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Lana Grace Apr 2014
They're all telling you to be strong,
when we're all hurting.
You see, I'm not the type of girl that just accepts sadness,
I'm the type of girl that wants to overcome it.
I want to honor the God who created me,
and try to be brave.

But oh, how hard life can be sometimes.

The expectations they hold,
sometimes it feels like they're asking for perfection.
I try so hard,
oh so hard.
How hard it is to be brave.

Because when the hurt we recieve,
we show it in return.
We've hurt ourselves by hurting others.

What would it be like to be loved by someone in the most perfect way?
We're all so capable of it.
But so many of us have been hurt,
we've forgotten how to be brave.
We've ignored it, and submitted to what every other person has done.
You see, I don't think it's because we don't want to be brave.
I feel like we don't know how to.

We don't know how to make our fake smiles into genuine smiles even on the worst days.
We don't know how to look at a horrible situation and realize how God might be saving us from something even harder.
We can't look at the people who have hurt us  and be able to forgive them.
You see, bravery isn't just an act of heroism.
It's the unimaginable.
The act of love,
Putting others first.
We've forgotten how to be brave.
Let's be brave.
6.4k · Apr 2014
flawed beauty
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Maybe our imperfections
         Are not really flaws at all.
                        But it is our eyes
Who have damaged our
visions of beauty.
Trying to make sense of it all
5.0k · Apr 2014
surrounded by thorns
Lana Grace Apr 2014
I laugh because it's funny,
how you can walk in a patch full of weeds,
and never notice the faithful rose.

but be careful,
her thorns are her scars.
they're guarding her heart.
but oh how easily they can be picked off.
thorn by thorn, piece by piece.
you'll make your way into her heart.

because you're like all the rest.
you'll take off each thorn, grab the vulnerable rose and tell her she's beautiful.

and then you'll destroy the rose.


because beauty is never seen until the scars are removed and the walls are broken down.
but some roses never know who is the one to remove the thorns.
thoughts are plaguing me, so I must write.
1.7k · May 2014
I trust You.
Lana Grace May 2014
Where are you?
What is going on?
Why is this happening?

Questions haunt my mind,
Only questions that you can answer.
I feel like I'm on my own,

Am I so guilty of sin that you've left me without a clue of how to fix anything?
Are you working in my life in ways that I never could comprehend?

I have no idea what's going on.
Never have I been so confused,
So empty.

But I trust you.
Those simple words are foreign; not of my native tongue.
Because everything in me wants to scream, cry, and fix this.
But since it's out of my control, since I'm surrendering all.

God, I trust you.
I trust you as the God of the universe and the lover of my soul.
This is all so out of my reach and out of my control that I don't know what to do.
But I know you.
I know you make beautiful things.
And I know, with all my heart, that you love me.

So God I trust you.
1.5k · May 2014
just tired
Lana Grace May 2014
Maybe I'm tired of people saying they would stay, that they care, and then do what they always do. Leave.
Maybe I'm tired of being that friend  they always turn to when they have a problem,
Being that person that always listens and knows what to say.
But the funny part is,
They don't care if you're they one hurting.
Maybe I'm tired of forcing smiles and forcing myself not to cry.
Forcing myself to make my life look perfect as if perfection is even a level to be reached nowadays.
Maybe I'm tired of  being unhappy.
I'm trying to make the choice to be happy, I really am.
But as soon as I demand happiness, the thoughts creep back inside.
The words, the hurt, the memories of all those people that have left you.
Maybe I'm tired of just living.
Is that alright to say?
Maybe I just want to enter that eternal realm of perfection with my Savior.

But I can't.

I need to fight the good fight.
I need to stay strong.
But oh how tired I am.
Lana Grace Apr 2014
How do I express my gratitude
To the most Holy who has given me life?

Why is this day so set a part from the rest as it is another day He has given us life?
Maybe it shouldn't just be this day to give praise,
But every single day that He has given to us.

Let me live for you, Jesus.
Hear the song of my heart as I proclaim Your great love and faithfulness to the world.
Let me be set apart, different from the rest as I try my best to honor You.
Let me glorify you all my days, and let you be first in my mind and heart.
Cleanse my mind and my heart and make it pure.

Thank you for dying for me, sweet Lord Jesus.
This life is nothing in comparison to the eternity I will one day have with You.
Take this world and give me Jesus.
To my Lord Jesus Christ, who I am madly in love with. To be honest, this really wasn't a poem but instead words of gratitude to my God.
1.0k · Apr 2014
you were my shooting star
Lana Grace Apr 2014
I'll never forget that night we gazed at the stars.
The wishes I held, I remember.
The desires of my heart ran deep.

I prayed for a shooting star.
Just one, please come.
Show us both that this love was meant to be.

It never came.
And as peaceful as it was looking up at those stars,
We both held the silent fear that it wasn't suppose to be.

Yet we laughed; we talked.
And we kept on searching for that shooting star.
That flicker of hope shining vibrant in the sky that our love was true.

The mistake you made, was you kept looking at the sky.
You, like all the rest, think shooting stars happen in galaxies.
You, like all the rest, didn't find the deeper meaning to a shooting star.

Perhaps a shooting star was never meant to shoot across the sky,
But instead stay a little longer as the little things of beauty  in the world we know.
Our shooting star was our love;
It went by so fast,
But bore a radiant beauty so rare it only happens once in a life time.
To R: one day, I pray that God will reunite you and I. Please be my shooting star, but stay a little longer next time.
1.0k · Apr 2014
our generation
Lana Grace Apr 2014
We try to live differently from everyone else,
Afraid we might be a copy of someone's original.
But oh how funny it is, that it is to the world's ways we have returned.

Our generation is completely made up of people
Who hide their beauty inside and admire someone else's.
Self worth is a merit no one believes in,
And confidence isn't a virtue any longer.

We have found the flaws in our sins and turned it into who we are.
Our identity is no longer founded by truth,
But scripted from lies.

We have gotten use to the word depression and misery,
Yet we are surprised when a joyful being comes along our way.
It seems as if our self destruction is not worth mourning for,
We have gotten use to a catastrophic world.
The emptiness we have seen in others,
Is now our own.
The beauty we once had,
Has been buried deep in a heart that use to be pure,
But is now vile.

Where, oh brave souls, are you?
Where is the courage we use to have?

Dear heart, it is time to take a stand.
Tired of the "normal" this world seems to have accepted.
948 · Mar 2014
Beautiful Rain
Lana Grace Mar 2014
She's the type of girl that finds comforts when watching rain drizzle down her window.
She views life as a storm, sometimes with shallow rain and sometimes pouring.
But at the end of the storm, there's an apparent beauty.
She prays to be like the rain.
Leading up to something beautiful.
816 · Jan 2017
to love I owe it all
Lana Grace Jan 2017
I come to write whenever I need to let out.
Sometimes I feel so trapped in this chaotic world,
Constantly filling up and never pouring out.

I've dated a boy for two years.
He was to take away the pain of him.
He was suppose to be temporary.
A sweet man he evolved into; nothing like him.
He pursues me truly, not like him.
He is consistent, not like him.
He loves sweetly-never fighting & always patient, not like him.
He isn't dangerous. Not like him.

ive read about bad-boys.
My heart always craved for one.
Someone to take me away from the safe-zone I've always felt; someone different.
Perhaps that's why I fell so hard in love with "him" years ago.
Perhaps that's why I still find glimpses of the sadness from losing "him" on the lonely nights.

But then I look at the one my heart truly loves.
I've found that love isn't a feeling, as much as that bad boy in my adolescence made me feel.
To see a man choose me in every way.
To see a man be patient in waiting, in pursuing, and guarding my heart.
To see a man sacrifice his own desires for mine constantly.
To see a man believe in me.
To see a man provide.
To see a man who loves.
Is far more beautiful than the emotional confliction I called "love" in my younger years.

ive found a man who has truly taught me to love.
And for that, I am surrendering my past and pressing on to the future.
For I believe in a love, the kind I thought didn't exist, to continue breaking me, molding me, and changing me.
To love I owe it all.
my sweet surrender. I've finally figured it out.
811 · May 2014
Lana Grace May 2014
The thoughts I've had these past days,
Has led to a war.
A war I've denied my mind the knowledge of knowing
That I'm fighting a war within myself.
But oh, how my heart knew.

Choices and decisions are at my doorstep knocking on wall of my heart.
The entrance has been blocked,
Blocked by fear and doubt that has consumed me.
I've been afraid to decide,
Afraid to choose.

Maybe the choice has never been mine to make,
But mine to follow.
Maybe for once, I must humble the leadership role I have chosen for myself.
And silence my heart that demeans my mind.
Maybe it's time to trust,
Time to hope, time to be free.

After all, who is the one who is writing my story?
It certainly isn't me.
I surrender it all to You.
787 · Jul 2014
the void in my heart
Lana Grace Jul 2014
There was a different type of breaking in my heart.
It wasn't over the fact of missing the one my soul loved,
It was the fact that there was a void in my heart that only love could fill.
780 · Apr 2014
song of my soul
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Here is the song of my soul,
As I long to be loved.

Just once, I want to be held.
Held not as a mother holds her child,
But held as a man holds the girl he truly loves with an undying passion.

Just once I want to hold your hand.
I want your fingers to intertwine with mine into a perfect fit.
I want to raise our perfectly held hands into the storm
And proclaim that we've made it.

Just once I want to look deep into your shining blue eyes,
And that is all.
Without a care in the world, I want us to be alone, just staring into your eyes as you stare into mine.
Maybe if I stared long enough, I'd really understand what the depth of your heart was trying to say.

Just once, I'd like to be pursued.
Only by you, with an undying passion.
I want to know what it's like to be loved unconditionally.
To be treasured, to be a jewel in your sight.

Just once I want to fall in love again with you.
Only you and all of you.
I want to experience the rest of our lives together as we have our childhood.
I want to be held.
I want to hold your hand.
I want to look at your beautiful blues.
I want to be treasured.
I want to be pursued.
I want to be loved.
I guess this is for you again, r. Love you always.
683 · Mar 2014
My Childhood Love
Lana Grace Mar 2014
I remember those childhood days,
Before the clock sped up robbing us of our sweet spell.
Our love-it was real.
But oh how innocent it all was.

God granted us a childhood unlike others.
I experienced a love I wonder that could ever be compared to the future.
Your feelings, I never knew.
Could it be I was treasured?
Or was it only the vanity of my dreams?

I remember when nature was our friend,
And we'd go on adventures hand in hand.
I remember splashing by the stream,
And playing catch in the orchard.

I remember all of you.
I remember how your blue eyes sparkled when you smiled.
I remember how your whole body shook when you laughed.
I remember our first "hi" and our last "goodbye".

So much time has passed, and now you are gone.
The love I had for you won't vanish.
But I pray with all my might
That someone better than the person I could ever be,
Might love you the way you're supposed to be.

And maybe, possibly, that person could be me.
Meant for one boy that means the world to me.
664 · Apr 2014
fix me
Lana Grace Apr 2014
The worries that have troubled me
Are completely meaningless.
They are no comparison to the beauty that has been made all around me.
Forgive my doubt, may my transgressions be forgotten, my Lord.

I have forgotten how to look at the beautiful blue sky,
As my clouds filled of my misery has prevented my full sight.
I have forgotten how to count the daisies,
And focused on the weeds consuming them.
I have forgotten how to soar with the wings of eagles,
And spent my days believing my flight is incomparable to others.

Forgive me, my Lord, as I have forgotten your truth, your peaceful words that have brought me out of the dungeon I have placed myself in.
I have found myself caring about worthless things.

Unlock my chains, break and destroy the dungeon that has consumed me.
Destroy the evil and vile things in my heart.
Teach me how to walk in Your path.
Teach me how to love again.

Fix the clouds in my sight so that I may see the beautiful blue sky again that has entranced my eyes.
Fix my daisy garden and cast away all the weeds of destruction in my path.
Fix my wings; bond them to yours. Let me soar to the melodies of your love and grace.
Fix me, oh Lord, I am in need of fixing.
Your love is inimitable and endures through all ages.
Here is my surrender, fix me.
I am so often worried by the things of this world. Here is my life, Lord, do with it what you wish.
643 · Jun 2014
running in the valley
Lana Grace Jun 2014
I fell in love with the lover of my soul.
The One who's love is deeper than the process of all thoughts; all understanding.
When I went on the mountaintop,
The view proclaimed His name.
The daisy's danced with joy to the music of His passion,
The wind proclaimed the life He supplies.
I fell in love with my Savior in a way I hadn't before.
And now that I am back in the valley, I see the mountaintop I once stood upon.
I see how it overlooks all of the chaotic lust this world holds,
But I see that now I never was meant to stay on a mountaintop.
I was meant to run in the valley, bringing light and love wherever He may lead me.
589 · May 2014
He is still good.
Lana Grace May 2014
Conflicted and confused is the state my heart is in right now.
Day in and day out I pray to my God who seems to be silent,
But I trust that He's working.
Because if this is never resolved,
If my heart remains a chaotic realm of disappointment,
He is still good.
583 · Apr 2014
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Let's go on adventure,
Just me and you.
Capture my heart
And remind me again of the love I hold for you.

Let's go swimming in a lake,
Let's splash until we laugh.
Let's forget all our worries
And when the fish kiss our toes, we can pretend that life is all right.

Let's play on the swings at the park.
Swing away the problems,
And fly to our heaven.

Let's pretend that these moments are infinite.
That the world consists of you and I.
And maybe, possibly it will be.
Maybe possibly I will be yours,
And you will be mine.

But I guess that's what dreams are for.
I miss you more than you'll ever know.
Lana Grace Jul 2014
I think of you when I savor the taste of strawberry ice cream in the summer time.
When I'm driving down town and i stop at a red light, I remember the late night drives we always had and how we never stopped, we just kept driving.
When I see a couple walking down the street laughing, I remember the nights you held my hand and whispered to me, "you're mine."

I still have those tickets from one of our first dates when we played in the arcade shooting those stupid basketballs.
I remember how serious you were to beat your old score, that competitive demeanor you always have had.
I remember how protective you were of me, how much I thought you loved me.

Why did you walk away? The part that hurts me the most is that maybe you fell in love with your feelings instead of actually the person before you. The little girl who so longed to be pursued and loved. I guarded my heart so well against yours, perhaps it was the guard of my heart that finally pushed you away testing to see if you loved me enough to break through.

And right when you were about to,
You left.
I left.
I guess the funny part is that I had no idea how much I ended up loving you, until it was too late.
what if I'm never meant to be loved.
519 · Apr 2014
dear rjr
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Everything about you, even your initials, are perfect.
It's kind of crazy how God chose us to grow up together.
Our childhood was perfect, we never were really grateful for it.

I'll re visit the places we use to go,
And the memories come flooding back.
Each one like a sweet soft dagger,
Sinking into the depths of my heart.

If there was one person I'd think would always stay here,
It would be you.
But now you're gone too.
They doubt love when you're young.
But I know without a doubt, I spent my whole life loving you.

So how am I supposed suppose to fly, r?
I always thought we'd fly together.
But your absence has stripped me of my wings.
I am unable to soar.

I use to believe in a thing called love,
Something between a woman and man.
But why risk love,
If it just hurts you in the end?

So I'll try to be positive.
Try to fly just for you.

But please know that I'm praying for you.
And if one day we make it,
If we one day say, "I do".
I'll try to soar extra high, and fly just for you.
I miss you so much.
508 · May 2014
hold my hand
Lana Grace May 2014
He held my hand today.
Never had my hand been held before.
In that moment,
The worries stopped.
Reality faded.
And it was as if he held the weight of the world just as he held my hand.
479 · Apr 2014
dare you to shoot my stars.
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Isn't it funny
How you can give someone your dreams,
And they give you a nightmare.

How you can invest so much trust,
So much love,
Just so that they can take it away.
And leave you in the abyss of your thoughts.

The problem was never giving up trust,
Because loving someone is trusting.
And we were called to love.

The problem was letting those rockets
Shoot down your stars.

Go ahead, let them aim; let them fire away.
Dare them to shoot at your stars.
But don't let them hit them.
Don't let them come close.

You keep shining with
But don't let them steal your vibrant love.

Because darling, you were made to love.
You were made to trust.
You were made to have wishes, and dreams.

Don't let them shoot the stars, and please keep those dreams.
478 · Apr 2014
rescue from the well
Lana Grace Apr 2014
Please, oh Lord, save me from this broken well.
The water is crashing,
And they keep pouring more and more.
The well is getting higher as each different person adds more to the death that was meant to give life.

Save me, because I believe that the well is growing because of the girl I've turned into.
While others think otherwise, I see myself as the monster I have become.
I've become a living hurricane,
Never constant.

It's at this point when I realize I need to be rescued.
Lord Jesus rescue me from this well,
That is drowning me with the sinful ways of this world,
Yet is still empty of beauty.
Save me. I need to be saved.
Lana Grace Sep 2014
I do it to myself all the time.
It seems to all crash in slow motion-all of it.
The desire for everything to be fixed overtakes me yet I to push away anyone who has the capability to bring me harm.
But they don't know who I am.
My failures seem more than any victory I long to hope for.
It's as if everyday as I drive on home, I dread to walk into the door I call "home".
My silent prayer is a plea to be anyone but me.
My thoughts have become so hidden, that I've disguised this monster I've become.
And maybe that's exactly what sends my heart cracking into tiny pieces.
The fact that I've become a monster.
The fact that I can smile, laugh, say the right things, yet still feel the pain my heart longs to get rid of.

Rescue me, Lord.
The battle will go on, I understand that.
But refuge never sounded so sweet.
453 · Oct 2014
love me.
Lana Grace Oct 2014
I find myself singing when I think of you,
but it's scary how love works.
It's as if when you find it,
Your fear that it may never last overcomes you.
I find myself placing a wall to guard the easily swayed heart deep down inside.
Because I fear you'll be like the rest, like the others.
It's a battle, a battle I feel I always lose.
But isn't that what happens.
Isn't it that crazy thing we call life.
We dance, we sing, we cry, we laugh, we doubt, we fear,
But oh how what an amazing thing it is
To finally find love.

Or so that's what I've been told.
447 · Jun 2014
silence had the power
Lana Grace Jun 2014
I don't want to be alone.
Because everytime I'm alone my mind wanders.
It's as if being occupied has become my drug.
I'm scared to be alone.
Because it's in the quiet times you find who you are.
It's in the silent where your thoughts come alive.
And currently my thoughts are deadly and poisonous.
Filled with the power to overtake my joy.

Have I really given away this power?
The power of my mind?

I will fight.
I will fight to have joy.
And most importantly, I will fight well in the lonely and in the silent times.
Oh how I will fight.
444 · Sep 2017
Lana Grace Sep 2017
What a journey.
One cloaked with an ignored irony.
It's as if the words I say turn the actions of life around.
The opposite occurs.
My fears to reality.
My dreams to failure.

Though distraught,
I will again be strengthened.
By the God that is bound by no ironic world.
One who's reality is far higher than my thoughts of it.
The One who will pursue even in my deepest hurt.
The One who comforts in my loneliest.

In Him I hope.
When my emotions fail me.
When my laughter cannot be found.
When my strength is not accounted for.
I will still continue to hope in Him.

It's a part of the journey.
The hills and valleys, forever a part of this ride.
Undefined by my own perception.
Defined by the One who created the journey.
A journey to draw me closer to Him,
for that is the goal.
To know a love that exceeds my mind.
To find that in the God of the Universe.

Yes, what a journey this is.
439 · Jun 2014
There is hope.
Lana Grace Jun 2014
I cry inside because you have no idea how much your life is worth.
And everytime  I see that smile,
That smile you put on just for the pleasure of people.
But inside I see more,
I see the pain, the battle raging inside.
The battle you've tried so hard to win, but in reality you've given up.

But oh how I wish I could say something that would just turn your mentality and make you realize how special you are.
Your heart is a well just ready to be filled with life.
Why don't you let the one who provides the water fill you up?
Because oh, how much promise you show.
The potential  you have is overwhelming.

Please, please don't give up.

Because dear, you believe lies.
You've been lied to and most importantly you lie to yourself claiming that you don't care.
When we all know  you're an empty galaxy just waiting to be filled with stars that illuminate the love you wish to bear.
Please stay in this world.
You are loved.
For all those fighting for a reason to live, there is hope.
436 · May 2014
to the keeper of my past
Lana Grace May 2014
I want you to know
That even when my eyes close at night,
When I gaze into the depth of the ocean,
When I marvel at the beauty of the stars,
And when I watch the innocent flowers blossom into beauty,
I think of you.
430 · May 2015
thank you for words.
Lana Grace May 2015
The only solice my heart found was finding words the explicitly described the hurt my heart held.
Memories of the past only hurt.
Desires and dreams only provoked.
But words.
They held peace.
423 · Mar 2014
Ugly Perfection
Lana Grace Mar 2014
Sometimes I can't stand the unbearable feeling of waking up and taking a look in the mirror.
It tells my story, tells my truths.
Screaming at me that I will never be truly beautiful.
The others around me seem apparent and use to the perfection around them and the perfection they hold.
It's a depressing thought to never be called something beautiful.
To be an ugly perfection.

But maybe it's not my mirror, but in fact the lies.
Maybe the mirror has disguised the internal beauty hidden inside,
Just waiting to bloom.

I look to the heavens as my thoughts create a chaos inside.
And incidentally I find a new mirror.
The sky is filled with clouds adorning the creative beauty.
But the remarkable thing isn't the beauty that the heavens hold,
But in fact the one who holds the sky.

You see, the sky and I have been made by the same Creator.
A Creator who has created beauty in everything.
Could it be that His glorious creation,
Could instead be my mirror?
And my ugly perfection,
Has turned into a beautiful perfection.
414 · Apr 2014
waves saved the soul
Lana Grace Apr 2014
You do this every time someone cares about you,
Pushing them as far away as they can go.
You're like the waves, always coming and going, with different emotions attached.
Sometimes you bring different objects on shore,
Some good and some bad-but always unknown.

You refuse to let me clean the junk from your shores,
To help maintain a clean sea.
Why won't you let me help you?
Can't you see the boy you thought was so much like yourself,
Is only telling you the lies you crave to be truth?

He's like all the rest,
Throwing trash into your beautiful waves.
Stealing shells to leave you with no beauty.

But instead you don't listen,
You refuse to accept that maybe there could possibly be someone out there that will love you for you.
You're a broken sea, refusing to cling to all hope.
You've chosen brokenness, and now brokenness awaits.

Please stop the waves, before it's too late.
I'm here for you.
414 · Nov 2014
"just keep smiling"
Lana Grace Nov 2014
She finally broke down.
That smile she'd been framing, it was almost picture perfect by the consistency of it.
Every day a smile to greet any who passed by.
And only till the day it didn't show did people miss it.
Because it seems like human beings have a tendency to only appreciate something when it's missing.
407 · Aug 2016
Lana Grace Aug 2016
it's been a while since i've written. i guess i thought that if i didn't write, didn't talk, or even thought, you would finally leave. you still haunt me. it's been three years, and i still claim that i see you on the roads-the roads i know you're not on. it's been three years and i still imagine any day is the one-the one you call me up and just want to talk.
to make matters worse, i fell in love. we've been dating, and it's year one. i fell in love, but i didn't. it's so confusing i know.
i fell in love with him in my mind. he's perfect, r. to everyone but me, it seems like he's the one. he loves me so much, it's unimaginable. he's safe-he will always provide for me. he would do anything for me, he has no flaw.

but he's not you.

i fell in love with you with my heart a long time ago, and it seems like you still have not returned it. i pray to my God day in and day out that you would show up, that He would show me a sign. i would love to let go. i want you to be gone. how can someone not be present, but still always appear?

i'm sorry this letter is the worst one any soul has ever written. i'm sad. i'm tired. i'm done. i can't even form beautiful words to bear my heavy heart.

just know that as always, i am carrying on. i am writing, i am praying, i am crying, i am singing, i am trusting. and r, i am living. i've been choosing every day to be joyous. i've been trusting that one day this will all get figured out.

let me tell you a little secret though:
i still want to believe that you are the one.
hear my heart.
398 · Apr 2015
help me trust
Lana Grace Apr 2015
It made sense.
There wasn't the confusion
Is he the one
Is he right
Is this it
Just peace.
Peace that surpasses understanding.
And a knowledge that the only conflicting agenda
Was the confliction of her heart.
A heart that never renewed its knowledge in trust.
377 · May 2014
goodbye r
Lana Grace May 2014
He's told me I'm pretty,
He's held my hand.
He's done everything perfectly.
He's different from you.

I guess I wasn't meant to be pursued by you.
These thoughts of you, of him, has driven me crazy and promoted memories I thought were long gone.
Why are you on my mind?
I thought the memories of you were as distant from my heart as distant as the time we once had together.

Remember the times we laughed in the river and danced by the great oaks...wait no.
I can't go back to the past as much as I've tried.
I've loved you more than you will ever know.
I've prayed more for you than any other soul.

And as if you haven't done enough, someone finally comes around and makes me feel
                               And pursued.

And yet I STILL think of you, of the memories.
Of the dreams, hopes, fears and doubts.

This poem was meant to say goodbye, a memo to forget.
Yet all it's done has explained the hell my emotions take me to and the feelings that make me die inside with the thought of life without loving you.

Because even in the pain, loving you was so sweet.

But R this boy, he's doing everything you never got to do.
Maybe your prayer for me was mine too.
That one day we'd be able to find another person that could love us,
More than we could ever love ourselves.

And maybe who knows, one day I'll see you again.
See your gorgeous wife, and your bright blue eyed kids.
See the future you always dreamed of as your reality.
You'll give me a knowing smile,
A quick side hug.
We'll both remember the memories; the past that is long gone.
And when you walk away, I'll look back knowing,
That I never moved on.
Lord please fix this mess. Let your will prevail.
Lana Grace Jun 2014
You see it was different for her
Because she didn't want some guy just to ask her out on a date,
Or send her a daily text saying "hey".
She wanted for someone to love her past a typical "teen romance".
Her heart craved for someone to bring a sort of love that was unconditional,
A love that even if she was to walk away he would still chase her to the ends of the earth.
Someone to be her best friend, someone that would want and love only her.

And maybe that's why she fell in love with him.
She saw the way he looked at her,
She heard the way he said her name.
If only time wasn't so cruel, and distance not an onstacle.
But we all know that when it's true love, problems have no chance.

She prayed, she yearned, she craved for a love so deep.
So deep she wondered if it was even real.
357 · Jun 2014
letter to j
Lana Grace Jun 2014
Dear J,
I don't know why I'm writing to you right now if I was to be honest with myself.
I'm constantly battling between the thoughts if I liked you for who you were or if I liked you for the perfect personality you have.
I know that's a horrible thought.
I feel like a monster admitting that thought in my head.
But you were the first one I ever held hands with.
You held me with such careful arms, you took my hand in yours and called me yours.
You promised to live life with me, you told me you loved me.
And I never repaid it.
Not the way you deserved, to say the least.
The whole time, I thought of someone else, the first person ever to break my heart.
He never quite mended it , and maybe my mistake was thinking he could be the only one that could mend it.
I don't know what I did for you to walk away, maybe the fault was in my unreturned love.

But what if I'm just know figuring out that I really did.

Maybe I don't even care about the expectations I had, or the hurt I held inside because it was you that made those thoughts all go away.
I'm so lost, so hurt, and I would do anything right about now to hear the raspy way your voice  said my name when you really had something to say.
Or the way how your whole body moved as you silently laughed which really was music to my ears.
Or how about the way you looked at me   when you would tease me about my horrible way of singing or why I wouldn't play the stupid music you wanted to hear on my phone.

My mistake was not realizing the feelings I deeply had for you.
Sometimes I'll just walk in a room and be so sure you were there too by the similar scent, but you're not there.
Sometimes a friend will tell me a joke that will remind me so much about how the way you laughed when I would get suddenly shy at one of your lame pick up lines.

I know things won't ever be able to go back to the way they use to be, but I felt like I needed to write this.
Because if I could choose anything right now, it would be to have you here right now , cradling my hand in your strong one, and holding me in your arms.
I'd have you tell me how beautiful I am to you, and how much I mean to you.
I need that. I miss you. And maybe...maybe I love you.
suppose to be a poem about life but whoops.
350 · Apr 2014
wake me up
Lana Grace Apr 2014
it's a sad world when people start wanting to stay in bed and dream,
then go in the world and start living.
347 · Apr 2014
make us bloom
Lana Grace Apr 2014
I use to believe that when you picked a flower,
It would always be there.
Always be beautiful, the definition of perfection.

But now I see that we were never meant to pick flowers.
We were instead meant to stay in the garden.

Because one day the Gardener,
The one who planted us flowers.
Will plant you right next to me,
And water us well.
He'll teach us how to grow,
And always show us light.
He'll teach us what's wrong from right.

But dear heart, it can get lonely.
The time sometimes isn't right now.
Sometimes it takes patience and watering from the well.

But oh dear flower, you'll bloom.
So don't you shed a tear.
Just trust in the gracias Gardener,
He is so very near.
And when the time is right,
He'll grant you a certain wish.
When you've bloomed and you've flourished,
He'll plant a seed right next to you.
And the two of you will grow together.

Oh dear heart, how you two will bloom.
i guess it's an analogy
346 · Apr 2014
left me with my dreams
Lana Grace Apr 2014
It's in the moments where I find myself alone that I remember you.
The love that use to be mine for you,
Has suddenly disappeared.

But it's when I look at the blue in the river,
That I remember the summer we splashed in it proclaiming our joy to the world.
It's when I look at the grass flowing with the rush of the wind,
That I remember you running after me as we played with children's delight.

It's when I look in the mirror and see who I've become
Is when the pain comes from remembering how things use to be.
It's when I take walks by myself that I imagine your hand grasping mine.
It's when I'm driving that I think back to the dreams I had of going on that date,
That special date that I dreamed of.

Why do I love to dream so much about you?
Why are the memories so beautiful, so sweet, but oh so painful?
You've created a hole in my heart that seems like only you can fix.

How did life turn to this?

The dreams that have been crushed has indeed crushed that hopeful spirit of a little girl that never realized the reality of life.

My only prayer is that life treats you well. Live your life, love it greatly. But please, never forget about the little girl who loved you more than she ever could have loved herself.
Giving him once again to my Savior. Restore, Lord. Restore.
Lana Grace Jun 2014
I figured it out.
I fell in love with that thought that somebody could love me to the depths of my flaws to the entrance of my heart.
Silly me.
313 · Jun 2014
not the last time I write.
Lana Grace Jun 2014
I always say this will be the last time I write of you.
Your memories I dwell upon won't haunt me any longer.
You'll be the ghost of my past, holding the key that can open a box full of deep secrets, yearnings, and pain for what never was that can be opened at your desire.

But see, that never happens.
After all this time I still haven't moved on.

I think of you when I see an empty seat right next to me, wishing it was you to sit down and tell me how football is doing this year.
I think of you when I look at the stars and remember bouncing on the trampoline trying to touch them together.
I think of you when I see a clock, for we both know that the time that passed when we were together went by faster than we thought possible.
I think of you when I see an empty page of paper next to a pen, so ready to be detailed with intricate words and expressions.

You were a puzzle, a novel, a complete mystery.
And maybe you still are.
Perhaps it just isn't time to put the finishing piece of the puzzle, read the last chapter of the novel, and figure out the mystery.
But just think,
What if it is.

— The End —