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JRF Jul 2019
A smile drew across my face.
For the last time I felt this,
I thought it would be my last.
And now.
Stripped bare and brand new.
Across my brow, and my lips.
I have you,
For the first time.
807 · Jan 2019
JRF Jan 2019
Storm water channelled by terracotta roofs,
Falling to the Earth like waterfalls.
Green plants clinging to the walls and you.
Dancing on the wet stone.
Just my imagination
426 · Feb 2019
Reputation on the line.
JRF Feb 2019
But seriously, Cupid.
How do you ask:
Will you be my Valentine?
I've never asked
426 · Nov 2018
Songs of Siren.
JRF Nov 2018
The day feels unbalanced.
The night feels haunted.
Faces, changed by sodden tears.
Eyes awake but no light behind them.
Everything is switching, on and off.
Friends fall close, some fall away.
Remember them when you speak of them one day.
Stained by morning guilt as the sunrises, touched by shining silk.
A web weaved by the tip of your tongue.
Locked out of life, floating away.
Days float by in a sea of disarray.
One day, on the street.
I'll be brave enough to say hey.

By that time we will be too far away.
Siren, she lures and enchants.
423 · Jan 2019
The Dance of you
JRF Jan 2019
The dance of you,
Where embarrassment meets happiness,
That I got to see.

For one moment in my own world,
You were mine.
The sway of your hips,
The kiss of your lips,
The brown in your eyes.

The stare fixed,
When it's just me and you.

Feeling of silk,
The calm after the storm,
All night I'll spend,
For you to wake.

Just so I can feel calm,
Without worry,
With you safe,
I can finally rest,
With you on my chest.
The feeling of happiness I felt, one winters day.  With someone perfect.
420 · Nov 2018
La Nina.
JRF Nov 2018
The cold winters touch clawing at the window.
The need for change moves with the seasons, but the idea of you stays evergreen.

Hair flutters, beautiful in the wind.
Her power so tough, it's nearly a sin.
She'll wreck your world when she's feeling stormy.
But today, she's calm, not even a stir.
Waking her up just to look at her.
Eyes like two planets, orbiting my soul.
Wondering if we'd run away,
Would her touch still feel the same?
If she's mad, she could destroy. But today for me, she is calm
392 · Mar 2019
Weathered the storm.
JRF Mar 2019
Like the touch of love,
My body flickers with excitement
as the rain flows.
Until every last drop,
drenches my skin.

It's like I've never felt rain,
Until today.
Rain like this,
doesn't fall
Every day.
When it rains, don't rush away.
391 · Feb 2019
JRF Feb 2019
I'll remember the time,
When your words and smile,
Made me new.

It makes my chest sink,
In agony of what could have been.
A love I wanted to give,
That fell, pointlessly.

I still fell for her,
Even when she told me not to.

I'll remember the time,
When the words that escaped my lips,
felt like the perfect me.
Now only letters remind me of her voice,
Poetry for me.

When every word I used was for her,
And they ran out.
A drift of space,
A burning drought.

I'll remember the time,
When I told myself to stop writing about you.
If you feel something for someone, tell them.
349 · Nov 2018
Polar Opposite
JRF Nov 2018
Too happy to write words.
The words of despair.
Sentences that came easy before, now sit in a void.
A void of unfortunate happiness.

The crevasse of heartbreak looms under inches of pleasure.
One last kiss won’t break the ice.
Let’s risk it.

To fall down to the depths of darkness.
Only to be rescued.
Once more.
By you.
The pleasure of meeting someone but you know they will hurt you in the end.
328 · Nov 2018
Deathly Silence
JRF Nov 2018
Her mind’s silent, at the brink of disbelief.
How did I hurt you? She got out early.
To her hearts relief.

Not allowed to call,
Letters not allowed to fall.

Unspoken words but they want to be said.
Don't give them up.
Speechless, hanging by a thread.

That once stitched us together,
Have come apart.
We could have been looking at each other,
Saying ‘til death do we part’.
when you think you might marry someone, and then, you just don't.
308 · Nov 2018
Three Days.
JRF Nov 2018
The heart sinks but it finds a way to float.
The mind wondering at every possibility, the heart knowing you'll do the right thing.
But when your heart skips a beat.
The words you once depended on, leave you.
You are grasping, but there is someone who understands.

The words you once trusted have disappeared.
Replaced by a smile from a stranger.
That smile you have when you catch your reflection.
That grin, the only way that you know that you are really you.
The one you know that you've made it through.

Eyes closed, the imagination takes over, dream or be it reality, you live it.
Thinking of that touch.

Time is moving, but the smile remains the same.
Desire still removes the breath from my chest.
Left with only one thing, my smile.

In a slip of the mind,  I realise I don't have my smile,  I've got two.
For three days, hopefully, more.
I've got a smile, and yours is brand new.
The beginning of relationships, and how time passes when you have a smile.
295 · Sep 2020
22° Halo
JRF Sep 2020
Shadowed behind
riped curtains
& moonlight punching.

Reflecting soul.
It flows like gold
as you pour it over me
Eyes shut tight
Heart torn
But beating again.

Climbing down
From our high
Wearing only
Lines of sweat.
Healing is important, protecting is essential, loving is the easy part.
276 · Nov 2018
JRF Nov 2018
A moment in time, I turn and walk away.
For, with more than hope, I see you again.
The stiff wave of a reluctant goodbye,
The cold tears in the autumn rain, fill my eyes.

You never get numb to feeling left behind,
Only understanding, not when, but maybe why.
Cold cheeks touch with the embrace of regret,
Sobering thoughts, I'll miss you, please never forget.

The page has been turned, with ease and conviction,
I'm no longer broken without you, an unhealthy addiction.
Love, sobriety & alcohol.
262 · Dec 2018
Float away.
JRF Dec 2018
That moment of time,
When you know you'll go.
When you leave it behind,
They say you'll never know.
To one day to return,
To find someone new.
Like we've got the time,
To wait in that queue.

I won't be back,
At least not here.
I'll search the earth,
Without any fear.
It's all for me,
But if I find you?
The world will change,
Into something new.

To say goodbye,
For the last time.
To say you'll come, that's a far cry.

But there will be one,
That I'll see.
It won't be here,
But we'll find our esprit.
On a land that we've never shared,
A ground never stood.
I won't return,
Because we are both driftwood.
When people say they will visit but never do
252 · Nov 2018
JRF Nov 2018
The song of your voice,
Singing as it leaves your chest,
watching you speak as I catch my breath.

Winters' eyes are darker than space,
The world flickering through your mind,
If this moment is all, I'll always be blind.

Sentences leave me, in a mess of embarrassment.
Red-faced and laced with the taste of speechless abandon.

You laugh, tease with your touch.
I don't need words if I feel this.
Music theory, and the way your voice resonates my chest.
245 · Nov 2018
Waiting Room
JRF Nov 2018
As the chest beats, one last time.
Not for death but for you.
Let it be final, I had no clue.

The shiver as your soul leaves mine,
Parted by the un-divine.
Creatures crawl from their comforts.

The bottom of the pile,
Friends removed in a flourish
All I've got left now is my courage.

Leave and grow, with you behind.
Try and move on, find some kind.
In the glimpse from within the darkness,
Reaching out to grasp my own mindfulness.

The ray of light breaks the shade.
Waiting for this pain to fade.
How long does it take to mend a broken heart?
232 · Nov 2018
JRF Nov 2018
Bravery in the lonely morning,
The mirror reflecting it's perfect light,
But the person looking back has changed.
His shadow disappeared.

The bed empty of passion,
Light drenching the empty side of the bed.
Where you once felt safe.
How I felt, every summer morning for a while.
228 · Dec 2018
North of the heart.
JRF Dec 2018
The person next to me isn't you
Lost you to find myself again
Leaving behind a city of dreams
and nightmares
Fulled by my addiction
Of being me
A Blurr of green passes by
Backwards in grey light
Knowing that I'll make a new life
But not sure how
Tears fall, stinging my cheeks
As they drop to my chest
Once loved.
Always me.
Leaving a city to start a new life after a break up
206 · Nov 2018
JRF Nov 2018
I left my heart on my sleeve,
and then washed it clean.
it is gone. down the drain
181 · Nov 2018
JRF Nov 2018
Take shade in her oasis, hide in her beauty.
Take shelter in the eyes of the ones you trust.
As the sun slips below the horizon, her touch will make you dream.
No longer in darkness, her smile, her melodic theme.

The Mirage, a lie of light, will no longer be true.
Now it's just me, alone, thinking of you.
169 · Nov 2018
Veil of us
JRF Nov 2018
The fear of crazy.
Hides in a cloak.
It faces hazy.
Flavourless smoke.

A reaching hand burns to the touch,
Spite the hand, it doesn't mean much.

Until it's silent, and the hood is off.
Revealing what you already knew.
Crazy isn't faceless, crazy is me
And crazy is you.
127 · Jan 2020
We Fly
JRF Jan 2020
A blurry crowd
Not a face in focus
When it's just us

Time moves
And it won't slow
When it's just us

When it's time
We will remember the moment
When it's just us
Making new homes
And new memories
That'll be us

Staying close
But living far
That'll be us

Reunited again
Our touch burning with lust
It can only be us

Two fools falling
But we fly
It feels good to feel again, but once again I gotta go.

— The End —