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I am a little note,
A voiceless sound.
Until I am embrace life,
I shall stay bound.
But lend me to an artist
and then you shall see,
How he'd mix me with his mayhem
so a symphony I can be.
But if I wished, then I
could be a patriot's song;
the anthem you people would sing,
but that won't be for long.
Because the next time you hear
I'll be a melancholic tone,
tearing your heart apart,
as you stare at walls alone.
Or I could be a joyous rhythm
to make your soul smile,
or to make you tap your feet
and forget the world for a while.
For I am just a note;
you thoughts, I can vocalize.
Deciphered only by the heart
and not the brain of someone wise.
"I hope you heal all the wounds you want to heal"
You might not want to heal all wounds
Spread your lips wide
And be thankful for everything you’ve been given
Life isn’t a dark abyss but a ball of sunshine
Waiting to burst with joy and love
Your beautiful and so wonderfully made
Don’t doubt for a second that your not good enough
Because you are
Cherish the memories you have created
And experience all life has to offer
You deserve it
Think positive thoughts
And your life will shoot up like a rocket
321 blast off
Into a world of fun and happiness
I am a woman
And I make vulnerability
Unbeliveably pretty

I am a poet
And I can make you feel as if
Suddenly, you became perfect
As I write about you

I am flesh and bones
Flesh that makes you believe in love as it burns
Bones that keeps me strong when I walk away

I am intellect
I love to learn
And I can make you love to learn something
That you never cared about

I am blue
Blue ocean eyes
Blue crayon on this never-blank page

I am the door
Closing slowly in your face
As you don't see
How beautiful I was and still am
you ‘why’ her.
While she is thrilled & happily beside you,
Telling you when she’s up to something new.
Your pre-existing notion of setting a “ya” for her limits,
Persistent "no" to her wishes,
She grows up to know that,
if she got to do something new
She got to fight over the, 5 Ws & 1 H!
Ow! & you convince it’s out of distress not mistrust!
And by the Indian parenting manual,
questionnaire weighs heavier at a girl.
“This time”, “That day”,
" This place", “Those people”
Would impregnate her!
Sons of yours -
Son of nights! freely hatching eggs past curfew.
Not foreseeing the evenings his sister would come crying.
Parents when you talk on equality & empowerment,
Let broad mind not hit the very ceiling of your house
Let rest mindset that proclaims gender roles,
The differential idea you set on them,
From who uses broom to who chooses groom.
If misogyny is permeated in the roots of society
Cleansing and changing begins in the family,
Before there in your minds, first.
That fulfilling joy of
almost reaching
that very peak
which I dreamt of
long back
so close I am
but what see in reality
a sudden unexpected
once again!!

Life is bizarre
from zero we start,
reach 100 sometimes
but again fall
from 100 to zero again
and again..

stay there or start again??

obviously we have no other choice
than to start again...
and that's how life goes on..
with the cycle of again
and again..
Life and its fall with no other option
rather than to stand up
and climb again despite our falls
Shutting idea?
Mystery it may seem
for how long will it dim?
May be,
until we find
something more to it
to rekindle out of spring!

With all the insight
I find no way out
to become whole so soon
but to wait
for the
blue moon
to shine upon 'us'
to find 'us' to bloom..

There's no plan
should I wait or leave?
The quest continues..
Are we not
worth being
         ­                                          &
                                                                ­     fixing


                                                             ­                by
                                                              ­                                    piece...

to make 'us'

                     ­                                 back
                           ­                                          to
                                                              ­                     our
                                                             ­                                                home.....
This is the second verse
of my poetry - Shutting idea..
It is in pieces, yet to be whole
as the quest still continues..

The idea of writing
a second verse to it is suggested by
Rosalind Heather Alexander.
Thank you immensely.
God I miss him,
I miss the days of old.

I can taste it.

It tasted like a windy summer night.
Where the waxing gibbous moon was radiating;
Lighting up the cloudless night and then reflecting on the surface of my heart.

Where every small movement of he makes
– with his lips, hands and fingers caused ripples.
They were exaggerated in the best way possible.

It tasted like a cold autumn night;
Like the golden, sweet and sticky honey;
drizzled over warm waffles and a hot cup of rose tea.

Where the waxing gibbous moon was glowing;
Glowing through my curtains then onto my mirror,
casting a reflection on my bed.

Where he lies all day,
Waiting for me to return from reality –
to where I truly belong.  
Where we waltzed with stars and I slide down the Milky Way
right into his arms.

I am a nefelibata.
This is a true recount of my feelings for someone. I have an obsession with a moon, stars and whatever that is in the universe/ outer space. I often feel inspired by when I see the moon. From my room, I have a clear view of the moonlit sky and it feels very comforting.

If I could reach up
And extend my arms

Stretch out my fingers
Squeeze my eyes shut and just touch
The very tip of a star

Stardust would sprinkle into my hair
Twinkling, like morning frost

I would float up
A feather headed back to the wing of the bird who left it behind

I would soar above the world
Candy floss clouds caught in my shoelaces

The moon would look on
Watch me wrap myself in a midnight blanket
And gaze back down to earth from the heavens

If I could just touch that star
An entire world of magic would course through my fingertips

But it would be nothing
Compared to how I feel when I'm with you
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