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Jul 2022 · 251
Quansome Jul 2022
You hear my words but you don’t understand
You take no note you make no plan
Jan 2022 · 2.7k
Smoke and mirrors
Quansome Jan 2022
I’m just a stoner hitting high notes and your a coward in a cool coat
We'll go swaying for a while to the toon of broken hearts
Playing backseat twister in your car that never starts
Take a sip find your grip tonight you can have it all
Forget the lovers in our lives they can catch us when we fall
Hold me tightly through the ride god your so ugly when you frown
Close my eyes to chase the high only good till I *** down
Don’t like the angry silence **** your sweet prefer your violence
Play the prince for me and I will be your queen
Blaze one up make me beg it’s only good when it’s obscene
I could tell you that I love you but we both know that that’s not true
So lay it out and I’ll cut the lines with these ****** cards we drew
Mar 2021 · 1.3k
Which pieces are yours
Quansome Mar 2021
I want to gather us all up
I want us to break all the glasses
All the glasses on the floor
Throw them down shattered and mixed  
And when you return you’ll walk in
You say what’s all this
I’ll point
I’ll say see that that’s my heart
Which part belongs to you you’ll say
And I
I will just walk away
Jul 2018 · 418
Dreamy dreams
Quansome Jul 2018
Im just a weird little dreamer with no direction I guess
When I look up at the clouds I think floating seems best.
Just an aimless ray of shimmer in a sea full of shine
Never knowing where to focus but for now that's just fine
Never missing chances to smell a rose or a posey
Spend my days in the sun cause it’s hugs are so cozy
Apr 2017 · 422
Why didnt I see
Quansome Apr 2017
I promised I wouldn't
But then I did
So now you cant
Since I didnt stop
I finally understand
Except its to late
Because you are done
And thats the end
Feb 2017 · 612
Quansome Feb 2017
I feel like the world is vibrating way to fast today and if I stop to think for even a bit to long little slivers of my sanity will begin to shake off and float away in the wind.
I feel like everything is so far away from me and no matter how much I run in any direction it just keeps getting farther and farther away and maybe it will all simply vanish.
I feel like today that if no one was to touch me even just my hand I might dissappear and that maybe just maybe im remembering a memory or maybe I am a memory and none of this is real.
I feel like if I dont cry right this very moment I will forget how to control my feelings and all of my emotions may just seep out all at once and I will cease the ability to be understood by anyone ever again.
I feel like im breaking in to peices and no matter how tightly I shut them my eyes dont want to stay in my head and no matter how many times I rub them together my hands cant find a spot to rest and no matter how much I hum and shush  at it my heart will not stop beating so loudly
I feel that ,and maybe Im just thinking out loud here, but I maybe might just a little bit but im pretty sure im going insane.
Jan 2017 · 812
Just dont be sad anymore
Quansome Jan 2017
I feel as though I would follow you,
At least until you were better
Just until the okayness and normality began to swallow up your pain
Until the morning sun didn’t cue your tears and whisky didn’t taste just like survival
Until you could look at your reflection and smile, or at least not frown
I believe I would walk behind you
Until my quiet overtook your noise
Until your hands would just stop shaking and your lips could quit their quiver
Until your time stopped slowing and you could walk with others once again
Until you ceased to beg the earth for its consuming and heavens comfort seemed a bit less inviting
I understand that I might replace your sinews
Until standing didn’t hurt so much and breathing took far less effort
Until the darkness of your room stopped singing such sweet hymns and the blankets of your bed were not your only lovers
I resolve that I would stay beside you
Until the search for all the pieces lost had halted and the shards were all or mostly accounted for
Until hope was not such a sin and desire didn't taste so bitter
Until every face with maple eyes didn’t beckon your distain
Until greetings and goodbyes were less like journeys deserving rest
Until time passed had set your bones and fading remembrance began to soothe your mortal wounds  
I just dont want you be sad anymore
Quansome Jan 2017
Oh young one passionate and unconfined my heart would for to dwell with you but no condition stands for this. It may be blessed by family and law but longer running time would inevitably bring pain. Friend and foe I have saluted you in my mind. I stare deep into what you are and see the innocence that lies on your lips that beckons kiss and heeds offense. Poison you are to my soul but sweet to the taste and numbing to the senses. To let what was die before what could be with you. Blank is the slate which u hold blank and undefined. Mine is not so, caustic and damaged, I long for your purity for who you could make me but alas I confine this imagination contained by only threads and space to protect the milder love we share so it is to mortify my being to keep yours intact, alive, well, gaining. Always in my heart will I live a life of defined joyous habitation with you but my silence will remain my eye steadily fixed on the happiness of your youth oh young one
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Fear and loathing
Quansome Jan 2017
I have a killswitch in me
You could call it a failsafe
It happens when you look at me
And tell me that you feel safe
Quickest way to make a coward run
Just tell em that you're counting on em
Everything about love frightens me
Bubbling up the sickening flight in me
Tunnel vision always looking towards the end
Believing even one false move could break me so I don’t even bend
One foot out the door but still pretending I might stay
Set up the pieces I claim the winnings before you even start to play
Roll the dice thinking gotcha now I’ll hide the aces up my sleeve
I lift my tongue and tip my hat make it so **** easy to believe
Knew love was just an innocent still I tossed it to its jail
Locked up my feelings for the life of me I won’t ever post the bail
You think I’m what you want see me glitter think I’m gold
Spray paint my lies with pretty colors fake my warmth to hide what’s cold
Jan 2017 · 355
I guess they broke up again
Quansome Jan 2017
I thought to understand you, the ones who are in pain
But alas I have an error that can not compute the strain
I have tried but it seems there is no room for them inside my muddled brain.
My ears they will not hear them
All the voices they echo aimlessly in vain.
My eyes will not see them the tears blurred in the white noise and the rain.
The stories of broken heart do not rip at me, but have begun to drive me quite insane.
I don't want to endure your saga in its piquing squall and minotonous refrain.
A reciprocating tale like the deafening hum of a night driven train.
Setting my mind adrift to wander at your words so grating and inane.
I am a void a white wall all filled up with revulsion, abination, enmity, disdain.
You plead vindication but the defense of your own destruction causes my resalution and its silenced sustain.
So move on from me I have given all, there is nothing left here for you to drain
There is no sympathy no open shoulder no compassionate understanding for to gain.
Jan 2017 · 557
Your hair
Quansome Jan 2017
Light and joy, wind, and passion, sweet amber grain and intricate whispers arrayed atop your  brow bringing glory to you to your handsome face and something yes something I remember from so long ago dangles in between the strands. I long to touch it, to wrap it in my fingers and hold it to my lips to breathe in this faded thing that rest amidst the curls this that is so hard to place. Ive seen it in my mothers face and have cried for it in fervent prayer It is as a memory, a scent, a feeling,  a gripping command for happiness intense but also quiet and vague. It is love and so much more it is where I sleep it is where I dream, it is a waive that washes up upon the beaches of my pillow. I lost myself in it bound between it's feathers, yes lost but not unreachable you have only to pull me down in to your lips and there is where I will be forever conquered between the two

— The End —