I can't dance. Or breathe. Or knead my fists of earthen wears, or sell my soul completely. I drove off a cliff last night, but the four foot fall ended neatly. The plateau authors my chance to sew my bright, beyond- my fortunes. But the hour before I fall asleep, seems to be the greatest torture.
I've been sleeping all day
and all night lately.
dreaming of fire escapes,
to save myself
from a burning reality.
my waking consciousness
is a box on your doorstep
but clearly the label
has been overlooked,
the box under-appreciated.
damaged and dilapidated,
I am reminded of something
my mother used to say.
"what doesn't **** you
makes you stronger"
but in these

what doesn't **** me,
simply makes me wish
it had.
 Dec 2014 petuniawhiskey
 Dec 2014 petuniawhiskey
Throw me a line

I don't care if it rhymes

As long as it tickles
my posterior cingulated cortex

Spin me a vortex of spells

Yarn me a tale

Take me to heaven
or your own personal hell

Mesmerise me
with your poemetry.
r ~ 12/20/14
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