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491 · Jun 2017
Future's Pavement
The night sets in
I met my match
I lit the tension
I caught the flame
Now here is another self game
I battled this sin.
I write down fluid emotions
As I have timeless times with the world
As such out forth came my talents
To entertain my world
As I have kept struck devotion
In sweet and honest motions
A man , his world, and a great new new movie
Of his life never left to the ruins
Of neglectful ashes
He never strays
He goes forward
To a brighter future
It’s “groovy”
He’s true to his game
Now they sing out his name
In his own words
The songs he writes
His Entertainment history is made
He is seen, smiling, walking to another
Great destination on future’s pavement.
You can have me shunned....throughout my town.
You can fool those in "charge" with fake innocence and charm.
The truth always comes out. Even through Karma
And you are now the one "playing the clown."
You might have thought that what evil you espected in me was the "truer" "definition."
It was your reflection exploring the path of not going down, alone.
"I forgive your cruel actions and words". For someone who needs their "hunt for the day" fails to see the good in ones self.
Actions and kindness. No "repeating" your game. Made us both think of having been both left, cut by loneliness. To the bone.
Not everything is what it seems or can be truly known through plain words.
For after your storm, even after the pain.
The rains your misunderstanding heart poured upon me never got a reaction or hate from my soul.
Even though I'm now shunned by the flock...
My day will come where hearts shall see the real me.
I'll be back with the rest.
As I sent blessings in actions and never acted in hurtful vein.
485 · Apr 2018
Sweet and Strong Flower
Sweet and strong flower
Set aside
having to deal with all the excess power
Politics corrupt the once functional family
She must shelter her only son
As the vulture's attack...
the press never tells solid truths...
Here it comes, another scandal "proclaimed"
by those creative nut-sacks.
She is forced to wear a smile
even though she is stronger than they may think or may know
Like "Superman" she disguises herself as Clark Kent
Acting mild and mild-mannered
although I know, she is a lot  like me
She is tough, independent, and wishing to fly free
She loves her country and family
however, she needs to save herself
As her once true love's attention was once with her, romantic
it is now more than for her. As it may benefit us in country
Family cannot be ruled like such
He needs to open his welded eyes focused too much on his family's dwindling attention
The coldness of false affections...
Doesn't the Trumpeter know?
As he sounds the "call of unity"
He needs antibiotics for his family's separation and diseases
from cold and empty and less feeling family halls
that makes them shake and sweat from the afflicted worries
As he cleans up the country...He needs to fix his family
Through these heartbreaking attacks
where Daddy has a lack of his heart beating
To them, he needs to show love's Breezes.
She shall finally break out and leave for more promised lands
where he stands, wondering, "Why?"
As she melts down their wedding bands.
She shall do the job that both parents do.
This is such a story set askew.
"Do your job," she does it well.
The haters can all go to their fiery deserved Hells.
Families deserve their "quiet and private eras"
Not to be run by Him like a well "oiled Factory"
The family might be citizens of this country"
That we all love and support him in doing a job "well done!"
In her heart, it does way a ton.
"Enough is enough"
"I am not a fragile and wilting flower"
She shall stand, to all, showing her pure beauty in strength
As she fights they ill faded and critical mouth's showers.

I call her "The Sweet and Strong Flower"
Not as a diss
It is more than this...
It is a compliment.
Beauty is only skin deep
As such are stereotypes...
They are made by the thin-skinned and weak minded...
As she shall show, through time...Her true inner power...
She is the one with tact and true-hearted plans
For country and foremost, family.
She shall be the one to point the last finger
"I've been the one, to your misfortuned future, to prevented such... to you I reminded.."
"Stay obsessed with a job, a career, or power"
"Since I'm not your Definition"
"A weak and Fragile Flower."
Dedicated To Melania Trump. I am a huge Trump Supporter...But, heck guy, your family needs you. especially your fine and strong wife.
I bore through the rough tides.
I swam to the land.
A deserted and tropical Island.
Where one needs to keep stronger paced  strides..
To Survive.
To keep sane.
Even when this hectic and unfamiliar   land tries you...
Until it kills your soul due to the empty rains.
Falling upon  the single one.
That's you...
on this land.
A deserted and tropic island.
Making tools out of rocks and sticks.
Creating A life boat..
to float you back to familiar shores.
Where you were not left a castaway alone....
to be left by yourself
In order  to remain alive.
Hope keeps you going.That's the trick...
Knowing you will make it back
To  home,once again, the thought of such
causes you to thrive.
Now you've set assail on your wooden craft.
Days on the waves rock you heavy and long.
Until the shores of your city are seen.....
You protect your supplies, hold your sail up high, and you remain strong.
Now the impossible has been beat.
Now comes the hard part...
Not to set back into the motions...
The ways that set you on a a castaway
on the seas to the Deserted and tropical Island in A Drift.
In thoughts that governed you to a hasty and quick run.
Thinking that not one
from which you had left behind
Back in your city
Had wanted you there.
Now, back into the city  lights you walk.
Where hands,all too  familiar, reach to grab and to hold onto you quit swiftly...
Now, you hold your wooden craft, as a masterpiece on display.
To mark the beginning to the ending of your journey.
To which your mind remains clear.
Avoids another lost trip...
Due to you seeing more than what your clouded and angry mind wished for you to see....
to open up your eyes and to see, so much more clearer...
The sun you have had all along....
Instead of making rains, in your soul, you keep in the rays of the sun.
To bask in a warmer and a much more gift-filled way.
479 · Oct 2015
Hope to Afar
I see the violence in other nations on television.
I see those who live in fear and tears.
When will we be able to see one another as equal peers?
I wish I could bring some sense into those hungry for power.
Who am I but one person viewing the news that only lasts one hour?
I can bring forth this message of support
To the innocent caught between political war courts.
You matter to me and to the maker who sees you.
Never stop using your voices
Continue to fight for the right to peaceful homelands.
For hand in human beings.. Giving up is never any wiser of your choices.
477 · Feb 2018
Worlds Divided
Worlds Divided
The war of ideas and on Borders has hence started
How many must die?
Until their eyes clear of foggy and diseased ideals
that they fight and cease as the dead departed?
Life that could have been celebrated instead of insulted?
Provided other suffering lives gifts of ease of such?
Until their diseased and ignorant paths
Spoil the world like a disease
War as a vaccine
Against outdated Ruling Deals?
Pain and suffering are the side effects of this vaccine..
As the World's Generals debate on the true antidote
The smokes and bullets......the words of war....
Provocation...Debates.....Calming Additions of collective warnings...
Until the Medicine is developed right....
A solution can never be allowed to be seen
As we blow to the tides of agravation
Such medicines are scripts of war..
Made to  end such blind and diseased violent ideals
in ****** fights.
475 · Aug 2019
Intimate Emptiness
Ohh how I long to be touched

Sensuality is a beautiful gift

Hunger for such

Signals yearning to find someone who

With you is crushed.

Humans need humans

Age doesn’t define worthiness

Looks fail to be merely a reflection

Years without the sensual release

Starts personality’s infection

The energy is just

This man longs for  intimate encounters

He is no pervert but a romantic

Pieces to his puzzle are missing

Could you be the mate to please and company

A soul that yearns for deeper things than just kissing
470 · Feb 2017
Life is a tapestry
All white and empty when you start out in life.
What you fill such with
They are experiences  
That shall cut the patterns down
Paint dripping red from a painting knife
Like Harry Potter's wand
Magic pools out of your soul
In those colorful moments
Deemed "awkward " or "strange"
Such moves that are moments to be cherished
Can be re titled "gens"
In the title in life's roster pole.
469 · Jul 2016
Ego's Classroom
Sometimes jail has no physical bars.
Sometimes Discrimination is not made of direct words.
Life sticks one in a situation where what others expect to be gratitude
Turns into unspoken anger and questions to their so called "Kind Ways."
One cannot force another to be like them.
Live like them.
Act like them.
We are all unique and free souls.
To those who expect the truly "more and gifted spoils"
In rituals directed in this manner....such is not mentorship.
It is "Ego's Classroom."
465 · Jun 2017
Sunshine and Movement
I hear a fountain signal the afternoon.
The pouring waters fueled a rush to my soul's energies.
The smells of hot pavement and the feel of the beads of water
Hit my body in waves of waking humidity.
I felt my senses awaken, further, even though I was awake.
My eyes needed to see the sun burrowing through the billowed clouds..
The sounds of children, below my floor, made a smile appear..
Upon a face muffled with heavy burdens..
I feel lighter, still, as my heart beats with fluid and lively sincerity...
A mind once clouded by pain is now more alive and much more clear.
The smell and look of the green grasses
The city skyline and traffic moving
Started a song in my joy that I was deeply, too it, grooving.
It doesn't take much to create motion in a once stuck and motionless spirit
Burdened down by question and worry...
Now with Mother Nature's Calling...
I can go forth, through this moment, in a brighter mood
and a vision that is much more fluid with her light.
A way that was cleared of humanity's  storm's debris
And the way is much less, to my weary eyes now less burdened, much less blurry.
464 · Jan 2019
United Yet Divided
United We Stand
Divided... We Have Fallen
Balance is the Key To a Better Way....
So why isn't the Balancing beam being set up....for a success and a brighter day?
A Volcano of lies
Lava Scolds the Truthful and the Innocent
Sitting on our hands
We merely die like lost sea creatures boiling on the sands..
Of life's Symbiont energies peacefully brimming with  healing purpose and fluid intelligence to heal our Misguided people from destruction..
The Oceans push their waters .. harder then harder
As the Gods of Fortune, Health, and Care..
Buddha's tears fill a great portion of the ocean.. devotion...
We must stop and bath in these of nature,,,
End the senseless ignorance and violence,,,
Becoming who we know we can be..
Gentle creatures over-flowing with gleaming gifts of solution and equal distribution of rights and softer tolerance.
Until the Volcano is put to sleep with truth's song...
Until the destruction of a great world comes...
At the rate and on the road on which we have traveled, wrongly, down...
The time until the Vengeance of our Angry and Devine Creator, upon us, his wrath shall be seen quickly and deeply strong.
We, as a free and gifted world, should united and see the gifts of our creator signaled to end the suffering of ignorance. Self made unneeded trials.  Not just in government and this "migration violence" "drug dilemma" the world is a beautiful place..if we unite and work, listen, and care as one. Together.
462 · Jul 2015
The tornado hit  without a warning.
I ran to my basement and huddled as I waited for the worst to pass.

As the sun peered his head from the clouds and rain...
I climbed from my bunker and stepped outside.
The scenery was quite charming.
Mother Nature Cleaned the dreariness from the day.
A smile formed on my face
I then was able to laugh and be happy.

I assumed that, in my bunker, that the  storm would wipe my  existence
without a trace.

The "worse" that can come, from life,  our mind creates.
Making a "mountain" from a "Molehill" is an easy way to
cope  with "Fight or Flight."

Only when we can train our mind's to stop and process proper "escape routes"
Can we prepare for what storms lie ahead and enjoy a better "sight."
462 · Feb 2016
True friends are always simply a look away.
They appear even when one never knew that they were near.
When tears fall and your sanity's gone
They grab a hold and pull you back from Death's grip
On you
Asking nothing from you but a smile.
Maybe a cup of coffee on which with you to sip.
Friendship holds no limits or boundaries on how one cares
For one another
A friend, unconditionally. Is always there.
Dedicated to my true friends. The ones who asked for nothing but the best for me and just to be by my side. You know who you all are. On or offline. I've always  seen you there.
462 · Oct 2016
Fame and the Center Ring
I walked through the city and I saw a horrific vision.
Before my path were two individuals.
Shouting over a Super Market Tabloid and who knew more about what they had read in cold and calculated argumentative decisions.

Emotionally "boxing" for the "belt" in "Who was right"
and the Heavyweight Championship in "I have More  Net Worth."
Such sickened me...I tried to avoid such "nasty frights..."

As I tried to walk around the area and to push to stay out of "Center Ring."
I was drug in.
Forcibly to fight in a  "Three way" match..

With those who are enraged by what "haunts" their "sight"
A lit match...A fire to now rage and burn...
I was scolded by the heat in the middle of the flames.....
I threw my "emotional water" onto such and won an "unseeded battle."

Desperation to "win" the "street" "Judgement" "Boxing" "Battle."
I pulled away and responded "I need not join in your wars."
"This world has enough troubles..due to such..I do not need to explain. It takes two. You both have already lost"
Walking away, they looked at me and then themselves in question.
They knew that the moment they decided to "Fight this fight"
they both had lost...The minute one "began" and the other decided their need to have to "finish" and had to be "tough" and  "fought."
Each person may not "look the same...."
Nor be the "most attractive."
Life is not a "competition"
It is all in one's everyday needs and in their own "Interpretive visions"
Most are the "norm"
Yet we fight.
Most of us think with "over-inflated egos" as staged by those "fools" already lost in the tabloids that push us to live alike the ones who die in Hollywood.
Yes, it is nice to be wanted. To be sought after.
Every day, some "normal" "non lit pathways"  are  a gift.
For the attention gets "quite old..."
When one doesn't have a moment to be alone to take a breath..
After being in "center ring" almost all their lives..
Through  being "good" at a certain "artistic or inventive gift" in life...
The Paparazzi suffocate one to death...
Being unable to start a family due to your "Society's level's rules"
and "Who you can date and cannot date isn't "Cool as ice"
It cuts through one's heart...
Emptiness is sharp like a blade and it cuts like a knife.
For age, talent, looks, money, and fancy items are fine in movies, on stages, and great "fairy tales" in the great "Emerald City" that is renamed "Hollywood."
But, by being "Dorthy" in "Kansas" at least with her dog "toto"
She shall marry a normal guy, maybe excel in small business, or get short spurts of "spot light"
She shall smile and look back....
"I , at least was not a death notice in a Supermarket Tabloid..."
"A Scandal"
or "Told who I could befriend and who I am ordered to avoid."
"I won this fight in "Center ring.."
I saved my "true nature for my "after the dance was over life."
I changed out of my "dancing shoes..."
"I avoided being cut by fame and it's  icy cold and judgemental knife."
462 · Nov 2017
Down with Ship
Down with the ship
This "titanic" was the greatest ship
The captain was forced to race to the end of it
In wealth's panic
Can you help me?
Reaching out
they slapped away my hand
"What's the matter?"
"Wasn't true care and being fellow Humans "
in which to "care" for "one" another
what it's all about?
I loved you, dearly.
Yes I know the true meaning of the word
or was the message too hard to understand and
constructed as "Those made by obsird?"
I'm going down with the ship.
I cannot help to make it stop
So watch as you leave me there at the helm
As for sticking by me through and through
was to you what did overwhelm?
Watch me sink.
Your "Titanic."
You sent the morse code
That read "Don;t Bother us"
As you dried, safely, with another
"Love" in which you trusted , wrongly,
and their "boatload  of tricksters"
Is this which you now sail on with, misguidedly,  down the road?
460 · Aug 2015
My heart sings a song that is oh so profound.
Shouting colorful beams of energies that sweeten my soul
They are added to my coffee cup after I brew the grounds.

A few sips... after the creams of accomplishment are added
Signals power up my once slow and foggy mind.

Leaving me open to bigger and more complex of delightful moments...

Ingredients in my life's java
hype my rhythm and add dance steps to the foggiest of moments in my life.

Such brew of Coffee I savoir every morning.
Which brand I drink never costs me a cent.
459 · Jun 2019
Battling the Rising Tides
Life is a lot like a river
The tides either help raise you up
Or lower tides can drag you under.
One false move
as you swim these emotionally
sensitive  energy currents....
Constantly keep  the emotions in a   balancing science..

Which helps the waters from turning "tsunami"  into wonder..
"How to Keep your head above the waters"
and "away from the gravels below?"
Strength and strict compliance to this ritual are always a skill..
A ritual..
A battle which always must be won..

Moods and unchecked thoughts are similar to a loaded six shooter.
You twirl the bullet wheel  and point the barrel to the head
Providing an answer on to the scene to where this "play" shall take you
or the rough waters shall take you through.
Memories of the past turning to obsessive weight
Kicking the stress of life's load to weigh one metric ton.

You must become like an Olympic swimmer and Albert Einstein rolled up into one character.
Smarts help you figure out a better equation instead of "Russian roulette"
and becoming a strong and skilled athlete can help one wrestle
their control over the tides wishing to
overthrow "this alpha male."
You become the victor through all of it.
Becoming a controller instead of being "controlled"
Energies kept in check.
Don't give in.
For one moment of allowing one's self to be overwhelmed or give in to
the energy effect of exhaustion
Can make your reactor
Powering your life's force
Blow as the Chernobyl Reactor blasted into lifelessness
You do not have to revisit history to know what and who such energy took down with it
So stay with the times
and never neglect yourself,
Never throw up your hands, and act out the phrase "forget it!"
The future is a brighter light than in the past.
Chose the right role in your life
and you shall win your Oscar
Thanks are due to the character in which you are bright to life
and as a director
you are a true actor.
in which you cast.
455 · May 2017
The running child
I was a run away
I feared my parents due to insanity
From moments of beatings, threats, and abuse.
I kept one eye open every night as I slept
As I heard the creaks on the floors as they crept
I started drinking and drugging from flash backs
that played dances in my soul like "Foot loose."
Discipline by religion and the fear of God.
I tried to change a shameless family
who truly loved one another
but could not show it
One by one they had died.
Witnessing their last breaths
as their souls poured out and settled the agony
We became closer after their last times
Tears fell
I abused myself  through toxic drinks, friends, and near death
roads I had traveled with them into Hell.
I still am the run away child
Running in the wild.
I was pimped out, stabbed, shot down.
I cried as I handed the realtor the keys to my childhood home
That I was forced to sell.
Forced ****** Corruption
Suicide attempts
Stalking murderers trying to end my voice
I shake every night from my fears and memories
I take prescriptions to end the physical and emotional pain
I stay strong and that's by choice.
I am a fighter.
I loved my father, deeply, but needed to beat back his respect.
My mother's boyfriend, murdered by those he angered by disrespect.
I paid in money to have my family stay safe
When the friend's dealers came to me to collect when they failed to pay.
Sums for bags and sins that were not mine.
I woke in days in a busted up house and hotel rooms
Watched every family member go insane and rush to fame
as they threw away their incense in vane.
I am still the running child. Scared sometimes of his own self.
I had bottled up years of powerful hate and resentment
Stabbed,beaten,*****, and blamed.
By other family members who were never there to witness my downfall.
Bloodbaths, food lines, and Ghetto apartments.
Trashing stores fighting off the corrupt ones
Trying to take away my life
The running child
Struck back like a knife.
Selling his cherished family valuables  to avoid cold streets
Nights without power  or even heat
In a cold building
Fearing me and other family members would freeze and die
I stayed strong and by their sides.
Even through sickness,death and corruption
I awaken from sweating and crying from flashbacks
As I lied awake,further, and I had tears fall as I cry
Missing my lost mother and father
Watching my future grow dim as I drank and partied to end
the heavy feeling over the grim
This running child suffers onward
However as hard and cold as my road has taken me
I never stop
I shine my bright and loving soul
as haters breath words of cruelty into my face
I had to force myself through pain and poverty
I am nothing big
I still work every painful and waking moment sharing these lines
As I wish to relate to those running children
Broken by the shameless
Almost taken by lies
I connect to them , for strength in numbers, in these word vines.
455 · Jun 2016
The Hummingbird.
Her gentle  life ended in Violence.
A part of me me that has been stripped, from my life, forever.
She sang like a rare kind of hummingbird.
She flew upon gentle wings.
Looking up to the best composers
Her vocals celebrated the songs which they sing.
A friend, a spiritual family member, and an artistic contender.
Original and true to   the end.
Her visions I shall remember, forever.
This "Blue-Hummer" was a bird who sang true from her heart.
Respectfully, I sing out , for her in remembrance.
I keep my work flowing. As she would want me to do.
To the evil who took her from the world.
Stripped, of a gift.
Her empty spot fills my heart.
That's where evil shall never make a start.
This poem is dedicated to a friend a brilliant musician, Cristina Grimmie
455 · Mar 2015
The Sculptor
Hear the sounds of thunder in my calling.
To you, the block of marble, I shall sculpt.
To the days you were left stalling.
Days lost in the deserts of self doubt
I’m the the leader ,which found you, then helped guide you out.
Nights left in deep and  water filled despair
I dove in
I grabbed you’re sinking hand
And lifted you back to air.
Wet and wild
However wise
An elder with the heart of a child.

Learning as we walk together
Warmer in numbers then when we suffered alone
In the dark life which we thought that was forever.
The figure has been carved
No longer “the thinker”
He’s “the runner” keeping in time with hope.
The weight of  The heart’s hunger, now satisfied, from the once “thin and starved”
The sculpture carved

Full and well fed.
To keep grip on a strong built rope
Now the sculptor
Has earned his restful bed.
455 · May 2016
The Buddha speaks to me.
He knows what's hidden inside.
He bumped out the lead
Trapped and weighing down my head.
Through his teachings, to me, to avoid Big Headed pride.
He lifts me up
to live and help me back on my way.
Now the Sun warms me
Each and every day.
454 · Sep 2016
Commander In Chief
We built a country on Freedom, Liberty, and Constructive Social Serving.
We fought so bravely for equality and for a Fair Passage into a beautiful and More Brighter Land.
Our future sometimes seems dark  and unsure to me.
As I look through the hourglass of the drama that plagues the Debates for our Future "Commander In Chief," I question where "Motives lie" in speaking up about the runner's up as if we we watching a "soap opera"
and not hearing out future leaders talk about mending the economy.
Ending the wars.
Helping our troubled lands.
Where did one lose when he spoke of "what he shall be and how he shall achieve himself a way in which to be it."
Compared to "She slept with...He hid this...She doesn't know how to handle her own family life."
Behind closed doors, our "Commander and Chief" needs to be "a George Washington/Dr. Martian Luther King,jr." hybrid and get this National Machine, which is broken, working once more.
Scandal is on the streets and in Hollywood.
Where is our "Knight in shining armor" to lance through the children bickering about "what he said and she has done..."
He or she asks, "What can I do for my country to make it the once golden and pure entity that it once was?"
"This is how I am going to prove to you citizens, who vote for me, how I shall turn this "ship headed for oblivion" away from the rocky shores
I shall direct the wheel for our ship to go "back on track to sea."
If such is accomplished in this election, all of us will not sink with the "Captain" and his "ship."
452 · Mar 2016
Superman Part 3
Wearing this heavy cape as Superman
powered up
I started to lose my innocence
I tasted the kryptonite
I fell from the skies
I almost died from an overwhelming flight.
The clouds rained.
I shattered into pieces
I lost two many pieces
I fought my evil self.
I triumphed
Now Clark Kent Resurfaced....Smiling in peace.
My double died..
Superman is better,again. He's better educated.
Now who's the one who has cried?
I carried my burdens until I threw them in life's heated volcano
Like the ring of "Bilbo Baggins"
This hobbit thrives
.in his cave, like "the dark knight" as he defeated the joker.
insanity died with his laugh.
I carry on as a protector to those
That I love and trust.
This heart is made of true solid gold.
Nothing on Earth can make it rust.
This avenger stalks his prey at night.
A starving wolf for creation...i endure and acheive.

Now ends my fright.
For tonight
I feed.
The hunger as I create.
Inspiration and light.
I am the next big artistic thrill the world shall receive.
451 · May 2018
Cheers to The Life Givers
Cheers to the life givers
A toast to all the mothers
That are the life givers of us sisters and brothers
Mother Nature rules the Earth and creates onto such
Items that live
That helps us grow
Such, we are blessed to have her, and why we love her so much
Our mother's are Mother Nature
They can and do make things grow
The warmth of such
on this special day
We shall give back to her in a warm show
Allowing her to have a "day off"
to prove to her you cherish her being around
she deserves a day of celebration
As you play her role for a day, learn how it feels to be in her shoes,
work her shifts, and feel a love for her, back, which grows more and more profound.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers . Happy mother's day to my late mother Sandra Kay Kavadas
445 · Jul 2015
I finally found the love you were sending
As my heart relaxed in the hot waters of passion..
Bending cold steel into blobs of fantastic and beautiful mind blending..

Into one a song
Sung in old days....

Where Love was truly known and blind lust was forever old
Withered to it's needed resting place
With the legend's voices of yesteryear making pages in yearbooks fold.

The pictures in our past are cherished and placed in the walls of the heart's gallery.
Do you see such?
In the heart of your other?
Do you hear the sweet song sung..
A beautiful love song that your true feelings brung

Into a "togetherness" that filled a once empty heart
Placing the true trophy on the Soul's mantle...

The memories...
Our  future......
that only true and dear fused hearts mend
Cold and tear drops of a heart ... a teared up cloth...
A tapestry now woven from the parts of each loving trend
One other's souls, forever, to never fall to part
in lustful ignorance that needed to be put out...
A flame..... that burnt our souls to be taken apart.....

Stronger than steel
Colder than ice
Our souls
True love
One force

That is the "us" that had drawn us together,forever,right from the start.
445 · Oct 2015
Artistic Loving Halls
My age has brought me wisdom
Great memories from moments in my past.
I don't see myself as becoming old...
Quite the opposite
I grow younger in my energy as hope's signal has been cast.
I shall make a difference in this lifetime.
My name shall be remembered, forever.
In the great deeds that I have done
In the artistic inventions I've left as a gift to the world..
That remains a bright light and message to fade, never.
In the pages of my books and the paintings you have displayed on your walls.
Such are part of me, my true everlasting spirit
That shall roam your heart's artistic loving halls.
444 · Dec 2015
A Happy Holiday Stroll
A time of snow, imagination, and Family.
Loved Ones...
Decorated halls in homes...
Displays at a store...
Even the Salvation Army Santa asking for a donation..
Oh so much more!
Being together...
Remembering.......Past Times
Where,as we were Kids before Christmas Eve, as we await for  Santa as Twelve o'clock chimes.
People who become so happy...just to show you that they care..
Even a phone call from someone in which you care.
The Holiday Season is so bright and so alive.
No matter what type of the "Giving Spirit" in which You Celebrate..
Hanukkah,Christmas, or even your own version of what this time of year means to you...
and to others around....
Can make this world more peaceful.. and for a short spell...
Ooh so profound.
For one cheerful act and spirit ignites into another.
The chain of positive energy and wishes for a better life...
Cuts away those deep,dark,and hateful blues like a knife.
Just a respite from worries and some hurtful events is worth this short time span...
To do your part, in the heart of the Holiday season, just by taking time to share the true message of giving...all the giving feeling that you can.
Whether materialistic, or  simply a handshake, to a hardened soul..  stops at least one sad heart from a harsh break.
For in this "Holiday Season," True love and your heart's cheer for another ,shall make one once dark  and gloomy  soul
become another bright  friend.
In which ,to share with you,  a happy Holiday stroll.
443 · Nov 2018
I was recruited to fight in a war
Not overseas
However massive and ******
It was a war on our own land.
Dark people forcing darkness on the inhabitants
Now the clash has come
from those sick of the tolerance of violence
he sided with those true
and became a worthy combatant.
A shield of truth and a gun of brighter ways
Holds the guilty in the scope
as truth fires the killing shot
The reward in which they have earned
from crimes against humanity
on these conflicted streets...
Justice is what they have gotten.
442 · Mar 2019
Dying Inside
I'm dying inside.
My soul inside is dimming
Other entities ride me like a motorbike.
Out and made an example of for all of mankind.No pride.

Crashing my soul into a brick wall.
I have too much physical and mental pain
To keep pretending
with all of my strength
Not to fall.

The dark people
who bash you about like Raggedy Andy
Deny their acts
You feel untrusted and crazy.
A "toy" that is sweet, to them, like "Candy."

I cannot prove my worth to deaf ears
Nor blind eyes
I pay my dues
Who knows how to silence these fears?
I want to run.
No way to go.
I wish to end it and fly into the Heavens
No bravery to finish what my mother started.
Am I lazy for needing to rest?
Or am I destined to be the failed "dearly departed?"
438 · Jan 2016
Little Flamer
She was born from a spark called "The Little ******."
An Obsessed Organization of Science thought that they could tame her.
Wrong they were. The burns started to hurt.
The pockets of the public paying for answers
To lies of aa Mental Medicine Breakthrough
Which Lead All Who Created it to ashes and Dirt.
Her Dad tried to keep her safe, "His Little ******."
Forced apart by The Government for their bidding
Took a mother to her grave and a father to his ending.
Now she must finish what they had started.
A drug on test shelves. At a small town University.
No student wants this "Psyche-High"
Not even the heaviest in Druggie Sororities.
The smoke remains and the smell of fear.
She lights the match which is her mind.
"Little ******" has shown those "Evil Think Tanks"
How melted torture leads to an unbreakable spine which it did bind.
Together in a swift and blurred moment.
There she goes.
"The Little ******" goes to her future.
No more chasing....From those Who Thirst For Mental Warfare...
The twisted plot of creating  weapons of the mind...
Lies in ashes as she wipes tears from the force that came
from the same kind.
"I did it for you,Daddy." She exclaimed as The Rainbird Can never fly again.
She protects those who are haunted by genetic's and their unchosen paths....
By the "Bigger Minds" that brought the chemicals through the parent's veins.
Now the records are in vaults as the government seals it with
the blood of a fallen strain...
Of a new hu"man-kind...?"
That was the notion. Evolution Forced too quickly.
Now "The Little ******" shall force Them to Bide by her
terms and the heart from endearment of moments of the same kind.
Flashes Back to moments. Now smoking History.
"Little ******" has brought peace to all of the fallen Souls
Locked in her heart's memory.
A Tribute Poem to the Movies "Fire starter(1984," "Fire-starter 2 rekindled," and My Favorite Author and Inspiration who wrote these Novels that inspired these movies, Stephen King.Charlie Mcgee is "The Little ******."
438 · Mar 2018
The Golden Wonka Ticket
I walked through a rainy day
Looking for a rainbow.
During an epic week that never seemed to have the sunshine.
I found some Wonka Bars in a store display.
I ran in for a few bars and never won a thing.
However, keeping my mind on the prize kept my distraction from the storms.
Then, as the sun peered out
Just when  I had lost interest in the sweepstakes...
I had gotten lost in the flavor
I found, in that last bar, the "Golden Ticket..."
As the sun started to shine and I felt my heartbeat
of the gratefulness of a sweet and silly moment...
I won the jackpot...
A prize of happiness
A moment of victory which I shall, forever, savor.
437 · Mar 2019
Beacon From The Static
Support to the brighter soldiers....
"Making America Great Again.."
It's not a statement... it's a way to a new life...
From living one like a has-been.
Never throw your hands up...
Energy needs to surge
Before you throw your guts...
All over in fear's purge,
"You need to stay strong.."
It's automatic....
We unite as one....
Victory Becomes
The beacon of vision
Through t.v screens full of static.
(C)2019 By Kevin Michael Kappler. Beacon from The Static. Let's become great people...we are..we just lost the way. I know we can find this road, again. I hate seeing good people giving in to the hate and violence. Blessings to all.
437 · Apr 2015
A New Kid In Town
You are a new kid in town.

“Nobody Panic”

Just a new face in a new town to greet some new faces….

Enjoy new company…..the scenery…. especially…


New personalities to meet and even more exciting places.

Open to new adventures

However weary from some baggage I’ve earned along the way

I’ve  stayed true to a walking stride… in a noble quest

to brighten the darkness around me along my traveled ways.

At night I dream of those I miss. I am no longer alone.

Warm memories of distant places

Amazing People

The road trips to reach my new found spaces..places.

In a huge world

Full of questions

Full of Darkness

Full of Caution

I remain determined not to close the window to another

“New Kid In Town…”

I take in a deep breath as I shake the hand of another.
436 · Nov 2017
Death's Dictator Rendered
Death’s Dictator Rendered

   Countries and leaders

    They coexist in a paradox of “one needs another.”

     Power is alike a potent drink

     To power’s heads, such intoxicates and corrupts a brother.

    Shielding one self through words that justify a blood bath

     Words handed over

     to the trusting populations……

     in order to capture a ticket to power’s seat

     with such, promises and trustful actions never do they meet….

    A push of a button….

     A jab with a verbal knife…..

     Strikes another nation.

     Through corruptions and anger

     derived from ill faded and egocentric power bursts…

      Destruction rains over

     those that they consider a “rival”.

       Walls cutting off roads  

      to the needless spread of targeting those  “others”

      defined as  the obstruction to  their greedy targets of expression

      of joyful power intoxication through war and money absorbing actions.

      in which a job…

       people are recruited from the populous.

      Whom  the dictator  loves to employ…

       Soldiers in their “war to their just cause”

       the population is brainwashed to oblivion.

      Without a true view of who and what they are fighting for….

      until the world is shaken and almost rendered “extinct.”

      Through these pig headed wars….

      A show of strength…..

       to hide their weaknesses…

      the purge of adversaries…..    

      ensures their hold to their sword of power.

      As memories of those fallen

      on their forgotten grave sites….


      who remembers a forgotten and misunderstood heart….

       on their tombstone…

they place upon it a beautiful flower.
435 · Jul 2015
You might be of "a middle age"
You might have "Second Hand Clothes"
You Might not Have a fist full of fifties.

What makes you shine is above this...
You chose the right passage....

You didn't Force on Someone Some Religion
You didn't Ignore someone who was "******* their luck."
You didn't preach words, rather, you handed him a hand
and a lunch for a buck.

Big hearts don't have the need to look down on the still growing ones.
They don't need to look away from the hearts who were the older ones.
They shall stand with each other and walk.

Make changes to the world by living in harmony with one another.
Not wars to force them into beliefs or for wants or for greed.
We don't share pain, shoot down those who fly different then ourselves.
We were released from bonds
The bonds that were on our selfish prides
Trophies shared on  dusty shelves.

Mother Earth Shall Be Health and Happy
The days shall not end nor will be put to the end
By useless stereotypes, raging wars, and bored egoes of the large.

We are the true human bright hearts who want a new tomorrow..
By making today a sweet one from bright and giving light from inside us.
We are a new Earth.
People United together and who will not end...But Grow.
434 · May 2017
Mothers Celebrated
Mothers celebrated
Mothers gave us life.
They breathed into our lungs our first cry of existence.
Showers of praise to the years of giving that she has given us.
Such is Beauty. A sweet cake cut pieces from like a knife.
We owe to her respect
We honor her and mothers who have past
Through carrying on her legacy and messages
A magic energy forever cast.
As we celebrate on this day the honor that she deserves 
All year long
Blessed are we to have her in our lives and in our hearts
A sweet love who had brought us in the world and she protected and directed us.
Cheers to her, the sweet and beautiful lady, forever celebrated in our hearts.
430 · Jul 2016
Astral's Reality Break
Sunrise until sunset
Cooler lands warmed in the hours
As the rays mark the hours.
Each moment defines summer's calendar.
As the day ends and the moon marks the night.
Dreamlands and astral plains take our mind's on a journey
where magic, ficitional, and the impossable are within reach...
We are no longer a heavy mortal who has fallin asleep on the beach.
We are like Peter Pan who never grows old...
We can fly!
To distant areas and becoming involved in unordinary events
Never limited to the covers of a book or how we are  taking in
as to how the story teller  has told.
We are free in Never Never Land.
So, enjoy your flight and fly free!
Until the alarm clock and the sun mark the waking hours...
You may do as you like...Even posess super powers.
The cool air chills the body, however never the soul.
As it flies through these Dreamy Astral Plains
Until the sun warms the bady to wake.....
You are the untouchable in this land of Astral's Reality Break.
astral projection,astral wake,magic,dreams,kevin kappler
429 · Sep 2016
Free to be....
I am a man. A good man.
Your thoughts of hate and discriminative conceptions..
of what I "must stand for,"
Of "What I know  I should not be forced to stand for.."
"Wealth and Vanity's fools..."
Such are the  only ""Minds" who  create  a "rule" in the "Social Book"
as "created" and "made-up"
only from and by   an "insane mind..."
Ones who have "Turned  on" "others"
...  and ....the "only type" of "personalities"  that have  "needs"  "made of such" unneeded" "darkness"
and "Morals"
Such,turning a "person" into a "Defined," "Labeled," and   "poorly-typed personality," "into "such defined , wrongly, as a "person" considered as a "kind.."

As the only "soul" who "defines" their thoughts
of a "poorly defined" lifestyle"  as  "such as"a required "company creating" rule ,"

Such, where only "sloppy" and "unhealthy " diners "think"  of" as  a " tool..."
as "such unhealthy" Thinking  is as "successful"   are as  "beneficial to one's soul"
As what  "lost food-poisoned"  recipes where   "lost souls" can  "grow lonely" and as a "lone" "ranger," who is  more and more ""poor...."

Due to their "insecure recipes"  
Their ill-fated "needs"  of what only what their "unsafe" Book's "Recipes"
where only "unwanted-securities"
Are "Tasty" "facts" which are whipped up on "trays"  created  by  these "eccentric"  and "overpowering" "kinds" of "chef's" "requirements"
Are only ill-guided "thoughts" made up  by "misguided " "entities"
The "sickly and untried souls untried" and those now "Unkind.."
Those "insecure people"  who are, "inside and out," truly lost," and now "poor"...
Not  made of  the most "secured" of "ingredients" and out of  "life's festered insanities...."
and never of "sanity"
   of "minds" in which they are in >financially" in store to be truly "poor"
well, such >hurtful energies, beliefs, thoughts, and words...."
Words where such  never   have any worth.
Nor "truer life's path" can be    "plotted"  where  any   "bearings," can  "lead" my life "in-less than "fake" or "hectic waters"
of the rocky surf...
Sports that ,Rather than "thrill much needed true fully" needed    "mapped " "courses"
They land us to Where neither  "a true  meaning in my soul," is truly a needed "destination."

here in my beautiful heart...
I wish to not let such trips land my head in a ditch. Or worse.
I become hateful and judgmental, to others, as you forced into my programming logic to be..
continuing the cycle, like yours imposed, forcibly on me...
"Blind out of fear and question," to "what I am "or "what I never  needed to" "be...."
I turned myself, my thoughts, and my acts around and I am truly able
to step back, process, understand and remove such "unneeded" parts added in the world,
where the moment became "sunniest" and "Clearest"
When I decided to "grow up" and "accept and correct my own misguided mistakes"
"I manned up" and I could ,finally,  "correct   such hurtful motions to souls that my bad and old actions had broken" "I finally put my pieces back together,"
I  can now, and "more than I  ever needed in" "my  wrecked spirit" to be
Free, " to grow in dignity" and in my own "open-eyed" mind
Due to a now"  truer spirit..."
"I can truly see" and (more than I  ever wanted to be, free_)
I am now," freer" to "be more" of "the truer me"
" I am  me."
Since, now,, I can truly open my once closed eyes   "clearly", " see.."
around  others, as you have forced my fragile soul  make me acceptable in your crazy world
As this "computerized brain" was  forced to act out a programming, which he was never compatible with such illogic to become, and I try to fire down upon a "weaker one..."
.I took on him my toll...My fire.....My fear....Illogic you handed into my life, uneedingly, suffering as he has now to bear because of what you scared me to treat his programming to become...
He shorts out....
His fragile soul shatters...
I'm now a new "weapon of mass destruction"
In your Sick life's army.....
What you thought was "just"
It never, ever, justly ever once matters....
In "a real world" where uniqueness should be cheered to thrive..
Planted, nurtured and gardened to grow....
Out of your sick "social demands " as such, I label "experimentation on what you call the weak,"
Such will some day haunt you until you are at your dying way.
Definitions of what I require as a man....
Intimacy justly needed...
Equally sprinkled with love and honor...Just and Deserved Trust....
"Sickness" which  you have tried to "Cure"
was nothing more than untrue stories and a door to your sad, pathetic, and hurtful face, I must now slam..
One cannot survive to see in forced "illogic,"
Forged from your "Fears and Misguided Brining up as a child"
Was instilled into.... "Your parents fears," from them and " "justly" programmed  or forced from your "sickness....such as what is this refusal to face uncertainty" made a disease in you to stick... an avoidance to " faced raced obstacles"   and your "Inner Child's Add to dictionary and malnourished voice ignored  your own "
  you had to endure as a child..
You never stopped to question any "sickness from poor programs of bad parenting or your own poor understanding of another's lifestyle.."
or be programmed as such programming that another demands and believes as "pure and just.."
425 · May 2016
My heart beats a more brighter tune.
A light shines inside of my soul.
My ventures, to a new way on the seas of existence , have been lit.
Sails bursting with the higher winds of promise...
They breath life, newer energy, into my stride.
Walking down the  streets to the proper destinations,
I enjoy the travels.
Along the way, I see those who have bumped into me, and I smile.
I sit down.
My Anchor drops at the port of brighter  Conversation.
The lessons and wisdom  that I have been   freshly taught,  These lessons learned,  teach me better ways of working my ship.
These solutions, that  are the light in my mind, are writing a better map. Destinations to yet another stop.
In my travels.. in my life..
I  have freshly discovered, newer ways, in which to better improve, and to travels.  
Such revelations,  have hit me like a hammer.
The exchange of ideas.
Such are like precious  Gold.
Beautiful stories shared.
Defined as "Treasures."
They have made me richer,than any bank, in existence.

Shaking hands, as newly born family members,  we part ways.
Until we meet again, or as these new "family members"" volunteer to add to my crew, we shall meet again.
As  My ship sails ,still,Onwardly...
Avoiding  icebergs of hopelessness.
Never sinking to the bottom, of Life's Seas,to The depths of Helplessness....
The sun still shines.
The sun sets.
As the moon shows his smile, I see even his white and bright light.
I smile back.
A captain at his wheel. At the Helm.
I am determined to venture the islands of new found treasures.
To add to my  life's wealth.
I earned my haul. A sailor with hs crew.

We sail together on a ship that we have  created , together.
Life is a rough sea.
We learn how to tame her.
We are all sailors who must learn to navigate waters less calm. To find a better route.
To these "ïslands of treasure."
Landing on such, when we set anchor, we explore the lands, and make our "rest stop."
We shall give and also  exchange,  such "treasures of experience."
The finest Gems, handed down to us from those "Villagers," that we have met along our voyages...
Now , with our steps walking, in paces ,together... at the same stride.
We pull anchor and set out for yet another island.
A  brighter map to lead us to  "äfter life's " destination, we read the routes; carefully.
Sailing onward until we reach such an end to our life's journey,
we enjoy songs and drinks of cheer.
As we sail, on a cruise ship made from  the hearts of my "family,"
which I have let into my soul, and I have so enjoyably  created.
Such travels start adding to my crew, of my life's ship.
425 · May 2016
Stairway for Love
I had lost my way
through blind eyes.
I slipped off the cliff
and hung on, with dear life, by my finger tips.
On this rainy day.

Someone had taken off my sun glasses
Then He lifted me upward
Now, this dark and  blind man..
His empty life is all filled up.....

The kindness of this one kind and gentle steward
Had guided me to better ways and better lands.
The only thing he asked for in return
Was the spread of this message.

I gladly share with all of you, now.
To live a life even after a fall....
You can find another like Him and I
who shall rescue you, now, matter how....
Hard the odds weigh against you or I
We shall always make it, together.
If we never allow our newly found friendship
to crack and to fail.

Starting this “Marching Band.”
We shall all go to more enlightened
and sunniest of lands.
424 · Apr 2019
Cheers of Wine to The Poets
Cheers to my fellow poets
The truer voices battling the diseases
that plague society
Creating false personalities
They aim to create
An end to the system and the ones who started such
where hope and true love's movement ceases
The breath and life back into the victims
of the fear and the dread
That causes the jealous and greedy
To warrant punishment to cut of
Creativities' head.
The Kings of the "Secret order"
Sit proudly
Upon their thrones
It will not be long
Until these dominoes fall
So shall their "castle of cards"
Grave yards full
Of those they have chosen as "their fallen"
Returning "targeted Carma"
Eating their faked and "Plastic" altered flesh
To their barren and true soul's bones.
424 · Jan 2016
Psychic Flowers
The soul is an energy made up of many colors.
Red,white,yellow,blue, and black.
The powers of such are measurable powers shaking the world....
Moving Lives.... Fleeting in dreams of valor.

Limitations are only made as we allow them to.
Lift away the walls and your astral plane becomes larger than the Earth.
More Powerful Than the sun....
Some powers go past physical life......
They allow us to remain "fun."

Close those eyes. Tap into your being.
Lift up weights...
Fly out of body past limits of physical feeling.

Communicate with history.
Talk with the future.
Start a fire with this energy....
Seal the deal of success like a suture.

For one's mind is not just an invention..the inventor...or the Creator..
It is a weapon.
Devastates the lands with rage...Kills love with jealousy...
Builds radio waves linking one to another...
More important..... Chakras are never to be taken as a joke, loosely.
For they are as deadly as a gun and gentle as a feather.
They can bend matter and even change the weather.

Even past death, one still lives on..
In the "Soulful Energy" it revolves into another life.
An older being to a newer, such.
Person,place,or thing is more powerful...
Than the Mind's energies....oh so marvelous a power.
Use your energies well. Wisely..Selflessly..
For your future's garden  is defined by the use you place
your willful energies to..
A rest stop..a garden place... marking the actions where you shall plant  your "psychic" flowers.
I've walked stairwells through an Uphill battle.
I've carried the weight of such
Upon a worn out and tired back.
You push forth and onward you have won each battle.
Over and Over
I nearly have had my knees collapse
A miracle of a "Newer wind"  blasts into my lungs.
I gain will's Blast of Needed Energies.
Onward I fight. Unto victory.
To mark my greatest comeback
Now the oppressors fall
This harsh moment is a new and well understood lesson.
To fight fear
In life's battle.
A small taste of success.
Now, in my memoirs, a sweet and well written memory.
423 · Jun 2015
New Plains of Travel
I looked up at the stars
A vision came to me
Of a far off place
Millions of Light Years from where we are.
We do not need a space craft to travel there.
Just our minds, an openness to the unusual that is beauty,
and a calling to add beauty from another our own..
Such is our duty.
Travel with me through the spaces to the stars...
To the golden temples of the place to a more beautiful existence
Far from what our bodies claim....
To be able to be explored, adored, and brilliant colored
By an open spirit
Spirits such as you and me...
Flying high above the heavens to the promise lands...
Here we swiftly take to flight....
You and I ...
Hand in Hand.
423 · Sep 2016
What does this sound like?
The sounds of others laughter and happiness of companionship...
taunts into me
through the old hotel walls.
As my soul lies here dying and craving a light from dark and shadowed halls. The shadows that lurk...
That are my days spent, alone. You sit and desire not to join those "public" masses of "Break feast"
As to be the "ridicule and blame ,"  
visions from your damaged past, show up within messages ironically playing...the song entitled "defeat."
They are  like broken records in a "Plays" sounding card, indefinably left to play and to broadcast.
You have forgotten what it is like to be youthful.
As when you have tried to enter life's "diner...."
A person "lets out a leg to trip you........."
As laughter fills your despair's cup to full.
Walking out due to being shamed and to  have been the one chosen to be the "example," the knife that started to you avoid and  you stay out.
The horror of being shamed has battered your heart.
Your self lies their in the dark. No escaping those who chose to find a way to hound you..
you let yourself suffer and starve.
As you wish to avoid the "emotional cut.."
that the youthful" and the "rebellious" have started to carve..
You try to snap out of this "silent" "insanity...."
Yet, there is no hand of friendship that is free to help guide you....."to lift you back up"

As you slipped from your feet.
"Just don't take it to heart..."
They tell you this time and time again..
As those who taunt you are allowed to stir around and to stomp into your bravery...
"Fly Away"
"away, "you hurt again and again from even more defeat.
For rules of "society" are never equally sided by those elders that provided
Sunday masses or spiritual strength in meditation.
To the masses....
Sounds like "Hesitation..."
I wave on despair's taxi
"as I will not be needing a ride."
You scream for all to hear on this almost empty and barren city street.

I'm set to plan my rise in the same heart's "room"
I started to die and pay for in stride....
"No More!" like in the Pink Floyd Album :The Wall.."
The song "The Trial" blasts in your mind...
"At kast another one hit wonder..."
Plays on from the same sound stage
as that once over-played song "What does this sound like?"
You have now tipped the fresh musician that has refused to fall to their freshly written song, "rage."
422 · Jul 2016
Heart's Inn
We are all humans.
As imperfect as we may be
Understanding is the foundation of care.
That some of us fail to see.
They cn make this foundation in which bonds are made
or it can ruin such a cemented in start
and to souls start to break apart?
We may not understand why we do the things in which we do.
However, friendship leads to the healing in the resume
to the building of trust.
As the foundation's frame of relationship's beams are fused.
If not completed...The rot alone and rust.
As such, can the Human heart.
So head the warnings that come into view.
When anger, envy, jealousy,anger, or emotions cloud your schematics of the building of the "relationship's" "Dwelling"
Clean the sites' plan and be the true you.
Through thick and thin. Through hard work.
Your hard work and loyalty shall reward you with such tat
is so much valuable than gold.
Such is a dwelling where you and that person's hearts live.
That scared "Building" in which time, keeping together,
never trusting within the rekms that lead weak into doubt....
Your rewards are crowds that live within this structure
Called "Heart's Inn."
Service, equal, we shall all give.
418 · Nov 2016
Successful in Score
successful in score
Life throws one a curve ball
How you catch it
Determines the score of your life on the wall
Lit up in cheers
Sometimes you are the losing team
Don’t sulk
For success comes in many forms
Other than in fancy suits tailored at their seams.
415 · Oct 2017
Future's Photo Booth
I fell to my knees
while I had" danced in the dark."

I asked for "the light"

The sunlight beams warmed my back  
as I took a rest in their "park"

While I "took time" to "mend" all of my broken pieces"
I "stood tall..."
I kept in the "message" while I was at "my weakness"

I put my "pride asside" and asked for "simple peacefulness"
Even while I was rushed through this "simple task"

I "accepted what I had been guided through"
I refused to "see life" through a "watered down flask."

I "mended" my "mirrored visions"
as I did begin
I walked this  "new path to walk"
even though it felt as if  I was "still running through this process..."
"in place" to move "much more, "still, "forward."

As I took the" smiles of those who sent them to me"

Now this "ship has set sail"
and you shall not see it
"set afloat ," next to such, "parked"
at this "warn out" and "out dated" "Dock."

Ambers neatly sparked....with hope's electric energies...
as I faced the "truth......"

A "snapshot of a brighter future"
as seen through a "lense" of a more "temporary"
and a much "foregiving" "future Picture's"
"Photo Booth."
414 · Apr 2015
The Gallery
I like to window shop

Try on the best outfits and pretend to be Brad Pitt.

Laughing, I go from actor to real as I place a jacket back on the mannequin.

I like to go to ice cream shops and have a taste of many flavors.

Is there a flavor of me?

A question arises.

You see that you wish to be

Are you in the gallery?

As the negativity passes

you smile and somehow feel grateful  that you are not.

You say a “Hello”

You sing a song

Then you wish to grow. Music..Poetry…


Hard Work Pays off in heart.

One is a stranger until they are invited guests.

Where’s your letter?

Not this time.
413 · Feb 2019
Strength’s Journey
Staying strong

Providing a listening ear

Even when fear is reinforced

Strength shines sunlight down on me

dries the tears.

Hope is  there.

The light at the end of my journey’s tunnel.

Through thick and thin

I never give up.

For, in life, we never stop trying…

Until death’s stalker’s follow

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