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Arthur Vaso Nov 2019
Pyretic thoughts
sculptures fragmented
           unfinished paintings
empty museums
               bottle of hope
first snow
               last death

black night         white day
        by hollow visions

nothing else        matters
          horses graze

flakes fall
          life hindered
            I stow away
            in my hideout

brushes and words
          blankets and swords

all my secrets
        covered in snow
Life is a work in progress
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
In a motel room
With a bottle of whiskey
The Perfume of my ex lover in the air
Her negligees all wrapped around my neck
Hung by love
As I fall
All my poems scatter
Rigamortis sets in
One day
Will my love of poetry matter?
Trilogy Poem part two
Lie embedded in my heart
yet I still held a breath or two
she fired the one thousand and one
my heart had no more room
or love
so now you have the proof
a heart can die twice
You have known me for years
you and Harif, brothers in arms
late evenings and making sure
Cuba becomes free
Che would have been proud
of us, all for one and one for all
bonded by compassion
all these words, I know you know

late into the nights
jazz music or Arabic delights
the philosophy runs deep and blue
romance seeping in our veins

I know you are one of the few whom understand
how can I not? be in love
with a woman, who says........

"Happy international women's day.
**** all the feminists who remained silent on the Gaza genocide."

when the last song is finished
you will be asleep
you already know
I am eternally grateful
a taste of the family I never had
Hope you like! :)
Arthur Vaso Mar 4
To gaze upon
beautiful Albania
the chef in the kitchen
preparing an Italian dish
Turkish music weaves through the night
kissing softly the candles that bring us
romantic visions of delight
French flowers observe, mischievous smiles
planted in pots of lush earth
so they live longer than love
from the Bekaa valley, Byblos, and Tyre
the beginning of time
soothing our sadness, aged red wine
Scotland arrives
a kings bed in a castles enchanted room
the knight Arthur
revived from the dead
an evening  full of hope
confessions of tearful desire
northern lights
arctic white ****** snow
surrounds this dream
where thoughts of you
make my heart glow
Arthur Vaso Oct 2018
Vineyards in the Valley of Becaa
Silence mounted the Seeker
Backdoor Trojan horses to depravity
Sulking men jealous of Jesus

Men will be...
Men will be with men
Toes will point to the two headed snake
Gomorrah opens its cavity to Keefers

The nymphs dance alone
On clouds of deception
Tasting the sweet nectar of their poisons
Tongues lashing in ****** fashion

Brandy flows between the crevice of the valley
Sensual lies as they lick up their own evil juices
Becaa caresses the ***** of Sabine
***** of all truth and wisdom

Brandy tickles the region where his
testaments should have been
Nymphs in the heat of *****'s glory
Wrinkled ******* dried in desert sun

Roman soldiers chase, cowards run
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016


Receiving kindness
Understanding the blindness
Hugging the nakedness of the lost young soul
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Lines on pages
     Indented desires wrapped in ancient dreams
Death marching up to my wooden door

I am hiding, under a glass stained floor
     A raven plays the harp
The orchestra knows is B sharp

My hair rented and torn
     Life you see forlorn
Lines dancing on pages

Facades weary and paint thin
    A whiter shade of pale so dim
Candlelight still shines from within

Tongues embrace, passion reflected in face
     Indented ******* fall upon the plate
Of hunger, of desire, some may say even fate
Arthur Vaso Oct 2019
At the end of
I am in pieces

if  only my heart
           had a shield

intentions buried
            inside a tomb of fear

disguised torment
            where smiles lay hidden
Dedicated to a friend I have yet to know
Arthur Vaso Oct 2023
Simplicity beholds such beauty
the cold winds
wrapping us in shivering hugs
you do not need to be a detective
to know my love for you
the polar vortex
colorful northern lights
   intricacies buried deep

Your smile makes my heart glow
Data agrees
silly giggles in icy air
along with a soft meow
in the background
of silence
    nipping at happiness
Arthur Vaso Mar 10
Radio silence
the explosions stopped
no one left to love
decomposing tear by tear
There is no measurement for sadness.
Arthur Vaso Mar 9
The sky and the sea bend and kiss
stories of love, I would never miss
Arthur Vaso Mar 5
Every time she writes
I fall in love over and over
Chemical Romance
Arthur Vaso Nov 2024
How many can you count
before your ****** hands
become conscious
how many limbs
must be torn
            burned crisp
that your tears will flow
young soldiers died long ago
so this wouldn't happen again
and again and again
your silence sings
more, more ****** genocide
More children have been killed in Gaza, than in the last 10 years of all wars, 50% of the deaths are kids, never mind that 100's of reporters are also intentionally slaughtered. Hospitals and churches bombed, complete villages razed to the ground.
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
Love is a card game
And the Knight does not always win
The King rules the kingdom
The Queen plays with the courts rhythm
When the game comes to a close
Some fold
Some die from loves sword
Or some overlord
Also on instagram  @arthurvaso
Arthur Vaso Mar 10
Thirsty, I have no **** or hoof
a small tree over a shimmering spring
the oasis
I succulently devour the water
every drop
a sensual desire for life
it quenches my body and soul
the water is your voice
softly falling on my ears
like a waterfall
cascading vibrations over the sadness
you never have to worry
you see?
I will always need water
only the camel will die
you are the pearl
that will live forever
in my memory
Confession: I listen to Turkish music
Arthur Vaso Jan 2018
If only
I could die in the arms
Of a lovers’ soft gaze
My last breath
Kissing lost histories
I smile up
Towards the emptiness
She smiles down upon
An empty vessel
Yet as death takes my hand
I see with tears
If only..........................................................
Arthur Vaso Dec 2018
Every man, woman and child
passing through this world of ours
peace and compassion
love and affection
a full belly before bed each night
a roof under which to sleep
healthcare for anyone who ails at all
water and wine
feasts at holiday times
every one and all

Now anyone who thinks
all of this is for
the privileged few
be they king or queen
or tyrant too
rest assured
they possess
no dignity at all
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Don’t Speak

Close your sweet lips
So I may whisper wine drops in your ears
Close your eyes
So that I may wisp you to magical delusions

Where the scent of love
Wraps around your essence
Your nectar enticing and perfume captivating
You need no words at all
For the love above shall embrace us all

Together, we shall dance in all kinds of weather
Me and you
Love letters bashful and vineyards that grow
With each whispered word
Let me wrap my arms around you
Love has fermented in eternal caskets
The bonds shall keep us together and free
No one can hurt us
Eden was be quested to us
Our paradise until we turn to dust

The stars in the sky
The raging fire warming ***** below
Angels massaging our seductive dreams
Do not speak; hear your heart and ponderous desires
You know you are a flame on fire

Scream for me
As I shall conquer for you
The love within the heart
The love never to be
Do not speak

For teardrops have spoken
The sadness within awoken
Do not speak
Our love was to keep
Inside the bowl of teardrops
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Elon Musk and I have a lot in common, in fact we could be cerebral twins, we are both rich, we are both geniuses, we are both insane, well him 1/2 me fully and we have both sent objects into space. he sent a car, I sent my ex up there. Ok actually what I did was, tie a bunch of helium balloons around her neck and up she went. I assume she made it. She's probably driving around up there in Elon's car and laughing all the way to the moon bank, not having to use any fuel up there. Thanks Elon. Next time hand me a call, I would have asked you to send a donkey up there, not that car.

more random thoughts


Insanity, its not as crazy as you may think!

Insanity, its a lot more fun than you may think!

Insanity, where crazy is the new normal!

Insanity, join now and get a free white jacket!!

Insanity, a great way to get away with ******!

Insanity, a pathway to the Whitehouse!
( spell check suggests *******, ummmmm)

Insanity, although some call it marriage!
Dear Moon
Arthur Vaso Jun 2017
Wilted bouquet
Love strewn upon lost memories
Of the heart
In the Milky Way
Of eternity
Arthur Vaso May 2019
splashes me his smile
never the rain
mirages of ballet noir
alleyways ferme
no one escapes


I glimpse the clouds
he holds a pen
both dream of when
words and the sky
become one

Arthur Vaso Mar 2
She appeared, a vision
a brightness shining
upon my tired soul
a phantom of desire

habibti,Tatlim,Askim, e dashur
there is no brighter light
that your heart
upon mine
Arthur Vaso Aug 2018
no legs
no heart
bombs like raindrops
have nothing
not even
a tear

what do I have?
two dollars
is cold
coffee feels right
you block me?

I lost me
for you
cannot you remember?

you hit me
I fall to the ground
silly man
I could **** you
with one finger

I lost legs
you lost compassion
who begs more?
as I bleed
there dances
one small
for you
When I see society treat the homeless and destitute so bad, it just makes me feel sad, especially knowing some are war vets. And they cant eat poems, which is why I try to give them smiles and food.
Arthur Vaso Jan 2018
A Parody

Brigitte my love
Our Country suffers of many debts
The people are restless
Whatever shall we do love?

Ah Macron, we must think past the cookies
The solutions are complex, answers evasive
Let me speak with Marie Antoinette, she shall know!
Queen of Navarre, By god we shall be saved!

Marie, Marie Antoinette our people are restless
Our republic is in debt. these are crazy times!
Whatever shall we do?
I am fed up, allons-y

Ah fear not, if they have not bread!
Let them eat Nutella!
Lower the prices
Nutella for the masses!!!

Marie, are you sure? very very sure of such things?
Oui oui, on with it, my father was emperor of Rome
Nutella will calm the masses
Come here Nemo. taste, see even Nemo is tres happy now!

And so France lowered the prices of Nutella
Thus began the nouveau French Revolution
Riots in the streets, brawling in the magasins
The uprising has began, we want our Nutella for free

The masses rose
Nutella for all, Nutella for sans prix
We are all somewhat fou for Nutella you see!
And so the masses fought each other for Nutella's liberty

Nutella one and Nut Ella all!
I swear to your Brigette
We should have given them Macarons!!!
People remain civilized with cafe and cookies! n'est pas?

Emmanuel my love, fret not
The revolution shall be quelled
Qh I have the perfect person for this
He shall restore order to our dear republic

Prey tell Brigette? Who could do such a thing now
Riots everywhere, the masses fight each other daily?
The streets are not safe
There is a shortages of Nutella now, we are doomed cheri

Non non mon amour, I shall call Alizee
She shall sing us out of the terrible mess
She is the mistress of Doug McMillion
This man can save us all!!

Brigitte, who is this man you call Doug?
Why Emmanuel he is the president of Walmart
He has squashed many Black Fridays rebellions
He shall save us all!!!!!!

From these unruly unsavory Nutella shoppers!!!!!

Vive la France!
Vive Alizee
Mange ton macaroon mon cheri
C'est ton droit et ta liberté
The Characters in poem.

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron (is the current President of France and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra, in office since 14 May 2017.

Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, 24 years his seniorwho was his teacher in La Providence High School in AmiensThey first met when he was a 15-year-old student and she was a 39-year-old teacher, but they only became a couple once he was 18.

Nemo is their dog that I am sure loves Nutella

Marie Antoinette born Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna; 2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793) was the last Queen of France before the French Revolution. She was born an Archduchess of Austria, and was the penultimate child of Empress Maria Theresa and Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor.
Arthur Vaso Jul 2019
when words fail you
silence smothers you
fears surround you
you borrow inside yourself


                              till that special friend

                         brings you back

your heart and mind
Forget when I wrote this
Arthur Vaso Nov 2018
I stare
one hand works
one broken
I have only one heart
it does not work
broken by yesterdays
now I am blind
in one eye
the other
stares at my hands

one hand works
one broken

I sit in silence
staring at a pill bottle

It will be ok
you see
even if I do not
I have no lover
no one to behold
no one to caress

Only one hand
one eye
one life that flew away

A lark sings a song
that goes like this

One hand works
one broken
Arthur Vaso Oct 2017
God called upon me tonight
I couldn't accept the charges, hard times
Arthur Vaso May 2018
Oh how I miss
The kindness
Warm words

Strangers with smiles
Friends hiding amongst rhymes
Tears that make us desire a hug
The human spirit truly shines

All one needs to say
Is Hello

Poetry then follows
Not so much a poem as a sentiment to the wonderful people here
Her words
were my oxygen
her thoughts
invaded my lungs
woke me from deep within
her rejection
peeled off all my skin
Arthur Vaso Feb 7
Inside a single tear
       love sat quietly
          eternal silence
              the tear became two
so that love could
             dance then die
in a dream
Arthur Vaso Mar 2017
I live
I know not why
I breathe
I see the sky

My heart has long ago died

I am here for why?
Or faded to sky
Who cares?
A heart that does not fly

Changing universe


How do I keep on living?
How does one live, if one knows not how to die?
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Like a shock in the night
I woke up with a fright
I am seven
Not even eleven

I am a child
Wearing a three piece suit in cheese
I got older you see
Mind stayed young even though my first love stung

She was seven
She was smelled like candy heaven
I dreamed to kiss her
So shy, I always missed her

How can it be?
So old in the knee
Yet those in control report back to me
I am seven, no more and no lessen!

I was sure I was eleven
Or maybe even forty seven
Yet here I am on earth
Not even in heaven

Beauty has faded
In the likes of me
Yet Stella is a pretty as ever can be
She was the one, even at seven

That sent my heart straight to the heavens!
Someone and I wont name names had me take a mental age test on the internet! I was shocked to find out I was seven! Then I thought, seven was after all a pretty good age to be! :)
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
From the mirror
Start my day in living fear

From a tear
I live the horror

Beauty is never near
The rose is but a scent

Never held close to breast
My mask covers all fears in my chest

I feel natures embrace in botanical gardens of grace
I smile when I see a babies face

Yet here I am ugly as ever
For the kiss I desire seems to be coming never.

Ugliness was the life of me
My grave stone now, as pretty as can be
I am ugly
Arthur Vaso Mar 11
In her arms
it felt so right
she was a warrior
just like me
she was my book
I could read for eternity

Every battle we conquered
with olive trees, melons
gardens of wild flowers
that blew free in the wind
kept warm with the keffiyeh
a bottle of Bekaa wine
we dreamed
of a land
where all children
play with laughter
live with love and no fear
Also on Instagram ArthurVaso  for meme version
Arthur Vaso Feb 27
except for a small seed
a possession so precious
never to be released
hugging, embracing
all day,  soon all the nights

A treasure of words
never will I let go
a piece of paper that caresses my heart
thoughts, steal my breath
If only I could trade tears for
a rose garden
these words are chains around my heart
in a golden palace
where I dream in black and white
Arthur Vaso Mar 2
Its a secret
straight from the heart
its a secret
sent with cupids dart
Its a secret
a signal, a new start
its a secret
this sweet smile of mine
Its a secret
your prisoner for all time
Its a secret
a desire for you to be mine
Arthur Vaso Jan 2019
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
or Jack will meet
a ******* *****

Jack be dumb
Jack be slow
Jack the racist
where a bullet should go

Poison ivy
makes haters itch
let them scream
from the spells of a witch

Dorthy fooled
Laura is sick
TinMan has tantrums
his anger is quick

Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
I am no liberal
you redneck hick
So sad to see people who hate, people who wish for walls, rather than solutions, solutions exist when one thinks of bridges, not walls. Trump has to go to .....
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Into a poem
Feel the wetness of streaming prose
If love shall be the towel
To dry away your tears
As one goes from here to over there
Young to old and old to wise and wise to demise
When the wine bottle tumbles from the table
Catch the wine
If there are two hands entwined
Even a poet knows
Lay down the pen
And share that one glass of wine
The romance of time
Notes D and G Minor
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
Into the night I marched
Into deaths grip I fell

Musical notes running after me
Violins weeping afterwards

Stars fading into matter
Nothing matters without love

Lights shine over there
Can I reach or do I dare?

I can’t get out of this repressive chair
I can’t stand the people whom stare

My mind is all wrapped in shrouds
Hiding within the skies dark clouds

My smiles stolen by royalty golden
Now my tears flow as I weep

Is there any hope to keep?
Or am I doomed to deaths grip so deep

Gargoyles yelping for their fare
Me, dangling from the air

Aurore are you there?............
Arthur Vaso Aug 2024
to listen
we speak less

to care
words become soft
as clouds

from Paris to Berlin
it made me grin
the sky way to obnoxious there
back to Paris it is

the sky more blue
where purple grapes
ferment into poetic verse
Arthur Vaso Aug 2018
is left
little breath
sagging stem
begging eyes
trains come, then depart
rancid smoke over grey fields
I am little
I saw it all
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Eat Venison
strike fear into his bones
appeal to his intellectual bankruptcy
make it run
make it hide
under his own verbal garbage disposal
conquer him
little man
squash egos into fertilizer
for your plants
turn his nothing
into another form
to positive
as he decomposes
inside his tinfoil crap
For the first time ever I had someone troll me, of course being King Arthur, I forced him to remove his negative comments, thus why I thought of this humorous poem. So remember people, they are little ones, ignore all those petty people, and focus on all the great actually very talented poets here!
Arthur Vaso Mar 13
Yes! There I said it
a claim I declare it true
such love and care
rainbow of colors
red, purple, green, orange and blue
many shades of beauty anew
twenty four different vegetables fresh
twelve different greens
olive oil always a must
with a touch of Caesar
to be zesty, and make smiles gleam
truly art for a fancy museum
I impressed myself
only myself it seems
beside this work of art
a bottle of French Merlot
a meal to die for

I stared down
a tear more for the dressing
alone, even the candles now dead
slowly I got up
disposed  the salad in  the garbage
poured the wine down the drain
rains falls outside
darkness rains inside
a meal to die for
Arthur Vaso Jun 2024
Possessed very little
other than my heart
a small cloth bag under his bed
in case he had to run
everything precious to him
a favourite book, a poem, a string
a pearl in a cage
he no longer can run
I can no longer hide
the heart that now
must die
Good Bye Hazza, you know you were loved in the end.
Arthur Vaso Jun 2019

nothing is awake
moons light

I want to talk
to the past
or a lover
no one

is here
Who feels this
Arthur Vaso May 2019
Train tracks
long abandoned
birds chirp
history recants
old stories
hidden in meadows
facades rain washed
I hear only my shadow
hugging me
lurking in the dusk
a ghost
with gleaming sword
I tremble in the cold
he, who does not exist

wants me
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Where there is darkness
There are no words

Where there is a void
There are no words

Where Oceans touch the skies
There are no words

Where fusion turns back time
There are no words

Where angels gaze
There are no words

Where tears mix with blood
There are no words

Before the explosion
There existed a litany of  beautiful words

That lay by the way side
A second version by the same title.
Arthur Vaso Jun 2019
the odd couple
who is who
anyone s game
fame and lame
everything has its place
all muses dance in clouds
maze of confusion
when day turns to dusk
tranquil is the suns beat
as the heart longs
we know
we are one
brothers in arms
Dedicated to my brother, he is always there
Arthur Vaso Apr 2019
I need it
long for it
like a needle
without injections
I will die
let me breathe
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