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35.2k · Dec 2014
Poetic Seduction
Poetry by MAN Dec 2014
This Poetic Seduction
Will be fulfilling its function
Building up to an eruption
Pure ****** destruction
Lets play..All night and day
Wont be sleeping anyway
Exploring shades of grey
Rock and roll you in the hay
Dom to your Submission
Set up every position
Tie you up bring pleasure is my mission
Hair yank feel the spank
Pledge to respect and thank
Cheeks turn red
Ultimate pleasure in your head
Ease in just a tease
Pound you as I please
Have you on hands and knees
Show you the world of D/s
Lubricate your gate
Feel my tongue vibrate
Like a spell you levitate
Savor this moment we create
Room steaming..Bodies start creaming
Reality shifts wonder if you are dreaming
Theater of thought supplies the word production
Scenario set for this Poetic Seduction...
M.A.N 12-9-14 I wrote this for my Scorpio *** blog..♏
33.4k · Mar 2014
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
A Beauty you are out and within
I have an insatiable desire to write poetry on your skin
Your body my canvas feel my gentle brush
Writing ******* with my ****** touch
Cinnamon lips I love your tone
Soft and silky to the bone
Finding my guide
As we connect I come inside
Filling each other..there's no strain
Steady my thoughts I must maintain
Watching my penmanship using a steady stroke
I start hallucinating from my mental smoke
Sends me into a frenzied flow
I'll find my pace..go on a roll
My words soak in as you taste
My emotions invade your inner space
Down from your toes..Up to your eyes
Writing Haikus between your thighs
Poetry on your body every inch
You start writhing from my Scorpion pinch
Sinfully venomous my words forever sink
Into your skin my poetic tattoo ink
As you lay naked I visually feast
Every line of your body a masterpiece..
M.A.N 3-7-14 One of my favorites I really enjoyed writing this poem..^_*  ♏
23.2k · Dec 2013
Poetry by MAN Dec 2013
I just wanna make you wet
Rub my **** on your **** till that ***** fire is lit
Feel my breath on your skin as we begin
I am sin I will win
Passion spills from within
Let me fill
I am real my hard **** will thrill
Undo your seal with my drill..inhibitions I ****
Let us ****..It is what we were created to do
Me and you..feel my ***** when I'm inside of you
Kiss your lips
Lick your neck
**** positioned and set
Slide deep inside wetness my guide
As we the sound..grunting while I wiggle it around
Find your spot..make it hot...squirming from my ****
Let it go from your soul..lose total control
Feel you gush..As I crush your ******* rush
I am lust you can trust..till I turn to dust
Created to **** ******* I must....
12-29-13 M.A.N Here is my second ****** poem enjoy! What can I say I'm a ****** Scorpio.♏
23.1k · Feb 2014
Black Rose
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
Black Rose sweet Demon bud
A kiss from a Vamp with the taste of blood
Emotionless hearts infused with desire
Intoxicating lust sets us on fire
Exposed skin..Reveals our sin ..As we dig in
I tie you up..You go down..Feel my whip..Wrap around
Call me Dom..You my Sub
Wearing your body like a glove
Drop your disguise..Through your eyes..See this devil rise
No surprise angels cry when I enter your thighs
In the realm of our imagination together we flow
****** stroke mental poke entering you slow
Is there Beauty in the Darkness? I suppose...
My Bloom under the moon my Black Rose..
M.A.N 1-27-14 inspired by CR friend Vampskiss
22.3k · Jun 2013
Family Affair
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
One Family united as one
The Father, Mother Daughter and Son
In unity we can set things right
In the darkness be the guiding light
Keep your heart open
Keep hoping
The Family be the truth to all lies spoken
We have the tools set it straight
I can't wait to see the date
We all can relate
Not to hate
A Families love
Black,White our blood is both red
ONE PEOPLE ONE WORLD we must move ahead
We can do it
Take a moment show someone you care
To get it together for..
Written in the 90's M.A.N.
20.3k · Mar 2014
Wake Up
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Wake up Mi Amor..enjoy the Days to Come
Life isn't a sprint it's a marathon run
Hold yourself together through the good and bad
As we ride the roller coaster of happy and sad
Emotions like the weather here comes a storm
Take shelter in my heart I'll keep you warm
We can take a trip..don't worry about money
Lounging on the beach..I'll feed you when you're hungry
A picnic for two with a good bottle of wine
You can relax read a book as the day unwinds
Refills of morning affection overflows your cup
Clear your daze..Feel my gaze..Baby it's time to wake up..
M.A.N 3-25-14 Just a fun a way to wake up loved one..;)
17.7k · Aug 2014
Kiss Goodnight
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
This my Kiss Goodnight.. I do adore
The way I want to give you more
To fill all your empty space
Every part of you I wish to taste
Spiritual connection between our minds
Is solid...will pass the test of time
My soul a shadow with you every day
Strong at heart I know you'll stay
Rest your head my sleepy Queen
Feel me in your ****** dreams
Pounding you with all my might
My wish you feel this Kiss Goodnight...
M.A.N 4-23-14
14.7k · Oct 2014
Suck My Vibe
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
Go ahead **** my Vibe
Whip swings side to side
To your middle I will dive
Penetrate..take a ride
DOM..instruct you what to do
Vibrate you with my tool
Head spins as we *****
Wetness in you starts to drool
Submissive are many souls
Dominate fill their holes
Spanking one of many tolls
Hand print red starts to glow
***** love a part of me
Its sweet embrace my destiny
******* Tantric for eternity
Leave you laying blissfully..
M.A.N 10-2-14 Free flow poem for my ***-****** scorpio blog...♏
12.1k · Jun 2013
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
I move through life like swimming in the sea
Many a storm has battered me
Waves of destruction I've managed to outrun
It's like I was created to overcome
My stories are many I'll let time tell
How I went to sleep in Heaven woke up in Hell
Choices gain voices some cause more pain
Standing trial with a smile I still remain
A young boy who dreamed a future bright
Staring into space embracing the darkness of night
Solitude my lover we raised hell
Became a monster amongst demons I did dwell
No limit I took it to the brink
Heart so dead all I did was drink
Drowned that boy did my best to destroy
Used and played discarded like a toy
Shadows of me lay in the past
Here we go again will this new me last?
Lessons learned I feel no doubt
Can only play the cards as they're dealt
All is fun till you're staring down a gun....
One of many things I had to overcome....
6-22-13 M.A.N
11.9k · Feb 2014
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
You want ******* well here I ***
I'll be the trigger to make those ***** juices run
**** with your lips I wanna eat you like a peach
Take you to Hawaii and ******* on the beach
Friction from my licking up and down your ****
Hand full of **** as you grab my ****
My **** starts leaking lusting for your ***** fire
Sixty nine every time let me lick your desire
Exploring every inch of your body and skin
Oops I missed a spot let me do it again
Juices are a flowing I love how you taste
Suction sporadic as my **** enters your face
Bodies in sync I'm feeling all your lust
Making you *** with my tongue is always a must
Your ***** my playground watch me swing
You can play too, here play on my ding a ling
Pulling your hair while I nibble on your neck
As I position your ***** umm so wet
My **** on your **** up and down sideways rubbing you
Begging to be entered, so I do, now I'm ******* you
***** gripping my **** doesn't want to let it go
As we play tug of war in and out your ***** hole
Deep inside you I'm feeling your ***** walls
As I ****** in and out you feel my flapping *****
Finding your G spot oh there it is
Your ***** bubbles up and begins to fizz
Pounding on your ***** turn you around like a dog
*** up in the air ******* you into a fog
My poking keeps stroking as you *** on my ****
Writhing up and down bouncing on my stick
Intertwined in our minds ******* at the same time
Staring in each others eyes while our pleasure climbs
Taboo sextasy with you I'll commit every sin
When we are done turn around and do it again..
M.A.N 2-1-14
Poetry by MAN Jul 2013
cold blooded adapter smooth in its capture, venomous to those caught in its rapture
ultimate evolver unique in every state, to cocoon and assimilate into a new creature at such a fast rate
lifter of the heavy, for the weak there are plenty, paver of new roads that bring prosperity to many
soft to the touch we all wanna pet usually are to fast for anyone to get
plentiful is the swine for weak is their mind created for slaughter what a sad lifetime
all I can think is Mexican radio a snake with legs smoking **** in 80's videos
a bird who cannot fly makes me wonder why such a big bird won't even try


over time becoming content living in a situation not originally meant
submits to authority biding time as a follower till own goals become priority
slow rumble from the soul an intimidating stare with a glow, with a Grrr! everyone will know
M.A.N 7-14-13 trying something different with mind associations. The Dog is my Eastern Zodiac sign I was very intrigued when I read qualities  I will also be doing Scorpio next. I just added Scorpio and changed title these are my two astro signs I'm still going to do a stand alone Scorpio with a dark twist stay tuned. Funny side note I'm writing these associations and can do them all day while I'm in LA with family waiting to be seated at a Chinese restaurant Din Tai Fung in Arcadia CA ;)
9.9k · Apr 2014
Spiritual Crush
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
When I look at you I want to touch
Sends my imagination into a Spiritual crush
I'm more than a dream my words make me real
When I come will feel
Passionate fingers touching every part
From top to bottom..Now let me start
Lay on your back my exploration goes deep
Passion so hot you can feel the heat
Legs up in the air if you dare
Exposed to me without a care
Tell me which way you want me to go?
I can do more than fast and slow
Lost in the motion of your thighs
Mounting your body I look in your eyes
Locked in a gaze penetrating your soul
Start with a rhythm then out of control
Ravishing writhing feeling every delight
Mercilessly pounding while your bottom lip I bite
Plundering your treasure in every single measure
Reaping rewards of ultimate pleasure
My Fairy tale Queen wicked with lust
Eating your pie along with the crust
Like royalty we lay satisfied from our feast
Successfully taming our inner ****** beast
My words of fantasy has you feeling this touch
Poetic kisses for the lips of my Spiritual Crush..
M.A.N 3-31-14
9.0k · Jan 2015
Poetry by MAN Jan 2015
Let me love you unique
Vibrate your soul when I speak
Open up..Go deep
Together discover our peaks
Lost..No I've been found
Tie you up eat you bound
Groans of pleasure love the sound
Tongue starts tracing all around
Flurry of kisses feel my lips
Up your thigh between your hips
Go ahead give me tips
Instruct me while I do my dips
Deep inside I can feel
Parts of you didn't know was real
Swallow me like a pill
I'll eat you like my favorite meal
Writhing from my playful munch
Arching backs in a hunch
Round for round feel my punch
Have you ******* in a bunch
Welcome to ******* State
Now it's time to penetrate
Slamming on your pearly gate
Spring a leak start to shake
Hold on tight to my muscles
Toss you about we will tussle
All your feathers I will ruffle
Our parts connect complete the puzzle
Words aren't needed when bodies speak
To play adult games mind can't be weak
For all out there who look to seek
Bear witness to this love "Unique"..
M.A.N 1-7-15  Another page for my **** Scorpio book vibrate  rhymes ****** thoughts is what I cook.♏
8.6k · Jun 2013
Dawn Of A New Age
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
Welcome to the dawn of a new age
Open up the book turn the page
Excel to a higher degree
Understand the evolution of humanity
Back on track showing I don't lack
Doing what I do to make you react
Lets take a trip through my mind
A poetic M.A.N is what you find
Who has the answers?
Let's ask the questions
It is as if no one is even paying attention
To money which was created by man
It separates people
Are you starting to understand?
It's a trap set by death it wont stop
Till we breath our last breath
Hmm that's right!!
Not even death is free
"Money" is the maker of poverty
Overpopulation, segregation a messed up nation
Puts us on a path of mass annihilation
Wartime, see the battles rage on
Is it hatred
Or a politicians song?
Time and space
The final frontiers
Bombs explode people run in fear
Cultures wiped out to the future they are unknown
Aliens from space invade our home
Pledge allegiance to a flag
Whatever may wave which ever they have
Science is it fiction or fact?
Sometimes it is hard to believe all that
Who will do it?
Who will find the answers?
Prophets fall but not from cancer
GOD? Thee almighty one
Spoke to us on earth through his son
Whether you agree or disagree
The intention was to save humanity
Who will stand up?
Who will be the one?
To bring about change without firing a gun?
Every generation builds off the back of the last
Truths ignored dooms us to repeat our past..
2013  M.A.N
8.3k · Apr 2014
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
I long to Touch you
I close my eyes and feel
What is a touch?
Is it a feeling that's real?
Unless we hold each other forever in time
A touch becomes a memory that is left behind
Some we hold onto
Some we destroy
A tingle in the mind
A moment of joy
Is intimacy our purpose?
Through life we all rush
Holding onto to emotions we can never touch...
M.A.N 4-1-14
7.0k · Aug 2013
Morning Wood
Poetry by MAN Aug 2013
Raised in California grew up in the hood
It’s where I first discovered my morning wood
***** I did detect became my *** ***
Creating what looked like a perfect tee ***
Didn't understand I was very young
I would play Cowboys and Indians with it just for fun
Till one day I saw my first pair of ****
Looked at my pants I was hard and stiff
Pop’s ******* magazines laid around for fun?
I’m a ****** Scorpio I figured out how to ***
The girls noticed me knew I was wild
Would grabby feel me up I was no longer a child
My **** is like a clock keeping time like it should
My sunrise with a surprise My Morning Wood!
8-31-13 M.A.N
6.4k · Jul 2014
♏.A.N of Peace
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
I bring my guns
Still a MAN of peace
My love evolves..I become a ****** beast
Yes I feast..insert my piece
Pop it in the West
Have you ******* in the East
*** Bandit..Alien from a ***** planet
My Rocket plug your socket inside I land it
Scorpio..Smoke you sexually till I'm ******
Slave to my sting you are about to get owned
Hey how ya doing may be wondering who I am
Just a poet who can flow it lay you down then slam
My tongue leave you sprung
Pound you like a drum
Glad you came.. Cause you are about to ***
Hum Hum yum yum I'm all about fun
Play all day still I'm not done
This poetry beast will have his feast
Lay you on table penetrate your crease
******* energy of the Tantric kind
Simultaneous explosion *** of the mind
There will be no stop for I cannot cease
Another chapter unfolds for this M.A.N of peace
M.A.N 7-18-14 I wrote this for my *** blog..It has been awhile since I posted a **** poem most are too raw for this site oh well I enjoy writing them..♏
5.4k · Mar 2015
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Exquisite..Unique become what you seek
What is complete? How deep is the deep?
Experience the moment..It's you..Own it!
Fractals..Vibrations I'm just one component
These words of love shoot from my soul
Penetrates..fills all hatreds holes
Power in my rhymes Shaman twisting time
Read you by sign put you in these lines
I can see all the mental smoke
Instigator here to stab and poke
Give my all till I'm broke
All my passion hits in one big stroke
My vibe comes alive in every word it survives
If we elevate each other we all will thrive
You there asleep come alive
Far too long we have all been denied
Vibrate till I turn to dust
Never taste the center eat my crust
In rhymes I full I bust
Flow so fluid I'll never rust
Now I can be flashy..tell a tale
Not a one hundred percent sometimes I fail
Pierce my heart with a rusty nail
Darkness takes over but love prevails
Imagination stretch..memorize every turn  
Set fire to your mind feel the burn
Knowledge from pain is how we learn
Balance will reward you with what you earn
Wisdom doesn't flow from all that speak
Truths are hidden which is why we seek
We all must climb to reach your peak
Creates who we are..Exquisite...Unique!!
M.A.N 3-18-15 I performed this in a slam competition on 3-14-15 in Visalia Cali..♏️
5.4k · Mar 2014
Freestyle 3-13-14
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
I use this as a writing tool
A freestyle flow to see me through
I am just a simple M.A.N
Filled with complicated sand
Sifting through a hourglass
I see the future in my past
Feeling pain from my joy  
I can create to destroy
What is special? What is new?
False is fake but what is true?
Gather moments I've collected
Seen only from my own perspective
Words the fruit..I am the tree
All is still a part of me
So go ahead take a bite
Feel my soul as I write
These words to help me understand
As I walk this path..lay a plan
Take you to another place
Where no one is trying to win the race
Sister and Brother stand hand and hand
My imagination can create that land
A mighty river runs from my soul
Providing me with my freestyle flow....
3-13-14 M.A.N Just me having fun letting off poetic steam..^_*
5.3k · Mar 2015
Love You Unique
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Let me Love You Unique
From soles of your feet
Kiss you so deep
Juices so sweet
I can be true
Show you the new
Much we can do
Just me and you
Majestic you are
Burn like a star
Close when I'm far
On my skin like a scar
Lay by my side
Slip then I glide
Collisions inside
Create our own ride
We can be freaks
Be what you seek
Equation complete
When I Love You Unique...
M.A.N 3-11-15 I wrote this awhile back I did an edit on it today here's latest version..♏️
4.7k · Jun 2013
Running in a Circle
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
Here we go again
Just you and I
Running in a circle I just keep wondering why
We play these games
With no shame
I was the one who took the first look
You never saw my face
I was so out of place
your lips I wanted to taste.
I finally caught your eye
I wasn't an average guy
Fates intertwine as the circle starts to connect
Like the infinity sign my love for you forever set
To keep running in a circle I just keep wondering why....
6-25-13 M.A.N
4.5k · Feb 2014
My Darkness..
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
My Darkness is what makes me
I embrace let it taste me
Down to the abyss
Death my favorite wish
Naturally a killer
Life is just a filler
I hold the cards what should I deal you
So dark feel me wicked
See a knife I want to twist it
Sadist or ******* either way I am gifted
You will never see me
You can even be me
My Darkness seeps into the scenery
Serial killer nah I'm much ill-er
My Darkness is primal I am a sealer of fate  
Death Note set the date
Allow me to demonstrate
Villain mastermind
What I am can't be defined
Dark so lovely go ahead try mug me
Eyes behold what's beautiful is ugly
Call me a sinner I'm not a beginner
We can play a game there is no winner
So let My Darkness take you
Devour remake you
Heaven will never miss
The devil in my kiss...♏
4.5k · Sep 2014
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
I'm your Shiva feel my love
Wear my spirit like a glove
For my Goddess I will melt
Illuminate till I'm felt
In your body brews a storm
*** inside keep you warm
Every inch of you is fascinating
Hold your stare as I'm penetrating
You are divine feel my devotion
Explosive with every motion
From our bodies spills a potion
Lubricating just like lotion
Tasty is your elegance
Choose me make me relevant
To worship every inch of thee
Ravish taste you Spiritually
I am hard..I will grind
Do it fast take my time
Command me do as you wish
Cook for you your favorite dish
On the table or on the floor
Bend you over feel me some more
Seduction tastes a lot like sin
Spoils satisfying  like a win
Bodies battle at the core
Spectacular is our ****** war
Pledge allegiance to my Queen
Feel this Shiva in your dreams
M.A.N 9-30-14 Oh just some fantasy poetry..
4.5k · Jun 2013
Destiny's Wrath
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
Why is it sometimes we force our love?
Is it in our nature to push and shove?
Forcing our will upon our obsessions and desires
Chances burning up like a funeral pyre
I know, I've been down that path
Its riddled with lovesick fools who never did their math
You need to stop it!!
It will never work
All your doing is multiplying the hurt
For "True Love" from the beginning is true
Nothing anybody or anything one can do
Destiny will always find its path
It's laid with broken hearts that felt its wrath....
6-27-13 M.A.N
4.4k · Nov 2014
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Caught in rapture from your Witchy spell
Balanced emotions have gone to Hell
Was careful but I still fell
Kiss me please I won't tell
Immune I thought these Wizard lips
Enchanted by those Witchy hips
In your valley I will dip
Releasing magic from my fingertips
I must've drank your Witches brew
Thoughts of you makes me drool
On my mind is only you
Doing things I'd never do
I too am dark I share the night
My magic hasn't reached its height
Bring the spark I will ignite
Full potential of this Wizards might
We can ride on your broom
Our silhouette tattoos the moon
For black cat there is room
Cross our path meet your doom
I'll run the West you run the East
Draw the signs..Mark the beast
I'll be War..You be Peace
All feel our power when this spell unleashed..
M.A.N 11-24-14 "Wizard of Word" is I..Magical flow "Poetry till I die!"♏
4.4k · Dec 2015
Spark Me
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spark Me! Match my flame
Be warned when we burn up I will remain
Scars create patterns unique the stain
Suffering from pleasure transforming pain
Spontaneously combust exposing trust
Create a new definition of touch
All fantasies we can discuss
Tickle imagination till you gush
Harmonize sing ride emotional swing
Sparked no limit to what I bring
Bell goes ding watch me do my thing
Take flight fly high without wings
Extend beyond flesh personalities mesh
Pass every test with answers I am blessed
Been on many quests battled to the next
Phoenix heart explodes from my chest
Spark me! Don't get burned by ego's fire
Start with tongue..taste lips..vocal tone you admire
Stoke my flames..soul's dance in pyre
Set mark provide spark lets take it higher..
Poetry by M.A.N 12-16-15
4.1k · Aug 2014
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
Tell me your secrets
Let me be your desire
Melt into each other
Burn in passions fire
Tantric touching
Position bodies hunching
Tongue my guide
Feel me inside
Smooth as I slide
Face  a roller coaster ride
Treasures need a map to find
Inside you buried is mine
*** can be a naughty thing
If body is all you choose to bring
Tease me tell me I can't touch
Fuels me..till our bodies crush
Crumbles my heart of stone
Exposed I am a M.A.N of bone
Incomplete pieces gone
Inside you I was all along
******* energy flowing strong
Stroke you short.....feel me long
Built up to a mighty swing
Infinite love is what I bring
Every ****** a new height
Scorpio sting feel my bite
Wrap around hold on tight
Focused energy hitting it right
Frictions heat all is felt
Becoming one as we melt...
M.A.N 7-7-14
4.0k · Oct 2014
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
So much words I want to say
Emotions build every day
For true love I did pray
Now I've found it I'm blown away
Battled for you throughout time
Won every fight to make you mine
In the world of you and I
We hold each other until we die
For you I do..I do not try
You are the answer to question why
With you there is no one else
Inside you I lose myself
When I look upon your soul
Fills me like an empty hole
Inside you I want to grow
Every day I'll let you know
Touch me feel our destiny
Kiss me taste eternity
In your eyes live inspiration
Soothes our souls of devastation
Words hit deep feel *******
In each other our Destination..
M.A.N 10-17-14
4.0k · Aug 2014
Make You...
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
I love to make you ***
Bodies beat like a drum
Nails sink into skin
Out of control adult fun
Shame not to taste you
Use you wont waste you
Eat you like a peach
Ultimate pleasure you will reach
On your knees I will teach
First step you must follow
Open mouth you may swallow
Filled with cream..What did ya think it was hollow?
Juicy like a berry
Pop went that Cherry
Stretch..bump..collide...middles marry
You will get messy
Which makes you more ****
Get you all wet next time you text me
Writhing from my venom begging to be stung
Scream more from every pore when I make you ***..
M.A.N 8-27-14 I wrote this for my *** blog...I hope I don't lose too many followers..I have a variety of styles I enjoy writing..this is just one of them..♏
3.8k · Mar 2015
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Is that an Echo? I hear someone talking back
Is it me? Have I begun to crack?
Heart break memories I have stacks
So tell me "Echo" what do I lack?
Adventure..more games..unique...yet all the same
Maybe its me..Happiness I try to maintain..
To only feel love in moments of hate
Set fire to surroundings as I instigate
Scorpion tail swings..Who did I devastate?
Poison transformed new energy we create
Like a ball toss it to me..
This ball can transcend multiple realities
What you see have no regret..You'll get back what you spent
Memories squat pay no rent..In your head sit like an Elephant
To much pressure no more room
Echo roars back with a sonic boom
Melodic devastating is the tune
Every wolf on the planet howls at the moon
So tell me echo what you think about that?
Can you match me wit for wit..always come back?
Beyond the mirror..see the cracks..
Read scars share stories of many attacks
Stay with me Echo..ugh..Please remain..
Add to my voice when it begins to..strain
Feel my every loss with you I gain
Mimic my heart..Oh Echo..Share the pain..
M.A.N  3-24-15 I performed this poem in a slam competition on 3-14-15...
3.8k · Jun 2013
Cyberspace Soul
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
I sit alone in my cyberspace home, king of my universe on my internet throne, searching through threads for my cyberspace queen, born in a fantasy, died in a dream, reality on the horizon through a sea of doubt, my cyberspace soul dissipates when my user logs out....
6-13-13 M.A.N
3.7k · Mar 2014
Freestyle Flow
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Sun an eternal flame
Burning up my mental strain
Incinerating my self doubt
Release it..Um let it out
Normally I don't give a ****
A Scorpio M.A.N is what I am
Venomous when I sting
Most can't handle what I bring
Emotions come in many phases
Draw a map..navigate the mazes
Some days I'm dark I sing the blues
Emotions there for me to use
Transforming them with my magic touch
I feel them hit me in a rush
When in tune I'm like a song
So with these words I babble on
Just begun so watch me grow
Flooding minds with my Freestyle Flow..
M.A.N 3-25-14 My Freestyle flow keeps me from getting blocked I write these just for fun..♏
3.7k · Apr 2014
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
For you I want to look my best
A suit wears a M.A.N to impress
Fresh hair cut..beard nicely trimmed
Designer cuff links I'm in it to win
Ring your door open the door
Bouquet of flowers from ceiling to floor
Fulfilling fantasies make love to your mind
No words spoken could ever define
Take you out dancing you are my Queen
Conquering your desires to become your King
Hold you close caressing your skin
Make your heart flutter from my Devilish grin
Leaving memories on your body as I touch
Forget about time there is no rush
No limit..providing endless inspiration
Passion boils bodies dripping perspiration
Tangled tongues twisting tasting ecstasy
Discovering we share a destiny
My duty to my lady on good manners I stand
Rest your head on the chest of this Gentleman...
M.A.N 4-22-14 ♏.
3.7k · Nov 2014
What You Mean To Me
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
I'm going tell you what you mean to me
I want to swim in your divinity
Emotions flow in unity
Creating our reality
You would be my only wish
Eat you like my favorite dish
Raw or cooked just like fish
******* wisdom like Ganesh
In darkest night be my sight
Battles for you I would fight
Overcome an Army for my true treasure
Heaven or Hell has no measure
Pain I feel me pleasure
Will worship you at your leisure
Soul reflects in your eyes
Forever Impaled between your thighs
As energy we begin to rise
You and I super size
Simple in our complexity
Illuminated for all to see
Acquired this ability
To tell you What You Mean to Me..

11-5-14 M.A.N
3.7k · Oct 2013
Into Your Eyes
Poetry by MAN Oct 2013
Feeling your body is just not enough
I need to feel your soul as well as your touch
Kissing your neck I feel your body tremble
Feasting on flesh our bodies become nimble
Exploring lust soaring I wanna know every inch
Taste your juices body writhing while your ******* I pinch
Pleasure I want to measure with my love stick
As it disappears into your mouth so hard and thick
Motion like the ocean chaotic and wild
I'm a farmer you are a field now let me plow
Into your lust bring an ******* rush
No limit to pleasure as our bodies crush
Rhythmically doing our own ****** dance
As we discover new ways to make our love advance
****** fun becomes one as I fill up your thighs
Juices run feel me *** as I look into your eyes...
10-30-13 M.A.N I have been experimenting with ****** poetry I have quite a few I have written but they are *** rated I wonder if they will ban me if I post them?
3.7k · Mar 2015
Morning Kisses
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Wake you every day with kisses all over your body
As we lay..cuddle...Hmm we start to feel naughty
Play a game of footsies under the sheets
Probing bodies strobing generating heat
Tickle your me where it feels good
As sure as Sun rises so does my morning wood
Juices flow..******* wet
Anticipating pounding you are about to get
Massaging thighs staring deep in eyes
Inhibitions fly nothing we don't try
Comfort between us there is no fear
Nibble whisper **** talk in your ear
Bodies connect perfect piece of a puzzle
Sip slow at first then take a big guzzle
Pleasure pulsates vibes run through body
Touch you in places where signal is spotty
Caressing scars hit maximum bars
Stroke for stroke till seeing stars
Passion strums like a song that's sung
Twisting..tasting..tangled tongues
Birds and Bees..Smoking trees
Buck with every shot push to last drop
Contort vibrate from ******* shock
****** rubbed right grant all your wishes
Mine to wake you everyday with Morning Kisses..
M.A.N 2-3-15 I wrote this one for my **** blog..Here is a bonus line I didn't use cause its cheesy.^_* Cook you food do the dishes as long as I can have your Morning kisses..♏️
3.6k · Dec 2015
Spell Is Broken
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spell is broken
Magic words were spoken
Gone is the hoping
Transformation in coping
Witchy eyes mesmerize
Truth spoken in lies
Undercover like spies
Today delusion dies
Now I must be mad
To want what's sad
Experiment with the bad
Sparks talent that I have
Who's the spell caster?
What makes one a master?
Some fail faster
Document moment of disaster
Love me cruelly
Intoxicated truly
Cursed..I long foolishly
Venus energy unruly
None can ever have me
Many want me badly
Love I give madly
Doesn't have to end sadly
Must've been broken
Before spell was spoken
Art wide open
Commence with scoping
Its all an understanding
Of what we are commanding
May crash before landing
Done with delicate planning
I'm a vibrational hub
Radiate unconditional love
Same below as above
Wrap souls with this hug
These words of magic blows all away
Deflect Spells of hate every day
Enter the game if you choose to play
We all live our lives in our own way
So light me up..Take this token
Potent I become when I'm smoking
Dive inside my love is open
This Phoenix shall rise when spell is broken
M.A.N 2-1-15 I performed this at a poetry slam earlier this year..It scored okay I've done a few edits on it since here's final version..
3.6k · Sep 2015
Kiss You Low
Poetry by MAN Sep 2015
Kiss you low..Here I go
Communicate soul to soul
Touch is magic watch me grow
Lick for lick blow for blow
Open up to this kiss
Introduction to poetic bliss
I'm a G...I won't miss
Mark it off your bucket list
M.A.N not a boy
Ignorance I will destroy
Mastermind what's the ploy?
Sauce you up just like soy
Eat you up munch you down
Parade you pretty around town
Wicked doesn't need a crown
Whimper when I eat you bound
Rub you wet...Rub you a wish I'm gonna get
Oh so wet..Oh so it when you ready set
Enter thighs feel my rise
Stroke..Choke..steady and wise
Get that prize..Get that prize..No words needed can read your eyes
Hold it...ugh..hold it some more...on the bed then to the floor
Against the wall..through backdoor..on a sacred tantric tour
Feel me you ride..inside feel me slip and slide
Hit it wide..technique applied..what is needed I shall provide
Feel the quake..legs will shake..more than love we will make
What awakes? From pounding stake..squirting till no more can take
Still we go..beyond the soul..where no one ever goes
Yoni flower blooms like rose..Gyrate till your nectar flows
Taste is sweet..flavor unique..savor moment we reach our peak
What is complete? No need to speak..find what you sought to seek
Next level we begin to glow..Shine like stars put on a show
**** ****** this Scorpio...with poetry I Kiss You Low...
Poetry by M.A.N 9-3-15 I wrote this for my **** Scorpio blog ..****** seems to flow from me I specialize in sexetry...♏️
3.6k · Apr 2014
I Used to...
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
I used to..feel all alone
A King without a throne
Insecurity sickness caught
A kingdom of unruly thoughts

I used to..think I was no good
Just a knucklehead in tha hood
Dealt pain for my gain
Memories scar leaves a stain.

I used to..wish for inner peace
Within me is a beast
Tame my soul under control
The struggle will never cease..

I used to..want to die
My soul asked me why
I did not know..Its painful to grow
My nature is to try..

I used to..I still do
Go ahead label me a fool
In the end myself I *****
My intentions are quite true...♏
M.A.N 2-7-14 Short quick hitter poems I guess you can call it???Using "I used to" I wrote about ten but some were too personal I'll keep those for my private collection.♏
3.5k · Aug 2014
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
Worship taste you
I would never waste you
Ravage your body then I'll face you
I am your M.A.N
Hold more than your hand
We can make plans know where I stand
I am the real
It's what you feel
Putting a seal on this new deal
Show you I'm true it's what I do
Yes I'm a fool one for you
Drop the disguise you are a prize
A Khaleesi an empress in my eyes
Queen of the moon but that's been done
Love for you burns like the Sun
Till the day we become one
I'll beat in your mind like a drum
Take my words with a grain of salt
Fact that I love you is not my fault
Not looking to catch but I caught
Or looking to rent so I bought
Into you I fall away
Disappear into what I say
Serious with these words I play
To hold you in my arms someday.
M.A.N 8-1-14
3.5k · Jun 2014
Poetry by MAN Jun 2014
Elevator going up in my mind
Cosmic awareness is what I find
Vibrate pass doubters prove them wrong
Power from my words..makes me strong
Poetic my nature feel the storm
Rumble like thunder reality torn
Let go of my ego butterfly born
Cocoon in my mistakes expose my true form
Up so high I begin to float
Spread my wings flutter by with hope
Get on the elevator there is room
Answers open up you don't have to assume
Expansion of spirit feel the rise
Visions not seen by the eyes
So come along elevate with me
To the top floor of our destiny..
M.A.N 6-26-14
3.3k · Dec 2015
It's Not Fair
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
It's not fair..nor do I care
Emotions breathe without air
No more power shall I grant
My heart blooms flowers like a plant
Refuse to follow will not swallow
Immersed in thought where I wallow
Thus I ramble a poet's gamble
******* soul here is a sample
Write it short or write it long
Write a song for all to sing along
Edit mind that's when I find
Insanity speaks in rhyme
A traveller will always go
On the path to their soul
Destination peace of mind
Activate it anytime
Leave a map all can see
Choose to elevate humanity
Simple is the truth
Hardened by a gangsta youth
Drama goes on everyday
Participate or refuse to play
Doesn't matter you are in the book
Captured by my writing hook
A character we all become
First you walk now you run
To the end or finish line
A blip we are in space and time
Identity do I own?
Reap what I've sewn?
Life springs forth from thee
In our children we can see
Evolution we all wear
Nor does it care if it's not fair...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-1-15
3.3k · Sep 2014
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
Yes..I picked her precious flower
Gave me head in the shower...
Ate her ***** for an hour
Nice and wet..Sweet and sour
I must've been tasty
Not a drop did she waste me
Looking at her face see
Made me *** all crazy
Then we started playing
No words you know what I'm saying
My actions got her spraying
Whips..chains..all my tools out laying
Feeling like a champ number one
Passion within burns hotter than the Sun
Candle wax down your ***** it run
Slap that **** you've been Scorpio stung
Unf I don't want to hurt you
Like a machine find every way to work you
Is that the spot?
It doesn't hurt too
Take my your mysteries
When I pull out umm all becomes history
When not inside I'm feeling the misery
At one when we *** holding you blissfully...
M.A.N 9-12-14  I wrote this for my *** blog..I hesitate sharing my ****** poetry cause I tend to lose a few followers..oh well I love writing these **** poems I feel I've just scratched the surface..
3.3k · Jun 2015
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
Your VIBE brings me to life
Here's my Heart take a slice
Wicked is my nice
Random like a roll of dice
I see your shining soul
Illuminating is your glow
Inside I start to grow
To love you is to know
Excuse me if I'm blunt
I've just returned from the hunt
Clean my fangs hear me grunt
Motion master every stunt
Fine flesh I must taste
Luscious lips I won't waste
Primal pleasure we embrace
Have you seeing outer space
Wolf spirits howl at the Moon
Ravaged in a hypnotic swoon
Bodies slap create tribal tune
Wrestle play sacred boom boom boom..Hollaaa!
Priceless like a Shaman Dollaaa!
Wear war paint instead of a collar
Genocide survivors of slaughtered sorrow
Faith our strength with it we build tomorrow...
M.A.N 6-10-15 I wrote this awhile back..I decided to do an edit here's the result..
3.2k · Dec 2015
Venus Cursed
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Venus cursed but well rehearsed
My Phoenix heart destined to burst
Through cleansing flames love remains
Venus Scorpio energy never drains
Love forever none can sever
Will pattern complete?..Um oh never
It's magic I've come to understand
Longing oozes from every gland
Once upon a jealous mind
Self doubt insecurities began to climb
Detective of truth delusion of crime
Search for dirt that's what you will find
Cast I am to play the fool
Angel..Devil face off in duel
Both lay dead in a pool
Manipulate become the rule
Inevitable the self destruction
Creative thoughts flow from every eruption
Buddha plans re construction
Shaman executes magic function
Oh my gawd I feel a change
With every phase I rearrange
Venus venom spreads like mange
Cursed my heart with love that's strange
Poetry by M.A.N 12-9-15 In honor of Venus currently being in Scorpio..♏️
3.2k · Mar 2014
Poetry Kiss
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Here are my poetry lips..go ahead take a nibble
Seductive is the tongue that speaks this riddle
Brushing your cheek..becoming hypnotized
Captured by the Devilish look in your eyes
Bite me..kiss me..turn up my flame
Inspire..Ignite me..feel me in your brain
When I'm gone my words remain
Lust transformed to sustain
Fantasy poetry more lines from my mind
Emotional energy continues to climb
Bringing me back to those lips
Bodies pressed together as I grip your hips
Succulent is the taste of your soul
Tongues clash dancing out of control
Minds blast off through time and space
Energy transformed to no gender or race
Potent..******..Chemistry we got it
To much can be way we can stop it..
Surrender to the waves of my flow
Chaotic like the ocean out of control
Feel the nature of this Beast..bring him to peace
Exotic is your Beauty causing any curse to cease
Reality..Fantasy.. we can do what we wish
Spiritual flames immerse our lips for this Poetry Kiss..
2-20-14 M.A.N lol I have big Poetry lips that need to be kissed my way of giving a poetic kiss ;) ♏
3.2k · May 2015
I Do
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Ooh Lu ma I want to kiss your lips
Number one top on my bucket list
For me there is only you
I've felt the false I want the true
Life isn't easy in fact it's cruel
We navigate through obstacles it's what we do
Not a perfect story or favorite song
To understand what's right we have to know what's wrong
Emotions weak? Hell no their strong!
A love that leaves one better when it is gone
Look..Let me show you what you cannot see
With words I can paint reality
Example..I am one unfinished book
Chapters of the many risks I took
Gangsta of love I played the crook
Now the sum of ingredients watch me cook
Enough about me back to you
I want to hold your hand all life through
Wish for me like I wish for you
For my one true..I say I do...
M.A.N 10-3-14 I wrote this awhile back..feeling a bit corny today..hmm why not put it out..Ooh Lu ma I hope you find it delicious full of love which makes it nutritious..∞ ƸӜƷ
3.1k · Jul 2014
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
Hi...Just the Devil dropping by
Big *** sigh..No longer do I wonder why
Angels burn while Hell does turn
Cold like my heart..still I yearn
Fiction fanatic..My words are my magic
Hair stands up from my static
Hate me lovely..Beautiful is ugly
What eyes behold..go ahead judge me
I want to care..My heart wont dare
Still I look..Can't help to stare
From afar..A distant star
Reality a reflection of what we are
I am here..You are there
I can rip..You can tear
Open up to a fantasy
Door from you straight to me
Twist the ****..Drop on by
Spark up a bowl..We can get high
Vibe together side by side
Inside each other we can't hide
Truth today told me a lie
No good is bye so I say Hi..
M.A.N 6-13-14 This is an odd one but I enjoyed writing it..
3.1k · May 2016
A Writer's Dream
Poetry by MAN May 2016
Today I had a writer's dream
Challenged to create a scene
Shall I write some poetry
Release let it flow from me
If I had a **** to turn
All the way I'd let it burn
Molding letters with my tools
A creator doesn't follow rules
Definitions all in the mind
Meaning some will never find
A story that is born from me
Stolen moments of reality
As a writer I do the work
Reporter of the daily dirt
Putting soul into the lines
Insanity speaks in rhyme
Makes no sense so it seems
Waking from a writer's dream...
Poetry by M.A.N 5-11-16
3.1k · Sep 2014
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
I am a shadow disappear in the dark
A reflection of truth without a heart
In every light I have a new start
I am a glimpse of your soul or at least a part
M.A.N 9-26-14 I haven't written a short one in awhile this one popped in me head this morning..:)))
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